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特殊的地理位置与突出的资源禀赋优势致使南高加索三国向来为多个文明交汇和大国博弈的地区,探究中国与其地缘关系的演变对双方的经济与地缘合作具有重要意义。论文在国际关系学权力理论的基础上,构建地缘位势模型刻画2000—2020年中国与南高加索三国的地缘关系演变特征。研究发现:(1) 2000—2020年中国在南高加索三国的地缘位势呈现出逐年上升趋势与“三阶段”演变特征,即2000—2005年为低位稳定阶段,2006—2012年为起步增长阶段,2013—2020年为快速增长阶段。(2)从2000—2020年地缘位势平均值、增长速度与增长幅度3个方面看均呈现出中国—亚美尼亚>中国—阿塞拜疆>中国—格鲁吉亚的空间特征。截至2020年,中—亚地缘位势最高;从地缘位势时序特征看,中国—亚美尼亚起步水平低,后期快速上升;中国—阿塞拜疆起步水平高,后期波动上升;中国—格鲁吉亚起步水平低,后期均匀上升。(3)影响双方地缘关系演变的驱动因素分为正向驱动力与负向驱动力。正向驱动力包括地缘区位、地缘经济、地缘文化与地缘外交,其中地缘区位是本底力,地缘经济是主导力,地缘文化是潜在力,地缘外交是根源力。负...  相似文献   
The Dmanisi site has yielded human remains and lithic industry associated with Late Pliocene-early Pleistocene fauna. The site is composed of volcanogenic sediments overlying basaltic lava flows. The lithostratigraphic sequence comprises two basic depositional units: Unit A, overlying the basalt flows, and Unit B on top. A paleomagnetic and rock-magnetic study has been carried out on 106 specimens from Units A and B and the uppermost basalt flow. The lava and Unit A provide normal polarities, while reversed polarities and anomalous directions are observed in Unit B, the latter probably due to overlapping of a secondary and a primary reversed polarity component. The lower part of the section shows a clear correlation with the Olduvai subchron, and the upper levels could be as young as 1.07 Ma. As human remains were found both in units with normal and reversed polarity, different non-contemporaneous human occupations might have been possible.  相似文献   
Deposits of very large rock avalanches were identified at the southern foot of the Rocky Range of the Northern Caucasus. Cliffs facing the Ardon River are 1–1.5 km high and composed of Cretaceous and upper Jurassic, hard, crystaline limestone, underlain by softer, middle Jurassic shale, siltstone and sandstone flysh. The largest rock avalanche, at Karivhoh, is ~2×109 m3 in volume, travelled more than 7 km, and covered about 18 km2 with deposits up to 200–300 m thick. All rock-avalanche bodies are composed of intensively crushed debris overlain by a blocky carapace. Numerous subsequent landslides develop within these deposits, and pose a threat to villages built on them.  相似文献   
Stratigraphic position of the Oligocene-Miocene (Paleogene-Neogene) boundary in the northern Caucasus and, in this connection, of the Alkun Formation and the Caucasian regional stage in geological sections of Maikop deposits, primarily in those of the Belaya and Kuban rivers, is considered. Arguments in support of the Caucasian regional stage are presented and necessity of distinguishing the Karadzhalganian regional stage is called in question. Stratigraphic implications of the Alkun Formation, the regional reference horizon traceable in many sections of the northern Caucasus, are discussed. It is substantiated based on nannoplankton, dinocysts, foraminifers, and distinctive lithological features of deposits that the Oligocene-Miocene boundary is confined to the Alkun Formation at the Belaya River.  相似文献   
Granitoid orthogneisses and migmatites are widespread in the lower, deeply metamorphosed gneiss-migmatite complex of the pre-Alpine basement (infrastructure) exposed within northern part of the Greater Caucasus Main Range zone. Like the other rocks of the complex, they have been traditionally attributed to the Proterozoic, but the U-Pb dating revealed the Late Paleozoic age of migmatites and Devonian age of orthogneiss protolith. Bodies of blastomylonitic apogranite gneisses, which are confined to boundary between gneiss-migmatite complex and overlying Makera Complex of supracrustal rocks, turned out to be of the Late Paleozoic age as well. The dating results suggest synchronism and, apparently, genetic interrelations between the high-T/low-P metamorphism and granite formation in the Main Range zone of the Greater Caucasus.  相似文献   
A paleomagnetic, rock-magnetic and paleointensity study has been carried out on 14 basaltic lava flows from two Pliocene (K–Ar age between 3.09 ± 0.10 Ma and 4.00 ± 0.15 Ma) sequences (Apnia and Korxi) from the eastern Djhavakheti Highland in southern Georgia (Caucasus).Measurement of strong-field magnetisation versus temperature curves yielded three types of thermomagnetic curves: (i) Reversible curves with magnetite as only remanence carrier (type H); (ii) irreversible curves with magnetite as only carrier of remanence (type H) and (iii) irreversible curves showing a low Curie-temperature phase and magnetite (type L). Analysis of hysteresis curves showed that samples were characterised by a mixture of single-domain and multi-domain grains.Paleomagnetic experiments allowed determining characteristic components for all flows and normal polarities (6 flows), reversed polarities (7 flows) and intermediate polarities (1 flow) were observed.. Paleomagnetic poles were calculated using only those sites unequivocally showing normal or reversed polarities. The paleomagnetic pole obtained from flows of both combined sequences (latitude λ = 77.9°N, longitude ϕ = 152.1°E, n = 13, A95 = 11.8°, k = 13.4) showed a good agreement with the 5 Ma window of the European synthetic apparent polar wander path of Besse and Courtillot (2002). The paleomagnetic direction of the combined Apnia-Korxi flows agrees well with the expected one, showing no significant tectonic rotation. The latter cannot be however, completely excluded in the Korxi section. In that section, analysis of the angular dispersion of virtual geomagnetic poles yields a much higher value than expected.Paleointensity experiments using the Coe method were performed on 31 specimens from 10 flows. After application of specific selection criteria, 19 samples from 8 flows were observed to provide successful determinations, with mean flow values showing a wide scatter. If only flows with more than one successful paleointensity determination are taken into account, virtual dipole moments (VDMs) vary between 3.5 × 1022 A m2 and 8.3 × 1022 A m2. In intermediate polarity site AP2 no weak transitional paleostrength values were observed.  相似文献   
The Maeotian of Eastern Paratethys corresponds to the interval of the magnetochronological scale from the base of the subchron C4Ar2n to upper parts of the Chron C4n (9.6–7.5 Ma). Fission-track dates of Maeotian deposits are in general agreement with paleomagnetic chronology. In the continental stratigraphic scale of Western Europe this interval corresponds to zones MN10 (save the lowermost parts), MN11, and MN12 (upper part). Taking into account age estimates of MN zones boundaries established in Western Europe, the East European mammalian localities of Ukraine and Moldova can be stratified as follows: MN10, Raspopeni, Grebeniki, Novaya Emetovka 1, ?lower bed of Ciobruci; MN11, Novaya Emetovka 2; MN12, Cimislia, Ciobruci upper bed, Cherevichnoe, Tudorovo, Dzedzvtakhevi, and sites in the lower Pontian deposits. The faunal criteria used to distinguish MN zones in Western Europe cannot be completely applied to sites of the Eastern Paratethys because of paleozoogeographic distinctions between West and East European provinces. Specific criteria of zone boundaries definitions should be developed for the East European province.  相似文献   
Quantifying and understanding catchment sediment fluxes is crucial both from a scientific and environmental management perspective. To deepen the understanding of landuse impacts and climate change on sediment load, we explore factors controlling the suspended sediment load formation in the Northern Caucasus during the Anthropocene. We examine how sediment flux of various river basins with different land-use/landcover and glacier cover changes during the 1925–2018 period. Our analysis is based on observed mean annual suspended sediment discharges (SSD, kg s−1) and annual fluxes (SSL, t year−1) from 33 gauging stations of The Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Russia). SSL series have been analysed to detect statistically significant changes during the 1925–2018 period. The occurrence of abrupt change points in SSD was investigated using cumulative sum (CUSUM) charts. We found that SSL has decreased by −1.17% per year on average at most gauges. However, the decline was not linear. Several transition years are expected in the region increasing trends from the 1950s and decreasing trends from 1988 to 1994. Correlation analyses showed that variation in SSL trend values is mainly explained by gauging station altitude, differences in landuse (i.e. the fraction of cropland), and catchment area. Nonetheless, more accurate quantifications of SSL trend values and more refined characterizations of the catchments regarding (historical) landuse, soil types/lithology, weather conditions, and topography may reveal other tendencies.  相似文献   
The lithology change patterns between sections on the northern slope of Caucasus and in Ciscaucasia wells must be taken into account in addition to geophysical and biostratigraphic characteristics during detailed correlation of Aptian and Albian sediments. This paper discusses rock lithologic types (LT), rock distribution patterns in the covered territories, and their formation conditions. It includes a facies profile showing these patterns.  相似文献   
This paper presents a considerably revised biostratigraphy for Upper Albian through Coniacian pelagic limestone and shale sequences in the northeastern Caucasus region based primarily on planktic foraminiferal distributions. The use of concentrated acetic acid for the extraction of microfossils from the hard limestones has yielded a much more detailed planktic foraminiferal biostratigraphy than has been documented previously. Because of the low latitude location of the study area the high diversity assemblages contain many of the biomarkers used to identify standard Tethyan biozones ranging from the Rotalipora appenninica Zone through the Dicarinella concavata Zone. A key result of this study is the recognition of an apparently continuous Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval within a laminated, dark marl that is enriched in organic carbon. Extinction of the single-keeled rotaliporids corresponds with the onset of deposition of the laminated marl beds.  相似文献   
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