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For a composite system of gravitationally coupled stellar and gaseous discs, we have carried out a linear stability analysis for axisymmetric coplanar perturbations using the two-fluid formalism. The background stellar and gaseous discs are taken to be scale-free with all physical variables varying as powers of the cylindrical radius r with compatible exponents. The unstable modes set in as neutral modes or stationary perturbation configurations with angular frequency ω=0. The axisymmetric stable range is bounded by two marginal stability curves derived from stationary perturbation configurations. Because of the gravitational coupling between the stellar and the gaseous discs, one only needs to consider the parameter regime of the stellar disc. There exist two unstable regimes in general: a collapse regime corresponding to large-scale perturbations and a ring-fragmentation regime corresponding to short-wavelength perturbations. The composite system will collapse if it rotates too slowly and will succumb to ring-fragmentation instabilities if it rotates sufficiently fast. The overall stable range against axisymmetric perturbations is determined by a necossary D-criterion involving the effective Mach number squared Ds^2 (the squared ratio of the stellar disc rotation speed to the stellar velocity dispersion up to a numerical factor). Different mass ratio δ and sound speed ratio of the gaseous and stellar disc components will alter the overall stability. For spiral galaxies or circumnuclear discs, we further include the dynamical effect of a massive dark matter halo. Astrophysical applications to disc galaxies, proto-stellar discs and circumnuclear discs are given as examples.  相似文献   
吴德金  陈玲 《天文学报》2023,64(3):24-29
现代科学表明宇宙中99%以上的可观测物质都处于等离子体状态,从小尺度的微观粒子动力学集体过程与能量转换机制到大尺度的宇宙等离子天体结构状态与爆发活动现象,都是等离子天体物理学的研究课题.从宇宙演化历史、大尺度结构形成以及爆发活动现象等方面,系统地论述了等离子天体物理学在现代天文学发展以及现代等离子体宇宙观形成中的重要作用.同时,结合空间卫星科学探测研究及其对现代天文学的巨大影响,进一步阐述了地球磁层和日球层等空间等离子体实地探测研究在等离子天体物理学研究中所扮演的“天然实验室”的独特作用.  相似文献   
Research in branches of that require to 6 printed Astronomy and Astrophysics publishes original research papers and reviews on all astronomy and astrophysics. Reviews are by invitation only. Important new results rapid publication can be submitted as a Letter (Letters must be restricted in length pages).  相似文献   
90世纪70年代初,美国亚利桑那州惠普(whipple)天文台的10米大气成像切伦科夫望远镜(图1)第一次探测到了来自蟹状星云曲TeV光子。十多年后,同一设备又队更高的置信度确认了之前的发现,由此宣告了TeV天体物理学的诞生。40年过去了,这一领域依旧朝气蓬勃,新的望远镜陆续藩成,新的辐射源依次浮出水面,天空在电磁渡落最矗姥段的面目也逐渐晨亍任了世人眼前。  相似文献   
随着观测技术的进展,在星系中观测到了越来越多的大质量年轻星团和超星团,它们不能简单地归类于银河系中的疏散星团或球状星团,因而其性质和演化意义日益为人们所关注。该文对大质量年轻星团和超星团的发现、观测特征以及演化意义进行了较为系统的概要介绍。  相似文献   
在过去的半个多世纪里,天文观测技术取得了“从可见光到全波段”观测和“从地面到空间”观测这两个方面的重大突破,不仅极大地开拓了天文学研究的新视野,也使整个天体物理学的研究方向发生了重大转变。从对稳恒天体及其天体系统的稳态平衡结构及其长期宇宙学演化规律的研究转向了对宇宙弥散介质的动力学过程的研究和活动天体的爆发现象、正常天体上的活动现象等高能爆发活动及其瞬变动力学演化过程的研究。宇宙各类天体的能量驱动来源大体上可以分为三类:天体物质坍缩过程中释放的引力势能、恒星内部核燃烧释放出的核能和各种磁天体环境中等离子体-磁场相互作用释放的磁能。  相似文献   
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