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地震波的场方程矩阵和能量的正定二次型及其意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
场方程是能够表述半空间地震波场的整体特征.波动方程、速度方程和能量方程.通过分析可知每个场方程都具有各自的“场方程矩阵”.能量方程能够对所有场方程矩阵进行综合和贯通,给出了能量方程以“弹性矩阵”为核心的普适性表达形式.最后,运用矩阵的正定二次型理论阐述了“能量矩阵与弹性矩阵”之间一致的对称性和正定性.能量矩阵蕴含的动态力的平衡关系、速度的时间_空间分布和能量的传播及变化的物理意义,能够从能量矩阵的正定二次型特性表述出来.本文研究分析问题的方法完全适用于复杂介质模型,相关的认识和结论可以拓展到均匀黏弹性各向同性介质、均匀弹性各向异性介质、均匀黏弹性各向异性介质以及比奥饱和流体介质.  相似文献   

一直以来,海啸波特征作为表征海啸潜在破坏性的参数指标得到了广泛应用,特别是针对近场极端海啸事件造成的灾害来说,这种表征具有较好的适用性.然而总结分析历史海啸事件造成的损失发现:在远场近岸及港湾系统中,海啸诱导的强流却是造成损失的主要原因.陆架或港湾振荡导致海啸波幅快速升降诱发强流,可能促使港工设施受到威胁及损害,进而对海啸预警服务及海事应急管理提出了新的挑战.因此,全面理解与评估海啸在港湾中诱发的灾害特征,探索港湾中海啸流的数值模拟方法,发展针对港湾尺度的海啸预警服务指导产品尤为迫切.受限于海啸流验证数据的缺乏及准确模拟海啸流技术方法的诸多不确定性,大部分海啸数值模拟研究工作主要是针对水位特征的研究及验证,可能导致对港湾中海啸灾害危险性认识的曲解与低估.本研究基于非线性浅水方程,针对夏威夷群岛三个典型港湾建立了精细化海啸数值模型(空间分辨率达到10 m),并联合有限断层破裂模型计算分析了日本东北地震海啸在三个港湾及其邻近区域的海啸特征,波、流计算结果与实测结果吻合较好,精细化的海啸港湾模型模拟结果可信.模拟发现港湾中较小的波幅,同样可以产生强流.综合分析日本东北地震海啸波、流特征对输入条件不确定性的响应结果发现:港湾中海啸波-流能量的空间分布特征差异较大,这与港湾系统中海啸波的驻波特性相关;相比海啸波幅空间特征,海啸流特征具有更强的空间敏感性;海啸流时空分布特征对输入条件的不确定性响应比海啸波幅对这些不确定性的响应更强,海啸流的模拟与预报更有挑战性;不确定性对海啸流计算精度的影响会进一步传导放大港湾海啸流危险性的评估及对港工设施产生的应力作用的误差,合理的输入条件对海啸流的精确模拟至关重要.最后,希望通过本文的研究可以从海啸波-流特征角度更加全面认识近岸海啸灾害特征,拓展海啸预警服务的广度与深度,从而为灾害应急管理部门提供更加科学合理的辅助决策产品.

Lambert problem solution in the hill model of motion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The goal of this paper is obtaining a solution of the Lambert problem in the restricted three-body problem described by the Hill equations. This solution is based on the use of pre determinate reference orbits of different types giving the first guess and defining the sought-for transfer type. A mathematical procedure giving the Lambert problem solution is described. This procedure provides step-by-step transformation of the reference orbit to the sought-for transfer orbit. Numerical examples of the procedure application to the transfers in the Sun–Earth system are considered. These examples include transfer between two specified positions in a given time, a periodic orbit design, a halo orbit design, halo-to-halo transfers, LEO-to-halo transfer, analysis of a family of the halo-to-halo transfer orbits. The proposed method of the Lambert problem solution can be used for the two-point boundary value problem solution in any model of motion if a set of typical reference orbits can be found.  相似文献   
The SMF algorithms were recently developed by the authors as a multistep generalization of the ScheifeleG-functions one-step method. Like the last, the proposed codes integrate harmonic oscillations without truncation error and the perturbing parameter appears as a factor of that error when integrating perturbed oscillations. Therefore they seemed to be convenient for the accurate integration of orbital problems after the application of linearizing transformations, such as KS or BF. In this paper we present several numerical experiments concerning the propagation of Earth satellite orbits, that illustrate the performance of the the SMF method. In general, it provides greater accuracy than the usual standard algorithms for similar computational cost.  相似文献   
We present a time-transformed leapfrog scheme combined with the extrapolation method to construct an integrator for orbits in N-body systems with large mass ratios. The basic idea can be used to transform any second-order differential equation into a form which may allow more efficient numerical integration. When applied to gravitating few-body systems this formulation permits extremely close two-body encounters to be considered without significant loss of accuracy. The new scheme has been implemented in a direct N-body code for simulations of super-massive binaries in galactic nuclei. In this context relativistic effects may also be included.  相似文献   
A rigorous treatment of the least-squares estimation of the parameters in petrologic materials balance equations is developed to take into account the uncertainties inherent in the chemical analyses. The choice of the optimal estimation procedure for a particular problem is dependent upon the extent of the petrogenetic understanding of the exact nature of the materials balance involved. Some of the complications entailed in obtaining least-squares estimates are illustrated by the examples of magmatic differentiation and metamorphic reactions.  相似文献   
本文在假设荷电球体内部物质密度为ρ_m=μγ~α,电荷密度为ρ_e=ρ_0γ~(b_e-λ/2)的情况下,严格求解Einstein-Maxwell场方程,求得了静态荷电球体的一个较为普遍的内部解。这个解可以看作是Wyman得到的内部解推广到荷电情况下的结果,并且将Wilson,李鉴增,Santos,Pant和Sah等人给出的许多结果作为自己的特例包括在内。  相似文献   
In this article the charged analogues of recently derived Buchdahl’s type fluid spheres have been obtained by considering a particular form of electric field intensity. In this process, Einstein–Maxwell field equations yield eight different classes of solutions, joining smoothly with the exterior Reissner–Nordstrom metric at the pressure free intersurface. Out of the eight solutions only seven could be utilized to represent superdense star models with ultrahigh surface density of the order 2×1014 gm cm−3. The maximum masses of the star models were found to be 8.223931MΘ and 8.460857MΘ subject to strong and weak energy conditions, respectively, which are much higher than the maximum masses 3.82MΘ and 4.57MΘ allowed in the neutral cases. The velocity of sound seen to be less than that of light throughout the star models.  相似文献   
In mineral deposit evaluation, the estimation of block values can involve the solution of as many as 100,000 systems of linear equations. To minimize computing costs it is important that the program to solve the linear systems be as efficient as possible. Standard library routines tend to contain very general stable methods using pivoting and iteration to ensure high accuracy solutions. Here, a particular method has been developed that gives a substantial improvement in run time at the occasional expense of accuracy and stability. The method is not new—just a simple application of Gaussian elimination in the symmetric case.  相似文献   
The problem of errant rocket burns in low Earth orbit is of growing interest, especially in the area of safety analysis of nuclear powered spacecraft. The development of stochastic Hill's equations provides a rigorous mathematical tool for the study of such errant rocket maneuvers. These equations are analyzed within the context of a theory of linear dynamical systems driven by a random white noise. It is established that the trajectories of an errant rocket are realizations of a Gauss-Markov process, whose mean vector is given by the solution of a deterministic rocket problem. The time-dependent covariance matrix of the process is derived in an explicit form.  相似文献   
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