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汶川5.12地震发震机理的数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:10,他引:5  
将围岩看成弹性体, 断层看成具有应变软化的弹塑性体, 断层和围岩组成统一的地质介质系统。在给定的地应力、孔隙压力及边界位移的作用下, 应力逐渐积累, 当达到断层强度时, 断层进入塑性状态, 应变随之软化, 应力突然下降, 能量突然释放, 形成地震。根据这个原理, 利用有限差分FLAC软件, 对汶川5.12地震的机理进行了模拟。模拟结果证实:汶川5.12地震是在青藏高原侧向挤压, 四川盆地阻挡, 使龙门山断裂带受到缓慢增加的挤压应力场作用下形成的。计算结果给出了应力降、能量释放量、断层错动量、地震同震位移、震前位移、地震复发周期等重要参数, 结果与野外调查及其它资料给出的数据具有较好的一致性。   相似文献   
基于差分干涉雷达的汶川地震同震形变特点   总被引:1,自引:8,他引:1  
地震同震形变场是认识震源机制、确定发震断裂、分析发震断裂活动方式、评估震害损失及揭示未来发震趋势的重要依据。但在龙门山地区复杂的自然环境中, 现有的地震同震形变场获取方法(GPS测量、构造形迹分析、震源机制解结合数值模拟计算)难以快速、全面的捕捉到这种信息, 这突显出差分干涉雷达技术(D-InSAR, Differential Interferometry SAR)在同震形变场研究中的优势。本文介绍了其观测原理, 在地震同震形变监测中的研究现状, 并重点分析了已获取的D-InSAR汶川地震同震形变场的观测结果。基于差分干涉雷达观测及相关资料, 对龙门山断裂在本次地震中活动性进行了初步分析, 结果表明干涉雷达形变图像与地表破裂范围、逆冲角度的变化、上下盘升降关系及大型余震的展布存在很强的相关性。   相似文献   
汶川5月12日8.0级地震在构造上起因于印度板块与欧亚板块以每年约5 cm的速度聚敛,并因此而引起青藏高原的地壳物质向四川盆地及中国东南大陆运移.主震震源及余震活动集中于以龙门山为中轴的一条长约350 km、宽约100 km的地震活动带.震源深度一般分布丁地壳脆性-韧性转换边界以上约10~20 km区间的地壳震源层之中,属浅源构造地震.主要震源机制与龙门山构造运动方式密切相关,以其地壳厚度向西急剧加厚、重力梯度带、高波速比(Vp/Vs~2.2)等深部异常及逆冲断层兼具走滑性质的地质构造为特征.在震源辐射、路径传播和场地效应研究的基础上,分别计算并比较了岩石和土壤条件下的地震响应谱,特别强调了土壤条件下的场地放大效应;同时对与地震安全性有关的一些问题如地质灾害、地震频谱设计、地震早期预警系统及中、长期至短期地震预报等进行了探讨;特别提供了一个由加权平均计算、以岩石条件下震波衰减模式为基础的地震频谱设计参考实例.地震构造与动力学研究可融人工程地质与环境工程等学科发展.经历汶川地震考验的一些新近设计和建设的工程项目可为今后改进工程建筑规范与标准提供重要而有益的参考.地震预报是当今一大难题,但需探索研究,不可懈怠.地震减灾与预防足目前比较切合实际的安全举措.  相似文献   
This paper presents an example of application of the double solid reactant method (DSRM) of Accornero and Marini (Environmental Geology, 2007a), an effective way for modeling the fate of several dissolved trace elements during water–rock interaction. The EQ3/6 software package was used for simulating the irreversible water–rock mass transfer accompanying the generation of the groundwaters of the Porto Plain shallow aquifer, starting from a degassed diluted crateric steam condensate. Reaction path modeling was performed in reaction progress mode and under closed-system conditions. The simulations assumed: (1) bulk dissolution (i.e., without any constraint on the kinetics of dissolution/precipitation reactions) of a single solid phase, a leucite-latitic glass, and (2) precipitation of amorphous silica, barite, alunite, jarosite, anhydrite, kaolinite, a solid mixture of smectites, fluorite, a solid mixture of hydroxides, illite-K, a solid mixture of saponites, a solid mixture of trigonal carbonates and a solid mixture of orthorhombic carbonates. Analytical concentrations of major chemical elements and several trace elements (Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Sr and Ba) in groundwaters were satisfactorily reproduced. In addition to these simulations, similar runs for a rhyolite, a latite and a trachyte permitted to calculate major oxide contents for the authigenic paragenesis which are comparable, to a first approximation, with the corresponding data measured for local altered rocks belonging to the silicic, advanced argillic and intermediate argillic alteration facies. The important role played by both the solid mixture of trigonal carbonates as sequestrator of Mn, Zn, Cu and Ni and the solid mixture of orthorhombic carbonates as scavenger of Sr and Ba is emphasized.
Luigi Marini (Corresponding author)Email:
汶川特大地震后成都盆地内隐伏断层活动性分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
成都盆地内主要有3条隐伏的活动断裂带,包括大邑断裂带、蒲江-新津断裂带和龙泉山断裂带,它们在第四纪都表现出了一定的活动性."512"汶川特大地震后,笔者实地考察的结果表明,在汶川特大地震中成都盆地中的隐伏断裂没有产生新的活动性,目前成都盆地不存在发生特大地震的危险性,是安全的.  相似文献   
在系统总结活动断裂遥感影像解译标志的基础上,利用Landsat ETM、Google Earth及ASTER GDEM等影像资料,结合前人研究成果,重点分析了龙门山构造带南段主要活动断裂的空间展布及几何学与运动学特征。研究结果表明,龙门山构造带在向南延伸过程中发生了明显的断裂分散现象,整个断裂带逐渐展宽,主要包括5条断裂带且其中包含多条次级断裂,至最南端被北西向鲜水河左旋走滑断裂带阻挡。其中活动性较为明显的断裂自西向东主要有4条:泸定断裂、天全断裂、芦山断裂和大邑-名山断裂,前两者是北川-映秀断裂的南延分支,而后两者是安县-灌县断裂的南延部分。由于龙门山构造带南段的构造变形被分解至多条次级断裂上,导致单条断裂错断地表的活动迹象明显变弱,因此单条断裂的潜在发震频率和强度也将相应变小,但潜在震源区会更为分散。结合已有的地震地质资料认为,未来应注意泸定和雅安2个地区的地壳稳定性及未来强震危险性问题。   相似文献   
Abstract: There are two co-seismic faults which developed when the Wenchuan earthquake happened. One occurred along the active fault zone in the central Longmen Mts. and the other in the front of Longmen Mts. The length of which is more than 270 km and about 80 km respectively. The co-seismic fault shows a reverse flexure belt with strike of N45°–60°E in the ground, which caused uplift at its northwest side and subsidence at the southeast. The fault face dips to the northwest with a dip angle ranging from 50° to 60°. The vertical offset of the co-seismic fault ranges 2.5–3.0 m along the Yingxiu-Beichuan co-seismic fault, and 1.5–1.1 m along the Doujiangyan-Hanwang fault. Movement of the co-seismic fault presents obvious segmented features along the active fault zone in central Longmen Mts. For instance, in the section from Yingxiu to Leigu town, thrust without evident slip occurred; while from Beichuan to Qingchuan, thrust and dextral strike-slip take place. Main movement along the front Longmen Mts. shows thrust without slip and segmented features. The area of earthquake intensity more than IX degree and the distribution of secondary geological hazards occurred along the hanging wall of co-seismic faults, and were consistent with the area of aftershock, and its width is less than 40km from co-seismic faults in the hanging wall. The secondary geological hazards, collapses, landslides, debris flows et al., concentrated in the hanging wall of co-seismic fault within 0–20 km from co-seismic fault.  相似文献   
汶川大地震对地质环境影响很大,由于大地震的影响,其震前震后的地质灾害类型、数量等发生了很大的改变。本文通过搜集前人资料,现场调查,分析了汶川大地震前后汶川县地质灾害的变化。结果表明,地震前汶川县地质灾害类型主要以泥石流为主,地震后,汶川县地质灾害类型主要为崩塌,其次为泥石流和滑坡。地震使汶川县地质灾害数量极大增加,同时,也使得其主要地质灾害类型发生改变。  相似文献   
洞穴沉积物不仅具有旅游开发价值,而且蕴含了丰富的古气候环境信息,同时也是地震信息的存储器,是研究地震遗迹的良好材料。近10多年,在西南地区开展洞穴资源调研、古气候环境研究期间,观察到一些洞穴沉积物的特殊坍塌现象,以及2008年5月12日四川汶川8级地震中岩溶洞穴沉积物发生破裂、坍塌等现象,认为它们与地震密切相关。本文利用洞穴沉积物中保存或记录的新、老地震印迹、铀系测年数据等,来恢复史前的地震事件和史载资料未记录的地震事件,并对地震事件发生的时间、强度进行对比等。洞穴沉积物中记录的地震印迹可为研究地震历史提供对比证据,填补历史丢失的地震记录, 并能对未来地震的监测以及预报提供一个新的视角。   相似文献   
Papadimitriou  P.  Voulgaris  N.  Kassaras  I.  Kaviris  G.  Delibasis  N.  Makropoulos  K. 《Natural Hazards》2002,27(1-2):15-33
On 7 September 1999 at 11:56 GMT a destructive earthquake (Mw = 6.0) occurred close to Athens (Greece). The rupture process is examined using data from the Cornet local permanent network, as well as teleseismic recordings. Data recorded by a temporary seismological network were analyzed to study the aftershock sequence. The mainshock was relocated at 38.105°N, 23.565°E, about 20 km northwest of Athens. Four foreshocks were also relocated close to the mainshock. The modeling of teleseismic P and SH waves provides a well-constrained focal mechanism of the mainshock (strike = 105°, dip = 55° and rake = -80°) at a depth of 8 km and a seismic moment M0 = 1.01025 dyn·cm. The obtained fault plane solution represents normal faulting indicating an almost north-south extension. More than 3500 aftershocks were located, 1813 of which present RMS < 0.1 s and ERH, ERZ < 1.0 km. Two main clusters were distinguished, while the depth distribution is concentrated between 2 and 11 km. Over 1000 fault plane solutions of aftershocks were constrained, the majority of which also correspond to N–S extension. No surface breaks were observed but the fault plane solution of the mainshock is in agreement with the tectonics of the area and with the focal mechanisms obtained by aftershocks. The hypocenter of the mainshock is located on the deep western edge of the fault plane. The relocated epicenter coincides with the fringe that represents the highest deformation observed on the differential interferometric image. The calculated source duration is 5 sec, while the estimated dimensions of the fault are 15 km length and 10 km width. The source process is characterized by unilateral eastward rupture propagation, towards the city of Athens. An evident stop phase observed in the recordings of the Cornet local stations is interpreted as a barrier caused by the Aegaleo Mountain.  相似文献   
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