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This note analyzes the change in water renewal time characteristics based on res-ervoir action and then establishes calculation models for the water renewal time in the Yellow River mainstream. The results indicate that the amount of renewable water with reservoir action can meet the annual water demand and that water flows naturally at the Lijin station near estuary. Initial storage dynamics is an important factor in water resource renewable capacity at a certain time, and rational reservoir action can promote sustainable water re-source utilization. When the initial storages in the Longyang Gorge reservoir are 9.343 and 5.343 billion m3, the water renewal times are 28 and 33.9 d, respectively. Flow stoppage ap-pears in April and May.  相似文献   
近日,内蒙古自治区人民政府批准了《内蒙古基础测绘规划(2011-2020年)》(以下简称《规划》)。自治区人民政府在批复意见中强调:《规划》要与自治区国民经济和社会发展"十二五"规划相衔接,将基础测绘纳入本级国民经济和社会发展年度计划及财政预算。  相似文献   
1982年,我本科毕业后考入华东师范大学地理教育专业,成为一名硕士研究生,导师是褚绍唐先生。褚绍唐先生广阔的视野和对地理教育独特的见解,给我们留下了深刻的印象。尤其是褚绍唐先生对我毕业论文的精心指导,是我终身难忘的。  相似文献   
一、引言如何才能从根本上解决矿产资源管理与利用秩序问题,促进矿业秩序的根本好转?在矿业经济体制新形势下,如何才能有效地保护和合理开发矿产资源?辽宁、吉林、重庆等省(市)在矿山储量动态监管理制度建设上勇于实践,大胆创新,进行了有益探索,积极推行矿山储量动态监督管理,有效地防止矿山企业乱挖滥采、破坏浪费资源。这一治本之策,引起了国土资源部的高度重视和社会关注。国土资源部在最近发文在全国实施矿山储量动态监督管理工作。  相似文献   
为落实党中央、国务院提出的"要推进农村土地整治,加快农村土地整理复垦,着力提高耕地质量建设,大规模建设旱涝保收高标准基本农田,夯实农业现代化基础"的要求,确保"十二五"期间本市224万亩高标准基本农田建设任务顺利完成,日前,开垦征地事务中心组织各区县全体土地整治专业技术人员,进行了高标准基本农田建设工作专业技术培训。  相似文献   
A methodology for studying soil polygenesis and lithological homogeneity of soil profiles is suggested. This methodology is particularly important for mountain soils, where the lithological heterogeneity of the soil profiles created by denudation and accumulation processes is often observed. The methodology includes several stages: (a) the study of the lithological homogeneity/ heterogeneity of soil profiles by field and laboratory methods, (b) the stage-by-stage macro-, meso-, micro-, and submicromorphological analyses of soil profiles with additional use of the methods of neighboring sciences, and (e) the subdivision of soil features into the groups of recent and inherited (relict) features. In the latter group, the subgroups of lithorelict features inherited from the parent material and pedorelict features inherited from the previous stages of soil formation can be distinguished. Two major models of soil polygenesis are suggested. Simple models describe the soils, in which new features appear due to the changes in the environmental conditions in the course of soil evolution. Complex models describe the soils, in which such changes are combined with deposition of new portions of sediments onto the soil surface with the development of buried soil horizons (the synlithogenie pedogenesis). The models of continuous and discontinuous synlithogenic pedogenesis can be further distinguished. It is argued that the micromorphological method applied to the studies on soil mierofabrics, microforms of soil humus, soil porosity, coatings, and various pedo- and lithorelict features yields valuable information on polygenetic soils.  相似文献   
Microcystis bloom, one of the most objectionable characteristics of eutrophication in tropical and subtropical waters, occurred in Donghu Lake (East lake) of Wuhan every summer from the 1970s up to 1984, but from 1985 up to now failed to occur there. The cause of its disappearance rema-ined in obscurity until recently. In situ enclosure experiments in the lake for three years showed that the stocking of the filter-feeding silver carp ( Hypophthalmichthys molitrix ) and big-head carp (Aristichthys nobilis ) played a decisive role in eliminating Microcystis bloom from the lake; but that recurrence of the bloom is possible under certain conditions. This paper presents the details and the results of enclosure ex-periments. The authors‘ analysis of fish biomass data obtained by echo-sounding and the fishery produc-tion of the lake over the years, revealed that the recurrence of Microcystis bloom can be prevented so long as the combined biomnss of silver carp and big-head carp remains at or exceeds 50 g per cubic meter of lakewater, as was the case in the lake‘s 1985 fish yield of 1015 t.  相似文献   
正6月3日~6日,国土资源部调控司副司长吴太平率国土资源部调研组一行来青海省就土地管理制度改革情况进行调研,在听取青海省关于土地管理制度改革情况的工作汇报后,与会人员围绕国土资源部《深化土地管理制度改革总体思路框架》(征求意见稿)进行了座谈讨论并提出了意见建议。部调研组对青海省推进土地管理制度改革的做法和成绩给予充分肯定,认为青海省在推进征地制度改革中结合当地  相似文献   
根据《国务院办公厅转发国土资源部关于做好土地利用总体规划修编前期工作意见的通知》(国办发[2005]32号,以下简称“文件”)的要求,我省正在开展新一轮土地利用总体规划修编前期工作(以下简称前期工作)。“文件”要求各地“要以严格保护耕地为前提,以严格控制建设用地为重点,以节约和集约利用土地为核心,开展规划实施评价、基础调查、资料收集、课题研究和政策建议的论证等规划修编前期工作,为土地利用总体规划修编打好基础”。并于年底之前就前期工作的情况向国土资源部呈报报告,报告经国土资源部批准之后,才能编制规划方案。  相似文献   
衡阳市市、县级“十一五”基础测绘规划在衡阳市市、县级国土资源局精心组织下,由衡阳市规划设计院承担编制,并于2005年12月20日,由湖南省国土资源厅和衡阳市相关部门组成的基础测绘规划评审组对该市和8个县区的基础测绘规划进行了评审。这是我省第一个全部完成“十一市”市、县级基础测绘规划的市。  相似文献   
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