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水生植被对于维持水生态系统结构和功能稳定性具有举足轻重的作用,而重建水生植物被认为是污染湖泊生态修复的重要手段.氮素是水生态系统重要的限制性元素之一,根着挺水植物生长发育无疑将深刻地影响着沉积物氮的迁移转化过程,但水生植物不同生长阶段对沉积物氮的需求和植物代谢强度均不同,目前对挺水植物完整生长过程中沉积物氮组分及含量变...  相似文献   
The aquatic vegetation of ?í?ov Lake in the Danube floodplain, which is listed in the Ramsar Convention, was investigated to address three main questions: (1) how have landscape composition and the structures of the lake and its buffer zone changed from the mid-20th century; (2) how have species richness and the abundance of the aquatic macrophyte assemblage in this lake ecosystem changed over the last 34 years; and (3) which landscape metrics can best explain these temporal changes for floating-leaved macrophytes? Two methodological approaches, remote sensing and botanical field surveys, were applied. Historical (1949, 1970, 1990) and contemporary (2006) aerial photographs were analysed to determine land cover. Landscape configuration and structure were analysed using eight landscape metrics selected in advance to measure spatio-temporal changes and the fragmentation of the lake ecosystem and its corresponding buffer zone. The species diversity, abundance and distribution of true aquatic macrophytes were surveyed eleven times in five survey stretches between 1973 and 2007.At the landscape level, a decrease in the area covered by floating-leaved macrophytes, as well as an increase in open water surface and fragmentation of the land cover classes in the lake ecosystem, were recorded from 1949 to 2006. Overall, 30 true aquatic macrophytes were found from 1973 to 2007. Species richness did not change considerably, but the abundance of aquatic species fluctuated over the years. Three groups of true aquatic vegetation, based on common structural characteristics, were found in 1973–1983, 1989–2002, and 2004–2007 over the last 34 years. The landscape metrics NP, PD, LPI, and SHDI, which all express patterns of landscape fragmentation mostly indicate temporal changes in floating-leaved macrophytes.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of heavy metals namely cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu) and lead (Pb) in the five aquatic plants. For this purpose, the concentration of heavy metals were measured in water and in the five aquatic plant species, Lepironia articulata, Pandanus helicopus, Scirpus grossus, Cabomba furcata and Nelumbo nucifera, in 15 sites from Tasik Chini. The concentrations were different among the plant species as well as among the parts of plants. The highest concentration of heavy metals among the aquatic plants and plant parts was found in the roots of S. grossus. The concentrations of Cd in the leaves and stems of submerged aquatic plant, C. furcata, were higher than concentration of Cd in the leaves and stems of emergent aquatic plant and floating leaf plant. The concentration of Cu in the stem of C. furcata was greater than that in the leaf, while the concentration of Cd was more in the leaf than in the stem. The heavy metal contents of the aquatic plants were in descending order of Pb > Cu > Cd. The metal concentration quotient of leaves/roots and stems/roots (ML/MR and MS/MR) were calculated. The highest internal translocation was found in P. helicopus, while the lowest internal translocation was found in S. grossus.  相似文献   
固城湖生物资源利用和富营养化控制的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
于1989-1992年通过野外调查、室内试验,池塘模拟和数学模型等方法。研究江苏省固城湖的理化,初级生产生物生长及其有关因子,水草、藻和鱼,蟹间的相互关系,以及水草渔业利用对水质的影响等。  相似文献   
Submerged macrophyte detritus is a major component of the organic matter entering shallow lakes. Plant litter decomposition is a complex process that is mediated by microorganisms and some invertebrates. However, the role that aquatic organisms play in the decomposition of macrophytes in shallow subtropical lakes is unclear. This study compared the decomposition rates of Potamogeton pectinatus and Chara zeylanica in a shallow lake (southern Brazil) and assessed the fungal biomass and the macroinvertebrate community associated with the detritus. Aliquots of both species were incubated in litter bags and placed in the lake. After 1, 7, 20, 40, 60, and 80 days of incubation, one set of litter bags was removed from the lake. In a laboratory, plant material was washed for the determination of decomposition rates, chemical characterisation, and quantification of microorganisms and invertebrates. After 80 days of incubation, there was no C. zeylanica detritus, with a decomposition that was four times faster than that of P. pectinatus. The chemical composition was also different between the two detritus, with P. pectinatus showing a higher concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus, organic matter, polyphenols, and carbon. The fungal biomass was similar between the two species. In total, 7502 invertebrates belonging to 27 taxa were sampled in this study. The composition and abundance of invertebrates was different between the two species. In conclusion, the chemical structure of the macrophyte species studied was important for the microorganisms’ and invertebrates’ colonisation. In addition, leaching had an important function in the initial degradation process.  相似文献   
The aim of our study was to identify the main abiotic factors that influence the biodiversity of forest-steppe oxbows in limnophase. Experiments were performed in 2016–2017 in Penza oblast, Central Russia. In addition to disturbed water exchange, isolated oxbows experienced such human influence as logging and plowing on watersides, and the construction of roads and mounds. Under those conditions, some water bodies became unstable and temporal, while others remained stable and were relatively unaffected. Higher light intensity in unstable oxbows led to higher plant diversity because of the mass occurrence of helophytes. However, the diversity of hydrophytes in stable oxbows remained higher, which contributed to higher vegetation coverage. This resulted in increased zooplankton diversity, which was also influenced by lower fluctuations in water level and oxygen level. Disturbed water regimes impacted organisms with a full aquatic life cycle (phyto- and zooplankton, fish). The diversity of unstable oxbows decreased due to their isolation from the river and from drying. The absence of fish may positively affect the abundance and biomass of benthos; however, we found no influence on zooplankton. Instability and high fluctuations in water level may lead to the high diversity of organisms that spawn in water. The higher diversity of benthos may also be influenced by the abundance of amphibian larvae which are a necessary food resource. In addition to predation, amphibians are at risk of mass larval mortality because of drying. Although the degradation of oxbows in limnophase is an undesirable consequence of anthropogenic impact, the coexistence of all types of oxbows is necessary to conserve the freshwater biodiversity of forest-steppes.  相似文献   
辽河流域水生态功能一级分区指标体系与技术方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
流域水生态功能分区是实现流域综合管理的重要基础,也是水环境管理由水质目标管理向流域水生态管理转变的重要依据。根据辽河流域大尺度水生态空间格局分异的自然属性,结合国内外相关生态环境分区的研究进展,通过对辽河流域水热比(P/T)、径流深(RD)、数字高程(DEM)、多年归一化植被指数(NDVI)和水文地质(RP)等自然因素、河流水环境因子及水生生物指标的典型相关分析(CCA),筛选出DEM、RD、RP、NDVI指数作为水生态功能一级分区的主要因子,并依此建立了辽河流域水生态功能一级分区指标体系与分区技术方法。结果表明:辽河流域可分为4个水生态功能一级区,即西辽河上游内蒙古大兴安岭东南—冀北山地丘陵水生态区、西辽河中下游西辽河平原水生态区和辽河中下游平原水生态区及浑河—太子河上游山地丘陵水生态区。辽河流域多年历史数据与野外水生态调查数据分析表明,流域内鱼类聚类分析结果与水生态功能一级分区结果在空间分布上具有较好的吻合性。水生态功能分区结果为辽河流域水生态综合管理提供了科技支撑,同时也为中国水生态功能分区技术方法的制订提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
辽宁北部典型流域水生态功能区水生态安全评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于流域水生态功能分区的水生态安全评价是指导流域水生态“分类、分区”综合管理的前提,本文在流域中小尺度上依据水生态空间格局分异的自然特征和社会属性,以辽河流域的清河和凡河支流为对象,在流域水生态功能三级分区的基础上,运用“压力-状态-响应模型”(PSR),通过对流域社会经济压力指标、环境压力指标、城市发展指标、资源环境发展指标、投资指标、治理指标等因素分析,筛选出13个评价指标。利用生态安全综合指数法,将流域水生态安全划分为极不安全、不安全、基本安全、安全、非常安全五个级别。其中,清河流域Ⅳ-5-9、Ⅳ-5-10、Ⅳ-5-11、Ⅳ-5-12、Ⅳ-5-14区处于基本安全,Ⅳ-5-8、Ⅳ-5-13属于不安全;凡河流域4个水生态功能三级区中,Ⅳ-5-1、Ⅳ-5-2、Ⅳ-5-3区属于基本安全、Ⅳ-5-4区为较安全。基于水生态功能分区的水生态安全评价和级别划分可为辽河流域水生态保护与流域生态管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   
大型底栖动物在水生态系统健康评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大型底栖动物是维系水生态系统结构和功能的重要组成部分,也是影响水生态系统健康与功能的重要水生生物指标。随着中国对基于流域完整性水生态管理的日益重视,水生态系统健康的研究也更加深入,因而底栖动物的研究在深度和广度上均有所提高。概述了近年来国内外底栖动物的主要研究方向、影响因素及其分析方法。结果表明:在研究方向上,由于底栖动物对水生态系统变化的响应具有明显的空间尺度效应,因而以不同尺度空间上的自然环境、生境条件和水质等因子为分界,分析其对底栖动物多样性及其群落结构的重要影响。综合分析各种影响因素,流域内人类活动所造成的水环境因子变化或生境受损可直接影响底栖动物物种组成和种群特征。对底栖动物的研究方法可分为模型分析法和生物指数评价法两类,在应用中可侧重不同模型和指数的特点进行针对性选择。  相似文献   
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