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入汛以来,为确保人民群众的生命财产安全,焦作市国土资源局开展了汛期严厉打击非法违法采矿行为的专项行动。目前,共封堵矿洞1430处,立案查处非法采矿11起,已结案9起;没收电线10500米,暂扣大型机械1部,查扣运矿车23辆,没收采矿工具247件,遣散非法采矿人员70名。  相似文献   
河南省沁阳市在短短3年内,吸引了高达近百亿元的投资,成为跻身河南省十强的经济强县(市)。据了解,以沁阳市委、市政府的名义给予大型企业一系列优厚待遇.是沁阳市在招商引资过程中的一颗“金刚钻”。  相似文献   
【目的】研究大型海藻固碳及氮磷吸收潜能。【方法】分析硇洲岛岩礁带19种生物量大于50 g·m~(-2)自然生长的大型海藻固碳量、生产力和TOC,对比分析岩礁带和距岩礁带4 km处海域海水中无机氮和无机磷含量。【结果】褐藻门有3种,生物量、固碳量和生产力最大,分别为20 498 g·m~(-2),550 762 g·a~(-1),2 466 g·m~(-2)·a~(-1);其次是红藻门有11种,生物量、固碳量和生产力分别为17 547 g·m~(-2),138 194 g·a~(-1),1 872 g·m~(-2)·a~(-1);绿藻门有5种,生物量、固碳量和生产力分别为3 064 g·m~(-2),4 827 g·a~(-1),158 g·m~(-2)·a~(-1)。受人类活动影响最小的博贺兰岛礁区域海藻生物量、固碳量和生产力均为最大。19种海藻中12种海藻TOC超过30%,分别为衫叶蕨藻Caulerpa taxifolia (M.Vahl) C. Agardh、囊状法囊藻Valonia utricularis(Roth)C. Ag.[Conterva utricularis]、网球藻Dictyosphaeria cavernosa(Forssk.) Boerg、珊瑚藻Corallina sp.、拟鸡毛菜Pterocladiella capillacea (Gmelin)Santelices et Hommersand、紫杉状海门冬Asparagopsis taxiformis (Delile)、茎刺藻Caulacanthus ustulatus (Mertens) Kütz、新角石藻Neogoniolithon sp.、叉节藻Amphiroa sp.、半叶马尾藻Sargassum hemiphyllum (Turn.) var. chinensis C. Ag.、囊藻Colpomenia sinuosa(Mert.exRoth)、羊栖菜Hizikiafusiforme(Harv.)Setch。岩礁带海水中的无机氮和无机磷含量分别在0.17~0.20mg·L~(-1)和0. 007~0. 018 mg·L~(-1)之间,距岩礁带断面4 km左右海域的4个相应站位IN和IP含量分别在0.18~0.22mg·L~(-1)和0.016~0.022mg·L~(-1)间,均略高于岩礁区相应站位。大型海藻的生物量与岩礁带无机氮和无机磷间Pearson相关系数分别为-0.248和-0.155。【结论】19种大型海藻在硇洲岛岩礁带海区生态环境下具有良好的生长适应性,固碳能力强,对氮磷具有吸收作用。  相似文献   
An artificial oyster shell reef was deployed in Rongcheng Bay, East China. However, the effects of this reef on the surrounding macrobenthic communities were unknown. We compared sedimentary factors, macrobenthic biomass, abundance, and community composition and ecological indicators between the reef and non-reef areas over a one year period. The mean values for chlorophyll a (Chl a), total organic matter (TOM), total organic carbon (TOC), and total nitrogen (TN) content in surface sediments in the reef area were slightly higher than those in the non-reef area. The Chl a levels differed significantly between the two areas, but the TOM, TOC, and TN were not significantly different. The abundance of crustaceans was significantly different between the two areas, but the abundance and biomass ofpolychaetes, echinoderms, mollusk did not differ significantly. The permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) revealed that the macrobenthic community differed significantly through time and analysis of similarity multivariate analyses (ANOSIM) revealed that the macrobenthic community differed significantly in some months. The ecological indicators revealed that the environmental quality of the reef area was slightly better than that of the non-reef area. Overall, our results suggest that the artificial oyster shell reef may change the macrobenthic community and the quality of the environment. Despite the lack of an effect in the short term, long-term monitoring is still needed to evaluate the effects of artificial oyster shell reefs on macrobenthic communities.  相似文献   
李宝奎 《海洋预报》1995,12(3):61-65
稳定可靠地供电是计算机系统运行的必要条件,经常停电会给计算机系统带来严重威胁,本文介绍了停电时计算机系统如何自我保护、自动停机、在硬件和软件上如何实现大型计算机自动停机系统的原理和方法。  相似文献   
软土地基条件下大型圆筒海岸结构稳定性计算方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对一工程发生破坏的实例,对软土地基条件下大型圆筒海岸结构的设计与计算方法进行了比较分析,并对波浪水流作用下软土特性参数的选取、泥面冲刷对结构稳定性的影响等进行了讨论。提出了反复荷载作用下软土的动力特性、水流作用下结构周围泥面的冲刷演变规律以及波浪作用下大型圆筒结构与软土的动力相互作用等,这都是软土地基条件下大型圆筒海岸结构工程应用亟待解决的关键问题。  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of dried macroalga Gracilaria lemaneiform (Rhodophyta) on photosynthesis of the bloom-forming microalga Chaetoceros curvisetus. C. curvisetus was cultured with different amounts of dried G. lemaneiformis under controlled laboratory conditions. We measured the photosynthetic oxygen evolution rate and established the chlorophyll a fluorescence transient (OJIP) curve coupled with its specific parameters. We observed concentration-dependent and time-dependent relationships between dried G. lemaneiformis and inhibition of photosynthesis in C. curvisetus. Co-culture with dried G. lemaneiformis also resulted in a decrease in the light-saturated maximum photosynthetic oxygen evolution rate (P~ax) in C. curvisetus, and a decrease in the OJIP curve along with its specific parameters; the maximum photochemical efficiency of PSII (FJFm), the amount of active PSII reaction centers per excited cross section at t=0 and t=--tFM (RC/CS0 and RC/CSm, respectively), the absorption flux per excited cross section at t=0 (ABS/ CS0), and the efficiency with which a trapped exciton moves an electron into the electron transport chain (~u0). The dark respiration rate (Rd) increased in C. curvisetus co-cultured with dried G. lemaneiformis. The JIP-test and the oxygen evolution results indicated that dried G. lemaneiJbrmis decreased the number of active reaction centers, blocked the electron transport chain, and damaged the oxygen-evolving complex of C. curvisetus. This result indicated that dried fragments of G. lemaneiformis could effectively inhibit photosynthesis of C. curvisetus, and thus, could serve as a functional product to control and mitigate C. curvisetus blooms.  相似文献   
倪克闯  高文生 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z2):278-283
阵列式位移计(SAA)是一种基于微电子机械系统测试原理的测试加速度和位移的传感器,该方法具有精度高、可重复利用、自动实时采集等特点。介绍了SAA测试技术首次在成层土中桩基与复合桩基大型振动台模型试验中的应用,研究了桩基、复合地基及模型地基土体系的地震位移响应。试验结果表明:SAA可全面、直观地测试桩体及土体在地震动荷载下的加速度以及变形反应规律;测试数据发现小震作用下,地基土与桩身位移协调;随地震作用加大,地基土与桩身位移差异增大;地基土中软土夹层的存在对地基土的水平位移影响较大。  相似文献   
孙志亮  孔令伟  郭爱国  田海 《岩土力学》2015,36(12):3465-3472
地震作用下堆积体边坡的动力响应特性十分复杂,单一抗震安全系数不足以评价其动力稳定性。通过大型振动台试验,研究了连续多级地震荷载作用下,地震波的类型、卓越频率及峰值加速度对堆积体边坡坡面永久位移的影响,并初步分析其失稳机制。试验结果表明,相同峰值加速度下振动型地震波比冲击型地震波更容易产生坡面永久位移,地震波卓越频率对坡面永久位移也有重要影响;堆积体边坡在峰值加速度apeak=0.2g时开始有大颗粒石砾滚落,对应的坡面永久位移在apeak=0.2g~0.3g之间开始产生并显著增大,另外利用考虑坡面几何形态变化的改进Newmark法对坡顶的永久位移进行了估算。通过坡面永久位移评价堆积体边坡的动力稳定性有一定合理性。  相似文献   
贵州遵义地区是我国二叠纪锰矿的重要分布区之一,深溪锰矿是遵义地区继铜锣井锰矿发现的第二个大型隐伏锰矿床。本文结合深溪锰矿找矿实践,详细总结了深溪锰矿床地层、构造、矿石等特征,并对锰矿的矿床成因进行了探讨。研究表明,深溪锰矿严格受地层层位控制,呈层状、似层状产于二叠纪茅口组第三段浅灰至灰黑色含锰岩系中,矿石矿物主要为菱锰矿,含少量黄铜矿、重晶石、毒砂等矿物,矿石为块状、斑杂状、角砾状构造,自然类型为碳酸锰矿石,工业类型为贫锰矿、富锰矿。分析认为深溪锰矿为深部的气液成矿物质喷溢至地堑盆地中沉积成矿,为"内生外成"的"古天然气渗漏沉积型锰矿床"。  相似文献   
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