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Fault dimension estimates derived from the aftershock area extent of 36 shallow depth (≤ 31 km) earthquakes that occurred in the Mediterranean Sea region have been used in order to establish empirical relationships between length, width, area and surface-wave/moment magnitude. This dataset consists of events whose aftershock sequence was recorded by a dense local or regional network and the reported location errors did not exceed on average 3–5 km. Surface-wave magnitudes for these events were obtained from the NEIC database and/or published reports, while moment magnitudes as well as focal mechanisms were available from the Harvard/USGS catalogues. Contrary to the results of some previously published studies we found no evidence in our dataset that faulting type may have an effect on the fault dimension estimates and therefore we derived relationships for the whole of the dataset. Comparisons, by means of statistical F-tests, of our relationships with other previously published regional and global relationships were performed in order to check possible similarities or differences. Most such comparisons showed relatively low significance levels (< 95%), since the differences in source dimension estimates were large mainly for magnitudes lower than 6.5, becoming smaller with increasing magnitude. Some degree of similarity, however, could be observed between our fault length relationship and the one derived from aftershock area lengths of events in Greece, while a difference was found between our regional and global fault length relationships. A calculation of the ratio defined as the fault length, derived from our relationships, to the length estimated from regional empirical relationships involving surface ruptures showed that it can take a maximum value of about 7 for small magnitudes while it approaches unity at Ms 7.2. When calculating the same ratio using instead global empirical relationships we see the maximum value not exceeding 1.8, while unity is reached at Mw 7.8, indicating the existence of a strong regional variation in the fault lengths of earthquakes occurring in the Mediterranean Sea region. Also, a relationship between the logarithms of the rupture area and seismic moment is established and it is inferred that there is some variation of stress drop as a function of seismic moment. In particular, it is observed that for magnitudes lower than 6.6 the stress drop fluctuates around 10 bar, while for larger magnitudes the stress drop reaches a value as high as 60 bar.  相似文献   
对外宣传英译中对原文进行适当的删减为两种语言的民族思维差异所引起.从对外宣传、国外读者文化接受心理的角度,提出原文并非坚冰.如果按汉语思维行事,造直译出,势必导致译文文字堆砌,语义传达失真,因而无法很好地服务于对外宣传目的.因此,应当对原文作适当的修改和删减.  相似文献   
2010年4月14日玉树MS7.1地震对余震的触发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋金  蒋海昆 《中国地震》2011,27(4):396-402
研究了2010年4月14日青海玉树7.1级地震产生的静态库仑破裂应力变化对余震及区域地震活动空间分布的影响.在考虑震源区附近区域构造应力场的基础上,由震源区构造应力和主震破裂产生的应力叠加,计算得到最容易破裂的余震断层面,进而计算玉树主震在上述余震断层面上产生的库仑破裂静态应力变化.结果表明,库仑应力变化图像与余震分布较为吻合,说明玉树主震对大部分余震有触发作用.利用相同方法计算了玉树主震对周边更大范围内地震的应力触发影响,发现大部分区域地震活动空间分布与库仑应力变化图像基本一致,中小地震大多发生在正向触发区域,但量值较小.对余震断层面与主震完全一致的情形进行了同样的计算,与前述方法计算结果的对比显示,考虑区域应力场的计算方式所得库仑破裂应力变化图像,能够更好地与余震及区域中小地震空间分布图像相吻合.  相似文献   
The temporal and spatial distribution of the aftershock sequences of the Ruwenzori (February 5, 1994, Mb (5.8)), Masisi (April 29, 1995, Mb (5.1)) and Kalehe (October 24, 2002, Mb (5.9)) earthquakes have been studied. It has been found that most of the aftershocks of the Ruwenzori earthquake are located on the eastern flank of the main escarpment and those of the Masisi earthquake are confined to the northwest of Lake Kivu margin where earthquake occurrence of swarm-type was normally observed. The Kalehe earthquake occurred in the central part of Lake Kivu and it was the largest earthquake observed in the Lake Kivu basin since 1900. The rate of decrease in aftershock activity with the time has shown that the p-value for Ruwenzori and Masisi earthquake equals 0.6, somehow smaller than that found in other geotectonic zones where p is close to 1. The p-value of the Kalehe earthquake is a normal value equal to 1.From an area delimited by spatial distribution of aftershocks, the linear dimension of the fault was estimated. The fault area determined in this study correlates well with those of previous studies which occurred in the Western Rift Valley of Africa including the Tanganyika and Upemba Rift.  相似文献   
松潘—甘孜块体位于青藏高原北部,是认识高原扩展的重要区域.近年来,该块体不同边缘强震频发(2008年四川汶川MW7.9地震、2010年青海玉树MW6.9地震、2013年四川芦山MW6.6地震、2017年四川九寨沟MW6.5地震、2021年青海玛多MW7.4地震),但针对这些强震的余震特征比较的研究鲜见,忽略了"从震源演化的角度揭示块体不同位置结构的差异".本文依据中国地震台网中心13年的地震观测数据(2008-01-01—2020-11-30),采用双差定位方法(HypoDD)开展松潘—甘孜块体近年不同强震的余震演化研究.研究表明处于块体不同位置的余震序列时空特征存在差异:(1)块体南缘的玉树地震有前震事件,其余均未观测到前震;(2)块体南缘的玉树地震与东缘的汶川、芦山地震均激发共轭断裂,其余则未激发;(3)汶川、芦山地震与其他地震的双侧破裂形态不同,为单侧破裂;(4)余震分布密集区位于同震滑移极值区的周缘.结合该区的构造背景与震源时空分布特征,我们指出块体不同位置的余震时空分布主要受到块体所处的局部结构的约束:龙门山断裂带与玉树断裂带较块体北缘的东昆仑断裂带,粗糙度与非均匀度更高;龙门山断裂带东西两侧壳内物质的物性差异较其余断裂带更强;四川盆地具有西倾到松潘—甘孜壳内下方的几何形态、而松潘—甘孜块体的北边界与南边界主要为南北两侧块体拼贴的接触关系.未来,基于深度学习的余震识别研究是定量获取断层物质属性、几何形态、块体边缘接触关系的重要途径.  相似文献   
针对天然大地电磁场信号在人文活动密集地区易受噪声干扰的问题,本文提出利用两个同步测点天然电磁场时间序列之间的单位脉冲响应,合成本地点受干扰时段的数据,从而去除大地电磁噪声.首先,选择高信噪比时段的数据,采用最小二乘法,估算本地点与参考点之间的单位脉冲响应,再根据卷积定律,结合参考磁场合成本地点的磁场和电场.最后用合成数据替换含噪声时段数据,实现时间域去噪.实测高信噪比数据和含噪数据的处理结果表明,该方法可以高精度合成本地点磁场与电场信号,有效去除本地点电场和磁场噪声,包括相关噪声,提高大地电磁数据质量.  相似文献   
Because seismic activity within mid-continents is usually much lower than that along plate boundary zones, even small earthquakes can cause widespread concerns, especially when these events occur in the source regions of previous large earthquakes. However, these small earthquakes may be just aftershocks that continue for decades or even longer. The recent seismicity in the Tangshan region in North China is likely aftershocks of the 1976 Great Tangshan earthquake. The current earthquake sequence in the New Madrid seismic zone in central United States, which includes a cluster of M ~ 7.0 events in 1811–1812 and a number of similar events in the past millennium, is believed to result from recent fault reactivation that releases pre-stored strain energy in the crust. If so, this earthquake sequence is similar to aftershocks in that the rates of energy release should decay with time and the sequence of earthquakes will eventually end. We use simple physical analysis and numerical simulations to show that the current sequence of large earthquakes in the New Madrid fault zone is likely ending or has ended. Recognizing that mid-continental earthquakes have long aftershock sequences and complex spatiotemporal occurrences are critical to improve hazard assessments.  相似文献   
本文利用2015年尼泊尔MW7.9地震断层面滑动位移分布的运动学反演结果,通过傅里叶变换法得到了主断层面上的两分量应力状态,并研究了余震的空间分布和断层面上应力状态之间的关系.发现滑动位移分布与应力状态分布都相对较为集中,大约70%的余震分布在应力变化为正的区域,而其余发生在应力降区域的余震,又大多发生在应力变化梯度较大的地区.为了得到一个更符合实际的滑动模型来解释余震的触发机制,我们计算了波数域中滑动位移和应力状态的傅里叶谱,发现此次地震的滑动位移和应力状态近似满足k-3k-2衰减.我们利用简化的圆盘模型说明了非均匀应力变化下的衰减过程,计算了圆盘模型的有效半径re约等于0.7倍的圆盘半径.这就说明圆盘模型中应力增加的部分应该占整个圆盘破裂面积的51%.在本次尼泊尔MW7.9地震实例中,断层面上应力状态为负的区域比滑动位移为正的区域有了明显地缩小.事实表明,余震可以发生在有滑动位移的区域,非均匀应力降模型比均匀应力降模型更加接近真实的震源破裂过程.  相似文献   
The mainshock and aftershocks of the Hutubi MS6.2 earthquake on December 8, 2016 were relocated by applying the double difference method, and we relocated 477 earthquakes in the Hutubi region.The earthquake relocation results show that the aftershocks are distributed in the east-west direction towards the north side of the southern margin of the Junggar Basin fault, and are mainly distributed in the western region of the mainshock. The distance between the mainshock after relocation and the southern margin of the Junggar Basin fault is obviously shortened. Combined with the focal mechanism and the spatial distribution of the mainshock and aftershocks, it is inferred that the southern margin of the Junggar Basin fault is the main seismogenic structure of the Hutubi earthquake.  相似文献   
利用大量远场观测地震图反演了新疆伽师地区三次不同机制类型Ms6级地震的破裂过程.结果表明,1998年8月2日Ms6.1级地震破裂尺度小,破裂过程简单,最大滑动量为12 cm,主破裂过程持续时间为8 s.1998年8月27日Ms6.5地震破裂过程的空间分布反映出双侧破裂特征,主破裂过程在前13 s基本完成,最大滑动量为63 cm,破裂面上起始破裂点两侧的滑动矢量方向不同.2003年2月24日Ms6.8地震的破裂过程最为复杂,震源时间函数由两次上升时间组成,破裂一共持续了32 s,最大滑动量为32 cm.研究表明,余震主要发生在主震破裂图像中大滑动量区域的外围或滑动量变化梯度较大的区域,主震后短期内发生的余震震源机制解也与破裂面上断层的错动方向一致,表明余震的位置和机制与主震破裂所引起的应力重新分布有关.  相似文献   
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