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王军宁 《铀矿地质》1999,15(3):168-171
本文通过对西天山研究区的遥感地质解译、野外实地验证和综合对比研究,认为西天山地区与邻区的穆龙套金矿、库姆托尔金矿同处一条巨型的构造带上,具有非常相似的大地构造环境、构造演化和赋金建造条件,尤其是分布于那拉提构造带南缘的弧形构造带和南北向贯穿那拉提构造带的横向断裂组是控矿的重要因素。区域上赋金层炭质岩系的存在和蚀变体的广泛发育,使金元素活化、富集成为可能。研究区内大量的金矿化、异常是金矿体存在的客观反映。据此,笔者预测出4处找矿有利地段。  相似文献   
Volcanic history and tectonics of the Southwest Japan Arc   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Remarkable changes in volcanism and tectonism have occurred in a synchronous manner since 1.5–2 Ma at the junction of the Southwest Japan Arc and the Ryukyu Arc. Although extensive volcanism occurred in Kyushu before 2 Ma, the subduction-related volcanism started at ca 1.5 Ma, forming a NE–SW trend volcanic front, preceded by significant changes in whole-rock chemistry and mode of eruptions at ca 2 Ma. The Median Tectonic Line has intensified dextral motion since 2 Ma, with a northward shift of its active trace of as much as 10 km, accompanied by the formation of rhomboidal basins in Central Kyushu. Crustal rotation and incipient rifting has also occurred in South Kyushu and the northern Okinawa Trough over the past 2 million years. We emphasize that the commencement age of these events coincides with that of the transition to the westward convergence of the Philippine Sea plate, which we interpret as a primary cause of these synchronous episodes. We assume that the shift in subduction direction led to an increase of fluid component contamination from subducted oceanic slab, which then produced island-arc type volcanism along the volcanic front. Accelerated trench retreat along the Ryukyu Trench may have caused rifting and crustal rotation in the northern Ryukyu Arc.  相似文献   
2011年发生的埃及等中东-北非国家的持续动荡,均发生在所谓的"伊斯兰弧带"。此次动荡具有持续时间长、影响深、社会基础广泛等特征。骚乱的原因,主要是历史上宗教冲突遗留下的仇恨、美国等西方势力的干涉、中东-北非地区国家内部现代化转型障碍重重等。在更深的层次上,此次乱局也是现有国际政治结构失衡的一种折射。中国需要细致评估动乱对中国安全的警示意义,提升对中东一北非地区事务的政治影响力,更好地维护本国在这一地区的利益。  相似文献   
New geochemical data from the Cocos Plate constrain the composition of the input into the Central American subduction zone and demonstrate the extent of influence of the Galápagos Hotspot on the Cocos Plate. Samples include sediments and basalts from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1256 outboard of Nicaragua, gabbroic sills from ODP Sites 1039 and 1040, tholeiitic glasses from the Fisher Ridge off northwest Costa Rica, and basalts from the Galápagos Hotspot Track outboard of Central Costa Rica. Site 1256 basalts range from normal to enriched MORB in incompatible elements and have Pb and Nd isotopic compositions within the East Pacific Rise MORB field. The sediments have similar 206Pb/204Pb and only slightly more radiogenic 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb isotope ratios than the basalts. Altered samples from the subducting Galápagos Hotspot Track have similar Nd and Pb isotopic compositions to fresh Galápagos samples but have significantly higher Sr isotopic composition, indicating that the subduction input will have a distinct geochemical signature from Galápagos-type mantle material that may be present in the wedge beneath Costa Rica. Gabbroic sills from Sites 1039 and 1040 in East Pacific Rise (EPR) crust show evidence for influence of the Galápagos Hotspot ∼100 km beyond the morphological hotspot track.  相似文献   
(李鸿吉,秦建业)FocalmechanismandmodernstressfieldalongtheBurmeseArcanditsvicinity¥Hong-JiLIandKin-YipCHEN(InstituteofGeophysics,Sta...  相似文献   
Uplift caused by crustal growth at active plate margins triggers an exogenic mass transfer from the mountain ranges into arc-associated basins. This mass transfer comprises weathering and erosion of the source terranes, differentiation and transport of particles and finally deposition. The hydraulic populations produced by chemical dissolution and mechanical abrasion possess different recycling potentials: Coarse-grained particles are piled up in forearc accretionary wedges and recycled by subduction with the oceanic lithosphere. Fine-grained particles and the chemical load may leave the exogenic cycle by suspension and solution. Their recycling potential is low. For the Calabrian active margin a composite exogenic mass balance has been determined. Sedimentation rates were calculated by two-dimensional modeling of the forearc sedimentary wedge based on METEOR airgun sections. Erosion rates for the Calabrian Massif were evaluated by a morphometric volume balance. The total erosion of the Calabrian Massif is 178 m/Ma. About 28 m/Ma (16%) is removed by chemical dissolution and particle dispersion. The mean sedimentation rate in the forearc basin is 137 m/Ma. The remaining mass deficiency of 13 m/Ma (7%) is referred to sediment bypass to the abyssal plain through submarine canyons.  相似文献   
杨广全  王外全 《云南地质》2007,26(3):284-288
西爪哇金矿位于印度尼西亚西角湾火山岩金、铅锌铜多金属成矿带,该区有众多金矿床(点)。出露的三叠系火山岩地层,以火山喷发沉积为主,岩性组合为安山岩、英安岩、流纹岩及火山角砾岩,具爆发-喷溢沉积的特点,总体表现为火山弧特征。断裂构造破碎带是该地区主要控矿、容矿构造。岩石蚀变强烈,硅化与金矿化关系密切。  相似文献   
Pre-Cretaceous metasedimentary rocks occurring in the Inner Zone of the Southwest Japan Arc can be divided into three major groups, namely, high P/T metamorphic (Renge and Suo belts), low P/T metamorphic (Hida-Oki, Ryoke and Higo belts), and accretionary terranes (Akiyoshi, Maizuru, Mino-Tamba, and Ashio belts). Major and trace element compositions of most of the sedimentary rocks are typical of relatively mature sedimentary rocks, although abundances of ferromagnesian elements also suggest the presence of a significant mafic to intermediate igneous component. The sedimentary rocks with older Nd model ages (> 2.0 Ga) have high εSr values and major and trace element geochemical signatures typical of mature sediments, whereas those with younger model ages (< 1.45 Ga) have low εSr values and immature geochemical characteristics. With the exception of Hida samples, the sedimentary rocks from other districts have geochemical and isotopic features intermediate between the rocks with old and young Nd model ages. Some of the Hida samples have old Nd model ages, but others are influenced by younger rock fragments and have immature geochemical features. Based on combined isotopic and geochemical evidence, Inner Zone sedimentary rocks with older Nd model ages are interpreted to have been derived from felsic upper continental crustal materials such as Sino-Korean or northwest Yangtze craton granitoids. Compositions of rocks with younger Nd model ages reflect addition of mafic to intermediate detritus, such as island arc basalts and andesites. The rocks with intermediate Nd model ages may have formed in and around the Asian continental margin. The Hida metasedimentary rocks may have been derived from several terranes of varying age and geochemical composition.  相似文献   
GIS是获取、检索、分析、处理空间数据的数据库管理系统,是研究空间对象的有力工具,本文利用GIS软件Arc/Info为基本工具,以遥感数据作为获取,更新数据库数据的重要信息源,结合前人的地学资料,建立了湖北省区域稳定性评价空间数据库,阐述了该空间数据库的内容,功能,应用和意义。  相似文献   
位于义敦岛弧南端的中甸岛弧已成为我国又一重要的斑岩铜矿产地,其中雪鸡坪中型斑岩铜矿床产于西斑岩带,普朗超大型斑岩铜矿床产于东斑岩带。详细对比研究了这两个斑岩铜矿床矿床地质,含矿斑岩的岩石化学、地球化学以及年代学等特征,认为:①两者的元素组成非常相似,如稀土配分形式均为轻稀土元素富集型,亏损重稀土元素和Y,富集Sr、K、Rb、Ba、Th等大离子亲石元素,亏损Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf、置等高场强元素,显示了埃达克岩的地球化学特征,表明它们可能是俯冲的甘孜-理塘洋壳部分熔融的产物,并受到地壳物质的混染;②中甸岛弧的结构及时空演化保持了义敦岛弧的共性,发育完整的沟-弧-盆体系,其中东斑岩带属于外弧,而西斑岩带属于内弧,中斑岩带及零星分布的属都蛇绿混杂岩产于弧间盆地。  相似文献   
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