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山东南部沿海冬季小型底栖生物的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用统计法、经验模型和多元聚类分析法和数学分析软件对2006年12月908项目冬季航次山东南部海域(36°15′—36°45′N,120°45′—122°00′E)小型底栖生物调查所获得的数据进行分析,获得该调查海域冬季小型底栖生物的平均丰度为(657.43±214.60)ind/10cm2,平均生物量为(847.15±427.63)μgdwt/10cm2,平均生产量为(7624.32±3848.64)μgdwt/(10cm2·a-1);还对N/C、Simpson优势度指数、Margalef多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数和香农-威纳指数进行了计算。与2006年8月908项目夏季航次同一海域调查数据进行了比较,得到小型底栖生物的平均丰度及其优势类群线虫丰度冬季明显低于夏季,而生物量和类群多样性与夏季相当。同时,依据丰度指标对山东南部研究海域进行了初步的生态学划分,呈现出较明显的地域性。  相似文献   
Benthic faunal assemblages were analysed from 47 stations in the central and southern parts of the Barents Sea, together with sedimentary and water column parameters, daily ice records and modelled integrated primary productivity. Sampling spanned areas influenced by Atlantic Water (AW) to those lying under Arctic Water (ArW), and included stations with mixed water masses. Ice cover suppressed water column productivity in the northern areas. Three main faunal groups were identified, based on similarity of numerical faunal composition. The northern and southern faunal groups were separated by the northernmost penetration of AW in the bottom water and the third group, the Hopen group, was influenced by modified bank water. Faunal abundances were significantly higher within the southern faunal group relative to the northern group, but the numbers of taxa present were similar. The particularly rich fauna of the Hopen group reflected sediment heterogeneity and tight pelagic–benthic coupling. These results suggest that a retreat and thinning of the ice cover in the Barents Sea likely will result in the northern parts of the Barents Sea becoming more Atlantic in character, with a higher productivity at the sea floor.  相似文献   
C. Rocha  J. Ibanhez  C. Leote   《Marine Chemistry》2009,115(1-2):43-58
To investigate both the role of tides on the timing and magnitude of Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD), and the effect on benthic nitrogen biogeochemistry of nitrate-enriched brackish water percolating upwards at the seepage face, we conducted a study of SGD rates measured simultaneously with seepage meters and mini-piezometers, combined with sets (n = 39) of high resolution in-situ porewater profiles describing NH4+, NO3, Si(OH)4 and salinity distribution with depth (0–20 cm). Sampling took place during two consecutive spring tidal cycles in four different months (November 2005, March, April and August 2006) at a backbarrier beach face in the Ria Formosa lagoon, southern Portugal. Our results show that the tide is one of the major agents controlling the timing and magnitude of SGD into the Ria Formosa. Intermittent pumping of brackish, nitrate-bearing water at the beach face through surface sediments changed both the magnitudes and depth distributions of porewater NH4+ and NO3 concentrations. The most significant changes in nitrate and ammonium concentrations were observed in near-surface sediment horizons coinciding with increased fraction of N in benthic organic matter, as shown by the organic C:N ratio. On the basis of mass balance calculations executed on available benthic profiles, providing ratios of net Ammonium Production Rate (APR) to Nitrate Reduction Rate (NRR), coupled to stoichiometric calculations based on the composition of organic matter, potential pathways of nitrogen transformation were speculated upon. Although the seepage face occasionally contributes to reduce the groundwater-borne DIN loading of the lagoon, mass balance analysis suggests that a relatively high proportion of the SGD-borne nitrogen flowing into the lagoon may be enhanced by nitrification at the shallow (1–3 cm) subsurface and modulated by dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA).  相似文献   
In late 1980s, a dense network of deep capillary burrows was reported on the Vøring Plateau, Nordic Seas, and associated with a sipunculan belonging to the genus Nephasoma. This sipunculan was responsible for rapid transport of organic matter from the sediment surface down a deep burrow network. Over 460 specimens belonging to the genus Nephasoma were collected from the deep Nordic Seas during four cruises from 2000–2005 and four species identified: Nephasoma abyssorum abyssorum, N. diaphanes diaphanes, N. diaphanes corrugatum and N. lilljeborgi. The species responsible for the deep burrows and rapid subduction of organic matter can now be confirmed as Nephasoma lilljeborgi. Deep burrows associated with N. lilljeborgi were observed on the Vøring Plateau, Bear Island Fan, Svalbard Margin and Yermak Plateau and may be a seabed feature endemic to the Nordic Seas region. N. lilljeborgi could have a significant role in influencing the ecology and geochemistry of the Nordic Seas region. It is recommended that future benthic community studies in the Nordic Seas region confirm the species identity of sipunculan specimens in order to determine the ecological and geochemical importance of the specimens.  相似文献   
渤海海洋线虫与底栖桡足类数量之比的应用研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在渤海的22个站位,分3个航次采集未受扰动的沉积物样品,进行了小型底栖动物中两个主要类群自由生活海洋线虫和底栖桡足类数量变动和两者数量之比评价沉积物有机污染环境的研究。结果表明:对于同一航次的不同重复,数量变动差异显著或极显著;在同一个站位24h,6次重复取样,两者数量的变异系数较大;在应用该比值进行沉积物有机污染评价时,在同一站位该比值波动较大。  相似文献   
报道秦皇岛港区底栖海藻的群落结构、季节变化、生物量及优势种类等。通过4次定性采样指出:4月和6月的种类数高于8月和10月,群落组成都以红藻类为优势。平均生物量分布以金山咀最高,灯塔最低,各采样点的优势种是新煤码头为绿藻类的孔石莼、肠浒苔和尾孢藻;灯塔为红藻类的珊瑚藻、鸭毛藻及绿藻类的孔石莼和刺松藻,金山咀为孔石莼、刺松藻、萱藻和蜈蚣藻。  相似文献   
Abstract. Six macrobenthic assemblages of the circalittoral zone found in Strymonikos Gulf, North Aegean Sea, are described and compared with the corresponding ones from other Mediterranean and Atlantic areas. For the delimination of these assemblages and the evaluation of the major environmental gradients governing their distribution, several numerical techniques were used.  相似文献   
ANDREAS WETZEL 《Sedimentology》2009,56(7):1992-2009
Following the eruption of Mount Pinatubo on 15 June 1991, volcanic ash was transported westward to the South China Sea in an atmospheric plume, falling out and settling to the sea floor within days and forming an up to 10 cm thick layer on an area >400 000 km2. Immediately after deposition, surviving deep‐burrowing animals re‐opened their connection to the sea floor to obtain water for respiration and/or food take‐up. Later, small‐sized meiofauna and then macrofauna re‐colonized the sea floor, mixing newly deposited organic fluff with the underlying ash. Consequently, ash deposits thinner than 1 mm have not often been observed as a continuous layer when cored six years after the eruption, while ash about 2 mm thick is now patchily bioturbated. In areas covered by ash thicker than 5 mm, mixing by benthic animals is controlled mainly by the adaptation of the burrowing fauna to variations in grain‐size, the rate of background sedimentation, the availability of benthic food on and within the sediment and pore water oxygen levels. With respect to these factors, four provinces can be distinguished: (i) Along the Philippines margin run‐off from land fuels primary production that, in turn, leads to a high benthic food content. The benthic fauna is adapted to a variable grain‐size and rapid sedimentation. Therefore, mixing is intense and the preservation potential of the ash layer is low. (ii) In areas affected by deposition of hyperpycnites and turbidites, i.e. in canyons in front of river mouths and in the Manila Trench, the ash layer is preserved due to rapid burial. (iii) The area to the west to about 116° E receives low amounts of benthic food, benthic mixing is less intense and the preservation potential of the ash is high. (iv) The central South China Sea, where the ash is thinner than 3 cm, is affected by intense wind mixing and upwelling and the benthic food content is high; thus, the chance that the ash will be preserved as a sharp‐based layer is low. Consequently, the style of ash preservation has palaeo‐environmental significance. Older buried and burrowed event layers provide further information to elucidate the fate of the 1991 Pinatubo ash layer; in general their appearance fits with observations in the Recent.  相似文献   
为了探索海洋天然气水合物背景下有孔虫特征的响应,对综合大洋钻探计划(IODP) 311航次岩芯沉积物中底栖有孔虫Uvigerina peregrina和Bulimina mexicana进行了初步研究。通过对冷泉站位U1328和毗邻的非冷泉站位U1327沉积物中底栖有孔虫Uvigerina peregrina和Bulimina mexicana的显微形貌特征和碳、氧稳定同位素测试等,证实有孔虫壳体未受到后期成岩作用的改造和自生碳酸盐岩的交代影响,有孔虫壳体的碳稳定同位素呈现明显的负偏。其中U1327站位中U.peregrina δ13C为-0.67‰~-2.75‰(PDB),B.mexicana δ13C为-0.51‰~-1.52‰(PDB);U1328站位中U.peregrina δ13C为 -0.72‰~-2.71‰(PDB),B.mexicanaδ13C为 -0.58‰~-1.45‰(PDB)。底栖有孔虫壳体的碳稳定同位素负偏成因可能与水合物不稳定分解释放的甲烷厌氧氧化作用和食物源有关,因而可较好地指示海底天然气水合物系统地质背景。  相似文献   
Within the framework of ecosystem-based management, we focused on the use of seasonal closures as effective measures to minimise the degradation of benthic communities by trawling. These closures imply the complete cessation of trawling fleet activity and are commonly used in the Mediterranean to reduce the annual fishing effort, with the ultimate goal of effective resource management. In this study, we aimed to investigate how epibenthic communities respond to seasonal closures. The potential benefits of short-term annual closures in two Mediterranean fishing grounds were evaluated by analysing changes in community structure and composition that were linked to the closure. A decrease of faunal abundance was observed with the resumption of fishing activity after the closure at both fishing grounds. Remarkably, results indicated that some large and mobile fauna were able to respond to these closures. We concluded that the currently planned closures are too short to benefit benthic communities.  相似文献   
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