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For two consecutive days during spring 1997, the windfield over the Baltic Sea has been studied. Thestrength of the geostrophic wind speed is the majordifference in synoptic conditions between these twodays. During both days, the mesoscale wind field overmost of the Baltic Sea is quite heterogeneous; themodifications primarily being caused by the land-seacontrasts. On the day with the weaker wind speed,sea-breeze circulations develop. As a consequence, thewind direction at lower levels is more or lessopposite to the geostrophic over large areas of theBaltic Sea and the surface wind speed decreases withoffshore distance. Wind speed maxima caused by the seabreezes are found along the east coasts in the studiedarea. For the other day, the slow growth of a stableinternal boundary layer over the sea also gives asurface wind speed decrease with offshore distancefrom the coast.  相似文献   
A three-dimensional finite element model is used to investigate the formation of shallow-water eddies in the wake of Rattray Island (Great Barrier Reef, Australia). Field measurements and visual observations show that stable eddies develop in the lee of the island at rising and falling tides. The water turbidity downstream of the island suggests the existence of strong upwelling that would be responsible for carrying bed sediments up to the sea surface. We first propose to look at the upwelling velocity and then use the theory of the age to diagnose vertical transport. The water age is defined as the time elapsed since particles of water left the sea bottom, where the age is prescribed to be zero. Two versions of this diagnosis are considered. Although the model predicts upwelling within the eddies, it is not sufficiently intense to account for vertical transport throughout the water column during the life span of the eddies. As mesh resolution increases, this upwelling does not intensify. However, strong upwelling is then resolved off the island's tips, which is confirmed by the results obtained with the age. This study also shows that the finite element method, together with unstructured meshes, performs well for representing three-dimensional flow past an island.  相似文献   
Island wakes in shallow water are investigated using the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS). In contrast to deep water where bottom stress can be neglected in island wakes, shallow water implies that inhomogeneity in the bottom stress plays an important role in the wake vorticity generation. A series of numerical experiments are conducted to investigate wake formation and evolution in shallow water. It is found that the vertical structures of shallow-water and deep-water wakes are significantly different because of the presence of a density frontal jet, which results from the interaction between stratification and bottom topography. The frontal jet reaches its maximum within the bottom boundary layer over the shelf, giving rise to vorticity. The potential vorticity (PV) balance analysis reveals that frictional and diapycnal processes play different roles in the PV anomalies. With the absence of lateral stress (i.e., a sea mountain case), the surface vorticity becomes much weaker than that in the presence of an island.  相似文献   
Aircraft measurements of potential temperature and turbulent kinetic energy are used to examine the growth of the thermal internal boundary layer (TIBL) in sea-breeze flows on four selected days of a coastal fumigation study performed in 1995 at Kwinana in Western Australia. The aircraft data, together with radiosonde measurements taken on the same days, show a multi-layered low-level onshore flow in the vertical with a superadiabatic layer extending to about 50 m above the water surface on all four days. On the first three days the layer above the superadiabatic layer was neutral, typically 200 m deep, capped by a stably stratified region, whereas on the remaining day it was fully stable. The occurrence of the neutral layer on most experimental days contrasts with the more usual situation involving an entirely stable onshore flow. A composite approach based on both temperature and turbulence data is used to provide a pragmatic but self-consistent definition of the TIBL height. The data for the first three days indicate that the TIBL grows rapidly into the neutrally stratified region to the top of the region within about 2 km from the coast, with a very slow subsequent growth into the stable stratification aloft. On the other hand, the TIBL grows only to about 200 m within a distance of 7 km from the coast on the fourth day due to a strong stable stratification.An existing numerical TIBL model based on the slab approach, capable of describing the TIBL growth in both neutral and stable environments, and a recent analytical model, more efficient for operational use, are used to simulate the aircraft TIBL observations. The predictions by both models agree reasonably well with the data.  相似文献   
将仿生机器鱼的C-型转向机动划分为弯曲阶段、保持阶段和伸展阶段,首先基于计算流体力学(CFD)方法建立了鱼体与流体相互作用的耦合求解方法,其次通过二次开发FLUENT实现机器鱼在C-型转向机动过程中鱼体的大变形运动,最后数值计算了机器鱼在C-型转向机动过程中的运动性能、水动力性能和流场涡结构。计算结果表明:仿生机器鱼在弯曲阶段和保持阶段进行快速的转向;在伸展阶段,机器鱼的艏向角速度和侧向速度快速的减小至零值,而前进速度则快速的增加,在伸展阶段结束时获得一个较大的前进速度;在滑行阶段,仿生机器鱼以获得的纵向速度向前滑行,并且纵向速度缓慢的减小。机器鱼的C-型转向机动能够实现小范围内的大角度转向;在弯曲阶段和伸展阶段鱼体的快速弯曲和伸展运动各产生一个涡环,每个涡环产生一个射流,射流产生作用于机器鱼上的水动力和力矩。  相似文献   
A two-frame particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique is used to investigate the wake characteristics behind a marine propeller with 4 blades at high Reynolds number. For each of 9 different blade phases from 0° to 80°, 150 instantaneous velocity fields are measured. They are ensemble averaged to study the spatial evolution of the propeller wake in the region ranging from the trailing edge to one propeller diameter (D) downstream location. The phase-averaged mean velocity shows that the trailing vorticity is related to radial velocity jump, and the viscous wake is affected by boundary layers developed on the blade surfaces and centrifugal force. Both Galilean decomposition method and vortex identification method using swirling strength calculation are very useful for the study of vortex behaviors in the propeller wake region. The slipstream contraction occurs in the near-wake region up to about X/D=0.53 downstream. Thereafter, unstable oscillation occurs because of the reduction of interaction between the tip vortex and the wake sheet behind the maximum contraction point.  相似文献   
The characteristics of the flow over the rudder’s pintle gap are investigated by using the particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique. The propeller and rudder models are scaled down to 1/28.5. Highly accelerated leakage outflows are separated at the discontinuities of the gap and generate strong cavitation at the suction side of the rudder. In the rudder and propeller configuration, the propeller wake sheet ahead of the gap entrance region starts to induce leakage flow over the lower pintle gaps of the suction side. The gap flow has a velocity magnitude as high as 0.4U0 in the high leakage flow condition, where the wake sheet locates over the gap entrance. The cross-flow of the propeller wake sheet interferes the gap entrance region and triggers gap cavitation. As the propeller wake sheet moves downstream and weakens, the gap flow velocity decreases over the gap entrance.  相似文献   
利用3个架次的积分浊度仪和PCASP-100X(Passive Cavity Aerosol Spectrometer Probe)机载观测资料,分析了2013年山西夏季空中有云、无云和少云3种不同条件下气溶胶散射系数的分布特征,讨论了气溶胶散射系数垂直变化与气溶胶数浓度、气象条件的关系,并结合HYSPLIT(Hybrid of Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory model)后向轨迹模型研究气溶胶的运动轨迹和可能的污染来源。结果表明:山西夏季空中气溶胶总散射系数变化范围为0~499 Mm-1,晴空气溶胶数浓度和总散射系数明显大于有云和少云时。气溶胶总散射系数一般随高度的增加而递减。造成气溶胶总散射系数、数浓度偏高的原因有下垫面污染源多、风速小、相对湿度高以及逆温层的存在。550 nm波段气溶胶后向散射比大于0.1,粒径0.1~0.5 μm的气溶胶粒子对散射影响最大,说明山西空中细粒子污染比较严重。气溶胶总散射系数与数浓度有一定的相关性。引起气溶胶总散射系数、数浓度较高的气团传输路径主要为西南路径,局地排放的气溶胶大于远距离传输的气溶胶对散射系数的贡献。  相似文献   
A simplified version of a model of the internalboundary layer evolution is compared with aircraftmeasurements across the southern part of the east coast ofSweden (Blekinge). The two flight occasions used hererepresent relatively high wind velocities and negligiblesurface heat flux. Both the vertical potential temperaturegradient and the surface temperaturedifference between land and sea are small. Modelpredictions of the internal boundary-layer (IBL)height agree well with data, for both short and largerdistances from the coastline. The contributions to theIBL growth from the mechanical turbulence and theZilitinkevich correction are discussed, as are thesensitivities of the growth to a number of physicalparameters. In near neutralconditions, the vertical potential temperaturegradient is found to be an important parameter for thegrowth of the IBL.A comparison with several simple model estimates forthe height of the IBL is presented. The majority ofthe models overestimate the IBL height. Some of themodels give reasonable results close to the coast, butgenerally the simple models perform less well atlarger distances.  相似文献   
张力腿平台(TLP)水下丛式井口布局设计关系到立管服役期间的安全性,是含有丛式井口平台设计过程中考虑的主要因素。根据TLP立管安装、钻井以及防碰等要求,考虑尾流效应对丛式立管的影响,研究水下丛式井口布局设计准则,对丛式井口—立管系统进行碰撞分析以确定水下井口间距阈值,提出水下丛式井口圆形布局方法和相应的布局设计流程。通过算例对计算方法进行了具体运用。研究表明:与目前采用的"等边三角形网格"方法相比,水下丛式井口圆形布局方法可允许水下整体基盘安装位置误差达到水下井口间距阈值的20%,立管的最大倾角可达到0.5°,安装作业窗口增加1倍以上。本方法对水下整体基盘安装位置误差的容错能力强,能有效扩大丛式立管钻井和安装作业窗口,提高丛式立管作业安全性,研究结果可为TLP丛式井口的设计提供参考。  相似文献   
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