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于1986年1月-11月用高效液相色谱法分析胶州湾10个站位表层和底层海水中溶解游离氨基酸(DFAA)的组成、含量的分布及其季节变化。结果表明,7个站位的表层海水中月平均总溶解游离氨基酸(TDFAA)含量范围为1.24-2.28umol/L。多数站位在2月份处于最低值(0.4umol/L),11月份达最高值(5.0umol/L)。所测氨基酸中,Glu,Gly、Arg、Leu,Orn,Ser等占优势  相似文献   
对杭州湾软相潮间带周年调查,共获底栖动物95种,以甲壳动物(34种)、鱼类(28种)、软体动物(21种)占绝对优势。生态类群以我国沿岸广温广盐性种和半成水特有种为主,生活方式多为活动性和埋栖类型。这与杭州湾水域盐度低且变化幅度大及动力作用强,底质不稳定等因素密切相关。从湾底到湾口,底栖动物种类增多,组成类群逐渐从低盐的河口种向广盐的海洋种演替,表现出明显的湾性分布。种类的垂直分布是中潮区大于低潮区大于高潮区,各类群生物在潮间带呈现随机镶嵌分布,无明显的分带现象。种数的季节分布呈现更、秋两季较多、冬季最少的特点。  相似文献   
A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model of the Upper Chesapeake Bay was used to examine the nature and cause of an intensification of subtidal, southward surface current in the middle reaches of the basin. The deep navigation channel along the eastern boundary was found to be ultimately responsible. The deep channel allows the density and tidally-induced subtidal currents to intensify over it, producing the eastern intensification. Both mechanisms operate in the non-rotating limit and consequently do not diminish with vanishing effect of the earth's rotation. Density-induced forcing is predominantly baroclinic, generating a northward undercurrent in the deep channel and a southward current aloft which attenuates westward. Tidal forcing is mostly barotropic, producing southward mean current in the deep channel and return flow to the west. Historic data lend support to the model results.  相似文献   
As an important part of the Bohai economic rim, the Laizhou Bay has been stressed by serious eco-environmental problems in recent years. In this study, the Shannon-Wiener index(H′), AZTI's marine biotic index(AMBI) and the multivariate AMBI(M-AMBI) were used to assess the ecological quality status(EQS) of the Laizhou Bay according to macrobenthos data collected annually in August 2011–2014. The results showed that the overall benthic habitat quality in the Laizhou Bay was assessed as "Good". However, 25% of the samples were classified as"Moderate", "Bad" or "Poor" status under degraded conditions. Ecological group Ⅲ(EGⅢ) species which had a certain tolerance to environmental disturbances had a higher proportion in each station, and most of them had appeared the pollution indicator species Capitella capitata. This indicated that the benthic habitat in the Laizhou Bay had been disturbed and polluted to some extent. The comparison of the three indices evaluation result and the RDA analysis showed that the H′ and M-AMBI were more suitable when the relative abundance of the single species was high and the macrobenthic community was significantly imbalanced; when the relative abundance of opportunistic species(EGIV and EGV) was high, the AMBI and M-AMBI could reflected the EQS objectively; in an undisturbed and polluted environment, all the three indices could indicate the benthic habitats quality. In summary, the better correlation between the three indices and environmental factors showed that they were well responsive to the tendency of the benthic habitats quality in the Laizhou Bay.  相似文献   
以杭州湾北岸金山咀—龙泉港岸段边滩及海床为研究区域,利用1989—2014年实测及海图资料分析岸滩断面地形变化和岸段冲淤变化。结果表明:在该研究时段,岸段存在长期稳定的冲刷深槽;近岸海床的冲淤表现出“波动性”,5 m等深线(2014年)以浅区以淤积为主,5 m等深线以深冲淤更迭,1989年以来总体呈现冲刷态势。长江入海泥沙量变化为该岸段发生侵蚀/淤积的影响因子之一,台风大浪及海床侵蚀/淤积波的移动导致海床冲淤复杂化。  相似文献   
对大亚湾核电站邻近海的海洋沉积物中人工放射性核素~(144)Ce,~(103)Ru,~88Rn,~(85)Sr,~(90)Sr,~(134)Cs,~(137)Cs,~(124)Sb,~(54)Mn,~(60)Co进行了调查研究;得到核素的区域变化规律和与沉积物性质的相互关系,以及获得各核素的分配系数(K_d)。  相似文献   
本文根据实测资料,通过悬沙浓度ρ、流速v和水深H的对应分析,得出了三门湾的悬沙浓度分布遵循着ρ∝f(v~2/H)的规律;同时发现湾外海域有着良好的将悬沙输移入湾的动力条件,是三门湾悬沙来源的主要场所;经全潮单宽净输沙量计算表明:进出海域的悬沙净输移量不大,全湾的悬沙输移具有深槽输向边滩、南进北出的趋势,与口外海域的泥沙存在着活跃的交换。通过摩阻流速计算得到三门湾变化的总趋势是:深槽略受冲刷,滩涂缓慢淤涨,入湾通道处于动态平衡中。  相似文献   
A combination of field and numerical modeling methods was used to assess porewater movement in a narrow (20 m) Spartina marsh which was flooded regularly by tidal waters. Soil composition and soil hydraulic properties did not vary across the marsh or with depth. Hydraulic head was monitored on a transect perpendicular to the creekbank. During exposure of the marsh surface, hydraulic gradients were predominantly horizontal; vertical gradients were small or zero. Subsurface flow was directed from the marsh interior toward the creekbank. Approximately 141 of pore water were discharged laterally to the adjacent tidal creek per meter of creekbank over a complete tidal cycle.A numerical hydrological model was modified to simulate subsurface hydraulics in the creekbank vicinity of regularly flooded tidal marshes. The model was parameterized to represent soil conditions, tidal fluctuations and topography at the field site. Observed changes in hydraulic head over complete tidal cycles were accurately predicted by the model. Model simulations identified the vertical infiltration of creek water into the marsh surface at the onset of tidal flooding as the primary source (66%) for the replacement of water drained at the creekbank. Significant replacement (31%) also occurred as discharge from the interior marsh. Horizontal recharge at the creekbank was minimal (3%).A sensitivity analysis was conducted with the model to assess the relative importance of geomorphological factors and soil properties in controlling pore water export at the creekbank of tidal marsh soils. Each parameter was varied systematically over a realistic range for field conditions. Changes in marsh elevation exerted greater control over creekbank discharge than changes in soil hydraulic properties. More rapid turnover of pore water near creekbanks of higher elevation marshes is hypothesized.  相似文献   
In the coastal waters off northern California, seasonal wind-driven upwelling supplies abundant nutrients to be processed by phytoplankton productivity. As part of the Coastal Ocean Processes: Wind Events and Shelf Transport (CoOP WEST) study, nutrients, CO2, size-fractionated chlorophyll, and phytoplankton community structure were measured in the upwelling region off Bodega Bay, CA, during May–June 2000, 2001 and 2002. The ability of this ecosystem to assimilate nitrate (NO3) and silicic acid/silicate (Si(OH)4) and accumulate particulate material (i.e. phytoplankton) was realized in all 3 years, following short events of upwelling-favorable winds, followed by periods of relaxed winds. This was observed as phytoplankton blooms, dominated by chlorophyll in cells greater than 5 μm in diameter, that reduced the ambient nutrients to zero. These communities were located over the near-shore shelf (<100 m depth) and were dominated by diatoms. An optimal window of 3–7 days of relaxed winds, following an upwelling pulse, was required for chlorophyll accumulation. The large-celled phytoplankton that result are likely important players in coastal new production and carbon cycling.  相似文献   
Seasonal new production (g C m−2) estimates obtained from dissolved oxygen and nitrate concentrations in surface waters (5 m depth) along a track between the UK (Portsmouth) and northern Spain (Bilbao) are compared. An oxygen flux method, in combination with a ship of opportunity (SOO), was tested on the northwest European shelf for its value in distinguishing high production in frontal regions. Dissolved oxygen, nitrate and chlorophyll a samples were collected monthly from February to July 2004, alongside continuous autonomous measurements of salinity, temperature and chlorophyll fluorescence. Depth integrated new production estimates for all the individually analysed hydrographic regions of the route were produced.Results from three widely used gas-exchange parameterizations gave seasonal (February–July) new production estimates of 54–68 g C m−2 for the Ushant region of the western English Channel and 31–40 g C m−2 for the shelf slope, averaging 24–31 g C m−2 for the route. This is double the route average obtained using the nitrate assimilation method (17 g C m−2) and within the ranges of previous estimates in the same region. The oxygen flux method gave a fivefold enhancement compared to the nitrate method in the Ushant frontal region and a threefold enhancement in the English Channel and shelf break regions. Determining oxygen fluxes to estimate new production may be more reliable than nitrate assimilation in active tidal or frontal regions of shelves where nitrate may be added to the system post-winter through advection or entrainment.  相似文献   
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