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中国大陆科学钻探主孔流体地球化学异常与远强震的关系   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
2001年11月14日发生的昆仑山口西Ms8.1级地震和2004年12月26日发生的印度尼西亚苏门答腊Ms8.7级地震前后,中国大陆科学钻探(CCSD)主孔流体组成出现明显的异常。两次远强震前后的流体异常幅度很大,并具有相似的演化趋势。异常始于震前2—7天,He、N2/O2、He/Ar、N2/Ar为负异常,Ar/O2为正异常。远强震前后流体异常特征与CCSD附近小震前后流体异常特征具有明显的区别,表明昆仑山口西Ms8.1级地震前后和苏门答腊Ms8.7级地震前后的CCSD主孔流体异常可能与两次远强震相关。认为CCSD主孔中的He、N2、Ar是记录远强震的敏感载体,可能记录了震前长周期波传播至CCSD主孔时激发的流体变化,反映了震源区的应力变化,也可能反映了区域构造活动乃至地球深部构造活动产生的场兆、源兆信息。  相似文献   
随着全球火山研究的深入,地质学家在大多数火山群中均发现了特殊成因的玛珥式火山。以低平火山口和低矮锥体著称的玛珥式火山主要由具有爬升层理、平行层理、大型低角度交错层理等结构构造的基浪堆积物组成,是火山喷发演化过程研究的重要对象。近年来,在内蒙古东部的诺敏河、阿尔山-柴河和阿巴嘎火山群中也先后发现了典型的玛珥式火山及基浪堆积物。本文从野外火山地质特征着手,以火山学与火山地质学理论为指导,结合国内外玛珥式火山的研究成果,对内蒙古东部晚第四纪玛珥式火山的分布、产物和结构构造等火山地质特征进行了归纳总结,将其大致划分为3个喷发期次,分别是以基浪堆积物为主的射汽-岩浆爆发、以降落-溅落堆积物为主的岩浆喷发和以碱性橄榄玄武岩为主的岩浆溢流期次。复合火山的活动时代总体属于晚更新世,其中玛珥式火山的形成时代为晚更新世早中期。通过分析研究区的地层、火山产物和区域断裂构造等地质特征,推断射汽-岩浆爆发的深度较浅,并进一步探讨了玛珥式火山的成因机制,模拟其喷发演化过程,认为玛珥式火山与斯通博利式、夏威夷式等类型火山具有继承性演化关系。  相似文献   
 The 1783–1784 Laki tholeiitic basalt fissure eruption in Iceland was one of the greatest atmospheric pollution events of the past 250 years, with widespread effects in the northern hemisphere. The degassing history and volatile budget of this event are determined by measurements of pre-eruption and residual contents of sulfur, chlorine, and fluorine in the products of all phases of the eruption. In fissure eruptions such as Laki, degassing occurs in two stages: by explosive activity or lava fountaining at the vents, and from the lava as it flows away from the vents. Using the measured sulfur concentrations in glass inclusions in phenocrysts and in groundmass glasses of quenched eruption products, we calculate that the total accumulative atmospheric mass loading of sulfur dioxide was 122 Mt over a period of 8 months. This volatile release is sufficient to have generated ∼250 Mt of H2SO4 aerosols, an amount which agrees with an independent estimate of the Laki aerosol yield based on atmospheric turbidity measurements. Most of this volatile mass (∼60 wt.%) was released during the first 1.5 months of activity. The measured chlorine and fluorine concentrations in the samples indicate that the atmospheric loading of hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid was ∼7.0 and 15.0 Mt, respectively. Furthermore, ∼75% of the volatile mass dissolved by the Laki magma was released at the vents and carried by eruption columns to altitudes between 6 and 13 km. The high degree of degassing at the vents is attributed to development of a separated two-phase flow in the upper magma conduit, and implies that high-discharge basaltic eruptions such as Laki are able to loft huge quantities of gas to altitudes where the resulting aerosols can reside for months or even 1–2 years. The atmospheric volatile contribution due to subsequent degassing of the Laki lava flow is only 18 wt.% of the total dissolved in the magma, and these emissions were confined to the lowest regions of the troposphere and therefore important only over Iceland. This study indicates that determination of the amount of sulfur degassed from the Laki magma batch by measurements of sulfur in the volcanic products (the petrologic method) yields a result which is sufficient to account for the mass of aerosols estimated by other methods. Received: 30 May 1995 / Accepted: 19 April 1996  相似文献   
Ocean anoxia has been widely implicated in the Permian-Triassic extinction.However,the duration and distribution of the ocean anoxia remains controversial.In this study,the detailed redox changes across the Permian-Triassic boundary(PTB)in the shallow platform interior at Great Bank of Guizhou(GBG)has been reconstructed based on the high-resolution microfossil composition and multiple paleo-redox proxies.The shallow platform is characterized by low sulfur(total sulfur(TS)and pyrite sulfur(Spy))concentrations,low Spy/TOC ratios,and low DOP values before the mass extinction,representing oxic conditions well.Following the mass extinction,the shift of multiple geochemical proxies,including high Spy/TOC ratios and DOP values,indicates dysoxic-anoxic conditions in shallow ocean.Furthermore,we reconstruct the transition of the redox conditions of Nanpanjiang Basin:the intense volcanic eruptions,which release huge CO2 and SO2 before the mass extinction,provoke the temperature rising and the collapse of terrestrial ecosystem.As a result,the increased weathering influx causes the carbon isotopic negative excursion and the expansion of the ocean oxygen minimum zone(OMZ).When the OMZ expanded into the photic zone,the episodic H2S release events enhance the pyrite burial at Dajiang section.Thus,intense volcanic eruptions,temperature increase,and oceanic hypoxia together lead to the PTB extinction.Recent studies show high temperature might be the key mechanism of the PTB extinction.In addition,this study confirms that the microbialites were formed in the dysoxicanoxic shallow water.  相似文献   
K2 is a steep-sided kimberlite pipe with a complex internal geology. Geological mapping, logging of drillcore and petrographic studies indicate that it comprises layered breccias and pyroclastic rocks of various grain sizes, lithic contents and internal structures. The pipe comprises two geologically distinct parts: K2 West is a layered sequence of juvenile- and lithic-rich breccias, which dip 20–45° inwards, and K2 East consists of a steep-sided pipe-like body filled with massive volcaniclastic kimberlite nested within the K2 pipe. The layered sequence in K2 West is present to > 900 m below present surface and is interpreted as a sequence of pyroclastic rocks generated by explosive eruptions and mass-wasting breccias generated by rock fall and sector collapse of the pipe walls: both processes occurred in tandem during the infill of the pipe. Several breccia lobes extend across the pipe and are truncated by the steep contact with K2 East. Dense pyroclastic rocks within the layered sequence are interpreted as welded deposits. K2 East represents a conduit that was blasted through the layered breccia sequence at a late stage in the eruption. This phase may have involved fluidisation of trapped pyroclasts, with loss of fine particles and comminution of coarse clasts. We conclude that the K2 kimberlite pipe was emplaced in several distinct stages that consisted of an initial explosive enlargement, followed by alternating phases of accumulation and ejection.  相似文献   
Following 198 years of dormancy, a small phreatic eruption started at the summit of Unzen Volcano (Mt. Fugen) in November 1990. A swarm of volcano-tectonic (VT) earthquakes had begun below the western flank of the volcano a year before this eruption, and isolated tremor occurred below the summit shortly before it. The focus of VT events had migrated eastward to the summit and became shallower. Following a period of phreatic activity, phreatomagmatic eruptions began in February 1991, became larger with time, and developed into a dacite dome eruption in May 1991 that lasted approximately 4 years. The emergence of the dome followed inflation, demagnetization and a swarm of high-frequency (HF) earthquakes in the crater area. After the dome appeared, activity of the VT earthquakes and the summit HF events was replaced largely by low-frequency (LF) earthquakes. Magma was discharged nearly continuously through the period of dome growth, and the rate decreased roughly with time. The lava dome grew in an unstable form on the shoulder of Mt. Fugen, with repeating partial collapses. The growth was exogenous when the lava effusion rate was high, and endogenous when low. A total of 13 lobes grew as a result of exogenous growth. Vigorous swarms of LF earthquakes occurred just prior to each lobe extrusion. Endogenous growth was accompanied by strong deformation of the crater floor and HF and LF earthquakes. By repeated exogenous and endogenous growth, a large dome was formed over the crater. Pyroclastic flows frequently descended to the northeast, east, and southeast, and their deposits extensively covered the eastern slope and flank of Mt. Fugen. Major pyroclastic flows took place when the lava effusion rate was high. Small vulcanian explosions were limited in the initial stage of dome growth. One of them occurred following collapse of the dome. The total volume of magma erupted was 2.1×108 m3 (dense-rock-equivalent); about a half of this volume remained as a lava dome at the summit (1.2 km long, 0.8 km wide and 230–540 m high). The eruption finished with extrusion of a spine at the endogenous dome top. Several monitoring results convinced us that the eruption had come to an end: the minimal levels of both seismicity and rockfalls, no discharge of magma, the minimal SO2 flux, and cessation of subsidence of the western flank of the volcano. The dome started slow deformation and cooling after the halt of magma effusion in February 1995.  相似文献   
Using the dataset provided by the Smithsonian Institution's Global Volcanism Program, we have extracted the large volcanic eruptions(volcanic explosivity index ≥ 4) from the period 1750–2010 and have then analyzed the main characteristics of large volcanic eruptions since 1750 according to their geographic latitudes, their elevations, and the years and months in which they occurred. The results show that most large volcanic eruptions were located around the margins of the Pacific Ocean and the islands of Sumatra and Java, especially in the equatorial regions(10°N–10°S). Large volcanic eruptions were concentrated at 1000–2000 m elevations and in the months of January and April. There were more eruptions in the summer half-year(from April to September) than in the winter half-year(from October to the next March). Large volcanic eruptions have interdecadal fluctuations, including cycles of 15–25 years and 35–50 years, which were detected by Morlet wavelet analysis, with the fluctuations being more frequent after 1870 than before. During the periods 1750–1760, 1776–1795, 1811–1830, 1871–1890, 1911–1920 and 1981–1995, there were relatively many large volcanic eruptions.  相似文献   
Using the dataset provided by the Smithsonian Institution's Global Volcanism Program, we have extracted the large volcanic eruptions(volcanic explosivity index ≥ 4) from the period 1750–2010 and have then analyzed the main characteristics of large volcanic eruptions since 1750 according to their geographic latitudes, their elevations, and the years and months in which they occurred. The results show that most large volcanic eruptions were located around the margins of the Pacific Ocean and the islands of Sumatra and Java, especially in the equatorial regions(10°N–10°S). Large volcanic eruptions were concentrated at 1000–2000 m elevations and in the months of January and April. There were more eruptions in the summer half-year(from April to September) than in the winter half-year(from October to the next March). Large volcanic eruptions have interdecadal fluctuations, including cycles of 15–25 years and 35–50 years, which were detected by Morlet wavelet analysis, with the fluctuations being more frequent after 1870 than before. During the periods 1750–1760, 1776–1795, 1811–1830, 1871–1890, 1911–1920 and 1981–1995, there were relatively many large volcanic eruptions.  相似文献   
The 2008 Chaitén volcanic eruption generated significant changes in the channel morphology and large wood (LW) abundance along the fluvial corridor of the Blanco River, southern Chile. Comparisons of remote sensing images from the pre‐eruption (year 2005) and post‐eruption (years 2009 and 2012) conditions showed that in a 10.2 km long study segment the Blanco River widened 3.5 times from 2005 to 2009, and that the maximum enlargement was nine times the original width. Changes in channel width were lower between the years 2012 and 2009. The sinuosity and braiding indexes also changed between 2005 and 2009. After the eruption the channel sinuosity was higher and specific river reaches developed a braided pattern, but by 2012 the channel was recovering pre‐eruption characteristics. Huge quantities of LW were introduced to the study segment; individual LW per km of channel length were 1.6 and 74.3 in 2005 and 2009, respectively, and more than 30 log jams km?1 were observed in the year 2009. Between 2009 and 2012 the quantity of LW was very similar. Statistically significant relationships were found between the number of log jams and channel sinuosity and between the number of pieces of large wood with sinuosity and channel width. Wood was highly dynamic between 2009 and 2012: 78% of individual pieces and 48% of log jams identified in the 2009 image had moved by 2012. Finally the supervised classification of imagery associated with ArcMap tools was tested to identify large wood.  相似文献   
The population of Fogo Island, in Cape Verde, shows a peculiar relationship with the living territory, given that the eminence of volcanic risk is a reality they face every day. The 1951 and 1995 eruptions were particularly scarring in this insular geography, leaving in several generations of Cape Verdeans, the mark of a creation‐destruction‐restart cycle, as well as an attitude of symbiosis with nature. This article is intended to present and discuss results from a scientific research paper based on a study conducted on Fogo Island, in Cape Verde, in February 2016, where researchers sought to understand the local population's response to the last volcanic eruption (from November 2014 to February 2015), in a logic of deterritorialization‐reterritorialization, namely in terms of community and territorial resilience. The analysis method was based on direct observation, with record of the views in a field journal, as well as the biographic narratives of all those who were affected, through questionnaires and interviews.  相似文献   
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