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An earthquake of 6.8 magnitude struck the eastern Shan State in Myanmar at 20:29:30 Myanmar Standard Time (01:55:12 PM UTC) on 24 March 2011. It is one of the earthquakes in plate-interior setting. Six after-shocks occurred the same year. The nucleation point of this earthquake was defined by an epicenter at 20 km west of Tarlay (20.705°N, 99.949°E) at a depth of 10 km and its magnitude was 6.8. The earthquake damage was disastrous. The geological disasters were linearly distributed along the surface rupture zone. The earthquake produced cracks, arch bend, erupting sand, gush water, etc. in many places. As a result of this strong earthquake, 224-305 houses were seriously damaged, 74 people were killed, 124 injured. The event was named after the nearest village Tarlay and the NE-or ENE-striking Nan Ma fault was responsible for it. A detailed morphotectonic study was carried out in the area using satellite image 1:24,000 scale aerial photographs and 1:63360 scale topographic maps, to correlate the seismicity with tectonics. It is found that there are two prominent lineaments striking in NE-or ENE- and N-S or NNE- SSW direction. The present-day deformation of the Than Lwin suture zone is consistent with roughly NW-SE extension and NE-SW striking compression, but with more conjugate strike-slip faulting and only minor normal faulting.  相似文献   
The Kunming basin is a Cenozoic faulted basin controlled by N-S trending active faults. there are totally 8 main active faults in and around the Kunming basin area. Inversion of fault slip data suggests that the stress field of the Kunming basin has experienced two major stages. In the first stage (from the late-Pliocene to mid-Pleistocene), the regional tectonic stress field was characterized by near E-W compression and near N-S extension. In the second stage (from the late-Pleistocene to the present), the tectonic stress field has been mainly characterized by NNW-SSE compression and NEE-SWW extension. Under such a stress field, the near N-S trending faults in the region mainly show a lateral slip.  相似文献   
Sequence‐stratigraphic interpretations of the 4200 m‐thick Palaeoproterozoic (1700–1650 Ma) Mt Isa Group and underlying Surprise Creek Formation identify three unconformity‐bounded packages termed the Prize, Gun and Loretta Supersequences. Siliciclastic rocks of the Surprise Creek Formation and Warrina Park Quartzite comprise the Prize Supersequence. Rapid facies changes from proximal, conglomeratic fluvial packages to distal, fine‐grained and deep‐water, rhythmites characterise this supersequence. Conglomeratic intervals in the Mt Isa area reflect syndepositional movement along basin‐margin faults during the period of supersequence initiation. A major unconformity, which extends over a period of about 25 million years, separates the Gun and Prize Supersequences. In the Leichhardt River Fault Trough uplift and incision of Prize sedimentary rocks coincided with emplacement of the Sybella Granite (1671±8 Ma) and Carters Bore Rhyolite (1678±2 Ma) and the removal of an unknown thickness of Prize Supersequence section. Deep‐water, turbiditic rhythmites of the Mt Isa Group dominated the Gun and Loretta Supersequences. Tempestites are present over discrete intervals and represent times of relative shallowing. High accommodation and sedimentation rates at the base of the Gun Supersequence resulted in the deposition of transgressive nearshore facies (uppermost Warrina Park Quartzite) overlain by a thick interval of deep‐water, siltstone‐mudstone rhythmites of the Moondarra Siltstone and Breakaway Shale. With declining rates of siliciclastic sedimentation and shallowing of the succession, calcareous sediments of the Native Bee Siltstone prograded over the deeper water deposits. Two third‐order sequences, Gun 1 and 2, characterise these lower parts of the Gun Supersequence. An increase in accommodation rates near the top of the Native Bee Siltstone in Gun 3 time, resulted in a return to deep‐water sedimentation with deposition of dolomitic rhythmites of the Urquhart Shale and Spear Siltstone. The Pb–Zn–Ag ore‐hosting interval of the Urquhart Shale is interpreted to occur in progradational highstand deposits of the Gun 3 Sequence. In the Leichhardt River Fault Trough the Loretta Supersequence boundary forms a correlative conformity. Coarser grained and thicker bedded sediments of the Kennedy Siltstone comprise lowstand deposits at the base of this cycle. These sediments fine up into the transgressive, deep‐water, siliciclastic facies of the Magazine Shale, which in turn are truncated against the Mt Isa Fault.  相似文献   

北京时间2022年9月5日12时52分, 四川甘孜藏族自治州泸定县发生6.8级地震.利用震中附近1 Hz高频GNSS观测数据获取了同震速度和位移波形, 并快速测定了泸定地震的震中和震级.实验结果表明: 高频GNSS反演的震中与美国地质调查局(USGS)发布的震中相差32 km, 与中国地震台网中心发布值相差16 km; 高频GNSS反演的震级, 与两个机构均仅差0.1个震级单位.针对地震预警、震后快速响应等时效性应用, 提出了一种联合高频GNSS和强震数据的线源破裂特征快速反演方法.泸定地震实验结果表明: 在震后20 s时可获得稳定的线源模型, 破裂长度、方向和破裂模式值分别为33.3 km、151°和0.6, 破裂方向与USGS震源机制解断层走向相差14°, 反演的断层破裂模式为双侧破裂.提出的地震断层破裂特征快速反演方法可用于地震预警、震后灾害快速评估以及紧急响应, 同时可为今后联合高频GNSS和强震数据快速测定地震破裂特征提供参考.

As one of the rhombic blocks in North China, Kaifeng depression is on the south of the northern Huabei depression and in the north of the southern Huabei depression, bounded by Xinxiang-Shangqiu Fault and Zhengzhou-Kaifeng Fault, respectively. So far, the activity of Zhengzhou-Kaifeng Fault during Kainozoic era and the relationship between Zhengzhou-Kaifeng Fault and Xinxiang-Shangqiu Fault is still unknown. We interpreted several deep seismic profiles across Taikang uplift and Kaifeng depression on the basis of the strata sequence exposed by the 8 drill holes in the related area. The outcomes indicate that the Zhengzhou-Kaifeng Fault strikes EW on the whole, presenting undulating feature in plain, with a length about 154km. The profiles show the dip angle of the fault is steeper in the shallow than that in the deep, with an obvious "L-shaped" turning point. In Paleogene, the fault was a normal fault. In its hanging wall, the Kaifeng depression, there deposited hundreds of meters of Eogene. After middle Himalayan movement, Zhengzhou-Kaifeng Fault converted to a strike-slip fault, the dip angle became steeper, but the activity became weaker. The Zhengzhou-Kaifeng Fault ended its activity before Quaternary. As a response to the compression in the footwall caused by the sustained sinistral shearing, there developed a series of NW-trending, en echelon wide and gentle folds. Then, the activity in Kaifeng depression shifted to its north boundary.  相似文献   
We present a new model of the structure of turbulence in the unstable atmospheric surface layer, and of the structural transition between this and the outer layer. The archetypal element of wall-bounded shear turbulence is the Theodorsen ejection amplifier (TEA) structure, in which an initial ejection of air from near the ground into an ideal laminar and logarithmic flow induces vortical motion about a hairpin-shaped core, which then creates a second ejection that is similar to, but larger than, the first. A series of TEA structures form a TEA cascade. In real turbulent flows TEA structures occur in distorted forms as TEA-like (TEAL) structures. Distortion terminates many TEAL cascades and only the best-formed TEAL structures initiate new cycles. In an extended log layer the resulting shear turbulence is a complex, self-organizing, dissipative system exhibiting self-similar behaviour under inner scaling. Spectral results show that this structure is insensitive to instability. This is contrary to the fundamental hypothesis of Monin--Obukhov similarity theory. All TEAL cascades terminate at the top of the surface layer where they encounter, and are severely distorted by, powerful eddies of similar size from the outer layer. These eddies are products of the breakdown of the large eddies produced by buoyancy in the outer layer. When the outer layer is much deeper than the surface layer the interacting eddies are from the inertial subrange of the outer Richardson cascade. The scale height of the surface layer, z s, is then found by matching the powers delivered to the creation of emerging TEAL structures to the power passing down the Richardson cascade in the outer layer. It is z s = u * 3 /ks, where u * is friction velocity, k is the von Kármán constant and s is the rate of dissipation of turbulence kinetic energy in the outer layer immediately above the surface layer. This height is comparable to the Obukhov length in the fully convective boundary layer. Aircraft and tower observations confirm a strong qualitative change in the structure of the turbulence at about that height. The tallest eddies within the surface layer have height z s, so z s is a new basis parameter for similarity models of the surface layer.  相似文献   
塔里木盆地中央隆起带断裂系统分析   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
本文以地震剖面解释为基础,深入分析塔里木盆地中央隆起带主要断裂带的构造样式和变形特征,确定不同时期断裂系统的分布规律,并试图建立中央隆起带断裂系统发育与周缘造山带演化之间的联系,进而阐明其发育的动力学背景。论文提出了塔里木盆地中央隆起带断裂构造变形样式分类体系;在巴楚隆起的南部边缘,识别出两套区域性的盖层滑脱构造系统,其中浅层色力布亚-玛扎塔格滑脱冲断层逆冲到巴楚南部边缘之上,并构成了现今塔西南前陆冲断系的锋缘断裂;发现了分布在塘古巴斯坳陷的中东部和塔中隆起东部的、规模巨大的、向北西方向凸出的弧形逆冲断裂系统。该弧形逆冲断裂系统的东南部以车尔臣断裂为界,主要形成于晚奥陶世末期,锋缘断裂以盖层滑脱逆冲为特征,与早奥陶世末期发育的、呈NW向展布的塔中Ⅰ号断裂带、塔中10号断裂带、塔中2号断裂带和塔中22号断裂带等构成的基底卷入式逆冲断裂形成明显的交切关系;论文将周缘造山带的重大构造运动事件与塔里木盆地内部不同时期发育的断裂系统相对比,在塔里木盆地内划分出分别与西昆仑造山带、阿尔金造山带和南天山造山带相关的三套断裂系统。  相似文献   
Soil H2 and CO2 surveys were carried out along seven active faults and around the aftershock region of the 2000 Tottori-ken Seibu earthquake in Japan. Diffuse CO2 effluxes were also measured along one fault and around the 2000 aftershock region. The results show highly variable H2 concentration in space and time and it seems that the maximum H2 concentration at each active fault correlates with fault activity as exemplified by the time of the latest big earthquakes. Even though observed H2 concentrations in four faults were markedly lower than those collected previously in the latter half of the 1970s, it is evident that the higher H2 concentrations in this study are due to the addition of the fault gases. Comparing the chemical composition of trapped gases (H2: 5–20% and CO2/H2: 0.5–12) in fractured rocks of drill cores bored at the Nojima fault, a soil gas sample with the highest H2 concentration showed large amounts of the trapped fault gas, diluted with atmospheric component. The profile experiment across a fracture zone at the Yamasaki fault showed higher H2 concentrations and lower CO2/H2 ratios as was observed in soil gas from the fracture zone. A few days after the 2000 Tottori-kei Seibu earthquake, no CO2 effluxes related to the occurrence of earthquakes were observed at the aftershock region. However, only above the epicenter zone, relatively high H2 concentrations in soil gases were observed.  相似文献   
首都圈断层形变空间信息合成图像   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
薄万举  郭良迁 《地震》2001,21(3):98-103
用四点组斜率信息法全时空处理了首都圈全部跨断层短水准和短基线测量资料,然后以观测台9或测点)为单位,将同一处多条测线的资料进行了信息合成,得到了以台点经纬度为坐标,以合成结果为信息量的形变前兆信息的空间分布序列图像。这些图像随时间的变化类似气象云图,对首都圈附近6级以上强震分布撤离位有一定的批示意义。  相似文献   
从20世纪90年代起,研究人员就开始探索活动断层探察数据的制作、存储与管理。迄今为止,已经获得了大量的活动断层探察数据,建成了一套系统的数据组织体系,为减轻地震灾害的相关研究提供了数据和技术支撑。近年来,随着活动断层数据库信息的扩充,初期设计的部分属性信息编码已不适用。为了形成适应当前工作的属性信息编码体系,本文以活动断层数据库建设体系为基础,对数据库属性值代码进行信息分类和编码优化。文章将数据库属性值代码分为字符型单一含义值、数值型单一含义值及复合含义值,分别进行编码规则设计,最终优化了数据库属性信息编码体系,提高了从建库到数据应用的数据录入、检测、制图自动化、数据分析等环节的效率。  相似文献   
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