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采用双差定位法对山东莱州地震序列重新定位,通过CAP方法反演M4.6地震震源机制,在此基础上初步探讨莱州地震序列发震构造。结果显示:精确定位震中位置主要位于柞村—仙夼断裂的NW方向,深度剖面显示从SE方向到NW方向断层深度呈由浅逐渐变深的趋势,这均与柞村—仙夼断裂位置、走向、倾向特征较为吻合;M4.6地震震源机制解的节面Ⅰ与柞村—仙夼断裂走向、倾角较为接近。综合精确定位震中位置、剖面深度分布特征、M4.6地震震源机制解及宏观调查烈度分布等结果与柞村-仙夼断裂产状之间的关系,初步推测柞村—仙夼断裂可能为莱州地震序列的发震断层。  相似文献   
We look for high‐amplitude variable young stars in the open clusters and associations of the Orion Belt. We use public data from the ASAS‐3 Photometric V ‐band Catalogue of the All Sky Automated Survey, infrared photometry from the 2MASS and IRAS catalogues, proper motions, and the Aladin sky atlas to obtain a list of the most variable stars in a survey area of side 5° centred on the bright star Alnilam (ε Ori) in the centre of the Orion Belt. We identify 32 highly variable stars, of which 16 had not been reported to vary before. They are mostly variable young stars and candidates (16) and background giants (8), but there are also field cataclysmic variables, contact binaries, and eclipsing binary candidates. Of the young stars, which typically are active Herbig Ae/Be and T Tauri stars with Hα emission and infrared flux excess, we discover four new variables and confirm the variability status of another two. Some of them belong to the well known σ Orionis cluster. Besides, six of the eight giants are new variables, and three are new periodic variables (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
近江牡蛎两个野生种群的遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用RAPD分子标记和rDNA-ITS1序列分析了近江牡蛎Crassostrea rivularis湛江官渡和阳江程村野生种群的遗传多样性。12个RAPD引物共扩增出8838条片段,157个位点,平均每个引物可产生13个位点,片段长度在200~2200bp之间。湛江种群和阳江种群的多态位点比例分别为89.62%和89.57%,遗传多样性指数分别为0.4170和0.4334。种群间平均遗传距离为0.0327,平均遗传相似性为0.9681,平均遗传分化系数为0.0437。得到近江牡蛎18S、5.8S部分序列和ITS1全部序列,其中ITS1序列片段长度为478~485bp,共有11个变异位点,两个为转换(A/G),其他为插入/缺失(A/-、T/-)。湛江和阳江种群各获得8个单倍型,其中有一个单倍型为两个种群共享。两个种群的CG碱基平均含量较高,分别为58.29%和58.41%。种群间的遗传分化系数0.0254。结果说明,近江牡蛎湛江种群和阳江种群间具有较高的遗传多样性和较低的遗传分化。  相似文献   
海洋一号C/D(HY-1C/D)卫星中国海洋水色水温扫描仪(Chinese Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner,COCTS)主要用于探测海洋水色、水温等要素,这些要素需要经过卫星资料处理才能获取,而几何定位是预处理的核心,直接影响这些要素的质量。COCTS具有114°视场角和四元逐点摆扫的特征,据此研究出一套完整的几何定位方法。从0级数据中提取卫星星历,利用插值法从中获取采样时间对应的卫星位置和速度,进而得到轨道(ORB)坐标系到地心旋转(ECR)坐标系的转换矩阵。基于四元逐点摆扫的特征,中心视矢量分别绕X轴、Y轴旋转相应角度,获得扫描行各采样点ORB视矢量,建立视矢量与地球交叉点关系模型,从而对根据波段数据绘制的遥感图像进行地理定位。本文使用插值法替代了传统需要6个轨道根数来计算卫星位置的复杂方法,同时直接计算ORB到ECR的转换矩阵,而不采用传统的两步转换方法。经过多组数据计算及定性定量验证,HY-1C/D COCTS几何定位结果一致;采样像元尺度效应导致从星下点到两侧边缘、从赤道到两极,误差逐渐增大,约在两个像元内。该方法满足一定的定位精度要求,可以用于COCTS的几何定位。  相似文献   
After an earthquake, earthquake emergency response and rescue are important ways to mitigate earthquake-induced losses. Various earthquake emergency maps can provide effective references and guidance to those actions. Currently, related studies include the investigation on symbols of emergency maps, remote sensing emergency mapping and GIS-based mapping methods. However, the existing studies overlook the characteristics of rapidity, dynamicity and variety of presentation methods in making earthquake emergency maps. In this paper, a map template matching method is used to quickly make earthquake emergency maps considering their characteristics. We take investigations on the service objects(users)of the earthquake emergency maps to understand the needs of making earthquake emergency maps. The audience theory in mass media field and map information transmission theory are adopted to classify the users of the earthquake emergency maps into four categories: earthquake emergency commanders, technical staffs for decision-making, earthquake emergency rescuers, and the public. The components of different types of users are described and then their diverse demands in earthquake emergency maps are analyzed, such as the needs of on-field disaster information maps, earthquake information maps, physical geography and social economic maps. Following those needs, we introduce the representation methods of the earthquake emergency maps according to their formats(vector or raster)and contents, such as point symbolization method, kilometer grid method, line symbolization method and range method. Then, we study the rapid plotting method of earthquake emergency map based on map template matching method. The core steps of the method include: 1)before earthquake, the templates of different earthquake emergency maps are designed, prepared and connect the earthquake emergency features with their related spatial database. The map layout and map elements are stored in the templates. 2)After earthquake, the earthquake emergency features will be generated from seismic models(such as attenuation model of earthquake magnitude and seismic intensity)or the information obtained from field investigation. 3)Corresponding earthquake emergency map template is selected in accordance with the generated seismic features. And the features are used to update related features inside the selected template. 4)Minor adjustments are made such as to the map scale and some map annotations to finally generate the formal earthquake emergency map. Architecture of template system of the earthquake emergency maps is designed, including map user level, map template level, template layer level and map element level. Regrading to the architecture, the general map template of earthquake emergency is presented which includes four main regions: title region, main picture region, auxiliary region and annotation region. The main picture region is the essential, which lays geographic background maps and earthquake emergency features. Finally, an earthquake emergency mapping system is developed. Based on the system, a case study is presented, which demonstrates making a simulated seismic intensity influence map. From three aspects, the case presents the application of the template-matching method including: generating earthquake emergency features, substituting the features inside the template with the generated features, and revising map annotations. Therefore, the map template matching method is verified so that it can be used to quickly generate various earthquake emergency maps.  相似文献   
南海1∶100万永暑礁幅海洋区域地质调查成果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1∶100万永暑礁幅海洋区域地质调查成果揭示了该区地壳的浅、中、深层地质特征。浅层主要研究海底地形、地貌、表层沉积物、矿产资源、潜在地质灾害等;中层主要研究新生代地层、断裂体系、岩浆岩、含油气盆地远景等;深层则研究磁性基底、深层断裂、莫霍面分布特征等。本成果在以下几方面有重要突破:①通过对比新生代以来的地层,确定各沉积盆地地层特征和相互关系,在此基础上预测油气资源前景;②分析表层沉积物类型,预测本区未来可能具有开发价值的固体矿产资源;③利用磁性基底和莫霍面数据分析本区地壳结构特征。  相似文献   
安县茶坪乡冷浸沟陡倾顺层岩质边坡在\  相似文献   
灾害预报与鸡西煤矿瓦斯爆炸事件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
2002年上半年,伴随着厄尔尼诺现象的日益加剧,全球性重大自然灾害频繁发生.6月20日发生在中国黑龙江省鸡西煤矿的瓦斯爆炸事件和6月22日发生在伊朗的强烈地震,时间恰逢月亮近地潮的6月19日和太阳潮半日形变最大值的夏至的6月21日附近,是地球形变和排气较强烈的时段.据国内外有关资料,月球与地球发震有关系的重要条件是“近地点兼朔、望”以及各大行星特定位置的配合,张元东称之为“特殊天象组合期”[1];郭增建等提出,月亮赤纬角或太阳黄赤交角最大时地球形变和排气最强烈[2~5].在此期间,中国各种大的突发性灾难,如空难、海难、火车事故、矿…  相似文献   
新疆乌苏5.1级地震前波速比异常震例研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用天山中段数字化地震波资料,采用多台和达法,计算2006年11月23日新疆乌苏5.1级地震前后波速比的变化情况,得到如下结果:(1)在空间分布上,乌苏5.1级地震前,波速比形成一个近似椭圆形低值异常区,且椭圆长半轴约为70 km,短半轴约为55 km,椭圆走向NW,地震就发生在该椭圆区域的西北部边缘;(2)在时间进程...  相似文献   
如何避免水体提取中阴影信息与水体信息的混淆,是利用遥感数据提取城市水体信息需要解决的一个问题。本文以高分一号WFV图像及Landsat8 OLI图像为数据源,利用阴影轮廓的位置与形状在不同太阳高度角及太阳方位角下的差异性,提出一种基于多时相阴影轮廓差分的城市水体提取方法(WMSD)。以广州市天河区为试验区进行水体信息提取,同时运用NDWI、MNDWI及SWI指数法分别提取水体信息,进行精度对比分析。结果显示,本文所提出的WMSD方法分类精度超过88%,较NDWI法、SWI法及MNDWI法的水体提取精度分别提高了8.50%、9.50%及4.67%。说明基于阴影轮廓位置与形状的差异提取水体信息的方法能够较好地解决阴影与水体提取信息混淆的问题,为利用遥感数据提取城市地区水体提供了一个可行的处理方法。  相似文献   
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