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通过对新疆兵团垦区硫酸盐渍土路基的野外试槽试验测得的地温、盐冻胀变形量等试验数据进行整理,并运用SPSS软件进行多元线性回归分析,探讨了硫酸盐渍土路基的盐冻胀变形规律、盐冻胀变形量的影响因素及其计算方法,研究结果表明:①在一个冻融循环周期内,路基中各测点的地温-变形量曲线可以分成3个阶段,不同阶段的盐冻胀变化规律不同;②在降温、升温过程中,硫酸盐渍土路基盐冻胀变形量的影响因素不同,相应的计算公式也不同;③在一个冻融循环周期内,路基中各测点的盐冻胀变形量的最大值均出现在升温初期,因此,建议采用升温过程中盐冻胀变形量的计算公式计算路基的最大盐冻胀变形量。  相似文献   
The Fairholme carbonate complex is part of the extensively dolomitized Upper Devonian carbonate reefs in west-central Alberta. The studied formations contain moulds (up to 10 cm in diameter), which are filled partially with (saddle) dolomite, quartz and calcite cements. These cements precipitated from a mixture of brines that acquired high salinity by dissolution of halite and brines derived from evaporated sea water. The fluids were warm (homogenization temperature of primary fluid inclusions of 76 to 200 °C) and saline (20 to 25 wt% NaCl equivalent) and testify to thermochemical sulphate reduction processes. The latter is deduced from S in solid inclusions, CO2 and H2S in volatile-rich aqueous inclusions and depleted δ13C values down to −26‰ Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite. High 87Sr/86Sr values (0·7094 to 0·7110) of the cements also indicate interaction of the fluids with siliciclastic sequences. The thermochemical sulphate reduction-related cements probably formed during early Laramide burial. Another (younger) calcite phase, characterized by depleted δ18O values (−23·9‰ to −13·9‰ Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite), low Na (27 to 37 p.p.m.) and Sr (39 to 150 p.p.m.) concentrations and non-saline (∼0 wt% NaCl equivalent) fluid inclusions, is attributed to post-Laramide meteoric water.  相似文献   
Sodium accumulating playas (also termed sodic or natric playas) are typically covered by polygonal crusts with different pattern characteristics, but little is known about the short‐term (hours) dynamics of these patterns or how pore water may respond to or drive changing salt crust patterning and surface roughness. It is important to understand these interactions because playa‐crust surface pore‐water and roughness both influence wind erosion and dust emission through controlling erodibility and erosivity. Here we present the first high resolution (10?3 m; hours) co‐located measurements of changing moisture and salt crust topography using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and infra‐red imagery for Sua Pan, Botswana. Maximum nocturnal moisture pattern change was found on the crests of ridged surfaces during periods of low temperature and high relative humidity. These peaks experienced non‐elastic expansion overnight, of up to 30 mm and up to an average of 1.5 mm/night during the 39 day measurement period. Continuous crusts however showed little nocturnal change in moisture or elevation. The dynamic nature of salt crusts and the complex feedback patterns identified emphasize how processes both above and below the surface may govern the response of playa surfaces to microclimate diurnal cycles. © 2015 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
Precise dating and correlation of past key volcanic eruptions over a wide geographic area in archives of past climate variability is necessary to support a direct causality between volcanism and climate changes. Research has mostly focused on ice cores and varved sediments, which capture a record of volcanic eruptions in geochemistry and the presence of tephra and criptotephra. Precisely dated cave carbonate deposits, collectively known as speleothems are other valuable palaeoclimate archives, and encode information on past volcanism in their sulphate concentration variability. Due to the physical characteristic of speleothems, detection of sulphate concentration variability requires techniques capable of high spatial resolution, very low limit of detection (ppm to ppb) and low background noise. Synchrotron radiation-based (SR) micro X-ray fluorescence (µXRF) and X-ray absorption near-edge spectrometry prove to be one of the most effective techniques to detect short-lived pulses of sulphate concentration increase, which may be interpreted as being related to atmospheric load due to volcanic eruptions. Here, we provide an overview of existing work as well as a novel interpretation of a SR µXRF-based sulphate series in an annually laminated stalagmite with robust chronology. Sulphate concentration peaks in the years 1815–1816, 1844 and 1947, possibly coinciding with Tambora, Krakatau, and Hekla eruptions. It is concluded that sulphate concentration in speleothems expand the potential to correlate volcanic eruption events at a global scale.  相似文献   
Gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O), alunite (KAl3(SO4)2(OH)6), and rare phosphate–sulphate sanjuanite Al2(PO4)(SO4)(OH) 9(H2O) and rossiantonite (Al3(PO4)(SO4) 2(OH)2(H2O)14) have recently been identified as secondary mineral deposits in different quartz‐sandstone caves in the Gran Sabana region, Venezuela. Due to the extended time scale required for speleogenesis in the hard and barely soluble quartz‐sandstone lithology, these caves are considered to be as old as 20 to 30 My. The study of these peculiar secondary mineral deposits potentially reveals important insights for understanding the interaction between deep, superficial and atmospheric processes over thousands to perhaps millions of years. In this study, chemical and petrographic analyses of potential host rock sources, sulphur and oxygen isotope ratios, and meteorological, hydrological and geographical data are used to investigate the origin of sulphates and phospho–sulphates. The results suggest that the deposition of sulphates in these caves is not linked to the quartz‐sandstone host rock. Rather, these mineral deposits originate from an external atmospheric sulphate source, with potential contributions of marine non‐sea salt sulphates, terrestrial dimethyl sulphide and microbially reduced H2S from the forests or peatbogs within the watershed. Air currents within the caves are the most plausible means of transport for aerosols, driving the accumulation of sulphates and other secondary minerals in specific locations. Moreover, the studied sulphate minerals often co‐occur with silica speleothems of biological origin. Although this association would suggest a possible biogenic origin for the sulphates as well, direct evidence proving that microbes are involved in their formation is absent. Nonetheless, this study demonstrates that these quartz‐sandstone caves accumulate and preserve allogenic sulphates, playing a yet unrecognized role in the sulphur cycle of tropical environments.  相似文献   
Hyper-spectral data is widely used to determine soil properties. However, few studies have explored the soil spectral characteristics as response to soil erosion. This study analysed the spectral response of different eroded soils in subtropical China, and then identify the spectral characteristics and soil properties that better discriminate softs with different erosion degrees. Two methods were compared: direct identification by inherent spectral characteristics and indirect identification by predictions of critical soft properties. Results showed that the spectral curves for different degrees of erosion were similar in morphology, while overall reflectance and characteristics of specific absorption peaks were different. When the first method is applied, some differences among different eroded groups were found by integration of associated indicators. However, the index of such indicators showed apparent mixing and crossover among different groups, which reduced the accuracy of identification. For the second method, the correlation between critical soil properties, such as soil organic matter (SOM), iron and aluminium oxides and reflectance spectra, was analysed. The correlation coefficients for the moderate eroded group were primarily between -0.3 to -0.5, which were worse than the other twogroups. However, the maximum value of R2 was obtained as 0.86 and 0.94 for the non-apparent eroded and the severe group. Furthermore, these two groups also showed some differences in the spectral response of iron complex state (Fep), Aluminium amorphous state (Alo) and the modelling results for soil organic matter (SOM). The study proved that it is feasible to identify different degrees of soil erosion by hyperspectral data, and that indirect identification by modelling critical soil properties and reflectance spectra is much better than direct identification. These results indicate that hyper-spectral data may represent a promising tool in monitoring and modelling soil erosion.  相似文献   
本文研究了三元体系MgSO4—CH3CONHCONH2—H2O(Ⅰ)和Mg(NO3)2─CH3CONHCONH2—H2O(Ⅱ)在30℃的相平衡,测定了饱和溶液溶解度及其折光指数,绘制了相应的溶度图和折光指数─组成关系图。两个体系均为简单共饱型。溶度曲线及折光指数曲线均由两支组成,分别与MgSO4·7H2O(Ⅰ)或Mg(NO2)2·6H2O(Ⅱ)和CH2CONHCONH2相对应。共饱点的组成分别为(Ⅰ)中MgSo427.35%,CH3CONHCONH2 4.7%;(Ⅰ)中Mg(NO3)242.75%,CH3CONHCONH212.24%。这项工作对开发缓释肥料具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Taxonomic composition and variation in density of zooplankton were studied since 1989 to investigate possible long-term effects of anthropogenic acidification and liming in Sweden (the Integrated Studies of the Effects of Liming in Acidified Water (ISELAW) programme). In the programme, 15 long-term (18-31 years) limed lakes were studied in parallel with 8 untreated circumneutral lakes (representing target conditions) and 7 acid lakes. Five-year means from these lakes were used to evaluate differences between the three lake groups. Water chemistry (including trace metals), phytoplankton, invertebrate predators and fish were also monitored. Older records from 8 of the limed lakes obtained during the acid period preceding the initial liming were compared with records from the limed period. The number of taxa more than doubled in 6 lakes after liming. Total present-day zooplankton biovolume showed insignificant differences between the neutral and limed groups, i.e., conformed with the target conditions. Trace metals, including inorganic aluminium, appeared in low concentrations in limed and neutral lakes whereas zooplankton in one acid lake was Al-intoxicated. Daphnid populations in 4 other lakes may suffer from effects of high Cd or Cu concentrations. “Bottom-up” regulation of the zooplankton biovolumes was indicated by positive regressions between total phosphorus-phytoplankton and phytoplankton-zooplankton. Corresponding tests showed no “top-down” regulation of zooplankton by fish and of phytoplankton by zooplankton. Biomasses of planktivorous fish were higher in the neutral reference lakes than in both the acid and the limed lake groups, but neither zooplankton density and biovolume nor mean body size were lower in the neutral references. A higher production and turnover of zooplankton in neutral reference lakes may explain similar densities and structure of zooplankton in spite of a heavier predation pressure.  相似文献   
The spatial and temporal distribution of sulphate (SO4) concentrations in peat pore water and the outlet streams of two forested swamps was related to variations in the magnitude of upland runoff, wetland water levels and flow path. The swamps were located in headwater catchments with contrasting till depths typical of the southern Canadian Shield. Inputs of SO4 from shallow hillslope tills and streams showed little seasonal variation in either source or concentration in both swamps. Sulphate dynamics at the outlet stream reflected hydrological and biogeochemical processes within the valley wetlands, which in turn were partly controlled by catchment hydrogeology. During high runoff, maximum water table elevations and peak surface flow in the swamps resulted in upland inputs largely bypassing anoxic peat. Consequently, SO4 concentrations of 8–10 mg/l at the swamp outlets were similar to stream and groundwater inputs. During periods of low flow, concentrations of SO4 at the swamp outlets declined to less than 3 mg/l. At this time lower water table elevations resulted in increased interaction of input water with anoxic peats, and therefore, SO4 reduction. Contrasts in till depth and the nature of groundwater flow between catchments resulted in differences in SO4 dynamics between years and swamps. In dry summers the absence of groundwater inputs to the swamp in the catchment with thin till resulted in a large water table drawdown and re-oxidation of accumulated S, which contributed to maximum SO4 concentrations (up to 35 mg/l) during storm runoff. Continuous groundwater input to the swamp in the catchment with deeper till was critical to maintaining saturated surfaces and efficient SO4 retention during both dry and wet summers. A conceptual model of wetland SO4 retention and export, based on catchment hydrogeology, is developed to generalize the SO4 dynamics of valley bottom wetlands at the landscape scale. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
硫酸盐岩溶蚀机理实验研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
在硫酸盐岩和碳酸盐岩混合建造地区,硫酸盐岩的溶蚀对岩溶的产生有着重要影响,对于某些岩溶现象和地质灾害的解释,必须考虑硫酸盐岩岩溶的影响,对硫酸盐岩的溶蚀机理及其影响因素的研究就显得尤为重要.本文采用室内实验模拟的方法,根据岩溶发育的影响因素,研究了硫酸盐岩的溶蚀机理.研究认为,硫酸盐岩溶蚀发育的条件不同于碳酸盐岩,即在水与硫酸盐岩体系内即使没有CO2的参与,水对硫酸盐岩仍具侵蚀性;硫酸盐岩溶蚀的发育不但与其本身的固有特性有关外,还与岩石所处的环境因素有关.  相似文献   
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