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为建立和完善现代化的海洋灾害防治体系,提高我国海洋治理和应对全球气候变化的能力,文章以全球治理和国家治理为背景,在明确致灾因子、承灾体、灾害以及灾害风险和管理等基本概念及其内涵的基础上,分析全球气候变化背景下我国海洋灾害及其风险的特征以及海洋灾害防治的关键性和基础性科学问题,并提出我国构建海洋灾害防治体系的建议。研究结果表明:在全球气候变化的影响下,我国沿海地区的海洋灾害风险复杂多变且有所提升;提出以群-环-域为主体的体系架构,研究全球气候变化与区域海洋的响应和反馈、全球气候变化背景下海洋灾害与风险的特征和规律以及综合海洋灾害风险评估和海洋灾害防治等问题;在我国构建海洋灾害防治体系的过程中,应加强科学研究以及技术和信息支撑、促进区域和全球联动联防以及提高全社会对海洋灾害的认知和防范水平。  相似文献   
Pile foundations that support transmission towers or offshore structures are dominantly subjected to cyclic lateral load induced by wind and waves. For a successful design, it is crucial to investigate the effect of cyclic lateral loads on the pile behavior that is loaded laterally. Although the py curve method is generally utilized to design the cyclic laterally loaded pile foundations, the effect of cyclic lateral loads on the pile has not been properly implemented with the py curve. This reflects a lack of consideration of the overall stiffness change in soil–pile interaction. To address this, a series of model pile tests were conducted in this study on a preinstalled aluminum flexible pile under various sandy soil conditions. The test results were used to investigate the effect of cyclic lateral loads on the py behavior. The cyclic py curve, which properly takes into account this effect, was developed as a hyperbolic function. Pseudo-static analysis was also conducted with the proposed cyclic py curve, which showed that it was able to properly simulate cyclic laterally loaded pile behavior in sandy soil.  相似文献   
潜艇指挥台围壳对阻力和伴流场影响数值研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用Reynolds平均Navier-Stokes(RANS)方法计算潜艇三维粘性流场,分析潜艇指挥台围壳对潜艇水动力性能的影响.采用全附体SUBOFF模型验证了CFD方法,通过将螺旋桨盘面处的实效伴流场、艇体表面压力分布以及模型总阻力的模拟结果与Taylor船池的实验结果进行对比.比较结果显示CFD计算结果与实验数据具有很好的一致性,表明CFD方法可以用于潜艇指挥台围壳设计的水动力计算.通过数值计算研究指挥台围壳的高度和在艇上的分布位置对其后方的流场、螺旋桨盘面处的伴流场和阻力的影响.  相似文献   
This article presents a method for the nonlinear analysis of laterally loaded rigid piles in cohesive soil. The method considers the force and the moment equilibrium to derive the system equations for a rigid pile under a lateral eccentric load. The system equations are then solved using an iteration scheme to obtain the response of the pile. The method considers the nonlinear variation of the ultimate lateral soil resistance with depth and uses a new closed‐form expression proposed in this article to determine the lateral bearing factor. The method also considers the horizontal shear resistance at the pile base, and a bilinear relationship between the shear resistance and the displacement is used. For simplicity, the modulus of horizontal subgrade reaction is assumed to be constant with depth, which is applicable to piles in overconsolidated clay. The nonlinearity of the modulus of horizontal subgrade reaction with pile displacement at ground surface is also considered. The validity of the developed method is demonstrated by comparing its results with those of 3D finite element analysis. The applications of the developed method to analyze five field test piles also show good agreement between the predictions and the experimental results. The developed method offers an alternative approach for simple and effective analysis of laterally loaded rigid piles in cohesive soil. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文详细介绍了笔者所建议的运用模糊图理论和方法进行城市输水管网的地震可靠性分析途径和计算程序。对于输水管网中每段管道的震害预测,建立了相应的专家系统。在此基础上,定义了管网系统的模糊可靠性,更好地反映了人们对于管道损坏状态估计的模糊性和对可靠性要求上的模糊性。以模糊矩阵来描述输水管网的状态是十分方便的。通过计算模糊矩阵的传递闭包,极易找出最短路、关键段等。由于地震作用和管道抗震能力都是随机的,因此整个管网系统的可靠性分析是藉助Monle Carlo法进行的。以Monle Carlo法对模糊图进行分析,从而得到管网的地震可靠性,这还是首次。用PASCAL和PROLOG编制了在微机上实用的计算机程序,特别是以智能语言PROLOG编制的程序,更有许多特色。由于采用了一些技巧,使在微机上可以分析相当大的系统,为城市抗震防灾工作提供了一个有力的工具。  相似文献   
Laminar sheetflows, transporting sediment at their capacity rates, both with and without rainfall disturbance, were investigated. Values of flow depth and relative submergence were very small. In the flows without rainfall, measured velocities exceeded the predictions of the smooth-surface, clear-water laminar model by an average of 12 per cent. Reduced flow resistance due to high sediment concentrations may explain this result. Velocities in the rainfall-disturbed flows were not significantly different from the predictions of the smooth-surface, clear-water model, and the velocity reduction due to rainfall was about 12 per cent. Although the uniformity of rainfall intensity under the single-nozzle rainfall simulator is high, variation of momentum and kinetic energy fluxes along the 1-5 m long flume was significant. The rainfall angle of incidence was highly correlated with deviations from expected flow velocities in the upper and lower sections of the flume.  相似文献   
遥感瞬时作物表面温度估算农田全日蒸散总量   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文介绍了用一日一次观测资料计算全日农田蒸散总量的模式,该模式由二部分公式组成,一是计算瞬时农田蒸散量的空气动力学阻抗——能量平衡公式,另一是根据遥感作物表面温度、农田净辐射、土壤热通量等参数的一次观测资料,计算全天蒸散总量。  相似文献   
李一之 《湖南地质》1994,13(3):171-173
常德市水文地质及电测深、电测井的资料反映了孔隙水含水层涌水量的大小与含水层厚度、颗粒组分及其结构的多因素的复杂组合──—厚度(M)与视电阻率(ρ_s)的乘积密切相关,据此可预测单井涌水量。  相似文献   
In the Vistula valley near Góra, at the northern foreland of the Carpathians Mountains, there are young alluvia deposited in the historical period. These alluvia are difficult to date precisely because of the lack of organic interbedded material. In the Vistula drainage basin upstream of Góra since the second half of 18th century small centres of metal, textile, motor, and petrochemical industries have been developed. Concentrations of trace elements such as: Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, and of some macroelements were used as indicators of the age of different alluvial fills. The main part of the Vistula valley floor was built up by sediment accumulation before the development of industry but after the medieval phase of rural colonization of the Carpathians. Deposits filling the abandoned channels dissecting the valley floor have an increased content of some trace elements and deposits date from the second half of the 18th century, when the first foundries and blacksmith's shops were developed. A drastic increase of concentration of the most abundant trace elements in the youngest alluvial fill indicates that the fill dates from the last decade of rapid industrial development.  相似文献   
Braided and anastomosing channels make up two major coexistent networks in the mud-dominated fluvial system of Cooper Creek, Southwest Queensland. The floodplain is characterized by a system of mud braids operative when floods inundate the whole alluvial surface. Anastomosing channels are inset deeper into the floodplain, operate at modern flows, and transport a traction load of sand. Shallow stratigraphic data show that an underlying sand sheet is unrelated to surface channel patterns and was formed by a system of meandering streams. According to preliminary dates based on thermoluminescence, the change from a sand- to mud-dominated fluvial regime took place between 50 000 and 200 000 years B.P., and probably reflects increasing aridity.  相似文献   
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