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电离层赤道异常两日振荡的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近20年来,国外学者对电离层赤道异常问题的数值模拟研究未考虑到大气行星波对潮汐发电机电场的调制效应,因而不能解释赤道异常峰值的逐日变化.本文结果表明二日波对F_2区电子浓度的输运有很大影响.这一方法可以推广到赤道异常各种长周期行星波振荡的数值研究. 本文从非定常等离子体连续方程出发,建立包含行星波振荡对E×B漂移的调制效应的方程,并给出数值模拟的方法以及可与实际观测进行比较的结果.文中取二日波漂移振幅为U_p=0 m/s、5m/s、10m/s,而初位相分别为φ=0°、90°共四种情形进行了模拟,结果表明,二日波的调制可使赤道异常的时空分布以及异常峰值产生明显的逐日变化.在所选取的模型中,取U_p=5m/s,φ=0°所得到的f_0F_2t的二日分布特征与观测较吻合.而u_p约5m/s的变化能引起异常峰值f_0F_2约1-2MHz的起伏,而二天之内f_0F_2的二个峰值表现出约2-4MHz的起伏.  相似文献   
全波震相分析的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
全波震相分析法是以弹性波传播理论为基础,以现代数字技术为手段,对地震波进行全面综合分析的理论和方法.它既包括对单一分量震波观测记录中的各种震相的识别、确认和分析,又包括对多分量震波记录的合成、分析和图示.全波震相分析法涉及震源、射线路径、初动、走时、振幅、波形、时域和空域的瞬态谱、质点振动矢量等诸多方面,因而能更全面地揭示地震波场与地下介质之间的关系.本文以实例展示在不同领域的研究中全波震相分析的应用情况.全波震相分析法为实现多种波型的联合应用奠定了理论基础,并提供了新的方法.  相似文献   
本文以太行山为界将华北地区分为东西两部分,东部为河淮块体,西部为鄂尔多斯块体.利用最小二乘法,从混合路径基阶瑞利面波群速度频散提取两块体的纯路径频散,并反演其地壳、上地幔的层状结构.所得结表果明,两块体的面波频散和地壳、上地幔结构存在明显差异.东部的河淮块体地壳较薄,地壳内平均速度比西部的鄂尔多斯块体壳内平均速度约低0.13km/s,壳内20km深度左右出现低速层;而西部的块体壳内速度成层递增,未见低速层出现.两块体上地幔顶部速度均偏低,地幔低速层的埋藏深度基本相同.但西部块体地幔低速层厚,且比东部块体地幔低速层的速度约低0.3km/s.  相似文献   
This article summarizes work on multiple scattering based on models of media with randomly distributed scatterers. The scatterers are isotropic and statistically uniform. Measuring distance in terms of mean-free pathL s and time in terms of the mean-free timesL s/V, whereV is the velocity of scattered waves, we have more convenient dimensionless distance and time. It can be shown that after the dimensionless time equals 0.65 energy contributed from multiple scattering becomes predominant. Thus the later coda reflects the effect of multiple scattering rather than single scattering. Treating the seismic record, including starting and tail parts, as a whole, the diffusion theory predicts that at a dense distribution of scatterers and a small distance between source and receiver, codas reflect mainly intrinsicQ i. Of course, this conclusion is coincident with the presumption of the diffusion theory,Q s>Q i. However, from a new integral equation of multiple scattering, which deals with the scattered waves and primary waves separately, the conclusion is similar but clearer. This article quotes the new expression for coda energy in two-dimensional space. It shows that if the receiver is close to the source, the coda decay reflects only intrinsicQ i, then as the distance increases, effects of scatteringQ s, are involved in the decay feature. The theoretical plots of coda decay show that it seems in most cases in the earthQ i should not be smaller than one tenth ofQ s.Project Sponsored by the Joint Earthquake Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   
湖北省钟祥第四纪冰缘融冻构造的发现及其意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
笔者于1986年在钟祥首次发现了第四纪地层间的冰缘融冻构造——古冰楔与揉皱,其时代为早更新世末期—中更新世初期。它的发现不仅为建立本区第四纪地层层序,而且为确定更新世北方冰缘冻土的南界和研究长江中下游更新世古气候环境的演变提供了重要的科学依据。  相似文献   
文中根据硅铁矿层的褶皱形态、复合关系等确定迁安铁矿区在中元古代之前发生过6期褶皱变形,叙述了这6期褶皱的特征和分布,讨论了褶皱的成因。区内各期褶皱形态演化规律反映了变形过程中岩石塑性有规律递减的特点。这一演化规律对研究早前寒武纪地区褶皱变形和指导该区找矿工作有重要意义。  相似文献   
In this paper, five-year simulated data from a low-resolution global spectral model with triangular trunca-lion at wavenumber 10 are analyzed in order to study dynamical features and propagation characteristics ofintraseasonal oxillations over the mid-latitudes and the tropical atmosphere. The simulations show that thereis the 30-50 day periodic oscillation in the low-resolution spectral model without non-seasonal external forcing,and spatial scale of the intraseasonal oscihations is of the globe .Further analysis finds that propagation charac-ters of intraseasonal oscillations over the mid-latitudes and the tropics are different. The 30-50 day oscillationover the tropics exhibits structure of the velocity potential wave with wavenumber 1 in the latitudinal and thecharacter of the traveling wave eastward at speed of 8 longitudes/day. However, the 30-50 day oscillationsin mid-latitude atmosphere exhibit phase and amplitude oscillation of the standing planetary waves and theyare related to transform of teleconnection patterns over the mid-latitudes. The energy is not only transferredbetween the tropics and the middle-high latitudes, but also between different regions over the tropics. Based on the analysis of 5-year band pass filtered data from a 5-layer global spectral model of Jow-ordetwith truncated wavenumber l0,investigation is done of the source of intraseasonal oscillations in the extratropicalmodel atmosphere and its mechanism. Results show that (1) the convective heat transferred eastward alongthe equator serves as the source of the intraseasonal oxillation both in the tropical and the extratropical atmos--phere; (2) the velocity-potential wave of a zonal structure of wavenumber 1 gives rise to oxillation in divergentand convergent wind fields of a dipole-form as seen from the equatorial Indian Ocean to the western Pacificduring its eastward propagation, thus indicating the oscillation in the dipole-form heat soure:e/sink pattertl; (3)the tropical heat-source oscillation is responsible for the variation in phase and intensity of the extratropicalstationary wave train, and the interaction between the oscillating low-frequency inertial gravity and stationaryRossby modes that are probably mechanisms for the oscillations ip the middle-high latitudes.  相似文献   
用地震反射波定量解释煤层厚度的方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
一、引言 工业可采煤层厚度一般为1.5m,如何从地震资料上准确圈定1m厚的煤层边界、并定量解释煤层厚度、准确计算地质储量,国外一些学者研究了薄层地震反射波的动力学特征与薄层厚度的关系后,得出了不同的薄层垂直分辨率标准,Widess用零相位子波作实验时,发现当薄层厚度为λ/8(λ是地震子波的主波长)时,反射波形正好是入射波的导数,并可直观地鉴别顶底反射;Kallweit利用可控震源研究了薄层响应的频谱后,提出了分辨地震波的极限为1/(1.4f)(f为地震子波的上限频率),经主频换算后,此  相似文献   
中国西部三维速度结构及其各向异性   总被引:24,自引:5,他引:24  
本文用覆盖中国的358条勒夫面波路径资料,研究了10.45-113.80s范围内中国西部的三维SH波速度结构.结果表明,各构造单元的SH波速度结构均有明显的差别.作为稳定块体的塔里木盆地,壳内重力分异程度较高,上、中、下地壳厚度差别小,壳内无明显的低速层,地壳平均速度比较小;上地幔低速层埋深大且层中速度大;区内横向变化小.构造活动区如天山、青藏高原,其突出的特征是下地壳厚度大且速度大,上地幔盖层速度值相当高.这与西伯利亚、印支板块的挤压有密切的关系.青藏高原东部及其北、东边缘地区壳内存在低速层,上地幔低速层埋深浅,一些地区存在壳幔过渡层.面波各向异性研究表明,青藏高原、天山及印支板块北缘下存在明显的各向异性,以构造边缘地区及上地幔低速层附近最为突出.印度板块、西伯利亚板块与中国大陆间的碰撞引起强大的水平压力和一定的下插作用,是造成青藏高原隆起、地壳增厚、天山隆起的最根本的因素,同时也促成壳幔中辉石、橄榄石的定向排列和物质运移,因而出现明显的各向异性现象.  相似文献   
关于卫星网的位置基准及其对联合平差的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周忠谟  晁定波 《测绘学报》1991,20(4):269-275
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