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When using hyphenated methods in analytical chemistry,the data obtained for each sample are given asa matrix.When a regression equation is set up between an unknown sample (a matrix) and a calibrationset (a stack of matrices),the residual is a matrix R.The regression equation is usually solved by minimizing the sum of squares of R.If the sample containssome constituent not calibrated for,this approach is not valid.In this paper an algorithm is presentedwhich partitions R into one matrix of low rank corresponding to the unknown constituents,and onerandom noise matrix to which the least squares restrictions are applied.Properties and possibleapplications of the algorithm are also discussed.In Part 2 of this work an example from HPLC with diode array detection is presented and the resultsare compared with generalized rank annihilation factor analysis (GRAFA).  相似文献   
The partial least squares-residual bilinearization(PLS-RBL)approach to background correctionpresented in Part 1 of this work is demonstrated with an example from HPLC with diode array detection.Data are also evaluated with generalized rank annihilation factor analysis(GRAFA)and results arecompared.  相似文献   
为提升地震流动观测质量,适应恶劣条件下野外长期工作,研制集传感器、供电、通讯网络三大模块于一体的流动观测仪器整体防护罩。利用2套GL-PS2一体化短周期地震仪进行对比观测,一套安装于南京台室内基岩观测墩,另一套配备防护罩浅层掩埋于户外。结果表明新型研制的观测仪整体集成防护罩具有以下优点:①保温性能好,内部环境日温差小于3℃,月温度变化小于5℃。②防水性好,经历多次暴雨大雪天气后,防护罩内部干燥,无水滴或结露现象。③台基噪声略优于室内观测墩。④2台设备相关系数垂直向优于水平向,夜晚优于白天。⑤地震记录波形相关系数均在0.6以上,震级越大,相关性越高,且信噪比差距较小。  相似文献   
《China Geology》2020,3(1):137-152
Since 2012, some advances have been made through the resource investigation, metallogenesis research, and comprehensive utilizing of lithium deposits in China. Firstly, the progress of lithium exploration has been made in Sichuan, Xinjiang, Qinghai and Jiangxi provinces (autonomous region). Li deposits are not only found within the pegmatite rocks but also within the granitic rocks and sedimentary rocks. Secondly, the methods of geological survey, geochemical and geophysical exploration, remote sensing technology and even drilling technology have been improved, which can be delineating orebodies quickly. Thirdly, the mechanisms of Li mineralization were summarized by analyzing the relationship between the Li contents and kinds of geological phenomena. Based on practice, a new understanding of “multi-cycle, deep circulation, integration of internal and external” metallogenic mechanism or “MDIE” metallogenic mechanism for short has been put forwarded further in this paper, and the “five levels + basement” exploration model has been successfully expanded to guide the prospecting work both in the Jiajika and Keeryin pegmatite ore fields in western Sichuan Province. Besides, new progress has been made in the aspect of amblygonite deposits of granite-type and hydrothermal type in the Mufushan-Jiuling ore district, which points out a new direction for prospecting new types of lithium deposits in China.  相似文献   
While 1992 marked the first major dam – Manwan – on the main stem of the Mekong River, the post-2010 era has seen the construction and operationalisation of mega dams such as Xiaowan (started operations in 2010) and Nuozhadu (started operations in 2014) that were much larger than any dams built before. The scale of these projects implies that their operations will likely have significant ecological and hydrological impacts from the Upper Mekong Basin to the Vietnamese Delta and beyond. Historical water level and water discharge data from 1960 to 2020 were analysed to examine the changes to streamflow conditions across three time periods: 1960–1991 (pre-dam), 1992–2009 (growth) and 2010–2020 (mega-dam). At Chiang Saen, the nearest station to the China border, monthly water discharge in the mega-dam period has increased by up to 98% during the dry season and decreased up as much as −35% during the wet season when compared to pre-dam records. Similarly, monthly water levels also rose by up to +1.16 m during the dry season and dropped by up to −1.55 m during the wet season. This pattern of hydrological alterations is observed further downstream to at least Stung Treng (Cambodia) in our study, showing that Mekong streamflow characteristics have shifted substantially in the post-2010 era. In light of such changes, the 2019–2020 drought – the most severe one in the recent history in the Lower Mekong Basin – was a consequent of constructed dams reducing the amount of water during the wet season. This reduction of water was exacerbated by the decreased monsoon precipitation in 2019. Concurrently, the untimely operationalisation of the newly opened Xayaburi dam in Laos coincided with the peak of the 2019–2020 drought and could have aggravated the dry conditions downstream. Thus, the mega-dam era (post-2010) may signal the start of a new normal of wet-season droughts.  相似文献   
为研究百年人类活动对广西防城江口沉积物的影响,依据2014-08取得的广西防城江口HSL柱的210Pb、粒度、常量元素、重金属元素数据,建立210Pb年代序列,对其重金属环境背景进行构建,对HSL柱的重金属元素富集系数进行计算,对人类活动影响下的重金属元素进行潜在生态危害评价。结果表明,HSL柱210Pb年代拟合系数在0.9以上,该柱沉积速率约为0.37 cm/a。以沉积物粒度中<32μm体积分数为参比元素构建的防城江口的重金属环境背景显示:HSL柱20 cm以深为"清洁样品";10 cm(约1990年)以浅开始显著受人类活动影响;5 cm(约2000年)以浅各重金属富集系数均显著受工业活动影响,Cd单因子危害系数达到强生态危害程度,Hg达到中等生态危害程度,潜在生态危害指数也达到强生态危害程度。受防城港市产业结构调整的影响,2010年之后潜在生态危害指数有所降低,但部分重金属(Cd和Hg)的潜在生态危害依然较为严峻。  相似文献   
We investigated whether techniques developed to evaluate qualitative lake-level changes in the temperate zone can be used in sub-arctic and arctic Alaska. We focused on aquatic pollen records and sediment properties (loss-on-ignition and magnetic susceptibility) from centrally-located sediment-surface samples and cores, as these are the most commonly reported data in the literature. Modern aquatic pollen values are generally low (< 5%) and may be zero, even in lakes with abundant aquatic macrophytes. Greater diversity and higher values of aquatic pollen are likely at depths < 5 m, but pollen is found in depths up to 15 m. It is absent at depths > 20 m. Spores of Isoetes and Equisetum and Pediastrum cell-nets, when present, tend to be widely distributed, even in deep water. At Birch Lake, interior Alaska, trends in aquatic taxa and sediment characteristics for the last ca. 12,000 14C yrs recorded in a single, deep-water core reflect the same water-level changes as do transect-based lake-level reconstructions - if modern distributional characteristics of pollen and spores are taken into account. The lake rose from extremely low levels at ca. 12,000 14C yr B.P. After a period of fluctuation, it rose to a relatively high level by ca. 8000 14C yr B.P. and then stabilized. A preliminary survey of aquatic pollen trends from other lake-sediment records suggests that the period ca. 11,000-8000 14C yr B.P. may have seen relatively low lake levels in north-western and interior Alaska and high levels thereafter. Changes in aquatic pollen and sediments are evident in north-eastern interior lakes at the same time, but they are more difficult to interpret. Aquatic pollen productivity in Alaskan lakes may partly depend on factors other than water depth (e.g. temperature, pH, nutrient status, or length of the ice-free season). An Alaska-wide reconstruction of late-Quaternary lake levels based on extant single-core data would be best done after further study of contributing factors that may control sediment properties and aquatic pollen distribution.  相似文献   
海陀山作为北京冬(残)奥会的主要室外赛场之一,其复杂的地形对风场的精细化预报提出了严峻的挑战,亟需开展加密的风场观测提高对复杂地形下局地环流特征及其影响机理的认识,并为提升赛区精细化预报与服务提供数据支撑.基于2019年度海陀山观测试验,利用加密自动气象站、激光测风雷达、涡动相关仪、云高仪等多源数据,对海陀山风场的水平...  相似文献   
Zooplankton plays an important role in aquatic food webs by fluxing of energy from primary producer to subsequent trophic levels in the food chain. The annual pattern of zooplankton communities and potential environmental drivers were studied in the Kohelia channel, Bangladesh from summer 2014 to spring 2015. Samples were collected using net at a depth of 1 m. A total of 32 species belonged to 18 orders, 27 families and 15 taxonomic groups were identified. Of these species, 22 distributed in all four seasons of which 8 were dominant and highly contributing to the total communities. Species number peaked in summer next to winter and fall in spring while maximum abundance was in summer and minimum in spring. Multivariate analyses showed that there was a clear annual pattern in the zooplankton communities. Species diversity and evenness peaked in spring but fall in autumn while the high value of species richness was found in winter. Biological-environmental best matching (BIO-ENV) analyses conformed that community pattern of zooplankton was mainly driven by transparency salinity, and temperature individually or combined with water nutrients. These results demonstrate that annual pattern of the zooplankton community shaped by channel environmental factors in subtropical channel ecosystems, thus might be used for community-based subtropical coastal water bioassessment.  相似文献   
通过L27(9×39)混合水平正交试验确定天青石矿浮选的捕收剂和优化的工艺条件,具有试验次数少、考察因素充分的优点。正交试验的极差分析结果显示,捕收剂种类和捕收剂浓度对回收率的影响最大,原矿来源和捕收剂种类对精矿品位的影响最大。通过试验选择出对天青石矿捕收效果好的捕收剂,即十二烷基硫酸钠、十六烷基三甲基溴化铵和单烷基磷酸酯,初步得到一些关键工艺条件:浮选时间(10~15 min)、叶轮转速(2 340 r/min)、矿浆中固体质量分数(25%)和药剂与矿样的质量比(2∶1000)。  相似文献   
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