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夏广清 《地质找矿论丛》2006,21(10):144-148
哈巴特盖测区1/5万土壤地球化学测量发现了4个异常区,多元素组合异常多分布在黑云母二长花岗岩的内、外接触带上,土壤地球化学异常特征显示本区成矿是多期次的,多元素组合异常在露头矿和盲矿上方均有出现,且异常连续、浓集中心明显,异常的强度和规模大,呈带状、宽带状或面状产出。  相似文献   
董治平  陈玉华  王平  陈瑶  代炜 《中国地震》2007,23(2):157-165
1954年2月11日,中国西部河西走廊发生山丹7.3级强烈地震,这是建国以来发生在西北地区的第一个大地震。地震造成47人死亡,332人受伤,数万人无家可归;房屋损坏7277间,估计财产损失远高于2003年山丹6.1级地震灾害的直接经济损失。极震区烈度达Ⅺ度,红寺湖盆地、山丹县城破坏最重,山丹地区受灾面积4800km2。本文简要介绍了山丹地震参数、地震烈度及震区环境;重点描述了房屋建筑物破坏,分析了地震灾害特点及其经济损失估计。最后探讨了这次地震震害的成因、防震减灾的经验及其借鉴意义。  相似文献   
我国早期的现代地震学研究,曾孕育于现代地质学中。用现代科学观点,最早调查研究现场大地震的年代,可追溯到1913年云南峨山7级地震考察。地震台站监测工作,是从1923年地质调查所派李善邦先生前去日本东京学习测震,并于1930年在北京西山郊区建造鹫峰地震观测台开始。最早的地震目录是1913年由上海黄司铎编的“法文中国地震表”。1921年翁文灏先生发表的“甘肃地震考”,首次将史料中的地震情形描述与罗西一福来氏烈度表加以对照,来确定地震烈度,从而提供了更详细、确切的“甘肃地震表”。1922年翁文灏在布鲁塞尔国际地质大会上宣读的“中国地质构造对于产生地震的影响”论文,曾引起与会者极大兴趣与关注,是最早论述我国地震地质和地震区域划分的文献。  相似文献   
This paper addresses two avenues for gaining insight into the hurricane intensity issue—the angular momentum approach and the scale interaction approach. In the angular momentum framework, the torques acting on a parcel's angular momentum are considered along an inflowing trajectory in order to construct the angular momentum budget. These torques are separable into three components: The pressure torque, the surface friction torque, and the cloud torque. All torques are found to diminish the angular momentum of an inflowing parcel, with the cloud torques having the most important role. In the scale interaction approach, energy exchanges among different scales within a hurricane are considered as a means of understanding hurricane intensity. It is found that the majority of kinetic energy contribution to the hurricane scales originates from potential-to-kinetic in-scale energy conversions. The contribution of mean-wave interactions in the kinetic energy varies with distance from the center and with the life stage of a storm. In the early stages, as the disorganized convection becomes organized on the hurricane scales, upscale energy transfers (i.e., from small to large scale) are found to take place in the outer radii of the storm. In a mature storm, the kinetic energy transfers are downscale, except for the inner radii.  相似文献   
磁法在煤火探测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
对采自宁夏汝箕沟煤田上覆盖层的原岩样品在温度作用下的磁性变化进行了系统研究.通过分析煤火区不同燃烧阶段围岩的温度变化情况,对原岩样品进行了模拟“燃烧”试验,试验结果表明,岩石磁性在不同温度作用条件下存在明显差异,从而从岩石磁性的角度讨论了磁法勘探圈定煤田火烧区的可行性.最后,采用人机交互法对地面实测磁异常剖面进行反演,有效地圈定了煤火区着火点的位置及范围.  相似文献   
A scheme for an automatic road surface modeling from a noisy point cloud is presented. The normal vectors of the point cloud are estimated by distance-weighted fitting of local plane. Then, an automati...  相似文献   
降水粒子特性是大气运动和云内微物理过程的综合结果,在云降水物理及人工影响天气领域有着重要的意义。传统的测量方法不适合对大量数据分析寻找规律,德国OTT公司的Parsivel激光降水粒子谱测量系统可以较好解决自动测量难题。该仪器是以激光测量为基础的粒子测量传感器,采用平行激光束和光电管阵列结合,当有降水粒子穿越采样空间时,自动记录遮挡物的宽度,通过穿越时间计算降水粒子的尺度和速度,根据各种参数的综合信息对降水粒子进行分类,并能够以数字形式显示瞬时降水强度、降水粒子总数、累积降水量、降水时的能见度和雷达反射因子,以图形方式显示降水粒子尺度谱、速度谱、降水粒子分类且自动生成天气现象代码,实现天气现象的自动识别。激光降水粒子谱仪主要用于气象水文观测。在雷达气象学领域可用于Z/R关系的拟合修正,比传统的用雨量筒观测数据拟合效果好得多;由降水粒子谱仪测量雨滴的降落速度,可以对天气雷达垂直向上测量的粒子径向速度谱进行校正。人工影响天气的效果检验一直是一个难题,自然降水粒子谱分布形式与人工催化以后的降水粒子谱型理论上应当具有较大的差别,人工增雨作业降水滴谱变化物理响应和降水强度时间变化响应都有明显的区别。如果能够实时检测到这些差别,就能够充分说明人工催化的有效性。未来如果能够进行联网观测记录区域性降水、降雹,就有充分证据表明人影作业的有效性,在定量化作业效果评估以及灾害损失评估等方面应用潜力巨大。利用该仪器已经对一年的自然降水过程进行了连续观测,并将所获得的降水粒子谱、雨滴浓度值随时间变化状况与卫星反演的云顶有效粒子半径时间变化趋势进行了对比,发现有较好的一致性。  相似文献   
Comparison of Three Tropical Cyclone Intensity Datasets   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Analyzed in this paper are the 16-yr (1988-2003) tropical cyclone (TC) intensity data from three major forecast centers of the western North Pacific, i.e., China Meteorological Administration (CMA), Regional Specialized Meteorological Center Tokyo (RSMC Tokyo), and Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) of the United States. Results show that there are significant discrepancies (at 1% significance level) in the intensity of TCs among the three centers, with a maximum difference for the same TC over 30 m s-1. The flight reconnaissance over TC can minish the discrepancy to some extent. A climatic and persistent prediction model is set up to study the impact of initial data from different forecast centers on the prediction of TC intensity. It is obtained that the root mean square error (RMSE) of a 4-yr independent test is the largest using data from JTWC, while the smallest using data from RSMC Tokyo. Average absolute deviation in 24-h intensity prediction is 2.5 m s-1 between CMA and RSMC Tokyo data, and 4.0 m s-1 between CMA and JTWC data, with a maximum deviation reaching 21 m s-1. Such a problem in the initial value increases the difficulty in intensity prediction of TCs over the western North Pacific.  相似文献   
This paper presents a methodology used to combine energy and mineral market variables between Less Developed Countries (LDCs) and Developed Countries (OECD) over the past 24 years (1966–1990). LDCs include all countries, except OECD and central planned economies (CIS) and other countries in Eastern Europe. This period permits a comprehensive view of the impact of the energy crisis and the changes in economic growth patterns, correlated with changes in trends of production and consumption of energy and metals in both country blocs. This complex relationship was evaluated by a factor model of consumption and production variables using the aluminum, copper, lead, and zinc industries. The following variables are used in the factor model: export dependence, geographic concentration of mining production, geographic concentration of refined demand, geographic concentration of refined production, import dependence, refined demand growth, stability of demand, income elasticity of refined demand, price stability, intensity of use, and intensity of energy. The model for all commodities shows that the factor scores projections for LDCs and OECD blocs depicted a clearly divergent trend after the two oil shocks (1973–1979), when the intensity of energy variable presents high loading in the factor. The results are in substantial agreement with findings that the demand for energy, as well as for metals, is growing more rapidly in LDCs than OECD.  相似文献   
We investigate the influence of magnetic mirroring and elastic and inelastic scattering on the angular redistribution in a proton/hydrogen beam by using a transport code in comparison with observations. H-emission Doppler profiles viewed in the magnetic zenith exhibit a red-shifted component which is indicative of upward fluxes. In order to determine the origin of this red shift, we evaluate the influence of two angular redistribution sources which are included in our proton/hydrogen transport model. Even though it generates an upward flux, the redistribution due to magnetic mirroring effect is not sufficient to explain the red shift. On the other hand, the collisional angular scattering induces a much more significant red shift in the lower atmosphere. The red shift due to collisions is produced by < 1 -keV protons and is so small as to require an instrumental bandwidth <0.2nm. This explains the absence of measured upward proton/hydrogen fluxes in the Proton I rocket data because no useable data concerning protons < 1 keV are available. At the same time, our model agrees with measured ground-based H-emission Doppler profiles and suggests that previously reported red shift observations were due mostly to instrumental bandwidth broadening of the profile. Our results suggest that Doppler profile measurements with higher spectral resolution may enable us to quantify better the angular scattering in proton aurora.  相似文献   
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