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孟炜 《地下水》2010,32(5):64-65
阐述了节水灌溉信息化的重要性和必要性,探讨建设完善的灌区节水灌溉信息化管理系统。介绍信息管理系统、调度运行系统、水务公开系统、运行监控管理系统、遥测管理系统、灌溉用水预报系统、决策支持系统的基本结构和内容。实践证明,管理系统能够有效地提高灌区水资源的利用率和用水管理效率。  相似文献   
张德庆 《东北测绘》2014,(4):115-117
结合工程实践,对单基站CORS系统的工作原理与测量精度进行分析,并用其解决平面控制网中野外作业数据采集是否满足精度要求的问题,在项目中使用单基站CORS系统下的数据结果与四等城市坐标系GPS控制点数据进行对比分析。精度统计表明,单基站CORS系统下进行平面点位的测量能够为中小城市测绘工程提供足够精度的实时定位服务,并且可以将其推广到其他同等精度要求的工程项目中,为今后的工程作业提供了参考和依据。  相似文献   
The regional dynamical model of the atmospheric ozonosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TheRegionalDynamicalModeloftheAtmosphericOzonosphereWangWeiguo(王卫国),XieYingqi(谢应齐)DepartmentofEarthscience.YunnanUniversity,K...  相似文献   
常向阳  朱炳泉 《地球学报》1997,18(Z1):182-184
通过对数据集合的拓扑学分析,获得了Pb同位素三维空间拓扑投影特征值V1和V2。运用特征值可以定量地预测隐伏铜金矿床的埋藏深度和隐伏矿量,是隐伏矿预测评价的新方法,开创了同位素化探的新领域。  相似文献   
基于农户行为的耕地质量评价指标体系 构建的理论与方法   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
从农户土地利用目标变化相关理论出发, 依据在不同经济发展阶段下, 农户土地利用目 标的产量最大化、产量与利润最优化和利润最大化三个阶段的变化特征, 创建了基于农户土地利 用目标变化的“压力- 状态- 效应- 响应”逻辑框架模型; 并据不同经济发展阶段下的“压力- 状态- 效应- 响应”的变化特征, 构建了基于农户土地利用目标变化的耕地质量评价指标体系。这一评价 指标体系的建立为我国在不同经济发展阶段下, 从农户尺度上进行耕地质量保护提供政策依据。  相似文献   
The responses of a spar constrained by slack mooring lines to steep ocean waves and tensions in the mooring lines are simulated using two different numerical schemes: a quasi-static approach (SMACOS) and a coupled dynamic approach (COUPLE). The two approaches are the same in computing wave loads on the structure. Their difference is in modeling dynamic forces of mooring lines; that is the dynamic forces are included in the computation of COUPLE but neglected in SMACOS. The numerical simulation is examined against the laboratory measurements of the JIP Spar in a water depth of 318 m. The dynamic coupling effects between the JIP Spar and its mooring lines in different water depths (318, 618 and 1018 m) are investigated by the comparison of numerical simulations obtained using the quasi-static and coupled dynamic approaches. It is found that the damping of mooring lines reduces the slow-drift surge and pitch of the Spar, especially in deep water. The reduction in the amplitude of slow-drift surge can reach about 10% in a water depth of 1018 m. The tension in mooring lines may greatly increase in the wave frequency range when dynamic forces in mooring lines are considered. The mooring-line tension in the wave frequency range predicted by the coupled dynamic approach can be eight times as great as the corresponding prediction by the quasi-static approach in a water depth of 1018 m. This finding may have important implications for the estimation of the fatigue strength and life span of the mooring lines deployed in deep water oceans.  相似文献   
移动Agent 在集群系统中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从任务级的角度,在基于主/从模式的集群系统中引入了移动Agent技术,建立了基于移动Agent的并行计算模型。基于该模型,对移动Agent之间的通信接口、容错机制和负载平衡策略等问题进行了研究。  相似文献   
Integrated assessment models and coupled earth system models both have their limitations in understanding the interactions between human activity and the physical earth system. In this paper,a new human–earth system model,BNUHESM1.0,constructed by combining the economic and climate damage components of the Dynamic Integrated Model of Climate Change and Economy to the BNU-ESM model,is introduced. The ability of BNU-HESM1.0 in simulating the global CO2 concentration and surface temperature is also evaluated. We find that,compared to observation,BNU-HESM1.0underestimates the global CO2 concentration and its rising trend during 1965–2005,due to the uncertainty in the economic components. However,the surface temperature simulated by BNU-HESM1.0 is much closer to observation,resulting from the overestimates of surface temperature by the original BNU-ESM model. The uncertainty of BNU-ESM falls within the range of present earth system uncertainty,so it is the economic and climate damage component of BNU-HESM1.0 that needs to be improved through further study. However,the main purpose of this paper is to introduce a new approach to investigate the complex relationship between human activity and the earth system. It is hoped that it will inspire further ideas that prove valuable in guiding human activities appropriate for a sustainable future climate.  相似文献   
在鄂尔多斯盆地东北部,延安组第V成因单元存在着多处铀异常,这对铀的后备战略基地建设有重要意义。从沉积学的角度重建了第V成因单元的沉积体系,识别出两种沉积体系,分别是位于研究区西北部的辫状河沉积体系和东南部的曲流河沉积体系。通过对铀异常信息的成功提取及平面编图,发现延安组中铀异常呈一个又一个具有自我中心的单元出现,且与曲流河沉积体系的关系密切:通常发育于河道分岔或转弯处;普遍发育于薄砂带(区),一般砂体厚度在30 m以下,含砂率小于40%;铀异常单元与厚煤层关系密切;主要赋存于粒度较细的岩性中,部分也富集于煤中,但铀异常最高值富集于中砂岩中。  相似文献   
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