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In the Eastern part of the English Channel, high biomasses of the phytoplankton prymnesiophyceae Phaeocystisglobosa (reaching biomasses over 20 microg Chlal(-1)) are a recurrent spring event (March-June). A significant part of the pelagic Phaeocystis-derived organic matter can be broken down in the sandy permeable sediment that makes up most of the intertidal zone in this part of the Channel. Sediment characteristics, macrofaunal distribution, bacterial biomass, organic carbon content, sediment oxygen demand (SOD), and the sediment-water flux of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and silicates were calculated for an exposed sandy beach (Wimereux, France) over a two-year period (2004-2006). According to the data collected, the SOD remains relatively low throughout the whole survey (64-306 micromol m(-2)h(-1)), indicating limited mineralization. However, the same data reveals a temporal variability in the flux, with a sharp increase in the SOD and ammonium released in spring when Phaeocystis-derived phytodetritus was deposited. The organic carbon content and bacterial biomass values indicate similar patterns of increase in response to the phytodetritus deposit. The nitrogen cycle also appears to be modified during the Phaeocystis bloom, with a clear stimulation of nitrification. The influence of various factors (e.g., temperature, nutrient concentrations, and bacterial activity) on the temporal fluctuations of the exchanges is discussed, as are the direct effects of spring bloom. A synthesis of the annual cycle of the mineralization dynamics in this permeable sediment type is also presented.  相似文献   
The Western Scheldt river and estuary is known to be highly polluted as it receives industrial, agricultural and domestic effluents from one of the most populated and industrialised zones in Europe. Aquatic organisms are exposed to pollutants, specifically metals that are present in different environmental phases, e.g. dissolved, suspended material or sediment phases. The objective of this study was to study the relationship that exists between environmental metal levels, the degree of metal uptake by aquatic organisms with the concomitant biological responses. For this purpose the bivalve mollusk, Mytilus edulis, was selected as bioaccumulation indicator organism. Environmental (water and sediment) and mussel samples were collected during the late winter (March 2000) from sampling sites in the Scheldt estuary. Sites were selected to represent a salinity gradient from the mouth of the estuary to the furthest distribution area of mussels upstream in the system. Together with standard water quality parameters (e.g. salinity, dissolved oxygen, dissolved organic carbon, etc.) concentrations of twelve metals were analysed in the water (dissolved and suspended matter) and sediments. Levels of these metals were also measured in the soft tissue of M. edulis, together with concomitant biomarker responses in resident mussel populations at each site. The biomarkers that were included in this study were condition index, scope for growth, survival in air, cell membrane stability, DNA damage, and metallothioneins. Data were subjected to multivariate statistical analysis. The physico-chemical parameters and metals in the environmental samples clustered the sites to reflect the distribution based on the salinity gradient. Bioaccumulation results revealed increased metal uptake along a pollution gradient with the highest metal bioaccumulation occurring at the upstream most sites and therefore closest to the in the industrial activities. However, the biomarker responses clustered the sites in a manner that reflected the influence of combination of internal exposure (bioaccumulation) and external exposure (physico-chemical conditions). These differences in biomarker responses clearly demonstrated were attributed to abiotic factors other than metal pollution alone e.g. localized short-term increases in increased suspended sediment concentrations and decreased dissolved oxygen concentrations.  相似文献   
Dredged spoil (DS) was used as a silt and clay additive in the construction of artificial tidal flats from mountain sand (MS). As the ratio of DS in the sediment media increased, the number of emerging macrobenthos increased. The composition of the macrobenthic community was also affected by the addition of DS, and the changes might be dependent on the ratio of DS to MS. In addition, the macrobenthos in the artificial tidal flats was more abundant than that in the control tidal flat, which was constructed with natural tidal flat sediment. With a silt and clay content of 25%, polychaetes Ceratonereis erythraeensis and Capitella sp. and the gastropod Batillaria cumingii were dominant, whereas no bivalves were present. With less silt and clay (5% and 10%), the bivalves Ruditapes philippinarum and Musculista senhousia were observed in the artificial flats, while their numbers in the control tidal flat were lower.  相似文献   
In the STAR/AQEM protocol microhabitats covering less than 5% of the sampling area were neglected. Driven by an ongoing discussion on the importance of these underrepresented microhabitats we tested the influence of sampling them. We investigated 48 streams representing 14 different stream types from all over Germany. Macroinvertebrates of underrepresented microhabitats were sampled in addition to the STAR/AQEM protocol. To ensure the method remains feasible in routine monitoring programmes the total sampling and sorting effort of additional sampling was limited to 20 min. Particularly those taxa were picked, which were not recognised during the routine STAR/AQEM sorting.To identify the effect of additional sampling on stream assessment results, we calculated the stream type-specific Multimetric Index (MMI) with the “main” and the “main+additional” data for each sample. The mean and median difference in MMI values between “main” and “main+additional” samples was 0.02 and 0.01, respectively. In seven of 48 samples (14.6%) a different ecological quality class was calculated with the “main+additional” dataset. Regarding common metrics within the MMI as well as intercalibration metrics differences between “main” and “main+additional” samples were analysed. The values differed most in richness metrics (e.g., number of EPTCBO Taxa, number of Trichoptera Taxa). The results of the present study show that additional sampling of underrepresented microhabitats could alter multimetric assessment results.  相似文献   
首次对格罗夫山地区漂砾的暴露年龄进行的研究表明,萨哈罗夫岭冰原岛峰的两块漂砾样品的 Be最小暴露年龄分别为1.24±0.11Ma和1.37±0.12Ma, 。A1最小暴露年龄分别为0.90 4-0.12Ma和0.44±0.04Ma。萨哈罗夫岭附近冰面上的漂砾样品的 Be和 A1最小暴露年龄分别是0.47±0.3Ma和0.44±0.04Ma。考虑到误差,萨哈罗夫岭三块漂砾的最小暴露年龄与相近高程的基岩样品的最小暴露年龄基本一致。因此,在利用原地生成宇宙成因核素测年技术对东南极内陆格罗夫山地区的冰川消涨历史进行研究时,基岩和漂砾暴露年龄所反映出的冰川演化历史是明显吻合的。  相似文献   
Assessing the health of ecosystems has become a focal point among researchers worldwide. Recently, the European Water Framework Directive intensified the development of approaches to assess ecosystems’ ecological quality. The Benthic Assessment Tool (BAT) is a multimetric approach to evaluate condition of subtidal soft bottom macroinvertebrates of coastal and transitional waters. The effects of anthropogenic disturbances on benthic macroinvertebrate communities, from 1990 to 2006, allowed testing BAT performance in Mondego estuary (Portugal). The method was able to detect decrease on ecological quality, induced essentially by eutrophication and physical disturbances, and follow communities’ subsequent recovery. It evidenced, nevertheless, some limitations associated with the unstable nature of estuaries. The ecological classification of key species in the community and the balance expected between ecological groups of estuarine communities had great influence in the final ecological assessment. Shortcomings of the method were discussed in the light of its suitability for assessing transitional waters’ condition.  相似文献   
The aetiology of haemic neoplasia (HN) is unknown, so far but many causative factors are suggested such as viral, pollution and genetics. The aim of this study was to determine if, under chronic exposure, two major pesticides (chlorothalonil and mancozeb) which are used in potato production could induce HN in soft-shell clams (Mya arenaria). Short-term experiments with acute exposure were also performed. Clams were collected from an epizootic site (North River, PEI) and from a site free of the disease (Magdalen Islands, Quebec). The tetraploid level of haemocytes was assessed by flow cytometry for each clam to determine the HN status. The bioaccumulation of pesticides in tissues was quantified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) for chlorothalonil while mancozeb and manganese were quantified by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (ICP/MS). Long term exposure to fungicide Bravo 500® did not induce high tetraploid levels on negative calm from North River and the analysis of the digestive gland and the mantle did not reveal any detectable level of chlorothalonil. In the Manzate 200 DF®, some clams revealed high level of tetraploid cells but no difference were observed between the treatments and the control. The analysis of the digestive gland and the mantle for manganese did not highlight any significant difference in tissue concentration (p = 0.05). For the acute exposure, chlorothalonil analysis showed that the active ingredient is distributed between four chlorinated compounds: 99.5% for chlorothalonil isomers, 0.4% for pentachlorothalonil and 0.1% for trichlorothalonil isomers. For a 72 h experiment, the accumulation was within 4 h; the higher tissue concentration of chlorothalonil was 59.2 μg g−1 in the mantle after 48 h, following by a decrease to an undetectable level at the end. For the manganese, the accumulation was detected after 4 h; the higher tissue concentration was 48.8 μg g−1 in the mantle after 24 h and, over the following 48 h, the accumulation decreased until the end of the trial. Based on the data, the accumulation of these fungicides seems to be transitory. Chlorothalonil and mancozeb are both oxidative-stress promoters and could have induced cell dysfunction while in the tissue. Study on the effect of these fungicides on the p53 protein system is an example of strategy that would provide information on cellular events promoting neoplasia.  相似文献   
Identifying patterns and drivers of natural variability in populations is necessary to gauge potential effects of climatic change and the expected increases in commercial activities in the Arctic on communities and ecosystems. We analyzed growth rates and shell geochemistry of the circumpolar Greenland smooth cockle, Serripes groenlandicus, from the southern Barents Sea over almost 70 years between 1882 and 1968. The datasets were calibrated via annually-deposited growth lines, and growth, stable isotope (δ18O, δ13C), and trace elemental (Mg, Sr, Ba, Mn) patterns were linked to environmental variations on weekly to decadal scales. Standardized growth indices revealed an oscillatory growth pattern with a multi-year periodicity, which was inversely related to the North Atlantic Oscillation Index (NAO), and positively related to local river discharge. Up to 60% of the annual variability in Ba/Ca could be explained by variations in river discharge at the site closest to the rivers, but the relationship disappeared at a more distant location. Patterns of δ18O, δ13C, and Sr/Ca together provide evidence that bivalve growth ceases at elevated temperatures during the fall and recommences at the coldest temperatures in the early spring, with the implication that food, rather than temperature, is the primary driver of bivalve growth. The multi-proxy approach of combining the annually integrated information from the growth results and higher resolution geochemical results yielded a robust interpretation of biophysical coupling in the region over temporal and spatial scales. We thus demonstrate that sclerochronological proxies can be useful retrospective analytical tools for establishing a baseline of ecosystem variability in assessing potential combined impacts of climatic change and increasing commercial activities on Arctic communities.  相似文献   
Organic mercury such as methylmercury is not only one of the most toxic substances found in coastal ecosystems but also has high trophic transfer efficiency. In this study, we examined implications of chronically altered benthic macroinfaunal assemblages for organic mercury trophic availability (based on organic mercury intracellular partitioning) to their predators in the Arthur Kill-AK (New York, USA). Despite low species diversity, both density and biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates in AK were significantly higher than those at the reference site. Disproportionately high biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates (mostly polychaetes) in the northern AK resulted in a more than twofold increase (‘ecological enrichment’) in the trophically available organic mercury pool. These results suggest that altered benthic macroinfaunal community structure in AK may play an important role in organic mercury trophic availability at the base of benthic food webs and potentially in mercury biogeochemical cycling in this severely urbanized coastal ecosystem.  相似文献   
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