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江苏固城湖近代沉积210Pb、137Cs计年及其环境意义   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对江苏固城湖沉积柱状岩心进行了210Pb、137Cs测定,以研究湖泊沉积过程和人类活动的关系。137Cs剖面显示的蓄积峰和1986年前苏联切尔诺贝利核电站核泄漏相对应,由此获得的沉积速率为0.066 cm/a;同时,利用210Pb计年的CRS模式计算了固城湖20世纪初以来不同时段的沉积速率,结果表明,在上世纪60年代初沉积物堆积速率最高,达到0.187 g/(cm2.a),80年代后沉积速率趋于稳定,约0.067 cm/a,与137Cs结果相一致。对比洪湖沉积钻孔210Pb、137Cs分布后发现,洪湖137Cs分布和固城湖相似。其人类围垦最强烈的时期正好是其137Cs峰值减弱或消失的时间段,同时也是沉积速率最高的时期。可见人类活动的影响会导致放射性核素在垂直剖面分布的不同。  相似文献   
江苏圆陀角位于长江北支岸线与江苏海岸线的交汇处,发育了粉砂淤泥质海岸典型潮滩地貌,潮滩岩芯沉积物粒度变化记录了潮滩环境变化的信息。2007年在圆陀角附近潮滩采集了192cm长的柱状岩芯,对沉积物的粒度组成进行了分析,分析结果显示,砂质粉砂是主要的沉积类型,岩芯分为三部分,从下部向上,粗颗粒沉积组分减少,反映了采样点附近潮滩环境由潮滩中部向上部转化的过程。根据岩芯沉积物137Cs的1963年和1986年两个蓄积峰值时标推算,1963年以来的平均沉积速率为2.3cm/a,1986年以来的平均沉积速率为1.6cm/a,1963~1986年之间的平均沉积速率达到2.9cm/a。沉积速率变化表明20世纪60年代以来伴随潮滩淤积增高,圆陀角附近潮滩沉积物的沉积速率下降,大体与辐射沙洲南翼淤积型潮滩淤积速率一致,小于长江口外的泥沙沉积速率。泥沙来源主要是苏北沿岸流携带的部分泥沙在圆陀角附近沉积,伴随研究区围垦活动向海推进,在长江北支口门北侧形成了大片的泥质潮滩和水下沙嘴。  相似文献   
国外原子时频最新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘峰  翟造成 《天文学进展》2002,20(3):201-210
概述了传统原子频标的现状,以及新型原子频标和国际原子时的研究进展,介绍了为适应高精度新型频标和国际原子时的比对需要而开展的远程时频传递技术。  相似文献   
在黔南峰丛洼地区林间白云岩坡地应用137Cs法研究土壤侵蚀。4个坡面采样样方的137Cs面积浓度都低于137Cs本底值浓度;表土样137Cs浓度随着坡长增加而增大,全样137Cs面积浓度的顺坡变化呈逐步下降趋势;应用137Cs农耕地侵蚀模型计算获得样点土壤侵蚀量后,加以坡长加权平均计算获得的坡长权重土壤位移量为2.045 t/(km2·a)。同时在坡脚的土壤分层剖面中的137Cs浓度峰值在土壤次表层出现,随着深度增加呈指数递减变化,属于未受耕作扰动的无侵蚀非农耕地,但表层含有相对低浓度137Cs是坡面侵蚀泥沙的搬运堆积结果,估算距1963年以来侵蚀泥沙年平均堆积厚度为0.0682~0.1364 cm/a。坡地土壤侵蚀速率远小于以往贵州喀斯特地区典型喀斯特小流域和坡地的观测结果,但坡脚泥沙堆积速率远大于坡地土壤侵蚀速率。表明季节性暴雨、坡面降雨汇流和耕作侵蚀等侵蚀作用使喀斯特坡地土壤颗粒出现微距离位移,长期则在坡脚出现显著的侵蚀泥沙堆积。  相似文献   
This contribution analyzes the similarities and differences between the measured activities of 137Cs and excess 210pb (210Pbex) in the cultivated brown and cinnamon soils of the Yimeng Mountain area, discusses the influ- ence of soil texture on the measurement of 210Pbex, and presents differences between the two types of soils. Fields A and B were selected to represent the fields that contain cultivated brown and cinnamon soils, respectively. From either study field, one site of sectioned core and six bulk cores were collected to measure 137Cs levels, 210Pbex levels, and the particle-size composition of soil samples. Three undisturbed soil samples were collected to measure capillary and aeration porosities. The 137Cs inventories for the two study fields are very similar. The 137Cs is a man-made ra- dionuclide, which means that its measured levels for soils are unaffected by soil texture. In contrast, levels of the naturally occurring 210Pbex of soils from Field A were lower than those of Field B by about 50%. In contrast to aquatic sediments, levels of 210Pbex in terrestrial surface soils are affected by the emanation of 222Rn from the soils. It can be assumed that the coarser the soils, the greater the emanation of 222Rn; in addition, the lower the measured 210pbex, the greater the underestimate of this value. The cultivated brown soils in Field A are coarser than the culti- vated cinnamon soils in Field B. As a result, 222Rn in Field A will diffuse more easily into the atmosphere than that in Field B. As a consequence, the measured 210pbex in soils from Field A is much lower than the actual value, whereas the value measured for Field B is much closer to the actual value.  相似文献   
借助137Cs估算滇池沉积量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The water quality of Dianchi Lake declines quickly and the eutrophication is getting serious. To identify the internal pollution load of Dianchi Lake it is necessary to evaluate its sediment accumulation. Sedimentation rates of Dianchi Lake are determined by 137Cs dating. However, 137Cs vertical distribution in sediment cores of Dianchi Lake has special character-istics because Dianchi Lake is located on the southeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Kunming quasi-stationary front is over the borders of Yunnan and Guizhou where the specific precipitation is distributed. Besides 1954, 1963 and 1986 137Cs marks can be determined in sediment cores, a 137Cs mark of 1976 representing the major period of 137Cs released from China unclear test can be determined and used for an auxiliary dating mark. Meanwhile Di-anchi Lake is divided into seven sections based on the water depth, basin topography, hy-drological features and supplies of silt and the lakebed area of each section is calculated. The mean annual sedimentation rates for seven sections are 0.0810, 0.1352, 0.1457, 0.1333, 0.0904, 0.1267 and 0.1023 g/cm2 a in 1963-2003, respectively. The gross sediment accu-mulation of the lake is 26.18×104 t/a in recent 17 years and 39.86×104 t/a in recent 50 years.  相似文献   
Soil erosion by wind is one of the most important processes in the changing the earth’s surface in semi-arid areas,Thus it is of great importance to study soil-erosion action.Using integrated technologies of remote sensing and geochemistry radioactivity iso-tope to extract regional soil-erosion information and to calculate quantity of soil erosion is accomplished successfully in this paper by means of beneficial experiments in the Talatan region of the Gonghe Basin,which is located in northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Pla-teau in China.The results show that the soil erosion by wind is not intensive in this region;the erosion types belong to the classes of very-soft erosion and soft-erosion type,which account for 47.12 percent and 35.58 percent,respectively,of the total study area.In total,two kinds of soil erosion account for 82.70 percent of the study area;only a small area belongs to the classes of severe erosion and very-severe erosion;this area is about 22.14 km2.Severe deposition activity has taken place in this region,and has appeared in a large area(322.67 km2),which accounts for 11.78 percent of the total study area.The results of this study show that soil erosion and deposition inventories are 870,000-1,150,000 tons and 550,000-780,000 tons,respectively,per year.The soil in-ventory shows about 320,000-370,000 tons from Talatan to Longyangxia reservoir per year.Using remote-sensing technology and 137Cs techniques is a valid means to analyze and to evaluate the quantity of soil erosion by wind in semi-arid environments.  相似文献   
铷、铯是重要矿产资源,在航天、通讯、能源、医药、化学和电子设备等领域有着广泛用途。青藏高原盐湖铷铯资源主要分布于柴达木盆地和羌塘地块、拉萨地块的盆地,盐湖的铷铯资源主要来自于泉水和河水的补给。羌塘地块、拉萨地块的铷铯主要来自印度板块。笔者等收集了85个青藏高原盐湖铷铯含量和资源量数据,铷含量较高的盐湖有扎布耶和麻米错等,铯含量较高的盐湖有聂尔错和扎西错等。青藏高原盐湖氧化铷资源量共47.50 kt,为大型铷矿床规模的23.73倍;达到详查程度的资源量共37.40 kt。盐湖氧化铯资源量共28.53 kt,为大型铯矿床规模的14.265倍;达到详查程度的资源量共27.10 kt。85个盐湖中氧化铷的资源量达到大型矿床要求的盐湖有5个,达到中型矿床要求的盐湖有4个。氧化铯资源量达到大型矿床要求的盐湖有2个,达到中型矿床要求的盐湖有2个。盐湖铷铯在蒸发过程中基本处于浓缩阶段,残卤中铷铯浓度很高,扎布耶盐湖湖水蒸发残卤中铷、铯质量分数最高为0.496‰和0.372‰,拉果错残卤中铷、铯最高为0.84‰和1.76‰,麻米错残卤中铷、铯最高为0.224‰和0.297‰,这有利于铷铯的开发利用。目前...  相似文献   
由摩尔比为1∶2的Cs2CO3和H3BO3反应得到四硼酸铯样品,用FT-IR和Raman等方法对其溶液结构进行表征并分析其中的阴离子类型。同时测定了四硼酸铯溶液在298.15 K和333.15 K下的密度、电导及p H,通过298.15 K下的pH测量值和相关硼酸盐平衡常数,计算298.15 K下四硼酸铯溶液的化学物种分布,并对其相互转换反应进行推测。研究表明,298.15 K下四硼酸铯溶液中存在的主要物种有B(OH)4-、B(OH)3、B3O3(OH)4-、B3O3(OH)52-和B4O5(OH)42-,与Raman光谱所得结果基本一致。  相似文献   
选择川中丘陵区和三峡地区四川盐亭、南充和重庆开县的4个小流域,采集塘库沉积泥沙137Cs样品,确定了1963年以来塘库淤沙量,并据此分析了流域输沙模数和侵蚀模数。研究表明,开县春秋沟的淤沙模数最高,为1869t.km-2.a-1;盐亭武家沟和集流沟分别为701t.km-2.a-1和710 t.km-2.a-1;南充天马湾沟为566 t.km-2.a-1。对小流域地貌特征的分析和谷地水田取样结果表明,除塘库淤积区外,各小流域谷地内基本无泥沙淤积。因此,除南充天马湾沟按现有水面面积作为淤积面积求算的淤沙模数明显偏小外,其他小流域的塘库淤沙模数基本可以表征各研究小流域的侵蚀模数。对研究小流域侵蚀产沙影响因素的分析表明,除降雨和土地利用状况外,地形起伏、土壤抗蚀性及岩层产状也是三地侵蚀程度差异的重要原因。  相似文献   
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