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利用1999 ~2007期GPS速度场数据,通过块体模型择优得到了南北地震带中南段主要块体边界带变形的适用模型,并给出了块体边界主要断层的滑动速率.结果表明,龙门山断裂带宝兴-汶川段张压速率较小,为0.5 ~ 1.8mm·a-1;汶川-茂县压性相对显著,速率达1.8~3.8mm·a-1;鲜水河断裂带张压及走滑速率存在一定的空间差异性特征,即炉霍以北张性滑动速率(8.1mm·a-1)比左旋走滑速率(4.8mm·a-1)大,炉霍-道孚段张压速率与走滑速率基本相同,道孚-康定段呈现出左旋走滑速率减小、张性速率增大的变化趋势,康定-石棉段表现出较明显的左旋走滑性质;小江断裂带走滑速率明显大于张压速率;红河断裂带空间分段性较为明显,北西段滑动量较小,但存在一定的张压分量(景东段速率4.7 mm·a-1),南东段(个旧以西)以走滑为主(速率4.5mm·a-1).  相似文献   
2008年5月12日汶川发生8.0级大地震,这次地震震级大,有感范围广,破坏性强,救援困难,成为唐山地震以来最惨重的一次地震灾害.这次地震发生后,暴露了我们工作中的诸多问题,值得我们思考.  相似文献   
利用周边国家天山地震目录、中国天山地震目录及USGS地震目录,对天山地震带强震活动的时、空分布特征进行了分析讨论。结果表明,在研究时段内,天山地震带的强震在空间分布上有西强东弱、西密东疏且在40°〈φN〈42°范围出现强震的空白区并存在特殊的易发震地区。强震在南、北天山之间有往复迁移的特征,并在迁移的过程中有单发-双发-群发,但未出现过单发迁移后出现群发的过程。在时间分布上有较明显的周期特征及南、北天山交替发生的特征。在强度上,7级以上地震主要沿天山构造带分布,而6级地震不但有沿天山分布的还有沿斜切天山带的次级构造分布的,且6级以上地震出现高频地区,集中在东经77°±1°的天山地区。  相似文献   
The S wave velocity structure of the earth below Eastern Southeast Asia has been investigated by analyzing the seismogram from surface wave to multiple depth waves in the time domain and three Cartesian components simultaneously. The wave passes across the front area of subduction zone between the Philippine plate and the Asian plate. The main data are waveform comparisons, instead of the arrival times. The synthetic seismogram is calculated using the GEMINI method. The synthetic seismogram constructed by PREMAN global earth model deviates greatly from the measured one. To solve this problem, corrections are needed for the β speed structure. Corrections cover the gradient change of βh, which turns from negative to positive in upper mantle layers as in the PREMAN, change of earth crust depth and change of zero order coefficients of β velocity function in all earth mantle layers. So, the fitting is obtained, as well as the arrival time or the waveform of Love and Rayleigh surface waves, the S wave and the repetitive depth waves ScS2 and ScS3. This result reveals that the Southeast Asia, being stretched due to tectonic release, has a mantle in some parts with negative anomaly of S wave velocity and vertical anisotropy in all earth mantle layers.  相似文献   
The Datong fault belt is a NE trending fault in the northern Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau and controls the boundary of the Xining Basin and Datong Basin. It consists of the Maziying- Miaogou (F1) fault and the Laoye Mountain-Nanmenxia fault (F2). There is obvious displacement in vertical direction along the belt. The field investigation results show that this belt has long-term activity. There are several meters long crushed zones and veins along the fault side in the basement rock. On the fault section, the Cambria system thrusts over the red- brick-colored Quaternary Period gravel, and there is a fault gouge of several centimeters thick developed on the fault plane. The fault gouge date (ESR) on the fault plane is 610 ± 61ka. The covering deluvial loess is not dislocated, and the OSL result is 14.6 ± 1.5ka. So it can be concluded that the fault belt was active in the middle Pleistocene, but inactive in the late Pleistocene according to the age data and geomorphologic features. Interior formations of the Datong basin features fold with the major axis orienting northwest. According to the relation of fault and fold deformation, Datong fault is a trausversal tear, which is due to uneven compression of the folds in different parts and NNE trending regional compressive stress. It is common among the NE trending faults in the northeast of Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau. These NE trending faults aren't large, and most are located in the active plate. They are all nearly vertical to the axis of the folds and compressive basins.  相似文献   
汶川8.0级地震与断层活动性初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汶川8.0级特大地震震中位于我国南北地震带中段龙门山断裂.在南北地震带上(含渭河断块)目前共布设跨断层水准测量场地116处,监控区域为:23.6°~40.0°N,97.2°~110.4°E;所跨行政区域包括宁夏,内蒙古,甘肃,陕西,青海,四川,云南.控制的主要活动断裂有:①龙门山断裂;  相似文献   
2008年3月21日06时33分,新疆和田地区发生MS7.4地震,震中位于35.77°N,81.43°E,震源深度19km,距于田县城约110km,距和田市约215km.地震发生在西昆仑地震带和阿尔金地震带交汇区,塔里木盆地南部,靠近西昆仑山区边缘部分;震中位于西昆仑山中的阿什库勒盆地,附近存在新近纪火山活动,平均海拔高度5000m,属人烟稀少地区.  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯块体北缘中强以上地震活动特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从阴山地震带6.0级以上地震周期性规律等角度,着重研究了该区域中强以上地震活动特征。阴山地震带6.0级以上强震自公元849年以来,具有百年尺度的周期性特征,1900年之后进入第五活跃期,且当前应变处于较高状态,未来几年内该地震带发生6级以上地震可能性较大。临河—乌海—巴彦浩特地区是7.0级地震的主体空区。ML5.0以上地震具有以东经110°为轴东西对跳特征,东经110°以西地区是新一轮中等以上地震活动的主体区域。1970年以来,发生的6次5.9级以上地震前,均存在ML4.0级以上地震空区或条带。2000年1月1日至2011年9月30日,阴山地震带逐渐形成两条明显的ML4.0级以上地震条带,条带交汇部位所在临河—乌海地区可能是未来发生强震的区域。  相似文献   
汾渭地震带中北部自2004年6月开始出现长达5年的3.5级以上地震平静,平静被2009年原平4.2级地震打破后,又相继发生2010年大同4.6级和阳曲4.6级等地震,此后处于相对平静状态.目前这种平静表示危险解除还是蕴藏更大危险,是判定该地区未来地震趋势亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   
地震统计区的划分是研究地震活动性的重要前提和基础,通过对青藏高原北部地区构造地质背景的分析,依据地球物理特征和强震活动特点,讨论和划分该区地震活动统计区,探讨研究区地震活动的复发特点、地震构造特征、潜在地震危险性及强度,分析研究区未来强震发生的强度和可能地点,结果表明,目前青藏高原北部地区处于第8个活跃期,仍存在发生强震的可能,且未来数年存在发生7级以上地震的可能,应密切东昆仑断裂带东段和祁连山中西段地区。  相似文献   
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