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This study concerns the mineralogy of the tailings of a former Ag–Pb mine (Auzelles district, France) and the contribution of the waste materials to the heavy metal dissemination in the environment. Accumulation of metals in fish flesh was reported and this pollution is attributed to past mining activities. Tailings were studied to establish the major transfer schemes of As and Pb in order to understand their mobility that leads to contamination of a whole ecosystem. Mineralogical investigation, solubility and compliance tests were performed to assess the stability of the metal-bearing phases. Among the various metallic elements measured, As and Pb show the highest bulk concentrations (up to 0.7% and 6.3% respectively) especially for samples presenting near neutral pH values. According to X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM-EDX), Electron Probe Micro-Analysis (EPMA) and micro-Raman spectrometry (μRS), tailings mineralogy still contain primary minerals such as sulfides (e.g., galena, pyrite), phosphates (monazite, apatite) and/or carbonates (e.g., (hydro-)cerussite, dolomite, siderite). Sulfates (e.g., anglesite, lanarkite, plumbojarosite and beudantite) are the main secondary metal-bearing phases with other interesting phases accounting for metals mobility such as Fe and/or Pb and/or Mn oxides (e.g., lepidocrocite, goethite -up to 15 wt% of Pb was measured-, plumboferrite-type phase, mimetite). The lowest Pb solubilities were obtained at pH 8–9 and at a larger range than for As for which the lowest solubilities are reached around pH 6–7. At this minimum solubility pH value, Pb concentrations released still over exceed the National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS), whatever the samples. The highest solubility is reached at pH 2 for both elements whatever the considered sample. This represents up to 51% of total Pb and up to 46% of total As remobilized and concentrations exceeding the NEQS. As and Pb released mainly depends on the Fe/Mn oxides (e.g., goethite, lepidocrocite) and carbonates (cerussite) which are the less stable phases. Compliance tests also show that Pb concentrations released are higher than the upper limit for hazardous waste landfills. Determination of the mineralogy allows understanding both the solubility and leaching test experiments results, as well as to forecast the impact of the residues on the water quality at a mid-term scale.  相似文献   
土工格栅加筋是提升橡胶碎石混合料承载能力的重要方式。为探究土工格栅加筋橡胶碎石复合体动力特性及其作用机制,基于分级循环荷载作用下大型三轴试验,对3种代表性橡胶掺量碎石混合料进行不同层数土工格栅加筋,分析其累积塑性应变、滞回曲线发展演化规律,对比动弹性模量、阻尼比等动力特性关键参数,探讨耦合作用影响机制。研究结果表明:同级动应力作用下土工格栅加筋可减缓累积塑性应变的增大,随着加筋层数的增多,加筋效果更为明显;橡胶掺量增加可提升试样延性,但导致承载能大幅降低,不利于筋材加筋效果的发挥;滞回曲线形态主要取决于橡胶掺量,随着橡胶掺量增加,其形态更加饱满、倾斜,其排列更加稀疏;土工格栅加筋可提升复合体动弹性模量,并随筋材层数增多呈现出明显增长阶段;橡胶掺量对阻尼比初始值以及变化趋势产生主要影响。  相似文献   
Internal erosion (IE) affects the stability of natural and reinforced materials by causing instability within their granular structure. The dislodgement and transport of eroded particles affect both the particulate concentration of eroding fluid and the pore network of eroded material. In this study, we examined these modifications using a transport model with a finite element code. First, IE tests on chemically reinforced sand columns were performed to obtain information about eroded material loss of mass, particulate concentration of effluent, porosity and permeability modifications, and existing IE stages. Second, based on experimental results, a mathematical one‐dimensional model has been formulated to monitor the evolution and spatial distribution of erodible solids, fluidized particles, porosity, permeability, and seepage stresses. The model consists of a set of coupled nonlinear differential equations solved in sequence. It provides valuable information about the extent and the dynamics of structural changes, which can be used to estimate an IE time for the hydraulic work to reach failure. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
通过碎石土和加筋碎石土的大型三轴试验,分析了土工带加筋碎石土的变形特性和土工带加筋对碎石土应力-应变关系的影响,采用双曲线函数拟合加筋土体的应力-应变试验曲线,建立了土工带加筋碎石土的非线性模型以克服经典的刚塑体模型不能反映加筋土体在达到破坏荷载前的变形形态的缺点,提出了土工带加筋土体切线模量的计算公式,该模型能正确反映土工带加筋土体的变形特性,在岩土工程方面有一定的实际应用价值.  相似文献   
通过室内大型三轴实验,研究了吉林台水库爆破料在不同级配下的应力应变关系,得到了在一定击实功下爆破料的最大干密度随细料含量变化的规律,分析了爆破料在不同级配和不同围压下应力与应变的变化规律、轴向应变与体积应变的关系及抗剪强度变化特性.从微观的角度说明了变化规律产生的原因,得出爆破料的抗剪强度随级配的变化而变化的规律.  相似文献   
桂林甑皮岩遗址周围地带地下水中污染物的种类及来源复杂。为了查明地下水系统的结构特征,分析地下水的污染物运移路径和追溯污染源,采用在线高分辨率示踪技术与人工采样相结合的方法。选取荧光素钠和罗丹明B两种示踪剂,在桂林甑皮岩遗址周围进行了三次示踪试验。根据试验结果分析地下水流场,计算地下水平均流速。结果表明地下水流速在1.6~33.91 m/d,平均值为12.92 m/d。流场内岩溶以溶蚀裂隙为主,且裂隙发育呈网络式,存在西北向东南方向的主径流带,但大型岩溶管道存在的可能性小。三次示踪试验结果均显示,投放点所在的污染源区与遗址周围地下水存在水力联系,因此,遗址附近的居民小区、学校、原砖厂等污染源对遗址下部的地下水存在潜在污染,需更大程度地划分遗址的保护范围。特别是甑皮岩景区化粪池密闭情况较差,严重危害遗址环境,必须对化粪池进行防渗处理。   相似文献   
有机酸对高岭石形成影响的模拟试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用富里酸、胡敏酸和盐酸与天然矿物-长石、蒙脱石和云母在常温常压下进行反应,探讨矿物溶解及高岭石形成机理。实验表明富里酸对这些矿物具有较大的溶解能力,其原因是由于形成了具有较大溶解度和活动性的有机硅和有机铝复合体。在中性-碱性条件下有利于有机硅复合体的形成,酸性条件下有利于有机铝复合体的形成。在富里酸作用下,蒙脱石和云母分别在4个月和8个月有少量转化成高岭石,说明层状硅酸盐矿物比架状硅酸盐矿物更易  相似文献   
 The economic and environmental consequences of soil nitrogen tests can have significant impacts on agricultural production. Some of these are explored here. The pre-side-dress soil N-test is evaluated for a hypothetical farmer growing corn at the ARS Sustainable Agriculture Demonstration Farm site in southern Maryland. For a farmer not currently using a soil N-test, adoption of this technology can lead to the enhancement of net farm income and the reduction in nitrogen loss to the environment. This will transpire only if the farmer is currently underestimating nitrogen carryover by more than 25% or applying nitrogen fertilizer based solely on an expected plateau-yield goal. Received: 13 February 1997 · Accepted: 13 May 1997  相似文献   
Drucker-Prager(以下简称D-P)屈服准则因其形式简单、物理意义明确而得到广泛的应用,然而经过多年的应用和研究,其缺点逐渐显现出来,如拉剪区偏大、不具有应力角效应等,针对这些不足,提出了修正的D-P屈服准则。在拉剪区用圆球面和横截面的组合方式代替原来的圆锥面,从而不改变D-P屈服准则压剪区的形式,在考虑岩石实际的拉伸强度的同时,也满足该屈服准则经过单轴抗拉强度点的条件;为考虑岩石在三轴压缩和三轴拉伸状态下不同的强度特性,即应力角效应,引入了一种角隅模型;为保证屈服准则始终通过岩石的单轴抗压强度点,建议了一种材料参数k值的取值方法。为验证屈服准则修正后的适用性和正确性,将修正屈服准则与真三轴试验结果进行了拟合,同时与Mohr-Coulomb(以下简称M-C)准则进行对比,结果表明,修正屈服准则可以很好地描述试验现象,且比M-C准则更接近真实结果。  相似文献   
松软煤层瓦斯抽采孔的深孔施工技术在现有的钻进工艺下不能很好的满足要求。为了提高松软煤层钻进的时效和孔深,提出了煤矿井下松软煤层泡沫钻进工艺,并在淮北邹庄矿进行了现场试验。分析了3个试验孔的具体工况,提出了较为合理的解决方法,使钻孔深度达到了200 m。这不仅有效增加了在松软煤层中的成孔深度,提高了成孔率,还降低了孔口的粉尘污染。  相似文献   
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