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以辽宁省岫岩县某山头边坡为例,通过槽探、钻探、大型剪切试验等多种手段,找出合理潜在滑动面。利用FLAC3D软件对该边坡进行三维数值模拟,分析应力应变关系,得出变形较大及应力集中区域,同时利用强度折减法得出边坡的安全系数,评价其稳定性。将从边坡后缘张拉裂隙上布设的位移监测点采集到的数据,与数值模拟结果进行对比分析,验证数值模拟的可靠性,为边坡抗滑设计提供依据。  相似文献   
刘福臣  金杰  王文 《城市地质》2011,6(1):56-59
以某建筑基坑为例,探讨了不同观测时间对沉降的影响、不同位置观测点的沉降变化规律和地下水位升降对沉降的影响。为避免温度对观测成果的影响,沉降观测时间选择在上午进行,不宜选择在中午;在观测顺序上,先进行建筑物阳面测点观测,后进行阴面测点观测,尽量减少温度对沉降的影响;地下水回升引起地基回弹,沉降变化速率为负值,累计沉降量减少。  相似文献   
Lake Pyhäjärvi, on the border between Finland and Russia in Karelia, is a very valuable clear-water lake of the Lobelia type. It belongs to the European Union's Natura 2000 programme in Finland, and has been included in regional and national monitoring programmes since the 1960s. The main monitoring station is situated near the outlet of the lake. Deterioration of its water quality was suspected already in the 1980s because of decreasing Secchi depths (transparency) and increasing chlorophyll a.The occurrence of algal blooms on the lakeshores is monitored weekly during each summer at one site on Lake Pyhäjärvi (site 1). This is a part of nationwide intensive algae monitoring programme organised by the environmental authorities together with voluntary observers at some 270 lake sites in Finland since 1998. Since 1997, Secchi depth observations have been carried out by volunteers biweekly or monthly at 17 sites on the lake. In the vicinity of one of these transparency observation sites (station 100), intensive monitoring of algae has been carried out. At this lakeshore monitoring site 69 algal observations were made, ten of which recorded algal blooms during the study period 1998–2002. The observed algal blooms were caused by algae of the Anabaena species, mainly by Anabaena lemmermannii. At Lake Pyhäjärvi the number of algal bloom observations received from the public have decreased from the 1990s to the 2000s. The range of Secchi disc transparency was 5.0–8.4 m with a mean value of 6.2 m at station 100 and 4.3–7.7 m (mean 6.1 m) at the main monitoring station 2 during the open water periods in 1998–2002. During this study period, the maximum values at site 100 seem to have increased slightly, which might indicate some improvement in the water quality due to decreased point source loading.We conclude that the intensive algal monitoring results of 5 years at the lakeshore site and the transparency results — both compiled by trained volunteers — reflect an improvement in the state of Lake Pyhäjärvi in Karelia. This conclusion is in accordance with the long-term water quality and short-core studies of sedimentary diatoms in Lake Pyhäjärvi. We suggest that the intensive algal observations and transparency measurements are both suitable methods for the monitoring of lakeshores and lakes, and that both are suitable for voluntary monitoring. We found public participation a good tool for monitoring lakes and lakeshores.  相似文献   
本文讨论了裸眼井中由点状声源激发的首波与次首波问题,认为:首波与次首波分别是以地层纵波速度Vc和地层横波速度Vs传播的几何衰减波。同时给出了泄漏波的解析式,而泄漏纵波和泄漏横波的截止频率分别为远场处的首波与次首波的传播特征频率。  相似文献   
In this study, it was aimed to characterize temporal variations of air pollutants for determining contribution to pollution episodes and to obtain correlations between these pollutants. With this aim we used data analysis for measured sulfur dioxide (SO2), particulate matter (PM, black fume and PM10), nitrogen oxides (NOx), ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), methane (CH4), and non‐methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) recorded in Kocaeli, one of the most industrilizated cities of Turkey. Pollutant concentrations were the results of continuous and semi‐automatic measurements. Semi‐automatic measurements of SO2 and PM (black fume) were enclosing period from 1987 to 2008 whereas continuous monitoring of all pollutants included years of 2007–2009. In the first stage of the study daily, monthly, annual, and seasonal variations of pollution were researched. Annual average concentrations were compared with limits set by Air Quality Protection Regulation (AQPR), Air Quality Evaluation and Management Regulation (AQEMR), World Health Organization (WHO), European Union (EU), and National Ambient Air Quality Standards (USEPA). In the following stage relationships between pollutants such as NO2–O3, NOx–CO, NOx–NMHC, and NOx–SO2 were investigated and correlation coefficients were determined as 0.87, 0.56, 0.51, and 0.69, respectively. R2 values of regression models developed from these correlations were 0.78, 0.56, 0.34, and 0.72, respectively. Vehicle density of the traffic was evaluated with NOx–O3 emissions and decrease was seen in NOx emissions due to decreasing vehicle density at weekends whereas O3 concentrations increased. These correlations enable prediction of the parameters that cannot be measured which is important for providing improvement in early warning systems.  相似文献   
陈可洋 《内陆地震》2011,25(1):12-20
网格剖分程度直接影响着地震波正演数值模拟的计算精度及其计算量.以均匀介质模型为例,分析不同网格大小对波场模拟精度和计算量的影响,得出精细化网格剖分是实现高精度地震波正演模拟的有效方法,然而其计算量较大.以均匀倾斜介质模型为例,探讨倾斜地层网格剖分问题,数值实例分析不同震源频率对不同网格剖分方案引起的波场传播精度的影响,...  相似文献   
During the time taken for seismic data to be acquired, reservoir pressure may fluctuate as a consequence of field production and operational procedures and fluid fronts may move significantly. These variations prevent accurate quantitative measurement of the reservoir change using 4D seismic data. Modelling studies on the Norne field simulation model using acquisition data from ocean-bottom seismometer and towed streamer systems indicate that the pre-stack intra-survey reservoir fluctuations are important and cannot be neglected. Similarly, the time-lapse seismic image in the post-stack domain does not represent a difference between two states of the reservoir at a unique base and monitor time, but is a mixed version of reality that depends on the sequence and timing of seismic shooting. The outcome is a lack of accuracy in the measurement of reservoir changes using the resulting processed and stacked 4D seismic data. Even for perfect spatial repeatability between surveys, a spatially variant noise floor is still anticipated to remain. For our particular North Sea acquisition data, we find that towed streamer data are more affected than the ocean-bottom seismometer data. We think that this may be typical for towed streamers due to their restricted aperture compared to ocean-bottom seismometer acquisitions, even for a favourable time sequence of shooting and spatial repeatability. Importantly, the pressure signals on the near and far offset stacks commonly used in quantitative 4D seismic inversion are found to be inconsistent due to the acquisition timestamp. Saturation changes at the boundaries of fluid fronts appear to show a similar inconsistency across sub-stacks. We recommend that 4D data are shot in a consistent manner to optimize aerial time coverage, and that additionally, the timestamp of the acquisition should be used to optimize pre-stack quantitative reservoir analysis.  相似文献   
徐州矿务集团有限公司三河尖煤矿建立了覆盖全矿井的KZ-1型微震监测系统,通过地面监测主机向井下各测站发时间同步校时信号,用GPS秒号起始去同步各个测站下位机时钟,保证了各测站之间相对时间精确度.KZ-1型微震监测系统的拾震器设置了双换能器,且各有一个独立的磁回路,通过地面监测主机向拾震器标定换能器发标定指令信号,信号检测换能器再将输出信号上传至监测主机,实现了即时定量标定.标定信号的应用使KZ-1型微震监测系统具备整个系统检测功能,包括灵敏度、频响特征以及各测站的时间同步误差.  相似文献   
刘阳 《高原地震》2012,24(3):26-29
依据中国地震局地下流体学科技术协调组制定的《地下流体观测站(点)质量与效能评估方案》,从5个方面对海南省地下流体3个固定观测网三大测项的监测效能进行了评估,较全面地分析了海南地震地下流体监测网存在的问题,并针对存在问题提出了建议性的改进措施。  相似文献   
A finite-difference quasigeostrophic (QG) model of an open ocean region has been employed to produce a dynamically constrained synthesis of acoustic tomography and satellite altimetry data with in situ observations. The assimilation algorithm is based upon the 4D variational data interpolation scheme controlled by the model's initial and boundary conditions. The data sets analyzed include direct and differential travel times measured at the array of five acoustic transceivers deployed by JAMSTEC in the region of the Kuroshio Extension in 1997, Topex/Poseidon altimetry, CTD soundings, and ADCP velocity profiles. The region monitored is located within the area 27.5°–36.5°N, 143°–155°. The results of assimilation show that mesoscale variability can be effectively reconstructed by five transceivers measuring direct and reciprocal travel times supported by relatively sparse in situ measurements. The misfits between model and data lie within the observational error bars for all the data types used in assimilation. We have compared the results of assimilation with the statistical inversion of travel time data and analyzed energy balances of the optimized model solution. Energy exchange between the depth-averaged and shear components of the observed currents reveals a weak decay of the barotropic mode at the rate of 0.2 ± 0.7⋅10−5 cm2/s3 due to topographic interaction. Mean currents in the region are unstable with an estimate of the available potential energy flux from the mean current to the eddies of 4.7 ± 2.3⋅10−5 cm2/s3. Kinetic energy transition has the same sign and is estimated as 2.8 ± 2.5⋅10−5 cm2/s3. Potential enstrophy is transferred to the mesoscale at a rate of 5.5 ± 2.7⋅10−18 s−3. These figures provide observational evidence of the properties of free geostrophic turbulence which were predicted by theory and observed in numerical experiments. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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