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针对人们对地理空间数据迫切需求与地理空间数据多源性的矛盾,分析了现有数据共享方式的利弊。从多源数据共享的角度,设计了面向对象的统一数据模型,并对常用的数据格式向统一数据模型格式的转换进行了详细的阐述。  相似文献   
针对人们对地理空间数据迫切需求与地理空间数据多源性的矛盾,分析了现有数据共享方式的利弊。从多源数据共享的角度,设计了面向对象的统一数据模型,并对常用的数据格式向统一数据模型格式的转换进行了详细的阐述。  相似文献   
根据地貌晕渲基本理论和技术,利用Arc/Info制作了彩色晕渲图,并探讨了不同参数下的晕渲效果,最后还尝试了将晕渲图加载到表面视图,以从不同的角度来观察地貌形态。  相似文献   
The Batur volcanic field (BVF), in Bali, Indonesia, underwenttwo successive caldera-forming eruptions that resulted in thedeposition of silicic ignimbrites. The magmas erupted duringand between these eruptions show a broad range of compositionsfrom low-SiO2 andesite to high-SiO2 dacite. On the basis oftheir geochemistry and mineralogy these magmas may be assignedto six groups: (1) homogeneous andesites with phenocryst compositionsessentially in equilibrium with the whole-rock composition;(2) remobilized crystal-rich low-SiO2 andesites with resorbedphenocrysts in equilibrium with the whole-rock composition;(3) mixed low-SiO2 dacite with a relatively large range of phenocrystcompositions, with most phenocrysts slightly too evolved tobe in equilibrium with the whole-rock; (4) extensively mixedlow-SiO2 dacites with a very large and discontinuous range ofphenocryst compositions, with most phenocrysts either more Mg-richor more evolved than the equilibrium compositions; (5) remobilizedcrystal-rich low-SiO2 dacites with resorbed and euhedral phenocrysts;(6) homogeneous high-SiO2 dacites lacking evidence for magmamixing and showing narrow ranges of phenocryst compositionsin equilibrium with the whole-rock composition. This range ofsilicic magmas is interpreted to reflect a combination of closed-and open-system fractional crystallization, magma mixing andremobilization of cumulate piles by heating. The variety ofmagmas erupted simultaneously during the caldera-forming eruptionssuggests that the magmatic system consisted of several independentreservoirs of variable composition and degree of crystallization.The magmatic evolution of individual reservoirs varied fromclosed-system fractional crystallization to fully open-systemevolution, thereby resulting in simultaneous production of magmaswith contrasted compositions and mineralogy. Extensive emptyingof the magmatic system during the caldera-forming eruptionsled to successive or simultaneous eruption of several reservoirs. KEY WORDS: caldera; ignimbrite; magmatic chambers; magma mixing; petrology; Sunda Arc  相似文献   
Sponsored by the Chinese National Fundamental Research and Development Program in 2001,Guang-zhou Marine Geological Survey launched out a long geophysical survey from the northeastern part of the South China Sea (SCS),through the Luzon Arc,to the Huatung Basin and the Gagua Ridge. Based on high-resolution seismic data from this survey,combined with gravimetric and magnetic modeling,a systematic effort is made to the study of the regional geodynamics offshore southern Taiwan. By focusing particularly on precollisional tectonic interactions between adjacent geological units and their tectonic affiliations,this study can help reveal early arc-continent collisional processes that formed the Taiwan orogen. The construction of the Manila accretionary prism and its eastward progressive deformation indicate that the subduction of SCS have experienced multiple phases of increased activity. Active precollisional crustal shortening within the Northern Luzon Trough resulted in tilting of sedimentary layers at angles between 6° and 13°. But the shortening induced by tilting accounts for only a tiny part of regional total crustal compression. The eastern flank of the Luzon Arc appears to be more active than the rest,evidenced by active faulting and folding in the intra-arc basins on the eastern flank. Magnetic modeling/inversion shows that the Luzon Arc may have experienced multiple phases of magmatic activities,causing lateral magnetic inhomogeneity. Bouguer gravity anomalies and gravity modeling indicate that the Huatung Basin has anomalously higher crustal and upper mantle densities than those of SCS and the Luzon Arc. In addition,there is a large bathymetric difference between the Huatung Basin and the northeastern part of SCS basin. These observations argue against early hypothesis that the Huatung Basin and the northeastern part of SCS basin may once have belonged to one single oceanic crust,in part or in whole. The Gagua Ridge,as a sliver of uplifted oceanic crust,may be related to a transient northwestward subduction of the western Philippine plate. All evidences point to the argument that the region offshore southern Taiwan is experiencing multiple terrain amalgamation,which is a classical model for continental growth.  相似文献   
Abstract West Rota Volcano (WRV) is a recently discovered extinct submarine volcano in the southern Mariana Arc. It is large (25 km diameter base), shallow (up to 300 m below sealevel), and contains a large caldera (6 × 10 km, with up to 1 km relief). The WRV lies near the northern termination of a major NNE‐trending normal fault. This and a second, parallel fault just west of the volcano separate uplifted, thick frontal arc crust to the east from subsiding, thin back‐arc basin crust to the west. The WRV is distinct from other Mariana Arc volcanoes: (i) it consists of a lower, predominantly andesite section overlain by a bimodal rhyolite‐basalt layered sequence; (ii) andesitic rocks are locally intensely altered and mineralized; (iii) it has a large caldera; and (iv) WRV is built on a major fault. Submarine felsic calderas are common in the Izu and Kermadec Arcs but are otherwise unknown from the Marianas and other primitive, intraoceanic arcs. 40Ar–39Ar dating indicates that andesitic volcanism comprising the lower volcanic section occurred 0.33–0.55 my ago, whereas eruption of the upper rhyolites and basalts occurred 37–51 thousand years ago. Four sequences of rhyolite pyroclastics each are 20–75 m thick, unwelded and show reverse grading, indicating submarine eruption. The youngest unit consists of 1–2 m diameter spheroids of rhyolite pumice, interpreted as magmatic balloons, formed by relatively quiet effusion and inflation of rhyolite into the overlying seawater. Geochemical studies indicate that felsic magmas were generated by anatexis of amphibolite‐facies meta‐andesites, perhaps in the middle arc crust. The presence of a large felsic volcano and caldera in the southern Marianas might indicate interaction of large normal faults with a mid‐crustal magma body at depth, providing a way for viscous felsic melts to reach the surface.  相似文献   
The Platanar volcanic center is dominated by a calc-alkaline, basalt-andesite-dacite-rhyolite magma series with unusual LREE enrichment. Adjacent and overlapping the calc-alkaline rocks are the most alkaline basalts found along the volcanic front of Central America. These basalts are mafic, LIL- and LREE-enriched transitional to alkaline basalts. Several are found on the north flank of Platanar in the Aguas Zarcas region, where there are nine cinder cones and a few isolated flows. However, they are also found in isolated lava outcrops at least as far south as Porvenir volcano along the volcanic front. The addition of mafic alkaline magmas with high La/Yb and low Ba/La into the Platanar magma chamber or chambers may contribute to the LREE-enriched character of the Platanar basaltic andesites and andesites. At Platanar the field and geochemical evidence suggest mixing between calc-alkaline and alkaline magmas, a process that has probably occurred throughout the development of the Cordillera Central of Costa Rica. The presence of negative Ce anomalies in several of the calc-alkaline lavas also make the Platanar complex very unusual compared to the rest of the Central American volcanic front. In the center of the Platanar complex is the Chocosuela caldera, an apparent remnant of an avalanche caldera created by the collapse in the Middle Pleistocene of an ancestral stratovolcano toward the NNW in a directed blast-type eruption. Rhyolite is present as pumice lapilli in pyroclastic flow deposits outside the caldera rim. Whole lapilli analyses span the daciterhyolite range. The previous eruption of high silica tephra as pyroclastic flows, the current long dormant period and the repeated occurrence of earthquake swarms on the flanks of the Platanar complex make it a candidate for volcanic hazard mapping, detailed geological mapping and emergency planning.  相似文献   
Yoga A.  Sendjaja  Jun-Ichi  Kimura  Edy  Sunardi 《Island Arc》2009,18(1):201-224
The Sunda Arc of Indonesia developed along the convergent margin between the Eurasian and the Australian Plates. More than 100 Quaternary volcanic centers occur along the arc. The West Java Arc is a segment of the Sunda Arc in which more than 10 volcanic centers are located, corresponding to the 120 to 200 km depth contours of the Wadati–Benioff zone. The geochemistry of 207 Quaternary lavas from six centers across the arc was investigated. The lavas range from basalt to dacite. Incompatible element abundances increase from the volcanic front to the rear‐arc in response to a change from low‐K to high‐K suites. Nd–Sr isotope compositions of the basalts scatter between mid‐ocean ridge basalt (MORB) source mantle and Indian Ocean sediment (SED) compositions, with volcanic front low‐K basalts having more radiogenic Nd than the rear‐arc basalts. It is suggested that mixing between slab‐derived fluids mainly from the SED and melt from MORB source mantle played a significant role in determining the geochemistry of the West Java basalts. Incompatible element patterns in primitive mantle normalized multi‐element plots are almost identical across the arc, except for greater inclination and weaker positive Sr spikes in the rear‐arc basalts. This suggests a lower degree of partial melting in the rear‐arc mantle, accompanied by change in SED fluid composition between the volcanic front and the rear‐arc. The latter is confirmed by fluid‐fluxed melting model calculations using multiple trace elements and Nd and Sr isotopes. All the West Java Arc lavas require deficit of Sr from the slab SED. This may occur due to selective breakdown of Sr‐rich hydrous silicate minerals, such as zoisite, at shallower depths before the SED component reaches the depth of dehydration effective for magma genesis. The rear‐arc basalts need further Sr deficits along with lesser fluid. These features are commonly observed in many arc basalts, and are likely attributable to the same mechanism.  相似文献   
We present a semi-analytical, combinatorial approach to compute three-phase capillary entry pressures for gas invasion into pore throats with constant cross-sections of arbitrary shapes that are occupied by oil and/or water. For a specific set of three-phase capillary pressures, geometrically allowed gas/oil, oil/water and gas/water arc menisci are determined by moving two circles in opposite directions along the pore/solid boundary for each fluid pair such that the contact angle is defined at the front circular arcs. Intersections of the two circles determine the geometrically allowed arc menisci for each fluid pair. The resulting interfaces are combined systematically to allow for all geometrically possible three-phase configuration changes. The three-phase extension of the Mayer and Stowe – Princen method is adopted to calculate capillary entry pressures for all determined configuration candidates, from which the most favorable gas invasion configuration is determined. The model is validated by comparing computed three-phase capillary entry pressures and corresponding fluid configurations with analytical solutions in idealized triangular star-shaped pores. It is demonstrated that the model accounts for all scenarios that have been analyzed previously in these shapes. Finally, three-phase capillary entry pressures and associated fluid configurations are computed in throat cross-sections extracted from segmented SEM images of Bentheim sandstone. The computed gas/oil capillary entry pressures account for the expected dependence of oil/water capillary pressure in spreading and non-spreading fluid systems at the considered wetting conditions. Because these geometries are irregular and include constrictions, we introduce three-phase displacements that have not been identified previously in pore-network models that are based on idealized pore shapes. However, in the limited number of pore geometries considered in this work, we find that the favorable displacements are not generically different from those already encountered in network models previously, except that the size and shape of oil layers that are surrounded by gas and water are described more realistically. The significance of the results for describing oil connectivity in porous media accurately can only be evaluated by including throats with more complex cross-sections in three-phase pore-network models.  相似文献   
郭功举 《现代测绘》2003,26(4):12-14
本文在已有多边形裁剪算法的研究基础之上,提出了包含圆弧段的复杂多边型裁剪方法。该方法中的被剪切对象是较为复杂的几何实体,包括圆弧以及带有圆弧边界和带有洞的复杂多边形对象,其中剪裁窗口可以为凹多边形或凸多边形。  相似文献   
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