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利用290个ML ≥ 2.5的景谷6.6级地震序列事件的数字波形资料,计算得到其震源参数。结果显示,地震矩M0数值范围为1012~1016 N·m;拐角频率fc为3~16 Hz;视应力数值范围为0~15 MPa,平均值是2.14 MPa,中位数为1.39 MPa。同时,各个震源参数之间均存在一定的相关关系;景谷地震序列余震空间分布可分为北段、中段与南段,其视应力高低分布依次为:南段 > 中段 > 北段;表明主震发生后,震源区南段区域的应力水平最高,这可能是后续5.8级\,5.9级强余震均发生在南段的根本原因。在视应力时间变化特征方面,5.8级、5.9级强余震的发生前,震中所在的南段视应力数值存在"逐渐变大-维持稳定"的特点。而后续未发生强余震的北段和中段,其视应力时间变化为早期快速调整,后续逐渐变化到各自区域的视应力均值水平;这类变化表明对于震源区南段,在强余震发生前的短时间内,南段区域首先出现局部应力不断挤压增强,并随后维持相对高值应力水平的"闭锁"状态,直到强余震的发生。因而,震后震源区余震视应力的空间分布对强余震可能产生地点判定有指示作用,其时间变化特征与地震序列中较强地震的发生存在一定的相关性。余震视应力的时空变化对序列后续地震活动的判定有重要指示作用,可为强余震的时空判定提供相应参考。  相似文献   
We investigate repeating aftershocks associated with the great 2004 Sumatra–Andaman (Mw 9.2) and 2005 Nias–Simeulue (Mw 8.6) earthquakes by cross-correlating waveforms recorded by the regional seismographic station PSI and teleseismic stations. We identify 10 and 18 correlated aftershock sequences associated with the great 2004 Sumatra and 2005 Nias earthquakes, respectively. The majority of the correlated aftershock sequences are located near the down-dip end of a large afterslip patch. We determine the precise relative locations of event pairs among these sequences and estimate the source rupture areas. The correlated event pairs identified are appropriately referred to as repeating aftershocks, in that the source rupture areas are comparable and significantly overlap within a sequence. We use the repeating aftershocks to estimate afterslip based on the slip-seismic moment scaling relationship and to infer the temporal decay rate of the recurrence interval. The estimated afterslip resembles that measured from the near-field geodetic data to the first order. The decay rate of repeating aftershocks as a function of lapse time t follows a power-law decay 1/tp with the exponent p in the range 0.8–1.1. Both types of observations indicate that repeating aftershocks are governed by post-seismic afterslip.  相似文献   
韩聪聪  刘君 《海洋工程》2016,34(5):92-100
板翼动力锚是依靠自重完成安装并靠自重和海床土的抗力来锚固的新型动力锚。板翼动力锚高速(15~25 m/s)贯入地基过程中涉及到高应变率、流固耦合、土体软化和大变形等难题,模型试验可避免上述计算困难,能直接得出不同的贯入速度所对应的沉贯深度。本文首先推导了模型相似关系,然后在常规重力条件下,进行了两组26个工况的板翼动力锚在均质黏土中动力安装过程的模型试验,根据试验结果确定了率效应参数的取值范围,并研究了每一项受力对沉贯深度的影响。最后提出了在均质黏土中预测板翼动力锚沉贯深度的经验公式。  相似文献   
基于全站仪对任意亮星的观测采样,提出了一种利用高度角序列和水平角速率进行联合匹配的任意亮星识别算法。通过引入天体地平坐标计算程序,算法可正确辨别行星和恒星。本文分析了任意亮星高度角和水平角速率的观测误差和计算误差,以此给出了匹配阈值条件的设定依据,并在此基础上制定了有效的匹配策略。仿真计算及实际观测试验均表明,该算法具有100%的识别成功率,远优于现有算法。将此算法应用于任意亮星天文定向,定向结果的内符合精度达到2″,外部检核精度达到1.6″。采用多颗任意亮星进行定向,可有效减弱由测站位置误差引入的定向系统误差,提高绝对定向精度。本文提出的天文定向适用于多云及雾霾天气。  相似文献   
The authors present evidence to suggest that variations in the snow depth over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) are connected with changes of North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) in winter (JFM). During the positive phase of NAO, the Asian subtropical westerly jet intensifies and the India-Myanmar trough deepens. Both of these processes enhance ascending motion over the TP. The intensified upward motion, together with strengthened southerlies upstream of the India-Myanmar trough, favors stronger snowfall over the TP, which is associated with East Asian tropospheric cooling in the subsequent late spring (April--May). Hence, the decadal increase of winter snow depth over the TP after the late 1970s is proposed to be an indicator of the connection between the enhanced winter NAO and late spring tropospheric cooling over East Asia.  相似文献   
提要 在梭子蟹的单体筐养养殖系统中,试验了生态掩体(砂盒)中不同的砂粒粒径大小以及砂层厚度对梭子蟹幼蟹摄食行为与生长特性的影响。砂粒粒径设三个水平,分别为:>2 mm、<0.2 mm以及混合砂;砂层厚度有0cm、2cm、5cm、8cm四个水平。试验共进行6天,结果表明:砂粒粒径及砂层厚度对梭子蟹幼蟹的摄食与生长都有明显的影响。从砂粒粒径看,幼蟹在细砂(SPS)中挖洞休息,蟹体与砂面呈30-45°角,仅露眼睛及触角在外。一天内有3-6次进食,总进食时间为142.7±22.52 min,在摄食次数、总进食时间、平均摄食量(0.2427±0.0137 g/gBW)、以及脱皮及成活率都远高于其他粒径组,该组中幼蟹的体重增长最快,增加了0.814±0.113 g,增长率为91.5±3.43%;而该组的饵料系数(FCR)最低为1.17±0.11。因此,筐养养殖系统砂掩体的砂粒粒径最好为0.2 mm以下。砂层厚度也有类似结果,5 cm以上厚度养殖效果最佳。平均摄食量为0.2087±0.0046 g/gBW,该厚度下,幼蟹无死亡、100%脱皮,体重也增加最快,增加了0.791±0.121 g,增长率为88.9±3.74%,饵料系数(FCR)达到1.37±0.23,表明筐养系统掩体中砂层厚度要在5 cm以上。三种保护性酶类(SOD, POD, CAT)活性随着砂粒粒径变小和砂层厚度增加而降低,而消化酶类(淀粉酶、蛋白酶、脂酶)活性则表现与保护性酶类相反特性。从两类酶的活性变化也能证实,在优选条件下(细砂、厚度>5 cm),幼蟹所受的胁迫在降低。  相似文献   
通过极坐标系下的艾里应力函数法,求解出在集中力作用下水平岩层中各应力分量。山体对其下伏岩层可作为分布载荷,对集中力作用下水平岩层中各应力分量积分,便求得山体对下伏水平岩层的附加应力。已有研究成果表明,当由外载引起的附加应力小于由重力引起的静止侧压力的20%时,则可以不考虑外载的影响,这样便导出了地形对自重应力影响深度所满足的函数关系式。此外,本文举例说明了如何求得地形对水平均质各向同性水平岩层的自重应力场的影响深度。  相似文献   
混合层深度是研究海洋上层动力过程及海气相互作用的一个至关重要的物理量,准确估算混合层深度对上层海洋动力学和热力学的深入研究具有重要的科学意义。本文基于Argo实时观测剖面数据,分海域、分季节对比分析了目前常用的几种混合层深度算法的异同与优缺点。结果表明,理论上最大角度法的精确度最高,曲率法其次,然后是阈值法和最优线性拟合法。最大角度法和曲率法的结果比较接近,实测数据表明曲率法的时空适用性更广。阈值法、最优线性拟合法分别受梯度阈值和密度(或温度)梯度变化的制约,其计算的混合层深度相对较浅。各种算法的差异性随着季节跃层的增强而逐渐减小,且北半球的差异小于南半球。  相似文献   
Precise orbit determination for the GRACE mission using only GPS data   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The GRACE (gravity recovery and climate experiment) satellites, launched in March 2002, are each equipped with a BlackJack GPS onboard receiver for precise orbit determination and gravity field recovery. Since launch, there have been significant improvements in the background force models used for satellite orbit determination, most notably the model for the geopotential. This has resulted in significant improvements to orbit accuracy for very low altitude satellites. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how well the orbits of the GRACE satellites (about 470 km in altitude) can currently be determined using only GPS data and based on the current models and methods. The orbit accuracy is assessed using a number of tests, which include analysis of orbit fits, orbit overlaps, orbit connecting points, satellite Laser ranging residuals and K-band ranging (KBR) residuals. We show that 1-cm radial orbit accuracy for the GRACE satellites has probably been achieved. These precise GRACE orbits can be used for such purposes as improving gravity recovery from the GRACE KBR data and for atmospheric profiling, and they demonstrate the quality of the background force models being used.  相似文献   
文章采用静态模拟动态的手段,研究基于精密单点定位技术实时确定海上舰船位置和姿态的方法,并分析实时精密单点定位技术的定位定姿精度.研究表明:用精密单点定位技术进行实时动态定位,一般可获得2cm的平面定位精度和4cm左右的高程精度;在动态精密单点定位技术的定位精度一定的情况下,航向角的精度高于横滚角和俯仰角;真实动态观测值的随机误差比静态模拟的大,定位和定姿精度可能会有所降低.  相似文献   
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