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煤矿巷道底板冲击矿压发生的原因及控制研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
巷道底板水平应力是导致底板冲击矿压发生的主要因素,根据巷道底板冲击矿压的特点,建立了底板冲击矿压发生条件与影响因素的力学模型,初步确定了底板冲击矿压危险性系数的表达式。当底板岩层泊松比一定时,底板冲击矿压危险性系数与巷道埋深、巷道宽度的平方、水平构造应力、巨厚坚硬老顶影响系数成正比,与弹性模量、巷道底板软弱层厚度的平方成反比。通过数值模拟,发现巷道开挖后底板煤层的水平应力升高和垂直应力降低的规律,底板应力极易达到煤层破坏极限,在支护不当和外界扰动下容易发生底板冲击矿压。最后确定了底板强度弱化减冲原理,在跃进煤矿25110工作面下巷采取底板爆破卸压措施后取得了良好效果。研究成果为解决类似条件底板冲击矿压防治问题提供了理论依据和借鉴。  相似文献   
在传统静态爆破的基础上,提出了一种新型大孔径静态爆破技术,使用新型扩孔钻头结合机械堵孔器解决了大孔径静态爆破的冲孔问题。由于孔径的增大,使得破碎剂膨胀压力增大,膨胀剂反应速度加快,加大了堵孔难度。设计的新型扩孔钻头和新型堵孔器进行了孤岩块的大孔径静态爆破试验,试验结果证实了该新型大孔径静态爆破技术的可行性,达到了提高爆破能力和缩短破坏时间的预期目的。为今后的敏感地区岩石爆破工程开挖提供了新途径。  相似文献   
危岩体硐室爆破一次排险量大,施工速度快,是大方量应急排险的首选爆破方案。本次巫山山体危岩硐室爆破排险,通过详细的地质调查和地形地貌测绘,采取信息化指导施工,安全、快速地完成了应急排险任务,一次排险28.7万m^3,历时46天,取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益。论述了本次爆破方案的设计、爆破参数的选择以及施工技术,介绍了爆破效果,总结了经验体会。  相似文献   
Selection between ground and surface water in community water supply has been one of the key strategic questions in Finland since the early 1900s. After some cities failed to find reliable groundwater sources, many turned to surface waters. Since the 1950s the use of groundwater and artificial recharged groundwater have continuously increased. Presently their use is promoted by the government and European water policy through technical advice and financial support. It is obvious that the share of groundwater and artificial recharged groundwater will increase in the future. This requires active public response and transparency in decision-making.
Resumen Desde el principio de 1900 una de las preguntas estratégicas clave en Finlandia es la selección entre agua subterranea y de superficie para el suministro de agua de la comunidad. Muchas ciudades renunciaron al agua de superficie luego de haber fracesado en encontrar fuentes de agua subterránea confiables. Desde 1950 el uso de agua subterránea y de agua subterránea recargada artificialmente ha aumentado continuamente. Actualmente los políticas de agua del gobierno y de Europa promueven su uso por medio de asesoría técnica y apoyo financiero. Es obvio que la participación del agua subterránea y del agua subterránea recargada artificialmente va a aumentar en el futuro. Esto requiere una respuesta activa pública y transparencia en el proceso de toma de decisiones.

Resumé Le choix parmi lutilisation de leau de surface ou de leau souterraine comme source dapprovisionnement en eau potable est, depuis le début des années 1900, une question stratégique en Finlande. Suite à léchec de certaines villes à sapprovisionner en eau souterraine, plusieurs se sont tournées vers leau de surface. Depuis les années 1950, lutilisation de leau souterraine et la recharge artificielle des aquifères est en constante croissance. Actuellement, leur utilisation est encouragée par le Gouvernement ainsi que par la politique européenne de leau qui fournit une expertise technique et un soutient financier. Il est évident que les proportions occupées par lapprovisionnement en eau souterraine et la recharge artificielle vont augmenter avec le temps. Ceci requiert une participation active du public ainsi que de la transparence lors du processus décisionnel.
VIL在识别冰雹云中的应用及估测误差分析   总被引:21,自引:15,他引:21  
介绍了兰州CINRAD/CC(3830)多普勒雷达体扫描资料中垂直累计液态含水量VIL产品资料的生成技术及其估测误差分析,并结合甘肃中部地区降雨和降雹实测资料,提出了VIL(3km×3km)识别冰雹云的判别指标,有益于CINRAD/CC(3830)多普勒雷达在甘肃人工防雹增雨作业中有效应用。  相似文献   
赤潮预报的人工神经网络方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于渤海湾赤潮观测数据(2003年5月~9月),对藻类浓度与环境因子进行了相关性分析,选择出影响藻类浓度的主要环境因子,然后对主要环境因子作主成分分析,在主成分分析的基础上,建立了一个用于赤潮预报的人工神经网络模型。  相似文献   
孙宗席 《探矿工程》2009,36(5):78-80
光面爆破法和新奥法在陇南文县阳山矿区PD103平硐施工中取得了非常好的效果。介绍了破碎岩层中小断面坑道的爆破参数和施工技术。  相似文献   
通过双差定位法,对江苏及邻域1990-2012年地震事件进行重新定位,其中包括部分人工爆破和塌陷事件。结果显示,重新定位后的爆破和塌陷事件震源深度均有明显改善;地震在空间分布上更加集中,部分地震有向构造带趋近的变化,较多地震呈丛集状出现,震源深度主要集中在5-25 km范围内。  相似文献   
Different calibration methods and data manipulations are being employed for quantitative paleoenvironmental reconstructions, but are rarely compared using the same data. Here, we compare several diatom-based models [weighted averaging (WA), weighted averaging with tolerance-downweighting (WAT), weighted averaging partial least squares, artificial neural networks (ANN) and Gaussian logit regression (GLR)] in different situations of data manipulation. We tested whether log-transformation of environmental gradients and square-root transformation of species data improved the predictive abilities and the reconstruction capabilities of the different calibration methods and discussed them in regard to species response models along environmental gradients. Using a calibration data set from New England, we showed that all methods adequately modelled the variables pH, alkalinity and total phosphorus (TP), as indicated by similar root mean square errors of prediction. However, WAT had lower performance statistics than simple WA and showed some unusual values in reconstruction, but setting a minimum tolerance for the modern species, such as available in the new computer program C2 version 1.4, resolved these problems. Validation with the instrumental record from Walden Pond (Massachusetts, USA) showed that WA and WAT reconstructed most closely pH and that GLR reconstructions showed the best agreement with measured alkalinity, whereas ANN and GLR models were superior in reconstructing the secondary gradient variable TP. Log-transformation of environmental gradients improved model performance for alkalinity, but not much for TP. While square-root transformation of species data improved the performance of the ANN models, they did not affect the WA models. Untransformed species data resulted in better accordance of the TP inferences with the instrumental record using WA, indicating that, in some cases, ecological information encoded in the modern and fossil species data might be lost by square-root transformation. Thus it may be useful to consider different species data transformations for different environmental reconstructions. This study showed that the tested methods are equally suitable for the reconstruction of parameters that mainly control the diatom assemblages, but that ANN and GLR may be superior in modelling a secondary gradient variable. For example, ANN and GLR may be advantageous for modelling lake nutrient levels in North America, where TP gradients are relatively short.  相似文献   
基于CBR的智能赤潮预测预警系统研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于实例推理机制(CBR),综合运用人工神经网络、知识发现、模糊逻辑及赤潮生态动力学模型库,考虑了影响赤潮发生的因素的多样性与随机性,建立了一个基于实例推理的智能赤潮预测预警系统。  相似文献   
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