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本文通过下述模型来探讨典型的磁暴发生过程:当点爆炸球面波自太阳上爆发后,太阳微粒流随即以冲激波形式越过行星际空间到达地球,在地球附近可能形成驻激波面,然后微粒流由地磁空穴的中性点进入磁层,在地球周围生成电流环,产生磁暴主相。在质子与地球附近上空中性氢原子发生电荷交换的过程中,磁暴过程相应地由主相转入恢复期,在不考虑行星际空间磁場的条件下,计算出在太阳爆炸波发生后第17时、24时、32时开始的磁暴发展过程曲线,并由观测资料推测出中性点的等效面积,计算结果指出:爆炸波愈强,主相愈大,恢复期愈短,这和观测到的粒子流速度愈大,磁暴也愈强、恢复期也愈短的现象是一致的。  相似文献   
Diatom Skeletonema costatum Cleve is one of the main predominant phytoplankton species in the Changjiang Estuary in China. In order to provide some basic information for future assessment of the potential risk on phytoplankton communities in this estuary caused by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs), this alga was selected as a representative to investigate the photoinduced toxicity of PAHs, in single and mixture. Four PAHs including three-ring phenanthrene and anthracene, four-ring fluoranthene and pyrene were tested in the laboratory. The single toxicity of each PAH on this microalga was compared with and without the simulated solar UV radiation. The results showed that this microalga was sensitive to PAH's photoinduced toxicity. Ratios of the 72 h median effect concentration obtained for fluorescent and UV light tests were about 8.4 for phenanthrene, 13.0 for anthracene, 6.5 for fluoranthene, and 5.7 for pyrene, indicating that UV light enhanced the PAH toxicity to this alga significantly. Under the fluorescent radiation (lacking UV), the dose-response curves based on chemical concentrations revealed that the order of toxic strength was fluoranthene greater than pyrene greater than anthracene greater than phenanthrene; while under the UV radiation (476 μW/cm2 for UVA, 6.5 μW/cm2 for UVB) it became fluoranthene approximately equaling anthracene greater than pyrene greater than phenanthrene, indicating that the UV light also changed its relative toxicity to this alga. The photoinduced toxicity of PAHs to the marine diatom S. costatum might be a synergistic effect of photosensitization reactions (e.g., generation of single-state oxygen) and photomodification (photooxidation and/or photolysis).The combined effects of six binary mixtures on the marine diatom S. costatum were investigated using the additive-index method. Four binary-mixtures (phenanthrene plus anthracene; phenanthrene plus pyrene; anthracene plus fluoranthene; anthracene plus pyrene) were found to be synergistic joint action mode, while two binary-mixtures (phenanthrene plus fluoranthene; fluoranthene plus pyrene) displayed antagonist, revealing a complex pattern of possible interactions. The combined action mode of PAHs might be related to various factors such as the mixture compounds, mixture ratios and test conditions, etc.  相似文献   
应全国人大环资委、国务院法制办、国家海洋局等主办单位的邀请,上海同盛投资(集团)公司非常荣幸参加纪念《海域使用管理法》实施五周年的座谈会,我谨代表集团公司对大会的主办单位表示衷心地感谢!  相似文献   
于莹  张武昌  许恒龙  肖天 《海洋科学》2011,35(9):119-123
海洋寡毛类纤毛虫包括无壳寡毛类纤毛虫和砂壳纤毛虫,是一类微小的单细胞原生动物(粒径大小在5-200μm)。它们是微型浮游动物和海洋微食物环的重要组成部分,在微食物环和经典食物链中起着重要的枢纽作用,即完成物质和能量由pico-和nano-级生产者的初级消费者和营养再生者向meso-级浮游动物和鱼类幼虫的传递。  相似文献   
运用分辨率高、稳定性好的HP6890 毛细管气相色谱仪定性、定量测定海洋沉积物中的正构烷烃和多环芳烃。对沉积物样品的预处理中抽提、蒸发、柱层析、萃取等步骤条件进行优化。优化方法中,正构烷烃系列化合物回收率为65 % ~76 % ,多环芳烃系列化合物为88 % ~95% ,标准偏差是2.7% ~20.2% (n= 3)  相似文献   
红树蚬(Polymesoda erosa)作为一种主要栖息于潮间带的沼泽地或红树林的双壳贝类,近年来很多研究都证明其具有做为海洋污染监测指示物种的潜力。红树蚬受六溴环十二烷(HBCD)不同浓度(0、0. 086、0. 860、8. 600μg/dm~3)及不同天数(1、3、11、15、22 d)胁迫后,从转录组上调文库中挑取6个线粒体编码基因:细胞色素c氧化酶亚基Ⅰ、Ⅲ(COXⅠ、COX Ⅲ),NADH脱氢酶亚基Ⅰ、Ⅲ(ND Ⅰ、ND Ⅲ),细胞色素b(Cyt b),无机焦磷酸酶(PPase),并用实时荧光定量PCR研究各基因在红树蚬各组织内的表达情况,因为基因不稳定性,利用β-actin作为内参对各目的基因所得数据进行均一化处理。结果发现:6个基因在HBCD胁迫后都有转录且差异表达。经生物统计学分析,胁迫后鳃及肝胰腺组织中各基因的表达量较对照组中有显著变化,总体上随着胁迫天数及浓度的增加呈增加趋势,但当胁迫浓度过高时,因线粒体产生的应激能力有限,表达量反而降低。最后从酶复合物在呼吸链、ROS生成、ATP合成中的作用等各方面分析了HBCD胁迫导致线粒体基因表达变化的原因,为进一步开展分子毒理研究和开发分子生物标志物在海洋监测中的应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   
针对海蜇早期生活史阶段幼体种类鉴定困难的问题,建立一种快速、灵敏、操作简便的环介导等温扩增(LAMP)快速检测方法.根据海蜇的线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶Ⅰ基因(COⅠ)编码序列,设计LAMP引物,建立了海蜇幼体LAMP快速检测方法,并对LAMP反应体系、反应温度和反应时间进行了优化.结果表明,LAMP方法对海蜇目的基因的最小检测限为0.1 ng DNA.该检测方法特异性较强,与黄渤海其他常见钵水母种类海月水母、白色霞水母、沙海蜇均无交叉反应.利用本研究建立的海蜇LAMP检测方法对不同海域采集的成体海蜇样品和海蜇螅状幼体进行检测,结果显示,成体海蜇和海蜇幼体均呈现阳性结果,表明海蜇LAMP检测方法可以对海蜇幼体进行快速有效的检测.海蜇LAMP检测方法简单快速、灵敏且特异性强,可使其运用于沿海渔业部门海蜇资源的调查工作.  相似文献   
寄生性甲藻阿米巴藻Amoebophrya是一类广泛寄生于纤毛虫类、放射虫类、甲藻类等海水浮游生物的原生生物,在北大西洋、北太平洋和地中海等营养盐丰富、宿主密度较高的河口和近海水环境中普遍存在,是海洋浮游食物网的重要组成部分。这类寄生性甲藻能够特异性感染海洋浮游甲藻,在有害藻华(harmful algal bloom,HAB)的发生过程中起下行控制作用,将逃脱了浮游动物摄食的浮游植物补充到微食物环(microbial loop)中去。Amoebophrya在近海海洋生态系统中的独特作用日益受到国际上越来越多研究者的关注和重视,并逐渐成为国际上海洋微型生物研究的新热点之一。近年来,已有初步调查研究表明这类寄生性甲藻在我国近海海域广泛存在;然而,目前我国尚缺乏该类寄生性甲藻的相关研究。本文系统综述了国际上该类寄生性甲藻的研究进展,针对目前研究中存在的问题并结合我国有害藻华发生机制相关研究的现状做出了分析和展望,以期推动我国该类寄生性甲藻的相关研究,为进一步阐释寄生性甲藻等海洋微型生物在有害藻华消长过程和海洋微食物环中的作用奠定基础。  相似文献   
采用环形水槽研究了沉积物中多环芳烃(PAHs)的释放过程,通过测定水相PAHs浓度考察不同流速下沉积物中PAHs释放情况。试验结果表明,沉积物中PAHs释放速率和释放量受水流流速影响很大,总体上∑PAHs浓度随水流流速增加呈上升趋势,从开始静水时的5.602 ug/L增加到流速为60 cm/s时的22.158 ug/L;各层∑PAHs浓度随流速增加变化趋势有所不同,表层和中层∑PAHs浓度随水流流速的增加呈现上升后下降的趋势,当水流流速分别为20 cm/s和25 cm/s时,表层和中层最大浓度分别为1.816 ug/L和1.902 ug/L;底层呈逐渐上升的趋势。各物质随水流变化表现出的变化趋势略有不同,各层苊烯和蒽浓度随水流作用变化不大,萘、苊、菲、荧蒽、芘和屈随水流变化总体上呈现上升后下降的趋势。研究还发现沉积物再悬浮引起PAHs释放的同时伴随着沉积物对PAHs的吸附过程。  相似文献   
南大西洋沉积物中多环芳香化合物的组成特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
10 samples of sediments obtained from the South Mid-Atlantic Ridge were measured for the abundances and distributions of polycyclic aromatic compounds(PAHs). The total concentrations of PAHs(∑PAHs) ranged from 2.768 to 9.826 μg/g dry sediment. The ∑PAHs was higher in sample 22V-TVG10 and sample 26V-TVG05 which were close to hydrothermal fields, with the lowest value in sample 22V-TVG14 which was farthest from hydrothermal fields, suggesting a probable hydrothermal origin of ∑PAHs of samples. Approximately nine kinds of PAHs were identified, and low molecular mass tricyclic and tetracyclic aromatic compounds were predominant in the samples. The concentrations of fluoranthene which were typical as hydrothermal alteration compounds were the highest among PAHs with dry weight between 0.913–3.157 μg/g. The phenanthrene homologue was most abundant in the samples, and the ratios between parent phenanthrene and methylphenanthrene which probably reflected the degree of hydrothermal alteration ranged from 0.097 to 1.602. The sample 22V-TVG10 possessing a maximum ratio value showed the intense influence of the hydrothermal alteration on this sample, which might further imply that PAHs in sediments were mainly derived from the hydrothermal alteration.  相似文献   
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