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蔡勤  柴秀梅  周红根  李冰峰  杨莹  朱毅 《气象》2011,37(8):1045-1048
2009年2月8日至16日徐州天气雷达开机过程中,产品出现断断续续的拉丝现象,产品拉丝处图像掩盖了实际回波,而检查雷达的各项标校参数,其值均在正常范围且无任何报警,雷达回波异常,使雷达不能正常发挥其有效的作用。通过对CINRAD/A雷达伺服信号链路进行分析,查找闪码故障的产生原因和检测检修方法,为雷达技术保障人员提供现场维修、维护方面的经验。  相似文献   
一种台风海面非对称风场的构造方法   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
针对台风数值预报中由于采用对称模型而导致预报误差的现实,通过引入非对称分布的台风最大风速、最大风速半径等因子,在得到台风报告中7级风和10级风的半径的基础上,利用最佳权系数方案来得到非对称的台风外围风速分布因子,从而对Chan and Williams 1987年提出的切向风廓线方案进行改造,进而得到了台风海面非对称风场的计算式。检验表明,该方法能够描述台风海面风场的非对称分布,具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   
Comparing spaceborne satellite images of Landsat‐8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Landsat‐7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+) was undertaken to investigate the relative accuracy of mapping hydrothermal alteration minerals. The study investigated the northern part of Rabor, which contains copper mineralization occurrences, and is located in the Kerman Cenozoic magmatic assemblage (KCMA), Iran. Image processing methods of band ratio, principal component analysis (PCA), and spectral angle mapper (SAM) were used to map the distribution of hydrothermally altered rocks associated with the porphyry copper mineralization. The band ratio combination of both sensors for mapping altered areas showed similar outcomes. PCA exposed variations in the spatial distribution of hydroxyl‐bearing minerals. The representation of hydrothermal areas using OLI data was more satisfactory than when using ETM+ data. SAM analysis found similar results for mapping hydroxyl‐bearing zones. Verification of the results came through ground investigation and laboratory studies. Rock samples (n = 56) were collected to validate results using thin sections, X‐ray diffraction (XRD) and spectral analyses. Field observations and laboratory analysis revealed that phyllic and propylitic alterations dominate the alteration zones in the study area. Argillic and iron oxides/hydroxides alterations were observed to a lesser degree. The results indicate that alteration maps prepared by OLI data using PCA for visual interpretation are more suitable than those of ETM+ due to a higher radiometric resolution and lower interference between vegetation and altered areas. As the spectral bandwidth of ETM+ band 7 covers absorption feature of propylitic alteration, better mapping of propylitic alterations is achieved using ETM+ data.  相似文献   
首先通过模板匹配方法检测无为震群活动期间目录遗漏的地震事件,共识别出5次遗漏地震事件,震级为ML0.5~1.2,得到了更为完整的地震目录;然后基于波形互相关震相检测技术标定震相到时,进而采用双差定位方法进行精定位,精定位后震群分布更加集中,未见明显的优势方位分布;采用Snoke方法计算震级较大地震的震源机制,结果表明,此次震群为NEE向的水平挤压与NNE向的水平拉张应力场作用下具逆冲分量的走滑型地震活动,严家桥-枫沙湖断裂可能为其发震构造;最后,计算了震群序列的视应力,结果显示,视应力和扣除震级影响后的差视应力随着震群序列的衰减逐渐恢复,因此,分析认为,随着无为震群序列的衰减,震源区发生更大地震的可能性不大。  相似文献   
掩星弯角资料同化在一次暴雨过程中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用GPS掩星弯角资料和NCEP预报场资料,采用GSI(Grid-point Statistical Interpolation)变分同化系统,对同化掩星弯角资料前后的分析场以及数值预报结果进行详细比较,分析了弯角资料同化对2012年7月21日北京特大暴雨预报结果的影响。结果表明,同化掩星弯角资料对初始场中的温度、湿度产生明显影响,500 hPa和700 hPa温度调整中心量值达到0.5℃和-0.6℃,700 hPa湿度调整中心最大量值达-0.14 kg·kg-1;同化过程改变了强降水发生前流场结构,明显提高了强降水中心位置、雨带走向及范围、降水强度的预报准确性;由降水TS评分可知,200 mm以上大暴雨模拟改善效果明显,但对弱降水预报效果较差。  相似文献   
针对"房桥合一"铁路客站节点数多、空间相互作用显著等特点,利用沿结构整体坐标系方向功率谱的表达式和合理谱强度因子的确定方法,提出能合理考虑地震激励输入角度变化的快速多维虚拟激励法,并以天津西站Ⅱ区作为工程案例,对利用快速多维虚拟激励法、时程响应分析法和已有虚拟激励法的计算结果进行比较。结果表明:三种算法的计算结果吻合较好,证明快速多维虚拟激励法的计算值是合理的;且与已有虚拟激励法相比、快速多维虚拟激励法的计算效率显著提高,更适合于"房桥合一"铁路客站的抗震计算。  相似文献   
1998年在帕米尔东北侧伽师及其周边地区完成了两条深地震宽角反射/折射剖面. 结果表明,西昆仑、塔里木和天山在地壳速度结构、构造特征上显示出较大差异. 塔里木块体具有稳定地块的地壳结构特征,地壳平均速度较高(6.5km/s). 向南进入西昆仑,地壳明显增厚,厚度可达0km左右,且地壳平均速度偏低(6.0-6.2km/s),偏低的地壳平均速度主要来源于相对低速度的下地壳结构,反映了西昆仑褶皱系下地壳介质的特征. 向北进入天山后,地壳同样明显增厚,但增厚的程度低于西昆仑下,约为50-55km. 天山地壳同样具有明显低的平均速度(6.2km/s),显示了天山地壳相对"软"的特征,但天山地壳偏低的平均速度来源于广泛分布于中地壳的低速度层和速度偏低的下地壳. 在印度块体向北强烈推挤的作用下,该区地壳遭受强烈的不均匀变形,塔里木块体向南插入西昆仑下,向北插入天山下,形成了该区强烈地震频繁发生的深部构造环境.  相似文献   
Soil water repellency is a widespread phenomenon with the capacity to alter hydrological and geomorphological processes. Water repellency decays with time, and the consequences are only of concern during the timescale at which the water repellency persists. This study aimed to characterize the influence of temperature and humidity on the breakdown of water repellency. Apparent contact angle measurements were carried out on samples consisting of sand treated with stearic acid as well as naturally repellent dune sands and composts. Temperature and humidity were controlled using a cooled incubator and a purpose designed enclosed box in which humidity could be raised or lowered. Results showed the contact angle of the stearic‐acid‐treated sands decayed with time and that there was a significant increase with stearic acid concentration. For all samples, the decay in apparent contact angle could be described with a continuous breakdown model. The stearic‐acid‐treated sands showed a significant increase in contact angle with relative humidity at a temperature of 10 and 20 °C. These differences diminished with increasing temperature. Similar results were seen for the dune sands and composts. Despite the influence of temperature and humidity on contact angles, there was no significant change in the rate at which the contact angle decayed in any sample. Absolute humidity was found to provide a more relevant indicator than relative humidity when assessing the influence of humidity on repellency over a range of temperatures. The contact angle initially increased with absolute humidity before plateauing owing to the confounding effect of temperature. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Soil moisture is one of the important input variables in hydrological and water erosion models. The extraction of information on near surface soil moisture from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is well established mostly for flat terrain and using low incidence angle single polarisation data. The ENVISAT advanced SAR (ASAR) data available in multiple incidence angles and alternate polarisation modes were investigated in this study for soil moisture estimation in sloping terrain. The test site was Sitla Rao watershed in the Lesser Himalayas of northern India. Empirical models were developed to estimate near surface soil moisture in bare agricultural fields using alternate polarisation ASAR data. Both soil moisture and surface roughness field measurements were performed during the satellite passes. Backscatter from medium incidence angle (IS‐4) and vertical‐vertical (VV) polarisation signal is correlated better with volumetric soil moisture content compared to other incidence angles. The model parameters were further improved, and soil moisture estimation was refined by combining medium incidence angle (IS4) vertical‐horizontal polarisation response as another variable along with VV polarisation response. The effect of slope on the radar backscatter was minimized by incorporating local incidence angles derived from an ASTER DEM. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
针对水体信息提取时,传统算法不能较好地解决山体阴影被误提为水体的问题,引入多用于高光谱数据处理的光谱角匹配算法,以Land-sat8 OLI(band1-band7)为数据源,以黄河小浪底水库周边区域为实验区,开展水体信息提取研究,结果显示:水体指数法和波段关系提取的结果中有大量的山体阴影信息,提取精度不超过30%,而光谱角匹配法提取结果受阴影的影响较小,提取精度在99%以上。  相似文献   
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