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This paper presents a three-dimensional (3-D) numerical model to simulate morphological changes in alluvial channels due to bank erosion. A method for the simulation of bank erosion is established. This is incorporated into a 3-D mathematical model for turbulent flow and non-uniform, non-equilibrium sediment transport. This model is applied to simulate morphological changes in the Shishou bend of the middle Yangtze River in China, where serious bank erosions occurred during the last two decades. The double-layer sediment structure of the riverbank on the middle Yangtze River is taken into account in the bank erosion module. Both cohesive and non-cohesive bank material in the different layers are considered. The bank erosion module also includes other factors affecting the rate of bank erosion, such as the longitudinal length of failed bank, the thickness of each layer in the double-layer structure, and the erosion-resisting effect of cohesive material from the top layer of failed bank. A locally-adaptive grid system is proposed to efficiently simulate the lateral migration of alluvial channel due to bank erosion. The predictive capability of the 3-D model is examined by laboratory data. Simulated processes of bank erosion agree with field observations in the Shishou bend during the period of October 1996–October 1998, and the bank erosion module plays a significant role in simulating morphological changes of the study reach. In addition, the equivalent channel-forming discharge, which is defined as a constant discharge that can create the same amount of bank erosion in an alluvial channel as that created by natural runoff processes during the same period of time, is proposed to improve calculation efficiency for feasibility studies.  相似文献   
四川平武银厂金矿区钻探施工中遇到漏失、缩径、岩心破碎、易孔斜和钻孔事故频发等施工难题,施工难度极大。本文结合地层特点,通过采用绳索取心液动锤、高密度低失水泥浆体系、跟管钻进等工艺技术措施,提高了钻进效率和施工质量,大幅度减少了孔内事故的发生,为顺利完成钻孔施工任务奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   
采用实验生态学方法研究了盐度对长江口缢蛏(Sinonovacula constricta)、河蚬(Corbicula fluminea)和光滑河蓝蛤(Potamocorbula laevis)滤水率、摄食率、同化率的影响。缢蛏组设6个盐度梯度(5,10,15,20,25,30),光滑河蓝蛤组设6个盐度梯度(5,10,15,20,25,30),河蚬组设6个盐度梯度(0,5,10,15,20,25),并测定了此3种滤食性贝类的生物学参数。结果显示,3种滤食性贝类的滤水率、摄食率和同化率随着盐度的上升而增加,当上升到一定盐度时达到峰值,然后随着盐度的升高而降低。盐度20时,缢蛏滤水率、摄食率和同化率达到峰值,分别为0.57L/h、5.38mg POM/h和0.72%。盐度10时,光滑河蓝蛤滤水率和同化率达到峰值,分别为0.46L/h和0.53%,摄食率在盐度15时达到峰值3.80mg POM/h。盐度5时河蚬滤水率和摄食率都达到峰值,分别为0.39 L/h和2.48 mg POM/h,同化率在盐度0时已达到峰值0.51%,并随盐度上升而下降。上述结果表明,盐度对3种滤食性贝类的3个摄食生理指标均有显著影响。  相似文献   
In river bank filtration, impurities present in the river water travel with the bank filtrate towards the pumping well. During this passage, certain types of impurities, such as turbidity, total coliform, and so forth, may get attenuated; however, it is interesting to note that some of the instant raw river water quality parameters, such as alkalinity and electrical conductivity, increase after the passage of water through the porous medium. This occurs because water, when passing through the soil pores, absorbs many of the solutes that cause an increase in alkalinity and electrical conductivity. Measurements at a river bank filtration site for a year showed that alkalinity of 116–32 mg l?1 in river water increased to 222.4–159.9 mg l?1 in the river bank filtered water. Likewise, the electrical conductivity increased from 280–131 μS cm?1 to 462–409.6 μS cm?1. This study uses a probabilistic approach for investigating the variation of alkalinity and electrical conductivity of source water that varies with the natural logarithm of the concentration of influent water. The probabilistic approach has the potential of being used in simulating the variation of alkalinity and electrical conductivity in river bank filtrate. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper makes a probe into the application of the Kalman filtering method to the data processing of across-fault measurements.On the basis of statistical regression,the mathematic and stochastic models of filtration are established by combining the regression method with Kalman filtering.In the filtering computation,not only the randomness of fault movements but also the time-dependent variation of environmental effects have been taken into consideration.By use of the adaptive filtering method,an estimation of the dynamic noise variance matrix is obtained through iteration.Models for one measuring line(leveling line or baseline),two measuring lines(both leveling lines or both baselines)and four measuring lines(two leveling lines and two baselines)are derived and established systematically.By means of these models,the data of across-fault measurements can be processed dynamically in real-time to provide the filtered values of height difference between benchmarks or baseline length at different time in  相似文献   
Riverbank erosion, associated sedimentation and land loss hazards are a land management problem of global significance and many attempts to predict the onset of riverbank instability have been made. Recently, Osman and Thorne (1988) have presented a Culmann-type analysis of the stability of steep, cohesive riverbanks; this has the potential to be a considerable improvement over previous bank stability theories, which do not account for bank geometry changes due to toe scour and lateral erosion. However, in this paper it is shown that the existing Osman-Thorne model does not properly incorporate the influence of tension cracking on bank stability since the location of the tension crack on the floodplain is indirectly determined via calculation or arbitrary specification of the tension crack depth. Furthermore, accurate determination of tension crack location is essential to the calculation of the geometry of riverbank failure blocks and hence prediction of land loss and bank sediment yield associated with riverbank instability and channel widening. In this paper, a rational, physically based method to predict the location of tension cracks on the floodplain behind the eroding bank face is presented and tested. A case study is used to illustrate the computational procedure required to apply the model. Improved estimates of failure block geometry using the new method may potentially be applied to improve predictions of bank retreat and floodplain land loss along river channels destabilized as a result of environmental change.  相似文献   
Cross-sections of 16 straight sandbed streams in Minnesota, Iowa, and Nebraska were surveyed. Two stratigraphic horizons were found in the banks at each site, an upper cohesive unit usually composed of silt and clay and a lower unit composed of sand. Bank erosion on these rivers occurs when the upper cohesive unit is undercut by scour at bends. The overhanging cohesive block fails by beam or cantilever failure. As upper bank failure is a direct result of undercutting, the stability and rate of retreat of the bank are largely determined by erosion of the sandy part of the bank. The cohesive layer has little influence on bank retreat and width adjustment on the rivers studied here. A quantitative lateral sediment transport model developed by Parker (1978a) is used to calculate the steady-state geometry of the sandy part of the bank. Results are obtained for the shape, length, and height of the sandy part of the bank. The model predicts the length of the bank fairly well, and the theoretical equation for the height of the bank is of the correct form. The model, however, overestimates the slope of the bank. The height of the sandy part of the bank (Db) is approximately equal to the depth of the mean annual flow. Since Db is determined by the lateral sediment transport model, the width (W) may be obtained from the equation of continuity (Q = WDbV), published flow (Q) data, and a resistance equation for the mean velocity, V. The calculated widths are similar to those measured in the field.  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONFor the pmpose of river restoration of the river Isar in the city area of Munich several inveshgationswere cAned out at the InshtUte for Hydrosciences, German Armed Forces University Munich. The calculation ofwater level for the differnt planned variants were realized by a 2d mathematical model. Although thesesimulahons were a very helpfol basis for fuIther planing, a physical model was constrUcted in order toinvestigate detalled problems.The main interest was focussed …  相似文献   
Globalisation is manifested in the Mekong Region both through processes and discourses that reflect the ideology of a borderless world allowing easy passage of capital and commodities, and through resistance to such processes in an increasingly transnationalised civil society movement. However, more immediately significant supranational integrative agendas take the form of regionalisation, a process that has received less attention but which raises analogous concerns of re-scaled governance. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has been a catalysing force for regionalisation amidst a host of regional processes and initiatives; as such it has found itself the object of critique as an institution and through the specific projects it has supported that have impacted on local communities and ecosystems. Meanwhile, local and NGO voices associated with the emergence of a vibrant civil society in Thailand and nascent civil society responses in neighbouring countries have challenged claims on resources made in the name of national development and regional integration.
This paper considers some key issues of re-scaling resource and environmental politics in the Mekong Region, and the extent to which challenges have been recast from national to regional development agendas. Politics of environment are shown to exist as a general rather than exceptional response to the region's development direction, and it is suggested that equitable and sustainable development increasingly needs to address simultaneously the re-scaling and reconfigurations of power in both environmental politics and the "infrapolitics" of environment. The paper is illustrated with case studies of dams in Laos and Thailand.  相似文献   
基坑降水是岩土工程中经常遇到的施工问题。本文展示了一个降水工程实例,从中引伸出本工程尚未遇到而在其他项目中可能会出现并应及时解决的一些技术问题,引起同行的关注与重视。  相似文献   
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