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晋中至太原城际铁路位于山西断陷带次级构造单元太原断陷盆地内,盆地内部新构造运动复杂,城际铁路沿线跨越多条第四纪隐伏活动断裂,并穿过榆次地裂缝发育地带及砂土液化区域,这些地质问题极大地影响着晋中至太原城际铁路的前期勘测选线。本文从地质构造、地层岩性、浅层地震勘探等方面对穿越城际铁路的三条活动断裂的危险性进行了分析评价,以查明断裂错动对城际铁路的影响。结合前人对榆次地裂缝的研究成果,对城际铁路附近的地裂缝发育情况进行了调查验证,以查明榆次地裂缝对城际铁路的影响。通过在城际铁路车站及车辆段布置地质钻孔,进行标贯试验、剪切波速测试,以查明城际铁路沿线工程地质条件,对沿线车站及车辆段场地进行液化判定及场地类别判定。针对城际铁路沿线存在的上述地质问题,给出了相应的工程建议,对城际铁路前期勘测设计具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
刘卫华  魏东平 《地震》2006,26(2):45-53
中国西部的青藏和新疆地区现代构造变形活动非常强烈, 业已证实该区可以进一步划分为塔里木、 阿拉善、 天山、 柴达木和西藏5个活动地块。 利用GPS观测资料得到的中国大陆地壳水平运动的速度场, 借鉴全球板块运动模型的建模方法, 将其视为刚性的地块系统, 反演得到各地块相对欧亚板块运动的欧拉矢量, 进而求得各地块两两之间相对运动的欧拉矢量, 并计算出沿地块边界的相对运动速率。 结果显示, 与地块边界上的地震滑移矢量, 由地质学资料得到的滑移速率, 以及GPS数据本身均有较好的一致性, 从而也说明了将该地区划分为若干活动地块并视为刚性地块的合理性。  相似文献   
Extensional faults and folds exert a fundamental control on the location, thickness and partitioning of sedimentary deposits on rift basins. The connection between the mode of extensional fault reactivation, resulting fault shape and extensional fold growth is well‐established. The impact of folding on accommodation evolution and growth package architecture, however, has received little attention; particularly the role‐played by fault‐perpendicular (transverse) folding. We study a multiphase rift basin with km‐scale fault displacements using a large high‐quality 3D seismic data set from the Fingerdjupet Subbasin in the southwestern Barents Sea. We link growth package architecture to timing and mode of fault reactivation. Dip linkage of deep and shallow fault segments resulted in ramp‐flat‐ramp fault geometry, above which fault‐parallel fault‐bend folds developed. The folds limited the accommodation near their causal faults, leading to deposition within a fault‐bend synclinal growth basin further into the hangingwall. Continued fold growth led to truncation of strata near the crest of the fault‐bend anticline before shortcut faulting bypassed the ramp‐flat‐ramp structure and ended folding. Accommodation along the fault‐parallel axis is controlled by the transverse folds, the location and size of which depends on the degree of linkage in the fault network and the accumulated displacement on causal faults. We construct transverse fold trajectories by tracing transverse fold hinges through space and time to highlight the positions of maximum and minimum accommodation and potential sediment entry points to hangingwall growth basins. The length and shape of the constructed trajectories relate to the displacement on their parent faults, duration of fault activity, timing of transverse basin infill, fault linkage and strain localization. We emphasize that the considerable wavelength, amplitudes and potential periclinal geometry of extensional folds make them viable targets for CO2 storage or hydrocarbon exploration in rift basins.  相似文献   
An extensive experimental investigation on four SWATH hull forms has been conducted in calm water and in regular waves at University of Naples Federico II. Calm water tests have been analyzed in the range of Froude number FrT from 0.1 to 0.6. For all four SWATH configurations at the speed, corresponding to FrT 0.32, the behaviour in regular waves has been tested. The results of heave, pitch and vertical accelerations are presented in nondimensional form as RAO. For the “most promising” SWATH #4 configuration, a set of stabilizing fins have been designed and an active stabilization system has been developed. The developed SWATH#5 has been tested in calm water on three displacements in the range of FrT from 0.1 to 0.65. The dynamic wetted surface has been identified and the residual resistance coefficient CR as well as RT/Δ are reported. Seakeeping tests have been performed in regular head sea and in head and following irregular sea at FrT = 0.50. The conditions for the occurrence of dynamic longitudinal instabilities have been identified. The results allows to comment the effect of slenderness of struts and SWATH’s immersed bodies on resistance and seakeeping and concerns the applicability of SWATH concept to small craft.  相似文献   
差分GPS方法在城市活断层探测中的应用探讨   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
使用差分GPS方法, 测量西宁盆地内部各级阶地参数, 对比野外阶地特征, 探讨区域新构造时期活动特征, 以及西宁城市周缘活断层的分布及活动特征。 通过这一区域的实践, 认为DGPS方法能够快速、 精确的获得区域内阶地面的坐标和高程, 是确定弱活动或隐伏断裂的可行方法。 南川河断裂错断T3、 T4、 T5阶地, 断裂的活动时间为T3阶地形成后, T2级阶地形成前的0.10 Ma B.P.至0.05 Ma B.P.。 垂直断距15~20 m, 最小垂直活动速率约为0.30 mm/a。  相似文献   
Dynamic and quasi-static models for analysis of a pipe lay spread are presented in the paper. Depending on the type of a pipe, spooling it on a big drum (reel) may cause plastic deformations. When the pipe is reeled out at sea, again it undergoes plastic deformations. In order to model such a nonlinear behaviour, a model, which includes both elasto-plastic material characteristics and large deformations, is required. Discretisation of the pipe is performed by means of the Rigid Finite Element Method (RFEM), which allows us to study static and dynamic problems, taking into account required properties of the model. Different sea conditions are simulated and analysed. It is shown how operational conditions can limit the ability of laying operation by a dedicated vessel, due to an unstable system response. The second part of the paper presents an upgrade of a passive reel drive by application of an active drive. In the model used for control applications, the pipe is modelled by a neural network. This allows us to perform a real-time calculations. In this fast-response calculation model, nonlinear aspects of the system are taken into account. The improvements in a pipe laying vessel performance are presented by some results of numerical simulations. The conclusions are also formulated.  相似文献   
活动构造研究中获得的相关速率是解释活动构造运动方式和幅度的重要基础,同时也能够提供检验和建立有关运动学和动力学模型的必要参数。原地宇宙成因核素年代学是近几十年来随着加速质谱的出现而逐渐发展并不断广泛应用于地学,特别是地表过程以及活动构造研究中来的。由于仪器测试费用高以及处理流程比较复杂,国内早期相关研究没有得以广泛开展,然而目前正呈现逐渐升温的趋势。在样品采集以及精细野外地质调查测量的基础上,活动构造研究中的活动断裂运动速率,活动构造区的河流水系侵蚀下切速率以及古地震事件,活动火山喷发事件等均可以通过原地宇宙成因核素年代学定量约束。文中在概述原地宇宙成因核素年代学基本原理的基础上,总结了国内外有关该年代学在活动构造研究应用中的最新成果和资料,重点介绍了基于原地宇宙成因核素年代学方法获取和解释活动构造研究中相关速率的成果  相似文献   
文中根据硅铁矿层的褶皱形态、复合关系等确定迁安铁矿区在中元古代之前发生过6期褶皱变形,叙述了这6期褶皱的特征和分布,讨论了褶皱的成因。区内各期褶皱形态演化规律反映了变形过程中岩石塑性有规律递减的特点。这一演化规律对研究早前寒武纪地区褶皱变形和指导该区找矿工作有重要意义。  相似文献   
论株洲—湘潭地区的新构造运动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐晓珊  孙海清 《湖南地质》1991,10(3):177-185
通过对广泛存在于株洲一湘潭地区的新构造的野外调查,依据获取的新构造变形,地貌、水系,现代沉积物等大量实际资料,划分了八个新构造次级单元——构造亚块体及五个新构造活动带。构造亚块体有五次较明显的由早到晚幅度递减的间歇性抬升,新构造活动带变形强度与基底断裂规模成正比,同位素测年获其主要构造变形时间为3.9—5.5万年。  相似文献   
平原地区活断层研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王华林  李家灵 《地震研究》1991,14(2):132-140
本文归纳、总结了近几年来山东省地震局在工程地震工作中采用的平原地区活断层研究的方法。几个典型实例证明,这一方法在平原地区活断层研究中是行之有效的,获得了良好的、具有科学价值的结果,同时讨论了与这一方法有关的几个问题。  相似文献   
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