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刘仁路 《云南地质》2008,27(4):455-463
华盖山煤矿主要可采Ⅱ号煤层下存在强岩溶含水层,为划定安全开采范围,综合应用国内相关科研成果,成功地留设防水煤柱,划定可采区域。经矿井建设检验,满足安全开采需要。  相似文献   
羌塘及南缘地区的地壳结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对INDEPTH III宽频地震资料的处理,采用最新发展的接收函数深度偏移叠加方法,获取羌塘盆地南部及与拉萨地块北侧的剖面。偏移图像勾画了羌塘地区的两盆夹一隆的基底,以及羌塘下地壳内存在的北倾构造序列。冈底斯的基底与羌塘地区有一定的延续性,而拉萨地块的上地壳则完全不同。同时通过与人工深反射地震剖面,发现主要大型的断裂构造在接收函数剖面上均可进行追踪对比,对于羌中隆起和和羌塘南北凹陷的深部成因有启示作用。同时发现班公-怒江缝合带Moho面错断并不明显,而在拉萨地块下方呈现的双Moho在色林错下方进行了合并。在南羌塘Moho面转换波强度不大,而北羌塘又重新恢复正常,推测这是拉萨地块向北的推挤造成羌塘下地壳部分地区重新分异的结果。双Moho的成因有待进一步分析,应该与拉萨地块下方大规模低速物质活动和MHT拆离断层的延伸有关。  相似文献   
We applied the finite frequency tomography method to S wave data recorded by 350 broadband stations beneath the South China Block(SCB) and its surroundings from earthquakes occurring between July 2007 and July 2010,to better understand upper mantle deformation.Differential travel-times in the pair of stations with appropriate weighting for each station are used in the inversion.Our results are consistent with previous tomography that show a high velocity anomaly beneath the Sichuan basin and a high velocity anomaly in the transition zone beneath the Yangtze Craton.However,the resolution of mantle heterogeneity provides new insight into the tectonic framework of subduction of Burmese lithosphere in the west part of the study region and subduction of oceanic lithosphere in the east.In the subduction realm,west of 107°E,a significant fast S-wave anomaly is located on the southeast of Sichuan Basin.East of 107°E,and two narrow and discontinuous fast S-wave anomalies occur at a depth of 400-600 km beneath the middle of the South China block overlain by the pronounced low S-wave anomalies at a depth of 100 and 400 km.If the fast anomalies located in the mantle transition zone represent stagnant slabs,their fragmented nature may suggest that they could be produced by different episodes of subduction beneath western Pacific island and the above slow velocity anomaly may associated with the back-arc regions of ongoing subduction.In addition,tomography also reveals an anomalously high S-wave velocity continental root extends eastward to a depth 400 km beneath the eastern Sichuan Basin.This anomaly may be related to eastern extrusion of Indian lithosphere associated with the collision of India and Eurasia.Moreover,our results also show large slow anomalies beneath the Red River fault region connected to deeper anomalies beneath the South China Fold Belt and South China Sea.AH these observations are consistent with the scenario that the South China block has been built by both of subduction of Paleopacific plate and eastward subduction of Burma microplate.  相似文献   
The use of geodynamic information contained in sedimentary rocks has only recently been extended into the tectonic reconstruction studies of the Philippine archipelago vis-à-vis the rest of the Southeast Asian region. We present here a comparative assessment of clastic units from the western Central Philippines, particularly from the islands of Mindoro, Panay and Palawan, and propose their likely association with sources of Cathaysian origin. Geochronological data from sedimentary formations in the study areas register U–Pb dating peaks at 185–140 Ma, 140–120 Ma and 112–90 Ma. These are similar to those observed of detrital zircons from rocks of Cathaysian origin in Taiwan and Southern China that chronicle the Yanshanian magmatic events. These same formations also record an older intercept at 1.9–1.85 Ga that likely corresponds to a regional continental orogenic episode recorded in the late Paleoproterozoic Cathaysian block. Major (e.g. Al2O3/TiO2) and trace-element (e.g. Y/Ni vs Cr/V) signatures of these sedimentary formations reflect stronger influences from granitic sources than mafic–ultramafic inputs that should otherwise be expected, considering their current oceanic island arc settings. Their La/Th and Th–Co–Zr/10 ratios also reveal continental island arc and active or passive continental margin depositional settings typical of rocks from the Palawan Microcontinental Block. New geochronological and geochemical data from the clastic rocks of northwest Mindoro, in addition to those already published for the other regions of the Palawan Microcontinental Block, provide further evidence for the amalgamation of fragments of Cathaysian origin within the Philippine island arc system.  相似文献   
The timing of the Palaeo-Pacific Plate (PPP) subduction in East Asia, following the amalgamation of the North and South China Blocks (NCB and SCB), remains equivocal despite several investigations on the widespread subduction-related Mesozoic magmatism in this region. Here we report newly discovered granodiorites in the East China Sea Basin (ECSB) from deep boreholes (2945–2983 m), which yield SHRIMP zircon U–Pb age of 174 ± 1.1 Ma. The rock shows relatively high Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios, low contents of Ni, Cr, and MgO, and markedly negative values of εHf(t) (21.0 to ?27.0). These geochemical and isotopic features are similar to those of the tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) suites produced by the partial melting of the thickened lower continental crust. Our data, together with the ca. 190–180 Ma I-type granites reported from the eastern Zhejiang–Fujian and Taiwan areas, lead us to conclude that the continental crust in the coastal areas of South China underwent some degree of thickening during the Early Jurassic. A comparison with the coeval magmatic rocks in South Korea and Japan suggests that a large NE-trending continental arc (ca. 190–170 Ma) might have been constructed along the eastern margin of Asia at this time. Our study provides insights into the initiation of the Palaeo-Pacific tectono-magmatic cycle immediately following the consolidation of the SCB and NCB.  相似文献   
《China Geology》2018,1(2):236-256
The continent of China is grouped into Pan–Cathaysian blocks, Laurasia and Gondwana Continental margins and relics of three oceans-Paleoasian, Tethys, and Pacific as a whole. In detail, the continent of China grew up by coalescence of three blocks or platforms (North China, Tarim and Yangtze) and eight orogenic belts (Altay–Inner Mongolia–Daxinganling, Tianshan–Junggar–Beishan, Qinling–Qilian– Kunlun, Qiangtang–Sanjiang, Gangdisê, Himalaya, Cathaysia, Eastern Taiwan) during the processes of oceanic crust disappearance and acceretionary-collision of continental crusts. In the orogenic belts, six convergent crustal consumption zones (Ertix–Xar Moron, South Tianshan, Kuanping–Foziling, Bangong co–Shuanghu–Nujiang–Changning–Menglian, Yarlung–Tsangpo, Jiangshao–Chenzhou–Qinfang) have been distinguished. Correspondingly, the strata of the continent of China are subdivided into 17 tectonic-strata superregions, which tectonically belong to three blocks or platforms, six convergent crustal consumption zones and eight orogenic series, respectively. This division is based mainly on differences of tectonic environment and tectonic evolution among blocks, zones and belts, including the timing of when the oceanic crusts transferred into continental crusts, the paleobiogeographic features, and the types of strata.  相似文献   

Nd isotope studies of the oldest metasedimentary rocks from the Wonominta Block, western New South Wales reveal that these samples have a model age (TDM) of 1780–2010 Ma, slightly younger than that of low‐grade Willyama Supergroup metasediments (1920–2160 Ma), and significantly younger than those ages previously reported from high‐grade rocks of the Broken Hill Block (2200–2300 Ma). These differences have important implications for tectonic reconstruction in this region and support a model of transitional tectonics from the Broken Hill to Wonominta Blocks, as suggested by earlier geochemical studies of mafic rocks. Those studies revealed that the mafic rocks from the basal sequence of the Wonominta Block may have formed in a back‐arc basin, developed from a propagating rifting, an environment contiguous to that in which Willyama Supergroup was deposited. These results also carry significant implications for tectonic reconstruction of eastern Australia.  相似文献   
麻山杂岩的变质-混合岩化作用和花岗质岩浆活动   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
在黑龙江佳木斯地块麻山杂岩中可分别有高级和中级变质作用部分,两处均可见混合岩化作用。通过混合岩浅色脉体或花岗质脉体中的长石自形晶、斜长石周围的钠长石净边、黑云母向角闪石的转化等现象表明混合岩化作用主要表现为深部岩浆的注入,而不仅是高级变质之后的近原地深熔作用所致,高级变质与相关的深熔作用所致混合岩化在区域上的分布是有限的,集中于西麻山的高级区;而注入式混合岩化是普遍的,其产出可遍布所有麻山杂岩的出露区,在麻粒岩相和角闪岩相部位均可出现。早期麻粒岩相变质与后期混合岩化作用应是相互独立的构造或热事件;注入式混合岩化引起了中级变质作用和高级区的退变质作用,注入混合岩化作用的时代约为500Ma;中级变质作用是注入混合岩化的结果,而不是混合岩化的原因。与注入混合岩相关的花岗岩虽然表现出一些S型花岗岩的特征,但根据矿物组合、地化性质的综合分析,更可能是富钾及钾长石斑晶的钙碱性花岗岩类,属于I型花岗岩,形成于挤压向引张转化的过程中。麻山杂岩的变质与混合岩化特征表明,以西伯利亚古陆为中心的南部边缘发生了与冈瓦纳陆块内泛非事件类似的构造活动,只不过这里的规模略小,在变质之后迅速发生了构造体系的转换,而形成大量花岗质岩浆活动。  相似文献   
伊朗中伊朗盆地库姆组地层的时代   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对伊朗中伊朗盆地卡尚地区库姆组的微体化石样品分析 ,不仅发现了新的有孔虫和介形虫化石组合 ,而且还首次发现了较丰富的钙质超微及少量的沟鞭藻化石。依据这些化石的组合面貌 ,认为库姆组含始新世地层无疑 ,修正了以往认为库姆组地层时代为中—晚渐新世至早中新世的观点。  相似文献   
Many of the Yanshannian intermediate-acid intrusive rocks related to Cu-Au mineralization in the Eastern Yangtze Block are characterized by high Al2O3, Sr contents, while low in Y, Yb contents, thus with high Sr/Y, and La/Yb ratios, and variational isotope signatures in particular, e.g. εNd(t) = -11.92-1.96, (143Nd/144Nd)i = 0.5120-0.5125, TDM = 0.70-1.71 Ga,(87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.7043-0.7076. The geochemical characteristics of these rocks suggest that: (1) these rocks are geochemically similar to adakite, which might have been stemmed from the partial melting of thickened basaltic lower crust due to basalt underplating; and (2) the high pressure (1.2-4.0 GPa) and high temperature (850-1150℃) surroundings of the lower crust favor both the fluid and adakite-like magma to generation. Not only can the adakite-like magma carry abundant fluid and Cu-Au ore-froming materials, but also can it bring them to the shallow part with ease and contributes to the Cu-Au mineralization.  相似文献   
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