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利用逐月OISST、ERSST及NCEP2表面风场等资料探讨了南印度洋偶极子(Southern Indian Ocean Dipole,SIOD)的结构特征、形成原因及其与ENSO的关系。结果表明:在南印度洋,偶极子形态的年际海表面温度异常在10—12月出现,次年2月达到极值,随后的4—6月消亡。SIOD的形成主要是风场、潜热通量和短波辐射通量起作用,混合层深度异常加厚或变浅有助于SIOD的形成。近30 a资料表明,SIOD的盛期超前ENSO 9~10个月,且具有季节锁相特征。20世纪70年代中期发生年代际气候突变后,SIOD与ENSO的相关关系显著增强。正SIOD事件之后一般都有El Nio事件发生,负SIOD事件之后都有La Nia事件发生。  相似文献   
利用MODIS遥感影像获取近地层气温的方法研究   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
由于冠层叶片群体效应,在1km的空间尺度上遥感获取浓密植被陆面温度与气温近似相等。根据这个原理对利用遥感手段获取气温进行了尝试,提出利用NDVI-Ts空间获取气温的方法,计算气温空间分布模式,同时对Prihodko和Goward提出的气温遥感获取模型(简称P-G模型)进行试验并与NDVI-Ts空间法进行了对比。根据Parton和Logan提出的气温尺度转换模型,利用气象站观测最高气温和最低气温获取Terra卫星过境时刻气温作为“测定值”,对遥感获取的气温进行检验,得到以下结论:P-G模型计算气温与观测结果相比偏高,而NDVI-Ts法计算结果偏低,但是其总体误差范围相当,大约为 4℃;与P-G模型相比,尽管NDVI-Ts空间法获得的气温在精度上对P-G模型没有多大的改善,但这种方法能够更加充分利用遥感获取的信息,而且在计算机运算效率上也有很大的改进,NDVI-Ts空间法相对于P-G模型具有一定优势。  相似文献   
利用温度植被旱情指数(TVDI)进行全国旱情监测研究   总被引:85,自引:0,他引:85  
齐述华  王长耀  牛铮 《遥感学报》2003,7(5):420-427
利用NOAA AVHRR资料提取的归一化植被指数 (NDVI)和陆地表面温度 (LST) ,构建NDVI Ts 特征空间 ,依据该特征空间设计的温度植被旱情指数作为旱情指标 ,对中国 2 0 0 0年 3月和 5月各旬的旱情进行了研究。研究结果表明在 2 0 0 0年 3月和 5月的重旱区主要分布在中国西北地区 ,在华北和华南的部分地区也有较大范围的分布 ,3月和 5月的全国重旱面积分别为 6 7 2× 10 4km2 和 12 6 1× 10 4km2 ;通过与各气象站测定的表层 10cm土壤重量含水量 (θ)数据进行相关性研究表明 ,利用综合了植被覆盖信息和陆地表面温度信息的TVDI旱情指标能够较好地反映表层土壤水分变化趋势 ,作为旱情评价指标是合理的 ;对TVDI随NDVI和Ts 变化的敏感性评价结果表明 ,以陆地表面温度为基础的旱情指标相对比以植被指数为基础的旱情指标更合理。  相似文献   
MODIS数据的海洋表面温度反演   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以黄海及东海海域为对象,研究用MODIS数据提取我国海域海洋表面温度的方法,建立了适合于我国海域的MODIS海洋表面温度遥感实用模式。研究表明,此算法的反演精度比较高,用这种模式计算的海面温度可较真实地反映海洋表面温度分布状况。由于同一天可以获取同一地区的上午和下午两景MODIS数据,因此MODIS数据在探测海洋现象方面具有独特的优势。  相似文献   
利用美国国家气象中心的综合性大气-海洋资料序列(COADs),采用三种海气耦合模式对海洋挟卷速度的表达方法,计算了实测资料影响下模式挟卷速度的分布特征。利用求得的挟卷速度和由资料序列求得的热量通量分布,采用Niiler—Kraus一维混合层SST预报模式,估计了各种模式扶卷作用对SST的影响。通过比较各个模式的计算结果,提出: 1.挟卷作用是影响SST变化分布的一个重要因子。挟卷速度的分市取决于所采用参数化形式中主要影响因素的分布情况。不考虑平流作用时,模式SST的分布也取决于挟卷参数化形式中主要影响因素的分布。2.由海气耦合不稳定模态的分析得出三个模式对不稳定海气耦合波影响的特征。  相似文献   
霍文娟  韩震 《海洋通报》2013,32(5):553-558
以印度洋北部海域为研究区域,分别从地理位置、温度曲线和反演精度3 个方面对AQUA 卫星上的MODIS 和 AMSR-E反演的海表温度特征进行了对比分析。其主要特征表现为MODIS SST 与AMSR-E SST 之间的差异随纬度变化较为 明显;在近岸区域,AMSR-E SST无法获得准确的海表面温度;MODIS SST 与AMSR-E SST 之间的差异随温度而不同;在本 次研究中,AMSR-E SST 反演精度总体优于MODIS SST。本次研究结果对利用热红外遥感和被动微波遥感进行海洋表面温度 的定量反演具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
<正>This study attempts to acquire information on tectonic activity in western China from land surface temperature(LST) field data.On the basis of the established relationship between heat and strain,we analyzed the LST distribution in western China using the satellite data product MODIS/Terra.Our results show that:1. There are departures from annual changes of LST in some areas,and that these changes are associated with the activity of some active tectonic zones.2.When annual-change background values caused by climate factors are removed,the long-period component(LST_(LOW)) of temperature residual(△T) of the LST is able to serve as an indicator for tectonic activity.We have found that a major earthquake can produce different effects on the LST fields of surrounding areas.These effects are characterized by both rises and drops in temperature.For example, there was a noteworthy temperature decline associated with the Sumatran M9 earthquake of 2004 in the Bayan Har-Songpan block of central Tibetan Plateau.3.On the other hand,the LST field of a single area may respond differently to major shocks occurring in different areas in the regions surrounding China.For instance,the Kunlun M 8.1 event made the LST on the Longmen Mountains fault zone increase,whereas the Zaisan Lake M 7.9 quake of 2003,and the Sumatran M9 event of 2004.caused decreases in the same area's LST.4.The variations of land surface temperature(LST) over time are different in different tectonic areas.These phenomena may provide clues for the study of tectonic deformation processes.On the basis of these phenomena,we use a combination of temperature data obtained at varied depths,regional seismicity and strain results obtained with GPS measurements,to test the information related to tectonic activity derived from variations of the LST field,and discuss its implications to the creation of models of regional tectonic deformation.  相似文献   
The role of surface waves in the ocean mixed layer   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
Previously, most ocean circulation models have overlooked the role of the surface waves. As a result, these models have produced insufficient vertical mixing, with an under - prediction of the ,nixing layer (ML) depth and an over - prediction of the sea surface temperature (SST), particularly during the summer season. As the ocean surface layer determines the lower boundary conditions of the atmosphere, this deficiency has severely limited the performance of the coupled ocean - atmospheric models and hence the climate studies. To overcome this shortcoming, a new parameterization for the wave effects in the ML model that will correct this systematic error of insufficient mixing. The new scheme has enabled the mixing layer to deepen, the surface excessive heating to be corrected, and an excellent agreement with observed global climatologic data. The study indicates that the surface waves are essential for ML formation, and that they are the primer drivers of the upper ocean dynamics; therefore, they are critical for climate studies.  相似文献   
厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation, ENSO)现象是地球气候系统中最主要的年际变化信号之一,对其形成机制和预报的研究具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文基于ERSST v4海表面温度资料与NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis大气再分析资料,通过回归分析与合成分析等方法,研究了副热带东北太平洋海区海表面温度(sea surface temperature, SST)异常信号的传递机制及其与ENSO现象的联系。诊断结果表明,副热带东北太平洋SST异常与ENSO指数有很好的正相关关系。副热带东北太平洋SST异常的暖信号超前于ENSO指数约半年时间,通过风-蒸发-海温的反馈机制,沿东北-西南方向向赤道中太平洋缓慢传递。更进一步的数值实验显示,副热带东北太平洋的正SST异常信号的确可以影响大气环流场,使其西南方向的海面风速减弱,蒸发潜热通量减少,从而使信号向西南方向传递。  相似文献   
Effect of the spatial distributions of chlorophyll-a concentration on upper ocean temperature and currents in the equatorial Pacific is investigated through a set of numerical experiments by using an ocean general circulation model. This study indicates that enhanced meridional gradient of chlorophyll-a between the equator and off-equatorial regions can strengthen zonal circulation and lead to a decrease in equatorial sea surface temperature (SST). However, the circulation changes by themselves are not effective enough to affect SST in the equatorial cold tongue (CT) region. The comparison between the experiments indicates that the CT SST are more sensitive to chlorophyll-a distribution away from the equator. The off-equatorial chlorophyll-a traps more solar radiation in the mixed layer, therefore, the temperature in the thermoeline decreases. The cold water can then be transported to the equator by the meridional circulation within the mixed layer. Furthermore, the relation among CT SST, the surface heat flux, and the equatorial upwelling are discussed. The study implies the simulation biases of temperature on the equator are not only related to the local ocean dynamics but also related to some deficiency in simulating off-equatorial processes.  相似文献   
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