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《宁夏中北部土地开发整理重大工程项目实施方案》近日通过国土资源部、财政部专家组的评审,计划未来5年,在宁夏中北部实施337万亩土地开发整理重大工程。工程完工后将新增耕地面积78.5万亩,对提高项目区粮食生产能力、改变宁夏中北部地区农民生产生活条件、切实解决民生问题具有十分重要的意义。宁夏中北部土地开发整理重大工程项目,分中部片区和北部片区,中部片区涉及中宁、红寺堡、同心、海原、  相似文献   
近日,河南省地质调查院编写的“西藏然乌自治区级地质公园”申报材料顺利通过了西藏自治区国土资源厅组织的专家评审,标志着西藏然乌自治区级地质公园申报成功。  相似文献   
正1 Aims and Scope Advances in Polar Science(APS)is an international,peer-reviewed journal jointly sponsored by the Polar Research Institute of China and the Chinese Arctic and Antarctic Administration.APS is a comprehensive academic journal dedicated to presentation of multi-disciplinary achievements in Arctic and Antarctic expeditions and research.Its primary purpose is to publish achievements in fundamental research,applied research and high-tech research focused or based on the polar regions,and to report the latest discoveries,inventions,theories and methodologies in polar research.The scope of the journal covers a range of disciplines including polar glaciology,polar  相似文献   
胡建廷 《海岸工程》2000,19(2):46-46
5月26日,由山东省科技厅、山东省科学院等承担的省科技发展计划软科学项目“建设‘海上山东’总体思路及实施方案研究”和:“依靠科学进步,优化山东海洋产业结构”通过专家评审,专家认为这两项研究居国内同领域先进水平。  相似文献   
任建国  李薇  鲁义善 《地球科学进展》2008,23(12):1321-1323
12008年度面上项目受理和同行通讯评议情况1.1项目受理情况2008年地球科学四处共受理申请项目708项,其中包括面上项目440项、青年基金259项和地区基金9项,申请项数比2007年增加12.2%。面上项目比2007年增加27项,增长6.5%;青年基金增加45项,增长21%;地区基金与2007年度相比增加5  相似文献   
2000年5月13—14日,省地矿厅在登封市少林国际大洒店主持召开了评审验收会议,由省地质科研所承担完成的《河南省地质灾害防治规划》获得有关领导和评审专家们的一致好评,评委们一致认为该规划达到了国内同类规划的领先水平。由省地质科研所承担的嵩山地质遗迹和豫西南恐龙蛋化石地质遗迹省级、国家级自然保护区申报设计书及全省地质遗迹调查与规划设计书获得审查批准。国土资源部、省政府、  相似文献   
This special issue is based on the presentations at the 13th Annual General Meeting of the Asian Forum for Polar Sci- ences (AFoPS-13) in New Delhi on 6-7 August 2012, chaired by Dr. Shri Rasik Ravindra, Director of National Center for Antarctic and Ocean Research of India. To strengthen both scientific and logistic collaboration among Asian countries in- volved in polar research is AFoPS's main purpose. During the AFoPS-13, it was decided to publish the AFoPS proceedings annually by each member countries in turn to demonstrate progresses in Polar Science of Asian countries. On the meeting, China was given the great honor to publish the first AFoPS proceedings as a special issue of the Advances in Polar Science (APS), which is a peer-reviewed journal, published in English. APS is a comprehensive scientific journal dedicated to polar research in all scientific disciplines.  相似文献   
段金平 《城市地质》2009,4(3):12-12
本刊讯(段金平)近日,由北京市水文地质工程地质大队编制的《北京市平原区地下水环境监测网运行》项目建议书顺利通过专家评审。该项目建议书将为2010年监测网顺利启动运行提供技术保障。  相似文献   
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