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海洋对CO2的吸收缓解了大气CO2浓度的持续上升,陆架海因其较高的初级生产而具有较强的固碳能力,在海洋碳循环中占据重要角色。然而由于陆架海过程时空变化剧烈,陆架海对人为CO2源/汇作用的动态格局还存在争议,陆架海碳循环的调控机制尚不清晰。IPCC AR4所采用的气候-碳循环耦合模型均未考虑陆架海碳循环,使其成为气候预测不确定性的主要来源之一。建立适宜的陆架海碳循环模型,可以探究陆架海不同区域CO2源/汇格局的长期变化,估算碳循环各关键过程的贡献,认识碳循环系统与生态系统的相互作用,评估陆架海碳循环在气候变化中的作用。基于陆架海碳循环模型研究现状,从物理过程、生物泵、碳化学系统等三个主要方面总结了陆架海碳循环模式在建模中应考虑的关键过程,提出了构建东中国陆架海碳循环模式的基本思路及拟解决的关键科学问题。  相似文献   
Combination of ecoprofile and least-cost model for eco-network planning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The protecting requirements and functional connectivity of species in isolated habitat patches are crucial factors of eco-network planning.This study aimed to improve the method of eco-network planning for species conservation.Ecoprofiling was used to group the species by similar behavior types,namely,choice of ecosystem,area requirement,and short distance dispersal abilities.A least-cost model was used to simulate the optimal corridor location to maintain functional connectivity.A combination of ecoprofile and least-cost model was hired to develop an eco-network that promoted species conservation.A case study was also conducted in Bei-jing,China.In addition to the required ecosystem,habitat area is an important parameter for habitat extraction.Habitat area can remove noise habitat patches because of lacking area.Short-distance dispersal can be used to identify corridor requirements and avoid unneces-sary building requirements.Species with various dispersal abilities exhibit significant differences in terms of corridor length and loca-tion requirement.Habitat isolation is the main threat for weakly mobile species,and habitat loss is the major risk of mobile species pro-tection.Different species groups also exhibit distinct landscape pattern demands for an eco-network,and the eco-network planning based on specific species can not protect other species.We proposed that a combination of ecoprofile and least-cost model improved the efficiency of species conservation by eco-network planning.  相似文献   
<正>Although a crucial objective of ecosystem management should be the avoidance of degradation at the beginning,an unfortunate truth is that ecosystems have been substantially exploited,degraded and destroyed in the last century as a result of the global increase in economic and societal prosperity(Suding,2011).More than 60%of ecosystems have been converted for human use or degraded through unsustainable harvest,pollution,  相似文献   
正神农架世界地质公园位处湖北省的西部,北倚武当,南镇三峡,西望陕渝,东瞰荆襄,这里具有完整的北亚热带原始森林生态系统,气势恢弘、种类繁多的地质地貌景观,丰富多样的珍奇物种,及与自然和谐共存的古老山林生态文化圈。神农架世界地质公园群峰巍峨、层林叠翠,保存了当今地球中纬度地带最完好的原始森林生态系统,是驰名中外  相似文献   
我们新疆妤地疗,天山南北好风光。”在我国西部,有一片神奇的土地,超过全国陆地面积的1/6。这里有气势磅礴的山川胜迹,有神秘绝妙的自然景观,有古朴浓郁的民族风情,这就是新疆。新疆古称“西域”,地处亚洲中部,  相似文献   
Based on systematized physical, chemical, and biological modules, a multi-species harmful algal bloom (HAB) model coupled with background ecological fields was established. This model schematically embod-ied that HAB causative algal species and the background ecological system, quantified as total biomass, were significantly different in terms of the chemical and biological processes during a HAB while the inter-action between the two was present. The model also included a competition and interaction mechanism between the HAB algal species or populations. The Droop equation was optimized by considering tempera-ture, salinity, and suspended material impact factors in the parameterization of algal growth rate with the nutrient threshold. Two HAB processes in the springs of 2004 and 2005 were simulated using this model. Both simulation results showed consistent trends with corresponding HAB processes observed in the East China Sea, which indicated the rationality of the model. This study made certain progress in modeling HABs, which has great application potential for HAB diagnosis, prediction, and prevention.  相似文献   
1 俄科学家创新天气预报系统 据俄科技信息网消息,俄罗斯科学院西伯利亚分院托木斯克气候及生态系统监测研究所科研人员研发了特殊天气现象预报系统,可对恶劣的气候变化现象进行有效预测。 系统应用了最新的大气对流层状况监测与预报技术,可对风、雨、云、电等气候现象的形成进行监测与预报。科研人员将超声波探测仪以相互间50~70km的距离安置,将其传回的大气数据借助于特别研发的数学模型进行处理。4个仪器即可覆盖托木斯克市全境,提供风暴及其它气候灾害的超前预报。  相似文献   
正红树林是湿地生态系统的重要组成部分,是生长在热带、亚热带河川、海岸滩涂潮间带的乔灌木群落,是由陆地向海洋过渡的特殊生态系统,红树林素有"海上森林"、"海底森林"、"海岸卫士"、"海水淡化器"等美称。作为海岸湿地生态系统惟一的木本植物,它具有防风搏浪、护岸护堤、调节气候等功能,对抵御海潮、风浪等自然灾害,维护和改善海湾、河口地区的生态环境具有不可替代的作用。  相似文献   
Traditional eco-agriculture provides many ecosystem services which are important for the local environment, especially in mountain areas. In order to encourage the farmers to engage in eco-agriculture,it is necessary to establish an eco-compensation mechanism for them. As the compensation standard is one of key issues in establishing eco-compensation mechanism, this paper calculated the standard based on the farmers' willingness to accept(WTA) and the input-output analysis of eco-compensation. We took the traditional rice-fish eco-agriculture as the research object, conducting field surveys in Hani Terrace of Honghe County. Through the questionnaires in 2011, we obtained the farmers' willingness to accept government compensation and market compensation. Then, the research evaluated the output of eco-compensation, the economic value of rice-fish paddy ecosystem services. Finally, under different market compensation standards, we compared the input and output of government compensation. The results show that, in 2011 the government should to pay farmers 7462 yuan·ha–1·a-1to meet their willingness, but the output(ecological benefit) was only 7393 yuan·ha–1·a-1. However, when the rice price increases 1 yuan·kg-1 because of the limited use of chemicals in the next year, the government just has to pay farmers 4062 yuan·ha–1·a-1 and the surplus will be 3331 yuan·ha–1·a-1.  相似文献   
海岛型城市森林景观格局效应及其生态系统服务评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以海岛型城市厦门市为研究区,利用1987—2007年5个时期的TM/ETM+遥感数据,综合运用景观要素遥感解译、景观指数法、生态服务价值量法及灰色关联分析方法,定量评价了景观格局效应对厦门城市森林生态系统服务的影响。研究结果表明:①厦门岛城市森林面积自1987年以来一直趋于减少,在2002年达到最低值;其生态服务价值同样在2002年达到最低水平,为12.81亿元/a;2007年有所上升,为13.63亿元/a,其中,占城市森林总生态服务价值比重最大的是涵养水源功能,其次为固碳释氧功能;②厦门岛城市森林生态服务价值与斑块密度、斑块数和香农多样性指数具有较高的关联度;与建成区面积的关联度较低,表明厦门岛建设用地以侵占城市森林以外的其他景观为主,岛内城市森林得到了较好的保护。  相似文献   
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