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The temporal and spatial variations of surface latent heat flux (SLHF) and diagnostic air temperature at 2m before and after the Ms5.7 earthquake occurring on November 26, 2005 in the area between Ruichang City and Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province are summarized in this paper. It is found that before the earthquake significant SLHF anomalies and air temperature anomalies occurred in the epicentral area and its vicinity. The air temperature anomalies appeared from the 2nd to the 13th of November, 2005 and were concentrated at the epicentral area and in its southern part. Then two days later, that is, from the 4th to the 15th of November 2005, significant SLHF anomalies occurred in the epicentral area and to its northern area where many lakes are distributed along the active faults. During the anomalous period, the SLHF and air temperature at 2m exceeded the sum of average daily value over 26 years and 1.5 times of its mean square deviation. Both anomalies had maintained for 12 days with a peculiar distribution related to the tectonic active zone. It is considered that both of air temperature anomalies and SLHF anomalies are correlated to the movement of thermal flux from underground prior to earthquake. SLHF anomalies occurred over wide regions covered with abundant water, whereas air temperature anomalies occurred over land.  相似文献   
Major solute concentrations in overland flow water (OFW) were measured in an agricultural field of Brittany (western France). Two storm events were monitored in detail to examine the short time‐scale processes. During one year, samples were taken at different positions on the slope after each storm event to describe the spatial and seasonal variations of OFW chemistry. Although the total dissolved load in OFW is not much higher than in rain water, distinctive features are observed. K+, Ca2+, NH4 , Cl and SOare the major solutes. The main origin of the elements (sea salts, exchangeable soil complex or fertilizers) determined most of the variations observed. Spatial variations along the slope are mainly seen for exchangeable cations, while seasonal variations are predominant for sea salts. Rainfall intensity and suspended sediment load induce strong differences between the two storm events studied in detail. However, the within‐storm variations and the seasonal monitoring show that this relationship is complex. Within‐storm variations suggest that, in addition to desorption processes, mixing with pre‐event water may occur. The lack of a relationship between sediment load and dissolved load is attributed to the high rate of the exchange processes, which has been checked by a simple experiment in vitro. It is concluded that the conditions of the transit of water on the field (velocity, length, status of the surface, crusted or not) may well play a major role in the chemical changes between rain water and OFW. The results suggest that vegetated buffer strips designed to reduce the sediment load only, and not the amount of overland flow, will have little effect on the transfer of dissolved pollutants to the watercourses. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
以农林系统的非点源污染模拟为目标,通过研究建立变化密度及多种类混杂的森林生长模型,修正了SWAT模型采用平均森林植被密度和单一植物生长模式估算生物累积量的问题,并建立了与之相适应的森林优势组份丰度遥感反演模型、叶面积指数和消光系数遥感反演模型以获取森林生长模型的相关参数.同时,根据间作套种下的辐射能利用Keating方程,引入间作套种指数变量,修正SWAT原有的单一生物量日积累模型,探讨了作物复种指数、间作套种指数遥感反演方法和以此为基础的作物间作套种生长模型.以亚热带季风湿润区红壤背景下的鄱阳湖流域子流域梅江流域为试验区,以野外实测数据为基础,探讨修正SWAT模型的有效性.结果表明:修正后的SWAT模型与原始SWAT模型相比,在模拟流量和营养盐负荷方面,得到了较好的改善.在模拟流量方面,有效性提高了7.8%,流量峰值的模拟也得到了改善,能更好地反映地表蓄流方面的实际情况;在模拟营养盐负荷方面,有效性提高了6.4%(总磷)和6.1%(总氮).  相似文献   
This paper contains an account of UN/EEC-sponsored research on water quality monitoring and assessments in the catchments areas of Europe's 10 transboundary rivers. In this context, water quality assessments established on the basis of monitoring data for Poland's rivers are discussed. Consideration is also given to the water quality assessment methods recommended by the EU Directives. The problem has been exemplified by the analysis of water quality variations in the transboundary river Odra in the time span of 1973–2003. For the years 1993–2003, the trends in water quality variations are calculated and the rates of variation are analysed. The points in time when the water quality will have attained the second class purity values are predicted, taking into account the requirements specified in Polish, Czech and German standards. Analysis of the trends in the variations of pollution parameters has revealed that the achievability of good water quality depends on the limit values adopted for the assessment.  相似文献   
浙江东钱湖底泥污染物分布特征与评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对东钱湖底泥做了全面调查,测定了底泥粒度组成、有机质、TN、TP及重金属含量,分析了底泥沉积特性及污染物分布特征,分别采用潜在生态危害指数(RI)法和相对背景值法对重金属污染风险和有机污染及营养盐污染进行了评价.研究结果表明:东钱湖底泥组成以细颗粒为主,重金属含量除镉污染达到中等生态危害程度外,其余均处于较低水平,湖区底泥中有机污染和氮污染问题非常突出.为有效治理东钱湖内源污染,有必要开展包括生态疏浚在内的内源污染治理措施.研究为进一步开展东钱湖水环境治理提供了理论依据.  相似文献   
Muscles of 115 North Pacific albacore (ALB, Thunnus alalunga) and 75 Pacific bigeye tuna (BET, Thunnus obesus), collected from 2001 to 2006, were analyzed. No ALB, but 13 large BET had organic mercury (OHg) concentrations exceeding 1 μg g−1 wet weight. For both ALB and BET, total mercury (THg) and OHg concentrations were significantly and positively correlated with fork length (FL) and body weight. The muscle Hg bioaccumulation rates of BET were higher than those of ALB, particularly in the adult fish. Moreover, the lines had crossover points among the two species that imply the young BET (FL < 110 cm) contains lower muscle Hg concentrations than ALB of the same size. The suggested weekly dietary intake of ALB and small-BET meats is 340 g, and of BET meat it is 150 g for a 60-kg person based on the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) of methylmercury set by the WHO.  相似文献   
This review is the first attempt to comprehend the changes in metal contamination levels in surface estuarine sediments with changing time around India. Contamination factor, geoaccumulation index, pollution load index, effects range low and effects range median analysis were used to evaluate the quality of the estuarine sediments (by using the available literature data). This study suggests that estuarine sediments from the east coast of India were comparatively less contaminated by metals than the west coast. Sediments from those estuaries were found to be more contaminated by metals on which major cities are located. An improvement in estuarine sediment quality (in terms of metal contamination) over time around India was noticed. This study provides managers and decision-makers of environmental protection agency with a better scientific understanding for decision-making in controlling metal pollution in estuarine sediments around India.  相似文献   
太湖沿岸区浅层底泥重金属污染分析及生态风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来太湖底泥重金属污染越来越受到各方关注.为了解太湖沿岸区底泥重金属污染状况,基于2018年太湖全湖污染底泥勘察项目中重金属监测数据,对梅梁湖、竺山湖、西部沿岸区、南部沿岸区、东太湖、贡湖6个太湖沿岸湖区浅层(0~30 cm深度区间)底泥中Hg、Cd、As、Pb、Cu、Zn、Cr、Ni 8种重金属元素含量进行分析,运...  相似文献   
One‐dimensional MoO3 nanofibers doped with Ce (MoO3 : CeO2) are synthesized by a method combining a sol‐gel process and an electrospinning technique. The resulting MoO3 : CeO2 is characterized by X‐ray diffraction (XRD), X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier transform infrared (FT‐IR) spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The catalytic degradation of rhodamine B and safranin‐T with MoO3 : CeO2 nanofiber catalyst is investigated in a continuous flowing mode using air (O2) as an oxidant. The results show that rhodamine B and safranin‐T are degraded effectively and the removal efficiencies are 98.3%, and 98.5%, respectively. In addition, the organic dyes are totally mineralized to simple inorganic species such as CO3, Cl and NO3.  相似文献   
我国快速的城镇化过程造成了河流氮、磷等营养盐的污染和潜在的水体富营养化问题.对城镇流域水体氮、磷污染特征及其演变趋势的识别具有重要意义.本研究选取长三角典型城镇地区宁波市北仑区小浃江流域为研究对象,在流域内根据空间分布、土地利用类型、人类活动强度等情况布设样点,于2017年夏季和冬季采集水样,研究流域水体氮、磷污染的时空分布特征并分析其污染来源和评估其富营养化水平.结果表明:流域内铵态氮(NH4+-N)、;硝态氮(NO3--N)、亚硝态氮(NO2--N)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)和叶绿素a(Chl.a)浓度范围分别为0.63~3.25 mg/L、0.52~3.75 mg/L、0.02~0.22 mg/L、1.61~12.86 mg/L、0.02~0.74 mg/L和0.6~60.57 μg/L.各个采样点氮、磷分布具有较大的空间异质性和季节变化规律.富营养化综合指数EI评估结果显示,整个流域富营养化程度属于贫至中营养级.氮、磷浓度与土地类型面积占比的Spearman相关性统计表明,100 m缓冲区建设用地面积占比与NH4+-N、NO2--N、TN、溶解氧(DO)浓度具有显著相关性,湿地面积占比与DO浓度呈显著正相关.汇水区域内林地面积占比与NH4+-N、NO2--N、TP、PO43--P、COD、Chl.a浓度呈显著负相关,与DO浓度呈显著正相关.相关性分析和冗余分析表明城镇化的面源污染及可能存在的点源污染是小浃江流域氮、磷污染的主要来源.因此,在小浃江流域100 m范围内,控制建设用地的规模和污染排放是减轻流域氮、磷污染的主要途径.在汇水区域内,增加林地植被的面积对减少氮、磷污染具有重要影响.  相似文献   
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