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This study presents a laboratory study of the following two aspects: (1) the influence of sea laver treatment acid on the geoenvironmental properties of Ariake Sea tidal mud, and (2) the natural remediation effect on the sea laver treatment acid contaminated Ariake Sea tidal mud caused by the upward seepage of pore water liquid in the mud. Firstly, the mechanisms of the transport of sea laver treatment acid in the Ariake Sea tidal mud and the generation mechanisms of the upward seepage flow in the Ariake Sea tidal mud are discussed. Secondly, a series of one-dimensional laboratory infiltration tests were carried out to investigate the deterioration of the Ariake Sea tidal mud caused by the sea laver acid treatment practice. Test results reveal that the acid treatment practice caused considerable change in the geochemical properties of the mud in terms of increase in sulfide content and decrease in pH value. After the treatment by the sea laver treatment acid, the sulfide content of the mud even exceeded the safe limit value for the benthos, which represents undesirable living condition for benthos. Thirdly, series of laboratory fresh seawater infiltration tests for the deteriorated Iida site mud were conducted to illustrate this natural remediation efficiency. It is found that with the infiltration of the fresh seawater, the sulfide content of the Iida site mud was considerably reduced and pH value increased to an acceptable range for benthos living in the tidal flat mud. With the increase in the infiltration time and the hydraulic gradient, the remediation efficiency could be increased.  相似文献   
板岩隔水是相对的。随着水库规模不同,其透水性亦不同。总结和掌握板岩水文地质特性,结合所建工程规模大小,作出技术可行、经济的防渗处理,对工程勘察设计和施工都有着重要意义。本文通过对板岩风化、渗漏规模进行总结、归纳和分析,提出了板岩区水土建筑物防渗处理设计的一般方法。  相似文献   
Ken Durham 《Natural Hazards》2003,30(2):251-261
Cairns is exposed to the well-known natural hazards oftropical cyclone, flood, stormsurge and thunderstorm, but is also exposed to thelesser-known hazards of landslip, earthquake and dam break flooding. Recommendations fortreating the risks associated with these hazards have been made that will involve amulti-disciplinary approach to treatment strategies, require the cooperation of allthree levels of government, involve public utility authorities and private enterprise andinvolve the community as a whole.This paper summarises the suggested mitigation treatmentoptions, presented to the Cairns City Council and identified in the LocalGovernment Disaster Mitigation Project conducted in Cairns in 1999/2000 by theQueensland Department of Emergency Services.  相似文献   
桩网二元组合在加固软基中的应用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
工程实践表明对软土地基工后沉降和不均匀沉降有特殊要求的构筑物,采用桩网加固地基是一种经济有效的处理方法。由于其作用机理、荷载传递方式是一个复杂的相互作用问题,本文运用应力扩散原理估算筋材承受的荷载,并由此计算筋材的拉力和割线模量,为桩网法设计提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Treatment with metallic copper for the removal of elemental sulfur from bitumen extracted from sedimentary rocks or petroleum is the most widely used method. Little attention has been paid, however, to its disadvantages. It was observed that copper can interact with some polar organic substances during conventional sulfur removal, which can strongly influence the quantitative and qualitative determination of bitumen, as has been confirmed by interaction of long-chain fatty acids with copper. The copper soap generated was analyzed by element analysis, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), thermal analysis (TG-DSC) and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FFIR). Mechanism of the interaction was investigated and elucidated. Our experimental results would necessitate improvement of the present method for sulfur removal and/or a search for a new one.  相似文献   
The Stockton Coal Mine, located on the West Coast of New Zealand, is evaluating the use of a mussel shell bioreactor (MSB) to treat acidic metalliferous runoff from acid forming overburden. This novel approach is similar in concept to vertical flow wetlands (VFWs) and successive alkalinity producing systems (SAPS). The MSB system is a trapezoidal pit 2 m deep, 35 m long, 3–10 m wide with 60° angle sides. During operation it contained 160 tonnes (240 m3) of mussel shell material and was saturated with a 100–200 mm water cap. Influent flowed through the reactor at a mean rate of 0.3 L s−1 resulting in a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of ≈6 days. The prototype MSB was in operation for a total of 1027 days, from June 2009 through March 2012, and effectively sequestered 99.7% of Al, 99.3% of Fe, 98.8% of Ni, 98.4% Tl and 99.3% of Zn, as determined from a previous evaluation of MSB performance. The MSB also effectively neutralized acidity, which resulted in an increase in influent pH from 2.8 to 6.9 in the effluent. Based on an examination of several excavated pits, five distinct reaction zones developed within the MSB. The reaction zones consisted of an allochthonous sediment layer (0–330 mm), an oxidized iron-rich ocherous layer (at 330–350 mm depth), an aluminum layer (at 350–600 mm depth) with geochemical variations throughout (350–500 mm and 500–600 mm); and a chemically reduced bottom shell layer (at 600–1100 mm). Representative samples were collected from each layer and analyzed using a combination of geochemical and physical methods to assess the stability of the secondary minerals and trace metal deportment within the MSB. Major elements Fe, Al, Ni, Tl, and Zn where preferentially associated with particular layers within the MSB. Elevated concentrations of Fe (110,000 mg kg−1) were observed in the allochthonous sediment and ocherous precipitate layers, while Al (27,816 mg kg−1), Ni (55 mg kg−1), and Zn (655 mg kg−1) were elevated within the aluminum and lower reduced depths within the MSB. Trace Tl (21 mg kg−1) showed varying concentrations throughout the MSB, but was strongly correlated to lower layers of the system. Microbial biofilms were observed within the reduced portions of the shell layers often proximal to bacterial shaped sulfides. The geochemical assessment of the MSB presented in this study is the first of its kind for a MSB, and supports the argument that this system is another viable option for passive treatment of AMD.  相似文献   
肖武权 《中国岩溶》2013,32(2):161-166
娄底—新化高速公路岩溶发育。由于邻近煤矿采矿抽排水,地下水位急降,形成土洞和塌陷。为保证公路建设经济、安全,须对岩溶路基进行处理。通过对地基处理方案影响因素进行研究与分析,运用多目标决策模糊集理论并结合层次分析方法,优选出具有多指标因素属性和模糊特性的岩溶地基处理方案。在此基础上,从地质条件出发,并考虑加固效果、工程造价等,比较了3种岩溶地基处理方案:注浆、沉管挤密桩、强夯+双层钢筋混凝土连续板。分析结果表明:强夯+双层钢筋混凝土连续板方案最佳,模糊优化计算中,该方案对优的隶属度最高,达0.86,具有施工便捷、加固效果好、成本低等优点,总造价为仅1 350万元,分别比沉管挤密桩、注浆处理少170万和360万元。  相似文献   
由于PHC桩经在穿越深厚砂层过程中常造成桩头、桩身疲劳破坏,从而无法沉桩至设计标高。为综合分析此类工况下PHC桩的可打性,本文通过GRLWEAP软件对穿越深厚密实砂层工况的PHC桩进行打桩波动方程模拟,同时在工程现场开展高应变打桩监测试验。研究发现PHC桩穿越深厚密实砂层除了需要选择合理的打桩系统和打桩工艺外,还须采用引孔措施以及对桩身和桩靴进行必要的加强处理。为穿越深厚密实砂层工况下选用PHC桩的设计和施工提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
油罐区下部为回填三十多年的露天采矿剥离物,其厚度50-70米。3.0米以下有不同程度的冒气、发热、自燃等现象,在其上部拟建油罐,其安全性尤为重要。为了保证其建筑物的安全,需对油罐区深部火区进行处理,经方案对比,采用水、粉煤灰、阻化剂压密注浆的方法对拟建油罐区地基土深部火区进行处理。达到理想效果,保证了建筑物的安全。  相似文献   
基于生态综合治理的石漠化演变规律与趋势讨论   总被引:4,自引:7,他引:4  
熊康宁  陈起伟 《中国岩溶》2010,29(3):267-273
分析了中国南方石漠化现状及变化,以中国南方石漠化最为严重的贵州省为主要研究对象,研究了生态综合治理下石漠化的变化特征及发展趋势。数据表明:贵州省石漠化面积从2000年35 920km2(占全省总面的20.39%)发展到2005年的3 7597km2(占全省总面的21.34%),5年间平均每年增加334.7km2。但与1975—1999年期间相比,石漠化增加的速度明显降低,生态治理工程一定程度上抑制了石漠化发展。贵州花江、清镇、毕节3个典型示范区石漠化监测数据表明,在生态治理工程实施下石漠化面积都逐年减小,说明石漠化是可以治理的,石漠化并不是“环境癌症”。但是,预测数据表明,即使《贵州省喀斯特石漠化综合治理规划》的工程措施全部实施,到2030年贵州石漠化面积将仍占全省国土面积的14.9%。中国南方石漠化问题将长期存在,石漠化治理是一个长期、艰巨的任务,绝非一两个五年计划就能达到“山川秀美”。要从根本上遏制石漠化增长的趋势和生态环境恶化的局面,仍需国家和地方在“十二五”期间及以后大规模的投入。   相似文献   
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