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In the present study, locomotion of a real longfin inshore squid (Doryteuthis pealeii) was numerically investigated. Geometry of a real squid was obtained using computed tomography (CT) images. In addition to a two-dimensional axisymmetric squid model, a modified squid model with no cavities around her head and an ellipse shaped model were generated with a fineness ratio (the ratio of body length to maximum body diameter) of 7.56. These numerical models were exposed to an acceleration with two different velocity programs. Added mass and basset forces on bodies were calculated during acceleration of the squid models starting from rest. Pressure and viscous drag forces were also calculated due to pressure variation along the squid models and friction on the surface of the models. The effect of a nozzle diameter on jet velocities and propulsive efficiency at all bodies were evaluated when time dependent velocity profiles (from 0 to 10 m/s in 0.5 and 1 s time durations) were set for the inlet of computational domain. The modified squid model required least thrust force during acceleration phase of time dependent velocity profile compared to the other models while the 0.02 m nozzle diameter provided largest propulsive efficiency for all models.  相似文献   
建设用地是城镇经济社会活动的空间载体,其利用效率是调控建设用地扩张和配置的重要基础.论文以收缩型城市——黑龙江省伊春市为例,利用DEA模型测算了1995-2015年伊春市建设用地利用效率分析其时空演变规律,并运用地理探测器模型探究伊春市建设用地利用效率空间分异的影响机制,结论如下:①1995-2015年伊春市建设用地利...  相似文献   
东北三省城市土地利用效益评价及耦合协调关系研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在阐述城市土地利用效益系统耦合协调性内涵及其交互作用机理的基础上,构建综合评价指标体系,运用均方差决策法、耦合协调度模型,对东北三省2003~2015年城市土地利用综合效益及其主成分间耦合协调关系进行测度,并分析其时空演化过程。研究认为:城市土地利用综合效益表现出随时间“先升后降”的特征,区内三省间差异明显,中心和门户城市长期处于较高水平。城市土地利用经济效益亦存在“先升后降”的时序变化特征,空间上表现为“南高北低”,低值区范围缩减明显;社会效益差异不显著,在南北方向上表现出“凸”字型分布特征;区域生态环境效益整体较高,高值区由集中趋向分散。城市土地利用经济、社会、生态环境效益间耦合协调关系在各时间节点均表现为失调,且以中度失调为主,但中心城市和门户城市的三效益耦合协调关系相对较好,向协调方向发展,哈长与辽中南城市群地区协调性优于其他区域,吉林省与辽宁省东部的部分城市协调关系趋向恶化。城市土地利用效益间关系失调主要受复合因素的作用,经济效益滞后是制约土地利用效益耦合协调关系提升的主因,生态环境效益滞后不是限制土地利用效益耦合协调性提升的主要因素。  相似文献   
The hydrostatic energy of high-pressure seawater is a renewable and green energy source for ocean exploration and have been used to replace underwater electrical energy transmission through the cable and underwater battery pack to power seafloor equipment. The advantage of the energy supply method is the cost-effective and the robustness. In the paper, the energy performance of the existing hydrostatic seafloor sediment samplers powered by seawater hydrostatic energy are modelled and analyzed and compared. In view of the common shortcoming of existing technology, a novel hydrostatic seafloor sediment sampler is proposed. The model of energy conversion of the new sampler is built, and its energy performance is obtained. The analysis results indicate that the energy conversion efficiency of the novel sediment sampler is much higher than the existing ones, which means that the new sampler can collect much longer sample with the limited amount of hydrostatic energy. The seawater hydrostatic energy conversion system of the new sampler can also be used to power other seafloor equipment.  相似文献   
针对TIN_DDM缓冲面构建与应用中存在的数据类型特殊、算法效率与模型精度不匹配的问题,本文将滚动球模型应用扩展至TIN_DDM缓冲面的构建过程。在分析滚动球模型构建精度局限的基础上,建立了滚动球半径关联的滚动球模型整体精度控制方法;结合大数据量TIN_DDM缓冲面多次构建的应用效率需求,阐明了关键采样点与滚动球半径对TIN_DDM缓冲面构建效率的影响规律;设计了TIN_DDM缓冲面构建关键采样点的判定准则,建立了关键采样点与滚动球半径的数值关联关系;提出了一种基于滚动球加速优化模型的TIN_DDM缓冲面快速构建算法,算法时间复杂度为O(n)。试验结果表明:本文算法可实现任意缓冲半径条件下TIN_DDM缓冲面的多次快速构建,且算法精度控制在2σ内。  相似文献   
随着毫米波天文学和空间通信的重要性日益提高, 对天线性能提出了越来越高的要求, 而天线性能往往受到其反射器表面精度的限制. 微波全息技术是一种快速有效的检测反射面天线表面轮廓的测量技术. 通过微波全息测量得到天线口径场, 计算天马65m射电望远镜反射面与理想抛物面的偏差. 天马65m射电望远镜的主反射面板是放射状的, 有14圈. 面板的每个角都固定在面板下方促动器的螺栓上进行上下移动, 且相邻面板交点处的拐角共用一个促动器. 采用平面拟合的方法可以计算各块面板拐角处的调整值, 但是同一个促动器会得到4个不同的调整量. 通过平面拟合, 同时以天线照明函数为权重的平差计算方法得到相邻面板拐角的一个平差值, 即天马65m射电望远镜1104个促动器的最佳调整值. 通过多次调整和新算法的应用, 天马65m射电望远镜反射面的面形精度逐渐提高到了0.24mm.  相似文献   
陆相储层单砂体内的薄夹层是形成储层流体流动非均质的主要因素之一,单砂体内部薄夹层极薄、规模小、测井全部识别有一定困难,且位于层内。在油田开发初、中期作用不明显,而在高含水期、三采阶段,单砂体及其渗透率宏观分布已不能详尽揭示层内剩余油分布,层内薄夹层对注入剂驱油的影响及其重要性逐渐显现出来,与渗透率在储层内韵律性分布有同等重要的地位,也是储层精细表征的重要内容。以往只是着重从渗透率在储层内分布的不均衡的角度来研究储层中驱油效率问题,忽略了薄夹层的对储层驱油效率的影响。以大庆油田葡萄花油层组PⅠ2小层曲流河道砂体为例,对曲流河道砂体内部薄夹层构形对驱油效率及剩余油的形成与分布作了初步的分析和探讨。在排除开发因素差异的同井单砂体分析条件下,提出了“单砂体内部薄夹层空间构形 渗透率垂向序列 重力”三因素共同控制剩余油分布、驱油效率多段垂向序列模式。  相似文献   
输导通道类型对天然气聚集效率的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对中国大中型气田天然气输导通道类型及影响因素研究,得到中国大中型气田主要有断裂、断裂与不整合组合、砂体、断裂与砂体组合、不整合与砂体组合和不整合6种输导通道类型。其中以断裂为主,其次是断裂与不整合组合,再次是砂体和断裂与砂体组合,最少为不整合和不整合与砂体组合。它们主要受盆地类型、盆地内构造带类型和源储空间位置关系的影响。由中国大中型气田储量、含气面积和聚集时问,通过求取其天然气聚集效率,把中国大中型气田划分为高效、中效和低效3类气田。通过中国大中型气田天然气聚集效率与输导通道类型之间关系分析,得到聚集时间相对较晚的断裂、砂体和断裂与不整合组合形成的输导通道天然气聚集效率相对较高,有利于快速形成大中型气田。  相似文献   
田玲玲  张晋  王法辉  李响  郑文升  罗静 《地理科学》2019,39(9):1455-1463
公共服务资源的空间配置问题一直存在效率与公平价值导向的博弈,空间综合人文社科的兴起,使其演化成一个空间优化问题。医疗资源空间配置的规划注重决策连续性,据此提出改进空间可达性的两步优化法。在农村地区资源有限的情况下,以空间可达性为主要指标,建立公平与效率导向下的二次规划模型,通过重新选址和设定规模以保证居民获得就医机会的最大公平和效率,并以湖北省仙桃市为案例进行应用研究。结果表明,新选地址和规模优化结果能使仙桃市医疗资源空间配置的公平性和效率性得到显著提高,2个步骤相结合,使其成为真正的混合优化模型,达到效率和公平平衡的双重目标。  相似文献   
Microsatellite markers have become one kind of the most important molecular tools used in various researches. A large number of microsatellite markers are required for the whole genome survey in the fields of molecular ecology, quantitative genetics and genomics. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to select several versatile, low-cost, efficient and time- and labor-saving methods to develop a large panel of microsatellite markers. In this study, we used Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri) as the target species to compare the efficiency of the five methods derived from three strategies for microsatellite marker development. The results showed that the strategy of constructing small insert genomic DNA library resulted in poor efficiency, while the microsatellite-enriched strategy highly improved the isolation efficiency. Although the mining public database strategy is time- and cost-saving, it is difficult to obtain a large number of microsatellite markers, mainly due to the limited sequence data of non-model species deposited in public databases. Based on the results in this study, we recommend two methods, microsatellite-enriched library construction method and FIASCO-colony hybridization method, for large-scale microsatellite marker development. Both methods were derived from the mi-crosatellite-enriched strategy. The experimental results obtained from Zhikong scallop also provide the reference for microsatellite marker development in other species with large genomes.  相似文献   
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