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The characteristics of zonal anomaly and change rule of temporal distribution of annual precipitation in the northeastern China are revealed in this paper with EOF (Empirical Orthogonal Function) and REOF (Rotated Empirical Orthogonal Function) methods and results are drawn in the standard relief maps with GIS technology for practical application. Data used in the study were obtained from 208 meteorological stations over the northeastern China from 1961 to 2001. EOF results show that the first 3 loading vectors could give entire spatial anomaly structure of annual precipitation. In the Northeast Plain including the Songneng Plain and the Liaohe Plain, there is a regional compatibility (whether wet or dry) of annual precipitation change and this precipitation pattern has occurred since the late 1980s to the present. There also exist annual precipitation patterns of wet (or dry) in south and dry (or wet) in north and wet (or dry) in east and dry (or wet) in west. REOF results display 8 principal precipitation anomaly areas by the first 8 rotated loading vectors: the west plain, the Liaodong hills, the Sanjiang Plain, the Liaoxi hills,the Changbai Mountains, the Hulun Buir Plateau, the southwest plateau and the Liaodong Peninsula.  相似文献   
Two types of gold deposit with both good homogeneity and a high-grade of gold were selected to prepare four gold ore reference materials (GAu-19,GAu-20,GAu-21 and GAu-22) by the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration (IGGE),China.Seven laboratories participated in the certification programme. Volumetric methods for GAu19-21 and atomic absorption spectrometry for GAu-22 were used for the homogeneity testing,the coefficient of variation being found to be less than 3%.After sample digestion and preconcentration,the samples were analysed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS),colorimetry,neutron activation analysis (NAA)and volumetric analysis. The certified values for the gold concentration in GAu19-22 are 18.3 μg g -1, 32.3 μg g -1, 53.0 μg g -1 and 5.72 μg g -1,respectively.  相似文献   
气候变化对流域径流的影响显著,但不同流域径流对各气候因子敏感性不同,具有明显的空间分异性。本文以位于半湿润、湿润地区的松花江、子牙河以及西苕溪流域为例,基于Budyko 水热平衡经验模型,采用归因分析方法分离了气象要素趋势性变化对年径流和潜在蒸发变化率的贡献与差异性。结果表明:1960-2008年,在上述3个流域中,降水趋势性变化对年径流变化的贡献比潜在蒸发大。松花江和子牙河流域各气象要素趋势性变化对潜在蒸发变化率的贡献排序为:温度>风速>水汽压>日照时数,而西苕溪流域为:温度>日照时数>风速>水汽压。在气候要素共同作用下,松花江和子牙河流域平均年径流分别以0.48和1.51 mm a-2的速率减少,而西苕溪流域年径流则以1.42 mm a-2的速率增加。所得结果加深了气候变化对径流影响机制和程度的认识,可作为流域水资源适应性管理的科学依据。  相似文献   
1961-2005年水利水保措施对潮河流域年径流量的影响(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Taking the Chaohe River Basin above the Miyun Reservoir in North China as a study area,the characteristics and variation trends of annual runoff and annual precipitation during 1961-2005 were analyzed applying Mann-Kendall test method on the basis of the hydrologic data of the major hydrological station(Xiahui Station) located at the outlet of the drainage basin and the meteorological data of 17 rainfall stations.Human activities including water conservancy projects construction and water diversion as well as implementation of soil and water conservation from 1961 to 2005 were carefully studied using time series contrasting method.The referenced period(1961-1980) that influenced slightly by human activities and the compared period(1981-2005) that influenced significantly by water conservancy and soil conservation measures were identified according to the runoff variation process analysis and abrupt change points detection during 1961-2005 applying double accumulative curve method,mean shift t-test method and Mann-Kendall mutation test technique.Based on the establishment of a rainfall-runoff empirical statistical model,impacts and the runoff-reducing effects of water conservancy and soil conservation measures on runoff reduction were evaluated quantitatively.The major results could be summarized as follows:(1) The annual precipitation in the drainage basin tends to decrease while the runoff has declined markedly since the 1960s,the average annual runoff from 1991 to 2000 was only 90.9% in proportion to that from 1961 to 1970.(2) The annual runoff variations in the drainage basin are significantly related to human activities.(3) During 1981-1990,1991-2000,2001-2005 and 1981-2005,the average annual runoff reduction amounts were 1.15×108,0.28×108,1.10×108 and 0.79×108 m3 respectively and the average annual runoff-reducing effects were 31.99%,7.13%,40.71% and 23.79% accordingly.Runoff-reducing effects by water conservancy and soil conservation measures are more prominent in the low water period.  相似文献   
胡波  杜惠良  滕卫平  石蓉蓉 《气象》2009,35(9):104-111
通过分析2005-2008年影响浙江的梅汛期强降水云团特征,将云团分为偏北型、居中型和偏南型,研究这三种类型云团云顶亮温与地面1小时强降水极值和10mm/h以上降水覆盖面积关系,结果表明偏南型和偏北型云团有较多相似特征,而居中型云团较其他两种云团则有较多相反特征.通过分析1小时强降水相对于云团中心移动路径的落区,指出梅汛期云顶1小时变温和亮温梯度与地面1小时强降水落区无明显配对模型.随后利用天气形势场资料,分析强降水云团与环境要素场的关系,指出云顶亮温的宏观特征与中高层的垂直速度、水汽通量密切相关,最后尝试建立三种类型强降水云团成熟阶段云顶亮温和地面降水人工神经网络预报方程,给预报员提供参考.  相似文献   
The ``combined approach', which is suitable to represent subgrid land surface heterogeneity in both inter-patch and intra-patch variabilities, is employed in the Biosphere/Atmosphere Transfer Scheme (BATS) as a land surface component of the regional climate model RegCM3 to consider the heterogeneities in temperature and moisture at the land surface, and then annual-scale simulations for 5 years (1988--1992) were conducted. Results showed that on the annual scale, the models response to the heterogeneities is quite sensitive, and that the effect of the temperature heterogeneity (TH) is more pronounced than the moisture heterogeneity (MH). On the intraannual scale, TH may lead to more (less) precipitation in warm (cold) seasons, and hence lead to larger intraannual variability in precipitation; the major MH effects may be lagged by about 1 month during the warm, rainy seasons, inducing ~6% more precipitation for some sub-regions. Additionally, the modeled climate for the northern sub-regions shows larger sensitivities to the land surface heterogeneities than those for the southern sub-regions. Since state-of-art land surface models seldom account for surface intra-patch variabilities, this study emphasizes the importance of including this kind of variability in the land surface models.  相似文献   
图幅磁偏角自动计算的原理和方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
详细论述了磁偏角自动计算的原理,并提出了一种利用地磁图自动计算图幅磁偏角的新方法,实验表明,用地磁图建立磁偏角数字模型和年变率数字模型进行图幅磁偏角的自动计算是可行的。  相似文献   
江苏省若干代表站年降水量的多年变化和系列代表性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
马蕴芬 《水文》2003,23(3):45-48,51
利用长系列雨量站资料,采用数理统计法分析了江苏省年降水量的多年变化,对1956—2000年、1956—1979年、1971—2000年、1980—2000年等短系列年降水量的系列代表性做出了分析评价,为合理选用水文系列提供了依据,对江苏省水资源调查评价和水资源综合规划具有重要的参考价值,可在生产中应用。  相似文献   
人工固沙区一年生植物小画眉草种群异速生长动态研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
通过对沙坡头人工固沙区一年生植物4 a的连续观测,我们得到对于一年生植物来讲水分竞争是个体分异的根本原因,种群中个体间的竞争主要是对有限水分的争夺.随着水分梯度的变化,小画眉草种群从一开始的没有竞争到为有限水分而发生的根系竞争.水分条件的暂时好转,个体又把大量能量用于建造茎杆、枝叶等支持组织,光竞争能力随之加强.发育出较多浅层须根系用于在降雨季节迅速吸收降水是一年生植物非常有利的一个竞争手段.  相似文献   
利用中国西北五省(区)1960-2004年129个台站逐日最低、最高温度资料,从中统计出年极端高温发生频次、年极端低温发生频次、年极端高温强度、年极端低温强度以及年极端高温和低温开始和结束日期,分析了它们近45 a来的变化情况。结果表明:近45 a来中国西北年极端高温发生频次的增加趋势是明显的,而年极端低温发生频次的减少趋势更显著;中国西北近45 a来年极端高温的强度在不断增强,而极端低温的强度在不断减弱;近45 a来中国西北年极端高温开始日期逐渐提前,结束日期逐渐推迟,而年极端低温的开始日期在逐渐推迟,结束日期在逐渐提前;年极端低温发生频次的减少对于西北区域增暖的响应比年极端高温发生频次增加更显著,而年极端低温强度的减弱要比年极端高温强度的增强对西北区域性增暖的响应偏弱,年极端高温发生频次的增加同年极端高温强度的增强对西北区域性增暖的响应程度基本相当。  相似文献   
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