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分析阿拉善左旗Ms5.8地震区区域布格重力异常与断裂带的展布关系,并重点利用苏海图-平罗-鄂托克旗实测剖面,计算得到较为精细的剖面布格重力异常和布格重力异常归一化总梯度(简称GH)图像。剖面结果分析表明:1)区域主要活动断裂均对应GH等值线的条带或切分局部区,这些部位一般显示强变形特征,如巴彦乌拉山山前断裂(F1)或阿拉善块体东南边界与约10 km宽、延伸约30 km深的西倾高GH变化带一致| 2) 阿拉善左旗Ms5.8地震的发震构造不是磴口-本井断裂(F3),但受F3控制|3) 银川-平罗断裂(F6)为平罗8.0地震的发震构造,震源深度约15 km。  相似文献   
The gravity field of the seismogenic upper crust was derived from the Bouguer gravity map by applying the Butterworth high-pass filter in the wave-number domain. The cutoff wavelength of the filter was 110 km, to pass the gravity signals of structures within the 18 km thick seismogenic layer. The derived residual gravity map reveals potential stress concentrating structures, which may cause seismicity provided they lie within the existing zones of weakness. Furthermore we derived a shaded relief map of the horizontal gravity gradient, which highlighted the tectonic lines accompanied by density contrast. The directional analysis of this map shows three dominant strike directions. The most prominent one is “the Hercynian” NW-SE strike direction represented by the Franconian Line, the Gera-Jáchymov Fault Zone and the Elbe Zone. The second dominant strike is the Rhenisch NNE-SSW trending represented by the Upper Rhine Graben Zone, Rheinsberg-Heldburg Line and several Proterozoic volcanic belts in the Teplá-Barrandien Unit. The third pronounced trending of the ENE-WSW direction is represented by the Erzgebirge and Eger Graben gravity low. The N-S trending Rostock-Leipzig-Regensburg Zone (Pritzwalk-Naab Lineament) is not distinctly reflected in the derived gravity maps, although many fault segments have a meridian direction. The relative reactivation potential of some pre-existing fault systems identified in the gravity map was studied with respect to the wide range of the recent stress configuration determined in the West Bohemia/Vogtland region. The resulting diagrams show that the steep NNW-SSE to N-S faults (represented by some segments of the Mariánské Lázně Fault Zone) are oriented favourably for reactivation. On the contrary, the orientation of the ENE-WSW faults limiting the Eger Graben (Litoměřice Fault, etc.) is unfavourable for reactivation for all dip values.  相似文献   
关于地壳厚度计算方法的修正   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用前苏联学者(1958.)计算地壳厚度公式计算了兰州-天水-武都地区的布格重力异常.发现其结果与人工地震爆破得出的结果相差很大。造成差值大的原因可能是地壳界面边界效应的作用。为使计算结果尽量接近实际地壳厚度。所以要从计算地壳厚度公式中减去每一测点的效应值,依此法推算出任意点的地壳厚度。  相似文献   
We present results from a SeaMARC II bathymetry, gravity, and magnetics survey of the northern end of the large-offset propagating East Rift of the Easter microplate. The East Rift is offset by more than 300 km from the East Pacific Rise and its northern end has rifted into approximately 3 Ma lithosphere of the Nazca Plate forming a broad (70–100 km) zone of high (up to 4 km) relief referred to as the Pito Rift. This region appears to have undergone distributed and asymmetric extension that has been primarily accommodated tectonically, by block faulting and tilting, and to a lesser degree by seafloor spreading on a more recently developed magmatic accretionary axis. The larger fault blocks have dimensions of 10–15 km and have up to several km of throw between adjacent blocks suggesting that isostatic adjustments occur on the scale of the individual blocks. Three-dimensional terrain corrected Bouguer anomalies, a three-dimensional magnetic inversion, and SeaMARC II backscatter data locate the recently developed magmatic axis in an asymmetric position in the western part of the rift. The zone of magmatic accretion is characterized by an axis of negative Bouguer gravity anomalies, a band of positive magnetizations, and a high amplitude magnetization zone locating its tip approximately 10 km south of the Pito Deep, the deepest point in the rift area. Positive Bouguer gravity anomalies and negative magnetizations characterize the faulted area to the east of the spreading axis supporting the interpretation that this area consists primarily of pre-existing Nazca plate that has been block faulted and stretched, and that no substantial new accretion has occurred there. The wide zone of deformation in the Pito Rift area and the changing trend of the fault blocks from nearly N-S in the east to NW-SE in the west may be a result of the rapidly changing kinematics of the Easter microplate and/or may result from ridge-transform like shear stresses developed at the termination of the East Rift against the Nazca plate. The broad zone of deformation developed at the Pito Rift and its apparent continuation some distance south along the East Rift has important implications for microplate mechanics and kinematic reconstructions since it suggests that initial microplate boundaries may consist in part of broad zones of deformation characterized by the formation of lithospheric scale fault blocks, and that what appear to be pseudofaults may actually be the outer boundaries of tectonized zones enclosing significant amounts of stretched pre-existing lithosphere.  相似文献   
利用大陆均衡理论研究河西地区地壳的稳定性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据大陆均衡理论,对由艾里(Airy)大陆均衡模型计算的理论均衡地壳厚度(D)和实际布格重力异常反演得到的地壳厚度(M)进行比较,探讨北祁连河西地区的地壳均衡状态。结果表明,该地区理论大陆均衡地壳厚度均大于实际地壳厚度,地壳处于不均衡状态。  相似文献   
类乌齐-玉树-玛多剖面重力异常研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
青海玉树Ms7.1地震发生在巴彦喀拉块体的甘孜-玉树断裂带上。对跨断裂带的重力剖面测线进行了相对重力联测,对观测结果作了大气改正、极移改正、漂移改正,经平差计算后,获取了该剖面的自由空气异常;结合该区1″×1″的ASTER GDEM(2009)地形数字模型,对自由空气异常作了曲率改正、平板改正及高精度的地形改正,得到该探测剖面的完全布格重力异常。分析结果表明:从布格异常的陡变区可初步推断出与地质研究结果一致的断裂构造的位置;在玉树附近沿剖面往东北向出现地壳基底抬升现象,并在清水河附近幅度达到最大,初步推断为印度地壳的俯冲下插对青藏高原东缘的抬升作用的结果。  相似文献   
芦山-康定地区是川滇块体、松潘-甘孜块体和华南块体三个块体过渡的"Y"型交汇区,构造变形十分强烈.本文对EGM2008计算的布格重力异常进行1~5阶离散小波变换,得到三方向分量平方和的平方根(HVDM)图像;利用实测剖面布格重力异常数据,得到剖面的布格重力异常归一化总梯度(NFG)图像.结果分析表明:(1) 垂直于龙门山断裂带南段剖面的NFG图像显示推覆构造体前端切割较浅、后端逐步变深至中地壳,说明松潘-甘孜块体在深约10~30 km之间存在滑脱构造,在青藏高原东向挤出和四川盆地的阻挡作用下,造成深、浅部构造差异性运动,形成逆冲推覆的龙门山构造带; (2) HVDM图像和剖面的NFG图像均显示龙门山断裂带西南段与中段和东北段不同,松潘-甘孜块体对四川盆地的逆冲推覆作用沿北东方向具有分段性;(3)雅江-洪雅剖面NFG图像显示鲜水河断裂带和龙门山断裂之间存在高梯度变化带,在鲜水河断裂带下方强变形带不仅在20 km左右东倾至龙门山断裂带前缘,且逐渐近垂直向下伸入至少到下地壳,反映了两大断裂带交汇区域变形作用较强.川滇块体内部和四川盆地内部则显示低值,说明其变形作用较弱.强烈左旋剪切的鲜水河断裂带对芦山-康定地区构造活动具有主要的控制作用.  相似文献   
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A new scheme is put forward based on the shape function concept of finite element approximation to compute regional gravity anomaly. The uniqueness of this approach is that excepting eight (or twelve) discrete gravity measurements coinciding with the eight (or twelve) nodes of a quadratic (or cubic) isoparametric element superimposing the map space, often very large, no other observed gravity data are invoked to compute the regional. Tests on two Bouguer gravity fields, an oil prospect and a rift valley confirmed better resolution by this approach. This technique is straight forward, uses simple mathematics to be easily automated and yields repeatable results.  相似文献   
利用陕甘川地区2016—2018年5期流动重力观测资料,分析了陕西宁强MS5.3地震前半年和1年尺度的重力场变化特征。同时采用小波多尺度分解方法,对宁强MS5.3地震震中区的布格重力异常进行1~4阶小波分解,并对1~4阶小波细节图像进行分析。研究结果表明:①宁强MS5.3地震重力场呈现“正向变化—正向减弱—负向变化—负向减弱”演化过程,震前重力场呈现四象限分布特征,震中位于鞍部位置,符合走滑型地震特征;②布格重力异常2~3阶小波细节对宁强MS5.3地震孕震特征有较好的反映,对应的场源深度为10~15km,与本次地震震源深度11km有较好的对应关系。  相似文献   
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