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通过地质调查、物化探测量、地震活动性分析,研究了绰尔河断裂的位置、地质特征和活动性,以及该断裂对文得根水库坝址区稳定性的影响。结果表明,绰尔河断裂总体沿绰尔河河谷呈NW向展布,形成于中生代,经历了多期活动,表现为先压扭后引张。断裂北段宽而深,南段窄而浅。晚更新世末期以来不活动。绰尔河断裂对坝址稳定性影响不大。  相似文献   
新疆哈密八大石森林上限树轮记录的温度变化信息   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采集新疆哈密地区八大石西伯利亚落叶松森林上限树芯样本,建立标准宽度年表.通过树木年轮-气候响应分析,发现标准年表序列反映了该地生长季(5~9月)的月平均温度及月平均最低温度信息,且该序列与前人的研究结果对比具有较好的一致性.树轮宽度序列主要反映出了1885年之前以冷期为主,1885年之后以暖期为主,且暖期延续时间变长,20世纪后半期增温的趋势.该序列与天山冰川进退的时间较为一致,同时也发现该序列极值与当地蝗灾具有很好的对应,与亚洲近两百年来的大型火山喷发事件具有很好的一致性,由此可以推测该年表在一定程度上捕捉到了冰川进退、火山事件的环境信息.  相似文献   
A previous assessment of radiocarbon (14C) dates from alluvial units in southeastern Australia revealed a gap in the geochronological record that coincides with the Holocene climatic optimum. This gap in the alluvial record can be further refined using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). The chronology of Holocene river terraces on Widden Brook, a sandy alluvial stream in southeastern Australia, was established using 14C and OSL techniques. Combined use of these independent techniques allows for a more rigorous assessment of the alluvial record. The robust chronology, consisting of 38 14C and 11 OSL samples, permitted identification of significant depositional variation within the catchment, resulting from localised geomorphic processes. The three terrace sequences identified yielded distinct chronologies, suggesting alluvial deposition at different times. The sequences exhibited a continuous chronology, which indicated continuous deposition throughout the Holocene. The chronology of terrace sequences within this catchment suggests that terrace formation can be attributed to localised geomorphic processes rather than climatic forcing. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The 10 m thick Madaras loess–palaeosol profile is one of the Hungarian outcrops that yielded Upper Palaeolithic artefacts in 1966. To clarify the nature of the deposits and establish a reliable litho- and chronostratigraphy, a profile was opened and sampled at 25 cm intervals on the northern side of the brickyard in 1975. Analyses focused on grain size, carbonate content and the mollusc fauna. The chronology was based on the mollusc composition and a single date from the archaeological layer at the depth of ca 7 m below the surface. The 1975 profile was destroyed by mining but the reposited samples allowed an extended analysis of this important Marine Isotope Stage 2 record to which archaeological features were directly assigned. A new absolute chronology was built based on 11 14C dates. Environmental magnetic, geochemical and palaeoecological investigations allowed a refined view of site evolution with reliable chronology for the Last Glacial Maximum. Our results corroborated those of previous investigations done on other coeval loess–palaeosol sequences of the Southern Carpathian Basin. This also allowed for a temporal correlation to another local record with the published high-resolution chronology of the same brickyard and enabled modelling of local-scale heterogeneity of the environment in the long run.  相似文献   
The role of hydrothermal fluids in assisting the activity of strike-slip faults is investigated using a range of new geological, geophysical, and geochemical data obtained on the Argentat fault, Massif Central, France. This fault zone, 180-km-long and 6 to 8 km-width, has experienced coeval intense channeling of hydrothermal fluids and brittle deformation during a short time span (300–295 Ma). According to seismic data, the fault core is a 4-km-wide, vertical zone of high fracture density that rooted in the middle crust (~ 13 km) and that involved fluids in its deeper parts (9–13 km depth). If stress analyses in the fault core and strain analyses in the damage zone both support a left-lateral movement along the fault zone, it is inferred that hydrothermal fluids have strongly influenced fault development, and the resulting fault has influenced fluid flow. Fluid pressure made easier fracturing and faulting in zones of competent rocks units and along rheological boundaries. Repeated cycles of increase of fault-fracture permeability then overpressure of hydrothermal fluids at fault extremity favored strong and fast development of the crustal-scale strike-slip fault. The high permeability obtained along the fault zone permitted a decrease of coupling across the weak fault core. Connections between shallower and lower crustal fluids reservoirs precipitate the decrease of fault activity by quartz precipitation and sulfides deposition. The zones of intense hydrothermal alteration at shallows crustal levels and the zones of fluid overpressure at the base of the upper crust both controlled the final geometry of the crustal-scale fault zone.  相似文献   
Calcareous aeolianites are an integral part of many carbonate platforms and ramps. Such limestones are particularly common in heterozoan, Late Cenozoic carbonate systems, and it has been postulated that they could contain a particularly sensitive record of their offshore source. This hypothesis is tested herein by documenting and interpreting part of the most extensive and temporally longest such system in the modern world. The deposits are a combination of extraclasts and biofragments. Extraclasts are detrital quartz, relict allochems, older Pleistocene particles and Oligocene–Miocene limestone clasts. Biofragments are penecontemporaneous coralline algae, echinoderms, small benthic foraminifera, molluscs and bryozoans. The aeolianites differ in composition from distant, open shelf sediments because they contain more mollusc fragments and many fewer bryozoans. This difference is interpreted to be due to (i) most sediment was derived from near‐shore seagrass meadows and macroalgal reefs; (ii) all sediments were modified by hydrodynamics in near‐shore and beach environments; and (iii) fragments of infaunal, beach‐dwelling bivalves were added to the sediment at the strandline. Extraclasts should be expected in older Pleistocene and Cenozoic heterozoan deposits, because the limestones are poorly lithified, largely due to the lack of meteoric cementation, and so easily eroded. Thus, cool‐water aeolianites ought to contain more extraclasts than their warm‐water, tropical cousins. Seagrasses in temperate environments are more productive than in the tropics and thus potentially might contribute many more particles to the beach and dunes than do tropical systems. Although particle breakage in the surf zone cannot be proven, herein the abundance of whole benthic foraminifera and delicate bryozoans implies that suspension and flotsam shoreward transport was an essential process. The similarity of Pleistocene aeolianites over such a long time period herein suggests that the combination of postulated sedimentological, biogenic and hydrodynamic processes could be universally important.  相似文献   
A sequence of Late Holocene moraines on the foreland of the Mueller Glacier, Southern Alps, New Zealand, forms part of a local moraine‐age database used to establish a regional glacier chronology and subsequently to investigate potential intra‐hemispheric and global climate forcing mechanisms. We present new sedimentological and geomorphological evidence that a set of these moraine ridges, previously considered to represent individual advances, constitutes a single moraine complex (the ‘Mueller Memorial Moraine’) formed by supraglacial transport of a large volume of landslide debris to the glacier terminus. Because a moraine formed in this way is not necessarily associated with an advance triggered by a climate event, we question the palaeoclimatic significance of the Mueller Memorial Moraine, as well as that of other moraines in comparable settings. Our findings suggest that the mode of formation and glacio‐dynamical context of moraines whose ages contribute to existing palaeoclimate reconstructions need to be re‐examined in order to assess the reliability of these reconstructions. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Sediment cores recovered from Lago di Mezzano, central Italy, were petrographically and geochemically (dry densitity, total organic carbon) investigated. A floating chronology was established with sedimentation rates derived from varve thickness measurements, and this chronology was both supported and extrapolated with calibrated AMS-14C-datings. The profile has a length of 29.7 m and comprises a total of 34,000 years.Late Pleistocene sediments consist of minerogenic-organic mud with few benthic diatoms and an organic carbon content of 2%, thus suggesting a high allochthonous input. The onset of the Late Glacial at 14,580 cal BP is documented by a lithologic change to more organic-dominated sedimentation. The Younger Dryas cold event is recorded between 12,650 and 11,400 cal BP and exhibits higher dry densities and minerogenic input. These dates agree with records from other lacustrine archives in Europe and the Greenland ice cores.The early Holocene comprises a laminated organic diatom gyttja deposited at a time of climatic amelioration and increased primary productivity. The establishment of an anoxic hypolimnion enhanced the varve and organic matter preservation. Since 3700 varve years BP the sedimentation pattern has been strongly influenced by human impact, as documented by the increase in minerogenic sediments and turbidites as well as higher sedimention rates. The onset of this influence coincides with a Bronze Age settlement at the lake shore.  相似文献   
黑钨矿是钨矿床中最主要的矿石矿物之一,对其直接开展定年研究能更有效厘定钨成矿时间。黑钨矿通常含有一定量的U且部分样品具有较高的Sm/Nd比,因而U-Pb及Sm-Nd定年方法广泛地被应用到黑钨矿矿床的定年研究中。但是受黑钨矿U-Pb及Sm-Nd定年方法以及黑钨矿样品自身的制约,U-Pb及Sm-Nd定年成功率较低或结果不理想。文章针对黑钨矿在钨矿床U-Pb年代学和Sm-Nd年代学的发展历程进行了系统的梳理与分析,探讨了黑钨矿U-Pb年代学与Sm-Nd年代学的挑战与机遇。同时结合已发表的黑钨矿Lu、Hf数据,针对黑钨矿Lu-Hf年代学的应用前景进行了评估与展望。已有数据表明,黑钨矿中Lu/Hf比值变化范围较大,有潜力作为Lu-Hf同位素定年的良好对象。文章探讨了黑钨矿用于限定钨矿床成矿时代研究中存在的问题及应对方案,旨在促进未来黑钨矿在钨矿床成矿年代学的发展。  相似文献   
榴辉岩常用温压计在应用中应注意的问题   总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5  
陈意叶凯  吴春明 《岩石学报》2005,21(4):1067-1080
本文通过再现相平衡实验数据和检查热力学活度模型两种手段,对榴辉岩中几种常用的温压计进行了检验.发现榴辉岩中某些常用温压计存在以下问题:(1)在Eliis and Green(1979)、Powell(1985)、Kmgh(1988)和Ravna(2000)四种石榴石-单斜辉石温度计中只有Ravna(2000)的版本能较好的再现相平衡实验数据。(2)将石榴石-单斜辉石温度计应用于含XJd〉0.55绿辉石的榴辉岩中会出现很大的误差。(3)Green and Hellman(1982)的石榴石-多硅白云母温度计计算的高压含多硅白云母榴辉岩变质温度普遍偏高,但是计算超高压榴辉岩的结果能较好的与Ravna(2000)的石榴石-单斜辉石温度计计算结果保持一致。(4)Waters and Martin(1993)的石榴石-单斜辉石-多硅白云母压力计、Ravnaand Terry(2004)的石榴石-单斜辉石-多硅白云母-蓝晶石-柯石英/3;英温压计的精度都受到了Holland(1990)的单斜辉石活度模型的限制,它们不能适用于绿辉石XJd〉0.55的榴辉岩,而Waters and Martin(1996)对Waters and Martin(1993)的版本做了一个经验校正,弥补了单斜辉石活度模型的缺陷,因此可以适用于绿辉石XJd〉0.55的榴辉岩。(5)Nakamura and Banno(1997)的石榴石-绿辉石-蓝晶石-柯石英温压计因运用了不恰当的石榴石和铁钙辉石的活度模型,从而使得计算结果与岩相学观察结果不一致。因此,我们建议:对于绿辉石XJd〈0.55的多硅白云母榴辉岩,可以运用Waters and Martin(1993)压力计和Ravna(2000)的温度计联合求解温压;对于含高硬玉组分(XJd〉0.55)绿辉石的超高压多硅白云母榴辉岩,可选用Waters and Martin(1996)压力计和Greenand Hellman(1982)的温度计联合求解温压;对于含有石榴石+绿辉石+蓝晶石+柯石英矿物组合的榴辉岩,在XJd〈0.55的情况下,可选用Ravna and Terry(2004)的温压计求解温压。在应用这些温压计时,应注意各温压计的适用温压范围和成分范围.尤其是石榴石Xca、Mg^#矿和绿辉石XJd的范围。另外,由于矿物中Fe^3+的含量对温度计算结果影响很大,所以还必须合理地校正所选矿物的Fe^3+。  相似文献   
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