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辽宁沿海经济带工业环境效率分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
环境效率是生态效率的重要组成部分。基于环境效率对于指导区域经济与环境协调发展的重要意义,以重工业基地辽宁沿海经济带为例作环境效率研究,应用数据包络分析(DEA)和随机前沿分析(SFA)测算辽宁沿海经济带2001~2009年工业环境效率和产出弹性。在此基础上利用Tobit模型构建多元线性回归,分析工业环境效率的关键影响因素。结果表明:2001~2009年辽宁沿海经济带工业环境效率有大幅提高,但与理想状况仍有一定差距。其中大连的工业经济增长主要依靠劳动力推动,对环境成本的依赖正在减小,丹东、营口和葫芦岛3市的工业增长需要牺牲更多的环境成本。重工业化、资本密集化和高新技术化不利于工业环境效率提高,经济发展水平的提高则极大地促进了工业环境效率的提高。所有制结构、生产规模、外商投资和环境管理力度等因素因其作用的两面性,对工业环境效率无有效影响。  相似文献   
可持续发展中的公平与效率问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在传统增长方式中,公平与效率之间存在着巨大的冲突,由于可持续发展的出现,才第一次把两者纳入到可以相互补充、相互协调的框架之内,从而构成了整个社会得以生存与发展的必要张力。如何在公平的价值观念下效率,如何在有效的市场中保证公平,成为环境与发展问题相并列的当代经济理论、经济伦理思想以及可持续发展观的重要课题。  相似文献   
According to the connotation and structure of science and technology resources and some relevant data of more than 286 cities at prefecture level and above during 2001–2010, using modified method—Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA), science and technology(ST) resource allocation efficiency of different cities in different periods has been figured out, which, uncovers the distributional difference and change law of ST resource allocation efficiency from the time-space dimension. Based on that, this paper has analyzed and discussed the spatial distribution pattern and evolution trend of ST resource allocation efficiency in different cities by virtue of the Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis(ESDA). It turned out that:(1) the average of ST resource allocation efficiency in cities at prefecture level and above has always stayed at low levels, moreover, with repeated fluctuations between high and low, which shows a decreasing trend year by year. Besides, the gap between the East and the West is widening.(2) The asymmetrical distribution of ST resource allocation efficiency presents a spatial pattern of successively decreasing from Eastern China, Central China to Western China. The cities whose ST resource allocation efficiency are at higher level and high level take on a cluster distribution, which fits well with the 23 forming urban agglomerations in China.(3) The coupling degree between ST resource allocation efficiency and economic environment assumes a certain positive correlation, but not completely the same. The differentiation of ST resource allocation efficiency is common in regional development, whose existence and evolution are directly or indirectly influenced by and regarded as the reflection of many elements, such as geographical location, the natural endowment and environment of ST resources and so on.(4) In the perspective of the evolution of spatial structure, ST resource allocation efficiency of the cities at prefecture level and above shows a notable spatial autocorrelation, which in every period presents a positive correlation. The spatial distribution of ST resource allocation efficiency in neighboring cities seems to be similar in group, which tends to escalate stepwise. Meanwhile, the whole differentiation of geographical space has a diminishing tendency.(5) Viewed from LISA agglomeration map ofST resource allocation efficiency in different periods, four agglomeration types have changed differently in spatial location and the range of spatial agglomeration. And the continuity of ST resource allocation efficiency in geographical space is gradually increasing.  相似文献   
气候变化已经对全球生态、环境、经济和社会可持续发展以及外交和国家安全产生极大影响,引起各国政府、公众和学术界的极大关注。气候变化关系人类的生存和发展,应对气候变化实现可持续发展具有重要性和紧迫性。我们要以科学发展观为指导,把握好共同但有区别的责任,积极应对气候变化。  相似文献   
京津冀城市群水资源开发利用的时空特征与政策启示   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
京津冀城市群是中国在国际经济体系中具有最强竞争力的支撑平台之一,也是中国乃至全世界水安全保障难度最大的地区之一。本文主要以2000-2014年数据为基础,采用泰尔系数、变异系数、曲线分析和空间分级分类分析等方法,揭示了京津冀城市群水资源与用水变化的时空特征。结果显示:①绝大多数城市多年平均水资源总量显著减少,干旱化的长期趋势明显,而且北部、西部城市减少幅度更大;②京津冀城市群水资源极度短缺,空间不均衡性呈现先减小后增大的趋势,而且中部和南部城市水资源开发利用潜力更低,缺水更甚;③绝大多数城市用水总量零增长或缓慢负增长,用水结构以工农业用水比重下降为主要特征,各类用水的空间不均衡性保持相对稳定;④用水效率普遍快速提升,空间分布差异呈现先增大后减小的总体趋势。基于此,建议京津冀城市群实施“以水量城”的城镇化政策和“以水定产”的产业政策,完善水生态补偿政策,落实水资源管理红线政策,实现水资源约束下各城市间经济社会与生态环境的协同发展。  相似文献   
刘宏伟  吴杰  梁雯  方叶林 《地理科学》2017,37(11):1640-1648
运用Hicks-Moorsteen TFP指数法对中国公路运输业全要素生产率进行测度和演化分析。结果发现:2009~2012年中国公路全要素生产率实现了增长,2013~2015年出现下降。2009年来技术进步推动了东部地区公路运输全要素生产率的增长,而运营效率提升则在推动中西部地区公路运输全要素生产率增长时起到了关键作用。中西部地区公路运输效率增长优于东部地区。东部地区在引领技术进步的同时,应注重公路运输效率的提升;中西部地区应注意加大先进技术的引进。政府和主管部门对中西部公路运输应推出持续性支持政策。  相似文献   
中国省际工业生态效率空间分布及影响因素研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
李成宇  张士强  张伟 《地理科学》2018,38(12):1970-1978
将中国30省市(不含港、澳、台和西藏地区)作为研究对象,进行省际工业生态效率空间分布及影响因素研究。首先构建中国省际工业生态效率评价指标体系,其次利用DEA-BCC模型结合Malmquist指数对2006~2015年中国30省市在时空两个维度上的工业生态效率进行测算,再次运用Geoda软件分析中国工业生态效率的空间分布特征,最后通过空间误差模型对中国工业生态效率的影响因素进行检验。研究结果表明: 中国工业生态效率虽呈现小幅度下降趋势,但整体效率水平较高;30省市之间存在明显差异性,呈现出东部>中部>西部的分布格局。 中国工业生态效率Malmquist指数增长率水平较高;30省市Malmquist指数均为正向增长,呈现出稳定增长趋势;技术进步效率是Malmquist指数的主要推动力。中国30省市工业生态效率呈现正向空间自相关性,且存在明显的集聚状态,近邻效应显著。 中国省际工业生态效率的主要影响因素有经济发展水平、产业结构、政府规制、技术进步、外商投资和产业集聚。  相似文献   
侯亚丽  匡文慧  窦银银 《地理学报》2022,77(11):2687-2702
超大城市是全球经济、文化以及高科技产业发展的承载体和重要纽带,其形态结构特征和人口聚集效应是城市化影响的典型表现,然而当前对于全球超大城市形态特征及扩张模式的研究相对不足。基于2000—2020年全球城市土地利用/覆盖变化数据(GULUC-30),利用城市扩张强度差异指数分析了超大城市用地的时空变化规律;而后运用面积—半径标度分析模型研究了超大城市的分形特征及扩张模式,最后基于城市用地面积和城市人口之间的线性关系评价城市用地效率。结果发现:① 2000—2020年东南亚和东亚的中国超大城市用地扩张最剧烈,城市用地面积分别扩张了3148.32 km2和5996.26 km2,城市扩张强度差异指数平均值大于3;② 2000—2020年超大城市的形态特征和扩张模式向着更加集约和紧凑的方向发展,径向维数平均值由1.54增加至1.56,分维差呈逐年减少趋势,城市内部结构一体化特征显著;③ 北美和欧洲的超大城市用地效率低,2020年城市用地面积与城市人口比值系数范围为0.89~4.11;南亚和非洲城市用地效率高,比值范围为0.23~0.87。超大城市空间扩张格局和形态变化的认识对于城市用地的集约利用和可持续发展具有重要参考价值。严格控制超大城市扩张规模,促进城市用地的均衡发展是建设韧性城市和实现城市地区可持续发展的必要条件。  相似文献   
With a continuously increasing population and better food consumption levels, improving the efficiency of arable land use and increasing its productivity have become fundamental strategies to meet the growing food security needs in China. A spatial distribution map of medium- and low-yield cropland is necessary to implement plans for cropland improvement. In this study, we developed a new method to identify high-, medium-, and low-yield cropland from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data at a spatial resolution of 500 m. The method could be used to reflect the regional heterogeneity of cropland productivity because the classification standard was based on the regionalization of cropping systems in China. The results showed that the proportion of high-, medium-, and low-yield cropland in China was 21%, 39%, and 40%, respectively. About 75% of the low-yield cropland was located in hilly and mountainous areas, and about 53% of the high-yield cropland was located in plain areas. The five provinces with the largest area of high-yield cropland were all located in the Huang-Huai-Hai region, and the area amounted to 42% of the national high-yield cropland area. Meanwhile, the proportion of high-yield cropland was lower than 15% in Heilongjiang, Sichuan, and Inner Mongolia, which had the largest area allocated to cropland in China. If all the medium-yield cropland could be improved to the productive level of high-yield cropland and the low-yield cropland could be improved to the level of medium-yield cropland, the total productivity of the land would increase 19% and 24%, respectively.  相似文献   
中国化肥利用率的区域分异   总被引:77,自引:2,他引:77  
据全国各县近10年的化肥施用量和粮食产量数据,并从不同年份单位播种面积粮食产量和肥料施用量的变化,求出相应不施肥产量和通过施肥可能达到的最高产量,并以上述结果为基础计算出该地区化肥利用率,研究结果表明:当前我国化肥施用的地区差异明显,施用量较集中范围是180-270kg/hm^2和90-180kg/hm^2,部分地区的化肥施用已经过量;单位化肥的粮食产出率主要集中在10-30kg/kg,化肥利用率大多集中在15%-35%,且与化肥施用量有关,按地区统计,高施肥量区化肥施用明显过量,平均达339kg/hm^2,是全国平均用量(262kg/hm^2)的1.29倍,中施肥量区单位面积化肥平均施用量为252kg/hm^2,略低于全国平均水平,低施肥量区则仅为178kg/hm^2,是全国平均的67.8%,我国单位化肥的生产效率及化肥利用率均以低施肥量区最高,分别为17.5kg/kg和39.8%,中施肥量区为13.7和36。  相似文献   
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