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用二维非静力完全弹性的中-γ尺度数值模式模拟了移动性热岛的大气边界层特征。试验中,热岛移速取为4m·s^-1,热岛强度取△θg=60K和30K两种。△θg=60K时,在热岛后方出现了强烈的垂直运动并形成了水平尺度为3-5km的局地环流,最大上升速度100cm·s^-1,出现在低层300-400m高度;△θg=30K时,移动热岛的边界效应比前大为减弱,且不再出现闭合的局地环流。  相似文献   
罗布泊北部地区凝结水对地下水补给作用的模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在含盐量较高的罗布泊北部凹地,采用称重法进行了凝结水的野外监测.利用凝结水的观测资料,基于HYDRUS_1D软件,建立了一维饱和―非饱和模型来模拟预测凝结水对地下水的补给作用.研究结果表明:观测期间试筒质量多为减少,仅有3个时段试筒质量增加,表明在这3个时段有凝结水生成;凝结水对包气带的补给量占包气带水分总收入的50....  相似文献   
Potential changes in precipitation extremes in July–August over China in response to CO 2 doubling are analyzed based on the output of 24 coupled climate models from the Twentieth-Century Climate in Coupled Models (20C3M) experiment and the 1% per year CO 2 increase experiment (to doubling) (1pctto2x) of phase 3 of the Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project (CMIP3). Evaluation of the models’ performance in simulating the mean state shows that the majority of models fairly reproduce the broad spatial pattern of observed precipitation. However, all the models underestimate extreme precipitation by ~50%. The spread among the models over the Tibetan Plateau is ~2–3 times larger than that over the other areas. Models with higher resolution generally perform better than those with lower resolutions in terms of spatial pattern and precipitation amount. Under the 1pctto2x scenario, the ratio between the absolute value of MME extreme precipitation change and model spread is larger than that of total precipitation, indicating a relatively robust change of extremes. The change of extreme precipitation is more homogeneous than the total precipitation. Analysis on the output of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory coupled climate model version 2.1 (GFDL-CM2.1) indicates that the spatially consistent increase of surface temperature and water vapor content contribute to the large increase of extreme precipitation over contiguous China, which follows the Clausius–Clapeyron relationship. Whereas, the meridionally tri-polar pattern of mean precipitation change over eastern China is dominated by the change of water vapor convergence, which is determined by the response of monsoon circulation to global warming.  相似文献   
吴德华  杨冰  傅伟军 《测绘通报》2014,(10):121-124
人体经络是一个与城市公交系统特点相似的空间系统,可以借鉴城市公交地理信息系统的先进技术实现对人体经络信息的高效管理。针对人体经络信息化建设在空间分析方面的不足,提出应用WebGIS开发方式为用户提供强大的空间分析辅助决策能力。系统选用先进的MapGIS IGServer作为开发平台,按专题分层组织空间数据,以数据中心为内核,采用面向服务的4层体系架构,运用Flex和搭建式二次开发技术,实现了对经络信息的查询定位、反射区分析、三维浏览等功能。实验结果表明,该系统不仅克服了当前主流人体经络信息系统空间分析能力弱的不足,而且实现了二三维人体经络信息系统的一体化,能够满足不同用户的需求,为构建人体经络信息系统提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   
COSMIC-2可提供连续大气数据源用于改进天气预报,有助于对极端天气进行监测预警。将中国大陆地区按照气候类型划分成5个区域,依托CMONOC站点PWV序列,开展COSMIC-2 PWV在中国大陆地区的精度分析。从站间距离和高程2个角度进行COSMIC-2掩星点与GNSS站点PWV匹配方案设计,分别针对中国大陆地区、不同气候类型和部分代表站点开展COSMIC-2精度评定。研究表明,高原山地、温带大陆、温带季风、亚热带季风和热带季风气候类型的RMSE分别为1.40 mm、1.49 mm、2.68 mm、3.11 mm和3.16 mm;内陆地区精度优于沿海地区。  相似文献   
CT-1地震计传递函数测试仪的设计   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
将计算机控制技术应用到甚宽频带地震计的传递函数测试中。讨论了基本的测试方法和原理,阐述了传递函数测试系统的软、硬件设计,给出了测试系统的应用实例。该测试系统具有正弦波自动扫频、阶跃信号法和脉冲信号法等标定方法,满足了甚宽频带地震计的传递函数测试在观测频带、动态范围和测试精度等方面的要求。  相似文献   
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As a cold and dry planet, Mars contains water resources in the form of water ice, so that the electromagnetic waves can be transmitted to the deep underground to get the information of the topography and subsurface geological structure. Subsurface penetrating radar(SPR) can be widely used in deep space exploration for a long time because of its non-destructive detection mode and its working characteristics not limited by visible light. It is an important type of equipment for detecting the subsurface structure of planets. Orbiter radar is mainly used in Mars exploration. However, because of its low resolution, it is difficult to describe the near surface structure, so there is a lack of radar data which can reflect the shallow information. In this paper, a three-dimensional near surface model of Utopia Planitia on Mars is established. In order to make the simulation results more reasonable, the key factors such as topographic relief, subsurface rocks and water ice, and the variation of dielectric constant in different layers are taken into account. Then the full polarization forward modeling is carried out by using the three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain method. The acquired full polarimetric subsurface penetrating radar(FP-SPR) data with noise is preprocessed and further processed by Pauli decomposition. The underground reflection can be picked up more clearly from the Pauli decomposition results. This work is helpful to identify more details of subsurface structures and provides a reference for the measured data in the future.  相似文献   
洪水研究包括径流与淹没两种模式.为了探究流域降雨产汇流与淹没情况、提高洪水预报精度,本研究在传统流域水文模型的基础上耦合二维水动力学模型,建立水文-水动力耦合模型.以我国吉林温德河流域为研究实例,模拟了2017年"7.13"洪水在下游口前镇所处子流域洪水淹没过程.首先对基础数据进行预处理,建立HEC-HMS水文模型并进...  相似文献   
1 STUDIEDREGIONANDANALYSISMETHODLocatedatnorthwesternmarginofTenggerDesertand70kmnortheastofMinqinCountyinGansuProvince,QingtuLakebelongstotheShiyangRiverDryDelta,andthealtitudeis1292-1310m.Theregionhasthecharacteroftemperatecontinentalariddesertcli…  相似文献   
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