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北美五大湖区的安大略湖北岸Don Valley Brickyard、Scarborough Bluffs、Bowmanville Bluffs剖面共同构成了北美东北部最长也是最厚的陆地第四纪沉积记录, 较完整地记录了晚更新世劳伦泰德冰盖(the Laurentide Ice Sheet)的演化. 晚更新世劳伦泰德冰盖演化的重建有赖于这些经典剖面中重要沉积地层单元的准确年代学控制. 传统的地层年代学主要是依靠少量14C年代, 将主要的混杂堆积单元(diamicton)解释为气候变冷环境下的冰川扩张, 并与指示全球冰量变化的深海氧同位素曲线一一比对建立起来的. 这样建立起来的年代学存在很大的不确定性. 20世纪80-90年代的少量热释光年代也不相吻合, 最近的13个长石红外释光定年则只集中于Bowmanville Bluffs的一个分层, 并未建立整个剖面的地层年代学, 使这些经典沉积剖面的年代学一直没有得到系统的建立. 应用石英光释光SAR-SGC法测试了Bowmanville Bluffs剖面Glaciofluvial Sand单元的2个冰水沉积样品, 年代结果分别为(41.6±3.8) ka、(48.1±4.4) ka, 分析表明这一年代结果偏老, 石英颗粒可能晒褪不完全. 由于大测片无法识别晒褪不完全的颗粒, 因此, 测试更多的剖面序列的光释光年代并尝试采用粗颗粒小测片或单颗粒技术解决样品颗粒晒褪不完全的问题将是必要的.  相似文献   
西峰油田庄40区块长6储层特低渗透成因与主控因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综合应用测井资料和铸体薄片、扫描电镜、X—衍射、粒度、压汞等分析化验资料,对西峰油田庄40井区块长6储层的特低渗透成因和主控因素进行了分析。结果表明:该区块长6储层特低渗透成因主要受沉积作用和成岩作用的共同影响,主要表现为沉积微相对储层物性的影响较大,扇中和扇根明显好于扇端,而且粒度偏细也是造成特低渗的主要因素之一,但是成分成熟度对该区长6储层特低渗透成因影响不明显;成岩压实作用和胶结作用使得储层孔隙、渗透性减小、变差,而溶蚀作用和成岩缝的产生又为储层中油气的赋存和渗流运移提供了有利条件。  相似文献   
介绍了一种简单的辉钼矿Re-Os同位素定年中Re的化学分离方法,采用“钽试剂”(N-苯甲酰基苯基羟胺)的氯仿溶液萃取辉钼矿中的主要基体和干扰元素,如Mo、Fe和W,达到Re与这些主要基体元素分离的目的。在此基础上,建立了Carius管溶样-四氯化碳萃取分离Os-“钽试剂”萃取分离Re以及同位素稀释电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定的分析流程。利用该分析流程,对辉钼矿标准物质JDC进行Re-Os同位素年龄测定研究,测得其Re、Os的平均含量及年龄分别为(17.6±0.2)μg/g、(25.9±0.3)ng/g和(140.1±2.4)Ma,该结果在误差范围内与标准参考值一致。与目前常用的辉钼矿Re-Os同位素定年方法相比,该方法具有操作简便、快速、高效以及成本低的优势,非常适合作为辉钼矿Re-Os同位素定年的化学分离常规方法。  相似文献   
The Kyffhäuser Crystalline Complex, Central Germany, formspart of the Mid-German Crystalline Rise, which is assumed torepresent the Variscan collision zone between the East Avalonianterrane and the Armorican terrane assemblage. High-precisionU–Pb zircon and monazite dating indicates that sedimentaryrocks of the Kyffhäuser Crystalline Complex are youngerthan c. 470 Ma and were intruded by gabbros and diorites between345 ± 4 and 340 ± 1 Ma. These intrusions had magmatictemperatures between 850 and 900°C, and caused a contactmetamorphic overprint of the sediments at PT conditionsof 690–750°C and 5–7 kbar, corresponding toan intrusion depth of 19–25 km. At 337 ± 1 Ma themagmatic–metamorphic suite was intruded by granites, syenitesand diorites at a shallow crustal level of some 7–11 km.This is inferred from a diorite, and conforms to PT pathsobtained from the metasediments, indicating a nearly isothermaldecompression from 5–7 to 2–4 kbar at 690–750°C.Subsequently, the metamorphic–magmatic sequence underwentaccelerated cooling to below 400°C, as constrained by garnetgeospeedometry and a previously published K–Ar muscoviteage of 333 ± 7 Ma. With respect to PTDtdata from surrounding units, rapid exhumation of the KCC canbe interpreted to result from NW-directed crustal shorteningduring the Viséan. KEY WORDS: contact metamorphism; U–Pb dating; hornblende; garnet; Mid-German Crystalline Rise; PT pseudosection  相似文献   
Recent mineral separate ages obtained on the Karoo large igneous province (southern Africa) suggest that the province was built by several distinct magmatic pulses over a rather long period on the order of 5–6 Ma concerning the main erupted volume [Jourdan, F., Féraud, G., Bertrand, H., Kampunzu, A.B., Tshoso, G., Watkeys, M.K., Le Gall., B., 2005. The Karoo large igneous province: Brevity, origin, and relation with mass extinction questioned by new 40Ar/39Ar age data, Geology 33, 745–748]. Although this apparently atypical province is dated in more detail compared to many other large igneous provinces, volumetrically important areas still lack sufficient high-quality data. The timing of the Karoo province is crucial as this event is correlated with the breakup activity of the Gondwana supercontinent. The Lesotho basalts represent a major lava sequence of the province, but have not yet been precisely dated by systematic analysis of mineral separates. We analyzed plagioclase separates from five lava flows encompassing the complete 1.4-km-thick Lesotho sequence from top to bottom using the 40Ar/39Ar method. We obtained five plateau and mini-plateau ages statistically indistinguishable and ranging from 182.3 ± 1.6 to 181.0 ± 2.0 Ma (2σ). We derived an apparent maximum duration for this event of  0.8 Ma by neglecting correlated errors embedded in the age uncertainties.

A critical review of previous ages obtained on the Lesotho sequence [Duncan R.A., Hooper, P.R., Rehacek, J., Marsh, J.S., Duncan, A.R., 1997. The timing and duration of the Karoo igneous event, southern Gondwana. Journal of Geophysical Research 102, 18127–18138] shows that groundmass analyses are unreliable for high-resolution geochronology, due to alteration and 39Ar recoil effects. Discrepancy between our ages and a previous plagioclase age at  184 Ma obtained by the later workers is tentatively attributed to the heterogeneity of the monitor used and/or cryptic excess 40Ar. The current age database suggests that at least three temporally and spatially distinct brief major events (the Lesotho and southern Botswana lava piles and the Okavango dyke swarm) are so far recognized in the Karoo province. Identification of brief and volumetrically important Karoo magmatic events allows detecting the migration of the Karoo magmatism and potentially the stress regime that affected the southern African lithosphere at this time. A filtered compilation of 60 ages obtained with homogeneous intercalibrated standards suggests a shorter duration for the main pulses of the magmatism between 3 and 4.5 Ma, compared to a whole province duration of  10 Ma, between  182 and  172 Ma.  相似文献   

豫西银家沟杂岩体年代学、地球化学和岩石成因   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
银家沟杂岩体位于河南省灵宝市,主要岩石类型为二长花岗斑岩、钾长花岗斑岩和石英闪长斑岩,并有少量呈脉状产出的花岗闪长斑岩及闪长玢岩.该杂岩体是银家沟硫铁多金属矿床的成矿母岩.杂岩体的元素地球化学和锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年代学研究结果表明,银家沟杂岩体二长花岗斑岩、钾长花岗斑岩和花岗闪长斑岩的侵位年龄分别为147.5±2.1Ma、147.8±1.6Ma和142.0±2.0Ma,为晚侏罗世-早白垩世的产物.二长花岗斑岩和钾长花岗斑岩具有高的SiO2(65.17% ~73.94%)和Al2O3含量(13.53% ~ 15.96%)、非常高的K2O含量(5.03% ~9.89%,多数大于6.0%),但具有低的Na2O(0.24%~1.86%,多数小于1.0%)、Fe2O3(0.82%~3.71%)、FeO(0.02% ~ 1.62%)、MgO(0.23%~1.47%,多数小于1.0%)和CaO含量(0.08%~ 1.98%,多数小于0.4%),铝指数(ASI)为1.18~2.04,全部大于1.1,应为热液蚀变引起.杂岩体的稀土元素总量介于71.38×10-6~276.4×10-6,具有中等-微弱的Eu负异常(δEu介于0.57 ~0.88),稀土元素分馏强烈,其(La/Yb)N介于6.93 ~ 30.1之间,为轻稀土富集型.岩石具有低Sr(104×10-6~461×10-6,多数<300×10-6)和Yb含量(0.90×10-6~2.10×10-6,绝大多数<1.9×10-6).在原始地幔标准化的微量元素蜘蛛网图中,银家沟杂岩体富集Rb、Ba、Th、U、K、La、Ce、Nd、Hf、Zr等,强烈亏损Sr、P、Ti等,具有中等Nb、Ta亏损.主量、稀土和微量元素特征表明,岩石具后碰撞花岗岩类的地球化学特征,属后碰撞花岗岩.杂岩体的锶初始比值(Isr)为0.7069~0.7091,多数<0.7085,εNd(t)值为-14.99~-10.57,亏损地幔单阶段Nd模式年龄为1.41~1.76Ga,两阶段Nd模式年龄为1.51~1.81Ga;钾长石206Pb/204Pb、207 Pb/204Pb和208Pb/204Pb比值变化范围分别为17.376 ~17.628、15.455~ 15.502和37.867~38.090,Nd、Sr和Pb同位素组成指示银家沟杂岩体最可能源自宽坪群、二郎坪群和太华群的混合物.银家沟杂岩体形成于晚侏罗世-早白垩世期间的EW向构造体制向NNE向构造体制转换环境,构造体制转换使东秦岭地区处于减压环境,下地壳大规模部分熔融,导致银家沟杂岩体形成.  相似文献   
U-Pb SHRIMP dating of zircons of metamagmatites from the Bayerischer Wald (Germany) reveals a complex evolution of this section of the Moldanubian Zone exposed in the western Bohemian Massif of the central European Variscan belt. In the south-western part of the Bayerischer Wald Upper Vendian magmatism is constrained by pooled 206Pb/238U mean ages of 555±12, 549±7 and 549±6 Ma from metarhyolites and a metabasite. Inherited zircon cores were not observed. Zircon overgrowths, yielding pooled 206Pb/238U ages of 316±10 and 319±5 Ma, provide evidence for Variscan metamorphic zircon growth; cathodoluminescence imaging reveals a two-stage metamorphic overprint.In contrast, Lower Ordovician magmatism and anatexis are documented in the north-eastern parts of the Bayerischer Wald by metagranitoids (480±6, 486±7 Ma), an eclogitic metabasite (481±8 Ma) and a leucosome (491 to 457 Ma). Inherited zircon cores are found in Lower Ordovician metagranitoids and the leucosome, indicating a Palaeoproterozoic-Archaean (ca. 2.7, 2.0 Ga) source region, presumably of Gondwana affinity (West African craton), and documenting Cadomian magmatism (ca. 640 Ma). Post-Cadomian metamorphism is inferred from concordant ages of 433±4 and 431±7 Ma.Upper Vendian magmatism is assumed at an active continental margin with ensialic back-arc development (εNd(t) –3.01 to +1.22); the lack of inherited zircon is due to either derivation from juvenile (?volcanic arc) material or complete isotopic resetting of pre-existing zircon. An active continental margin setting, possibly with some lateral variation (accretion/collision) is envisaged for the Lower Ordovician, producing granitoids, rhyolites and leucosomes (εNd(t) -0.5 to -6.27); MORB-type metabasites may be related to ZEV or Mariánské Lázně Complex metabasites. A tentative palaeogeographic reconstruction puts the “Bayerischer Wald” in close relationship with the Habach terrane (proto-Alps), as the “eastern” extension of terranes of the northern Gondwana margin.  相似文献   
胶东半岛西北地区是我国重要的金成矿区,主要受三山岛断裂、焦家断裂、招平断裂带控制.为探讨3条主要成矿带成矿流体的来源与区别,对成矿带内典型矿床载金黄铁矿中流体包裹体进行了He、Ar同位素测试.结合前人数据表明三山岛成矿带3 He/4 He均值为1.95 Ra,焦家成矿带3He/4He均值为1.74 Ra,招平成矿带3H...  相似文献   
粤北大宝山Cu-Mo-W-Pb-Zn多金属矿床位于钦杭矽卡岩型Cu-Mo成矿带南部。对于该矿床成因目前存在志留纪海底喷流沉积成因和燕山期斑岩矽卡岩成因2种争议。文章以大宝山次英安斑岩为研究对象,通过矿区填图和钻孔编录,查明次英安斑岩与矿体矿化的空间关系;通过年代学、岩石地球化学研究,提示成岩成矿时代与背景;结合区域资料探讨次英安斑岩与金属成矿关系。野外地质填图提示,层状铜矿体赋存在志留系东岗岭下亚组碳酸盐岩中,但存在透闪石化、绿泥石化等与斑岩型矽卡岩型岩体有关蚀变,而且周围发育侏罗纪花岗闪长斑岩;采用LAICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素精确定年方法,获得次英安斑岩年龄为(434.3±1.0)Ma(DB009)、(431.50±0.12)Ma(DB022)和(417.00±0.87)Ma(DB031)。岩石地球化学数据显示,次英安斑岩为高钾钙碱性系列岩石,具有富集Hf同位素特征和古老模式年龄,指示岩石成因主要源于古老地壳重熔,这种重熔有可能伴生有钨、锡、铌、铊等矿化,但不会产生海底喷流沉积型矿床。结合辉钼矿Re-Os等时线成矿年龄(166.0±3.0)Ma,笔者认为大宝山矿床成矿主要与侏罗纪花岗质岩浆侵位密切相关,与志留纪次火山岩无关。  相似文献   
宝兴沟金矿床为近年来在漠河前陆盆地南缘新发现的大型金矿床。区内发育石英闪长岩、闪长玢岩、花岗细晶岩等侵入岩,矿体主要产于石英闪长岩、闪长玢岩内部及其与二十二站组砂岩的内外接触带中。地球化学研究表明,石英闪长岩具高钾、低钛、富碱特征,花岗细晶岩具高硅、高钾、低钛、富碱特征,二者均为高钾钙碱性系列岩石,富集大离子亲石元素Rb、Ba、Sr等,亏损高场强元素Nb、Ta、Ti和重稀土元素Yb、Y,但二者稀土元素特征和配分曲线差异较大,不具成因联系。矿石与石英闪长岩、闪长玢岩具有相似的微量元素、稀土元素组成和稀土元素配分曲线,表明石英闪长岩、闪长玢岩为成矿提供了热液和成矿物质等,与成矿具有密切的成因联系。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素测年结果显示,石英闪长岩成岩时间为118.13~121.77 Ma,限定了宝兴沟金矿床的形成时间不早于118Ma,为早白垩世,形成于太平洋板块俯冲后的伸展环境。漠河前陆盆地除中-晚侏罗世侵入岩外,早白垩世中酸性侵入岩对区域成矿也具有重要的作用,是今后找矿的重要方向之一。  相似文献   
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