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位于白龙江断裂带的甘肃舟曲江顶崖古滑坡规模巨大,受断裂活动、降雨入渗与河流侵蚀和人类工程活动等因素影响,多次发生复活-堵塞白龙江灾害事件,造成极大危害。为研究江顶崖古滑坡的复活机理,本文在野外地质调查的基础上,重点开展了滑体在含水率为10%、15%和20%条件下的离心机模型试验。研究表明:在滑体含水率为10%情况下,试验结束后仅在坡体中后部产生少量裂缝,但滑坡体整体还处于稳定状态; 而在滑体含水率为15%和20%情况下,滑坡均发生了破坏,在滑体含水率分别为15%、20%情况下坡体失稳所需离心加速度分别为100g和50g。试验测试分析表明,江顶崖古滑坡为推移式滑坡,其变形先从坡体中后部开始,坡体中后部产生裂缝,随后裂缝逐渐向前缘扩展,最终裂缝贯通造成滑坡滑动破坏。滑坡体的变形过程主要分为3个阶段: ①变形启动阶段(裂缝开始形成阶段); ②变形加速阶段(裂缝加速发展阶段); ③失稳阶段。通过离心模拟试验,结合野外调查分析,认为江顶崖古滑坡复活的因素主要受降雨和孔隙水压力的影响,是受前缘河流侵蚀牵引、降雨入渗造成滑坡中后部推移的耦合滑动。  相似文献   
A single large volume water sample taken at the mouth of the Upper Rhone River on Lake Geneva was processed directly in parallel through two continuous flow centrifuges, a Westphalia and an Alfa-Laval. Sediment was recovered from the Westphalia, and separately from the bowl and brass core of the Alfa-Laval. The three sediment samples were analyzed for particle size and the following elements: Zn, Cu, Mn, Cr, P, Co, B, V, Be, Sr, Na, Pb, Ni, Ba, Fe, Ca, and Mg. Results indicate that the particle size recovery of both machines is similar when sediment from the brass core and bowl of the Alfa-Laval are combined, and that the recovery for all elements other than Cu, V, B, and Pb are the same when the particle size differences are taken into account. Sediment from the Alfa-Laval brass core is clearly contaminated by Cu, B and is also elevated in V and Pb but not to a significant extent. The sediment recovered from the bowl of the Alfa-Laval is contaminated only with Cu, with a 10 ppm increase over the 52 ppm recovered in the Westphalia sediment. Operating procedures involve the discarding of the brass core sediment and the mixing of the Alfa-Laval bowl sediment with that from the Westphalia. The consequent increase in Cu is estimated at less than 5 ppm or within the confidence level of the analysis. These procedures are recommended to all operators of non modified Alfa-Laval units.  相似文献   
In designing piled raft foundations, controlling the total and differential settlements as well as the induced bending moments of the raft is crucial. The majority of piled raft foundations have been designed by placing piles uniformly. In such a design method, the settlements of the piled rafts are likely to be large, which leads to an increase of the pile length and/or number of piles required to reduce the settlements. However, this increase does not satisfy the requirement for economical design. On the basis of a parametric study, this paper contributes a framework for considering an economical design methodology in which piles are placed more densely beneath the column positions when the piled raft is subjected to column loads. The analysis uses PLAXIS 3D software, and the validity of the parametric study is examined through the results of centrifuge model tests conducted by the authors. The study shows that the concentrated pile arrangement method can help to considerably reduce the total and differential settlements as well as the induced bending moments of the raft. Moreover, the effects of parameters, such as pile length, pile number, raft thickness and load types, on the piled raft behavior are investigated. This study can help practicing engineers choose pile and raft parameters in combination with the concentrated pile arrangement method to produce an economical design.  相似文献   
离心实验模拟以其可以获得与原型一致的应力水平并且能够大大缩短原型历时而被应用于污染物迁移实验研究。在离心相似理论及离心实验模拟的相似基础上,重点回顾了离心机在饱和带水分、非饱和带水分、保守性溶质、NAPLs、重金属、核素迁移以及污染场地修复方面的实验应用。最后讨论了离心模拟中土壤预制和加速度选择的问题,并简单介绍了离心监测方法。可以得出结论:离心机能够成功用于各类物质迁移的实验研究中,离心实验模拟能够为理论和数值等分析方法快速提供真实可靠的参数依据,但离心实验的理论基础和监测方法需要进一步完善,此外也应积极开展更接近实际情况下的离心实验模拟研究。  相似文献   
Static stability mainly against sliding of a typical, relatively large skirted gravity structure was investigated using three-dimensional finite element modeling. The numerical model was validated against centrifuge test results. A specific set of dimensions was chosen to model a typical skirted gravity structure in a centrifuge with two types of foundation soils: uniform saturated sand and a clay zone sandwiched between two sand layers. Soil shear strength parameters used in the finite element models were estimated from in-flight cone penetration resistance measurements obtained in the centrifuge. Numerical parametric studies were conducted using the validated finite element model. The parameters included were the depth and strength of the clay zone and the inclination of external load. It is shown that a relatively simple three-dimensional finite element model was effective in providing information that would be needed to design such a critical and expensive offshore structure. Basic Mohr-Coulomb strength parameters and moduli based on cone penetration resistance measurements and published empirical correlations were appropriate in modeling the soils in the finite element simulations.  相似文献   
Landslides are serious geohazards that occur under a variety of climatic conditions and can cause many casualties and significant economic losses. Centrifuge modelling, as a representative type of physical modelling, provides a realistic simulation of the stress level in a small-scale model and has been applied over the last 50 years to develop a better understanding of landslides. With recent developments in this technology, the application of centrifuge modelling in landslide science has significantly increased. Here, we present an overview of physical models that can capture landslide processes during centrifuge modelling. This review focuses on (i) the experimental principles and considerations, (ii) landslide models subjected to various triggering factors, including centrifugal acceleration, rainfall, earthquakes, water level changes, thawing permafrost, excavation, external loading and miscellaneous conditions, and (iii) different methods for mitigating landslides modelled in centrifuge, such as the application of nails, piles, geotextiles, vegetation, etc. The behaviors of all the centrifuge models are discussed, with emphasis on the deformation and failure mechanisms and experimental techniques. Based on this review, we provide a best-practice methodology for preparing a centrifuge landslide test and propose further efforts in terms of the seven aspects of model materials, testing design and equipment, measurement methods, scaling laws, full-scale test applications, landslide early warning, and 3D modelling to better understand the complex behaviour of landslides.  相似文献   
三峡库区巫山新城超高加筋挡墙变形破坏及修复研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
结合三峡库区弃渣灾害的防治和回填增地,以巫山新城加筋土挡墙等实际工程为典型进行剖析,对加筋土挡墙,特别是超高加筋土挡墙变形破坏机制和过程进行了系统深入的研究。从加筋土挡墙填土物理力学性质室内试验研究入手,采用FLAC等数值计算方法,系统地研究了加筋土挡墙的应力状况和变形破坏特性。将离心模拟技术应用于超高多级加筋土挡墙(H=57m)的研究中,进行了三级加筋土挡墙的离心模型试验,对加筋土挡墙墙背土压力分布规律、挡墙面板和填土的沉降情况以及拉筋的拉力分布规律进行了详细而系统的研究。特别是精心设计出离心模型试验中三级挡墙的面板与拉筋的联结,较真实地反映了实际工程中加筋土挡墙整体复合结构的力学特性。根据研究结果,提出了巫山新城加筋土挡墙修复加固方案,编制了设计报告,并加以实施。目前,修复加固工程效果良好。 对库区,乃至全国超高加筋土挡墙的建设均有指导和示范作用。  相似文献   
了解加筋土边坡的破坏形式有助于加筋土边坡的设计和施工监测。对不同形式的加筋土边坡进行离心模型试验,绘制了边坡的破坏形式。试验结果表明:加筋土边坡能够保持较好的整体性,一般不会像未加筋边坡那样突然坍塌; 坡面附近土体内部可能先于坡顶产生裂缝,因此在实际工程中观察到显著的坡顶裂缝后,应当意识到在坡面附近的坡体内部也可能产生了裂缝。一般情况下筋材模量越大加筋效果越好,但在筋材和土接触面强度一定的情况下,筋材模量增大到一定程度后继续增大筋材模量是没有太大意义的。  相似文献   
Damage of embankments during earthquakes is widely attributed to the liquefaction of foundation soil. Previous studies have investigated the dynamic response of embankments by mainly considering uniform sand foundation and a single earthquake event. However, the foundation of an embankment consists of many sublayers of soil from liquefiable sand to relatively impermeable layer, and during earthquakes a mainshock may trigger numerous aftershocks within a short time which may have the potential to cause additional damage to soil structures. Accordingly, the investigation of liquefaction-induced deformation of earthen embankments on various liquefiable foundation conditions under mainshock–aftershock sequential ground motions is carried out by a series of dynamic centrifuge tests in this study. The liquefiable foundation includes uniform sand profile, continuous layered soil profile, and non-homogeneous soil profiles. Effects of various foundation conditions on embankment deformations are compared and analyzed. From the test results, it is found that the embankment resting on non-homogeneous soil deposits suffer more damage compared to the uniform sand foundation of same relative density. The test results also suggest that the sequential ground motions have a significant effect on the accumulated deformation of embankment.  相似文献   
Recent studies have demonstrated that the use of a discretely-spaced row of piles can be effective in reducing the deformations of slopes in earthquakes. In this paper, an approximate strain-dependant Newmark sliding-block procedure for pile-reinforced slopes has been developed, for use in analysis and design of the piling scheme, and the model is validated against centrifuge test data. The interaction of the pile within the slipping soil was idealised using a non-linear elasto-plastic (P–y) model, while the interaction within the underlying stable soil was modelled using an elastic response model in which (degraded) soil stiffness is selected for an appropriate amount of shear strain. This combined soil–pile interaction model was incorporated into the improved Newmark methodology for unreinforced slopes presented by Al-defae et al. [1], so that the final method additionally incorporates strain-dependent geometric hardening (slope re-grading). When combined with the strain-dependent pile resistance, the method is therefore applicable to analysis of both the mainshock and subsequent aftershocks acting on the deformed slope. It was observed that the single pile resistance is mobilised rapidly at the start of a strong earthquake and that this and the permanent slope deformation are therefore strongly influenced by pile stiffness properties, pile spacing and the depth of the slip surface. The model shows good agreement with the centrifuge test data in terms of the prediction of permanent deformation at the crest of the slope (important in design for selecting an appropriate pile layout/spacing i.e. S/B) and in terms of the maximum permanent bending moments induced in the piles (important for appropriate structural detailing of the piles), so long as the slip surface depth can be accurately predicted. A method for doing this, based on limit analysis, is also presented and validated.  相似文献   
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