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袁学诚 《地球物理学报》1995,38(04):448-459
中国大陆基底可以分为4个区域:西域克拉通和东亚克拉通具太古代-早元古代变质基底,蒙藏增生陆块与华南增生陆块为元古代基底.在西域克拉通内可以识别出南塔里木陆核分布区、准噶尔陆核分布区与伊犁陆核;在东亚克拉通内可以勾画出燕吕陆核分布区、黄淮陆核分布区、秦岭陆核分布区和扬子陆核分布区.在克拉通形成的同时或稍后,在克拉通的两侧发育巨型基底断裂.在东亚克拉通的东西侧为郯庐断裂带与东亚克拉通西缘断裂带;在西域克拉通的南北为阿尔金断裂带与阿尔曼大断裂带.在蒙藏地块中部通过的日喀则-狼山断裂带是位于两克拉通之间的重要断裂带.  相似文献   
西天山伊宁地块主褶皱幕鄯善运动的确立及地质意义   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
地层不整合接触是研究地质发展历史及鉴定地壳运动特征和运动时期的重要依据,主褶皱幕是一造山带多幕构造运动中起决定性作用和最为重要的一次构造运动。天山的构造运动幕次多且因地而异,前人认识多有分歧,也没有确立主褶皱幕。伊宁地块伊什基里克山一带上、下石炭统之间为角度不整合接触关系,在岩石组合、沉积环境、古生物地理区系、构造样式、区域大地构造背景等方面差异最为显著,凸显了鄯善运动对区内构造格架和盆山演化起到决定性的作用,因而是主褶皱幕。鄯善运动记录了西天山沟—弧—盆格局消亡,天山残余小洋盆终结,塔里木板块和准噶尔板块最终拼合在一起,形成了统一大陆的重要演化信息。  相似文献   
佳木斯地块西缘金矿带的形成受左行走滑断裂带和深部流体控制,壳-幔作用和地球动力体制转换是成矿物质活化→运移→聚集→成矿的基本动力学保障,构造应力场转换是其重要表现形式。深切地幔牡丹江岩石圈断裂的活动发生了深熔作用,使成矿物质得以活化、运移的重要驱动力,是成岩成矿作用发生的根本原因之一。地幔流体通过壳-幔相互作用形成了含矿流体,为流体成矿作用提供了矿源,并沿深断裂运移到更高的层位,在物理化学条件发生改变时沉积成矿。佳木斯地块西缘金矿带是受深断裂控制的,矿床之间是相互联系的,是在一个构造应力体制下完成它们的成矿作用的。北北东向和伴生的北西西向断裂,并有中生代浅成-超浅成岩体或脉岩侵位是今后找矿的方向。  相似文献   
姜平 《福建地质》2005,24(1):25-32
在平潭—东山构造带南段深变质的东亚带和浅变质的西亚带的过渡带.出露一套变质变形特征极其复杂的动力变质岩系。其主体是一个由早侏罗世、晚侏罗世及晚侏罗世—早白垩世石英闪长岩、花岗闪长岩、二长花岗岩、正长花岗岩等组成的坑北复式岩体。该岩体可划分6个基本单元,并与区域上同时代侵入岩的谱系单位划分进行对比,归并为东山序列、古美山、漳浦超单元。该区发育三期韧-(脆)性变形及动力变质作用。据R1-R2图解及巴尔巴林岩浆构造分类.坑北复式岩体中各超单元(单元)侵入岩分别形成于不同的构造环境。  相似文献   
The In Ouzzal terrane (Western Hoggar) is an example of Archaean crust remobilized during a very-high-temperature metamorphism related to the Paleoproterozoic orogeny (2 Ga). Pan-African events (≈0.6 Ga) are localized and generally of low intensity. The In Ouzzal terrane is composed of two Archaean units, a lower crustal unit made up essentially of enderbites and charnockites, and a supracrustal unit of quartzites, banded iron formations, marbles, Al–Mg and Al–Fe granulites commonly associated with mafic (metanorites and garnet pyroxenites) and ultramafic (pyroxenites, lherzolites and harzburgites) lenses. Cordierite-bearing monzogranitic gneisses and anorthosites occur also in this unit. The continental crust represented by the granulitic unit of In Ouzzal was formed during various orogenic reworking events spread between 3200 and 2000 Ma. The formation of a continental crust made up of tonalites and trondhjemites took place between 3200 and 2700 Ma. Towards 2650 Ma, extension-related alkali-granites were emplaced. The deposition of the metasedimentary protoliths between 2700 and 2650 Ma, was coeval with rifting. The metasedimentary rocks such as quartzites and Al–Mg pelites anomalously rich in Cr and Ni, are interpreted as a mixture between an immature component resulting from the erosion and hydrothermal alteration of mafic to ultramafic materials, and a granitic mature component. The youngest Archaean igneous event at 2500 Ma includes calc-alkaline granites resulting from partial melting of a predominantly tonalitic continental crust. These granites were subsequently converted into charnockitic orthogneisses. This indicates crustal thickening or heating, and probably late Archaean high-grade metamorphism coeval with the development of domes and basins. The Paleoproterozoic deformation consists essentially of a re-activation of the pre-existing Archaean structures. The structural features observed at the base of the crust argue in favour of deformation under granulite-facies. These features are compatible with homogeneous horizontal shortening of overall NW–SE trend that accentuated the vertical stretching and flattening of old structures in the form of basins and domes. This shortening was accommodated by horizontal displacements along transpressive shear corridors. Reactional textures and the development of parageneses during the Paleoproterozoic suggest a clockwise P–T path characterized by prograde evolution at high pressures (800–1050 °C at 10–11 kbar), leading to the appearance of exceptional parageneses with corundum–quartz, sapphirine–quartz and sapphirine–spinel–quartz. This was followed by an isothermal decompression (9–5 kbar). Despite the high temperatures attained, the dehydrated continental crust did not undergo any significant partial melting. The P–T path followed by the granulites is compatible with a continental collision, followed by delamination of the lithosphere and uprise of the asthenosphere. During exhumation of this chain, the shear zones controlled the emplacement of carbonatites associated with fenites.  相似文献   
Abstract Whether there existed the Songpan-Garzê massif is a controversial problem. This paper expounds and proves that the old basement of the massif is represented by the pre-Sinian granitic rock series. This massif and the South Qinling fold belt might both be a part of the old Yangtze platform. Rifting generated by the Caledonian orogeny in the terminal Early Palaeozoic caused the massif to be disintegrated from the northwestern part of the Yangtze platform. This disintegration, however, was not thorough, and the rift troughs were later gradually closed and filled up. The Emei taphrogeny that was initiated in the Early Permian Maokou'an Stage involved a second disintegration of this massif from the Yangtze platform. The rift line largely goes along the Muli-Pingwu line. This rifting belongs to synchronous extensional rifting at peripheries of the Yangtze platform and in its interior, showing that the posterior, lateral and interior extension resulting from rapid northward shift of the Yangtze platform led to isolation of this massif together with South Qinling from their adjacent areas. During the Ladinian Stage, the Songpan-Garzê massif and southern Qinling sank strongly en masse. This subsidence continued till the end of the Late Triassic when the late Indosinian movement caused the sea trough to be closed and Songpan-Garzê and southern Qinling to be folded and uplifted and become mountains.  相似文献   
贺兰山群变质杂岩主期变质作用的温压环境研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分布于贺兰山脉北部的贺兰山群变质杂岩的主期变质作用达角闪麻粒岩相,其矿物组合特征与低压相系麻粒岩相似、利用共生矿物组合和矿物对的温度计、压力计估算主期变质温度740—764(?),压力460—501MPa。温度压力条件与低压相系的地热梯度线较接近,变质作用强度具面型分布的特征,与东部密云、冀东等地的麻粒岩相区相似,但变质压力明显低,压力类型也不同,应属不同构造背景下的变质产物。  相似文献   
中祁连东段晋宁期碰撞型花岗岩及其地质意义   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
对中祁连地块东段西宁西部近S-N向展布的元古宙花岗岩带地质地球化学和年代学研究表明:它侵位于元古宙基底中浅变质岩系湟源群中,具有同碰撞S型花岗岩的性质;(917±12)Ma的单颗粒锆石U-Pb年龄记录了其侵位的时代为新元古宙晋宁期,这一新元古宙晋宁期碰撞型花岗岩带具有重要的地质意义.  相似文献   
扬子地块陡山沱期与梅树村期磷矿区域成矿规律   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
扬子地块是我国重要的产磷区 ,陡山沱与梅树村两大成磷期磷块岩储量占全国磷矿储量的85 %。在多年来丰富的资料积累与研究基础上 ,经过实践—理论—再实践的认识过程 ,归纳与提练出具有共性和普遍适用的海相磷块岩区域成矿规律 ,上升成为理性认识 ,因而具有很强的实用性 ,可作为成矿预测的准则。这些规律有 :含磷岩系规律、磷矿层规律、磷块岩自然类型规律、磷块岩结构类型规律、磷块岩矿物与化学成分规律、磷块岩序列规律、磷块岩成矿的构造古地理规律、陆缘坻含磷岩组规律、磷块岩富集规律等。并在此基础上划分出扬子地块的 2个三级成矿亚带和若干四级成矿区。  相似文献   
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