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Wave induced excess flow of momentum(WIEFM)is the averaged flow of momentum over a wave period due to wave presence,which may also be called 3-D radiation stress.In this paper,the 3-D current equations with WIEFM are derived from the averaged Navier-Stokes equations over a wave period,in which the velocity is separated into the large-scale background velocity,the wave particle velocity and the turbulent fluctuation velocity.A concept of wave fluctuating layer(WFL)is put forward,which is the vertical column from the wave trough to wave ridge.The mathematical expressions of WIEFM in WFL and below WFL are given separately.The parameterized expressions of WIEFM are set up according to the linear wave theory.The integration of WIEFM in the vertical direction equals the traditional radiation stress(namely 2-D radiation stress)given by Longuet-Higgins and Stewart.  相似文献   
南太平洋海浪特点的统计分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据1950-1995年的南太平洋气象船舶报资料,对5°×5°网格统计的风浪和涌浪的要素进行分析,得出了南太平洋风浪和涌浪的变化规律和分布特点.南太平洋海浪场与北半球各大洋相比,季节变化不显著,但仍有明显的季节变化,低纬常年盛行东南向浪,高纬则盛行偏西向浪,本文通过分析每月风浪、涌浪的盛行方向、波高及周期等值线图,研究阐明了南太平洋各要素的分布规律,为船舶远洋交通运输、远洋出访和科学实验提供了较翔实的海浪资料及变化规律.  相似文献   
海浪预报知识讲座 第一讲 海浪及其危害   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许富祥 《海洋预报》2001,18(1):82-84
第一讲海浪及其危害1海浪的定义海浪是发生在海洋中的一种海水波动现象。一般指的海浪是由风产生的波动,其周期为0.5至25秒,波长为几十厘米到几百米,一般波高为几厘米到20米,在罕见的情况下波高可达30米以上。在观测到的资料中[1],有许多关于实测最大波高的记录:1933年2月7日在北太平洋,美国海军的莱梅帕号油船观测到最大波高达34米,周期14.8秒和波速102公里/小时的海浪;1956年4月2日苏联调查船“鄂毕号”在印度洋的南纬40度风暴区域,于风速35米/秒时,使用立体照相测量得到最大波高为2…  相似文献   
贵州中东部剩余重力异常与区域矿产分布关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重点研究1:20万剩余重力异常,结合航磁、物性、地质等资料,初步圈定区内隐伏、半隐伏岩浆岩体,对研究与重力异常、岩体分布关系密切的矿产的时间、空间分布及其成因,有一定参考价值和指示意义。  相似文献   
三峡水库区兴山后坝滑坡成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章通过对三峡水库区兴山后坝滑坡的地质、结构及变形特征研究以及稳定性分析,阐明了该滑坡成因和影响因素。研究发现,滑坡活动主要受地形地貌、地层岩性、人类工程活动以及降雨等因素的影响。运用剩余推力法对比分析天然及暴雨条件下不同层位的滑坡稳定性系数,得出在暴雨作用下滑坡表层滑带稳定性系数最小,不同滑带的稳定性受降雨的影响也各不相同,呈表层〉浅层〉深层的规律;这主要受滑带土的粘土矿物组分的影响。  相似文献   
在平顶山矿工路路面改造工程中,使用GX-2型及RD-4000型地下管线探测仪探测地下管网布设情况。根据地下管线种类、管线布设方位、埋置深度、探测难度大小进行了多次试验,在此基础上确定了电磁探测技术与方法:利用直连法提高被测管线中的交变电流,压制邻近平行管线和地下介质中的异常反映;在多管并存、且间距较小的情况下,应选择“梯度法”对磁场水平分量垂直梯度ΔHx进行观测,以得到最大清晰异常;另外,还应根据具体情况,合理选择诸如压制旁侧管线法、选择发射法、偏移感应法、动源发射法等发射方式,保证目标管线中有较强异常呈现。在管线密集区,应尽可能地降低工作频率,以减小旁侧管线中产生的二次电流及二次磁场;为防止信噪比下降,可适当减小收发距,以提高接收机的灵敏度。  相似文献   
剩余层速度分析在南海天然气水合物解释中的指示意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地下介质的地震波速度与岩石性质有密切的关系,反映岩石类别和其中含流体的状况。剩余层速度分析是在分析层速度数据基础之上,进行剩余层速度计算,突出局部速度异常,配合BSR分布及振幅异常分析,预测天然气水合物分布的范围。本研究通过对BSR层层速度和剩余层速度的计算,并且结合多种特殊地震属性以及BSR分布范围进行综合分析,进一步了解层速度和剩余层速度在水合物解释中的指示意义:①地层层速度能在一定程度上反映岩性分层、岩石类别和含流体状况,高值层速度与地层厚度、压实作用和岩石性质有关,含水合物地层的层速度往往比一般地层的层速度高;②剩余层速度消除了地层厚度和压实作用的影响,高值剩余层速度主要是由岩性的差别引起;③结合BSR和其他地震属性分析可判断剩余层速度是否由水合物引起;④含水合物地层中,剩余层速度越高水合物的含量越高;剩余速度越低,说明泥质含量越高或者是气体的含量越高。  相似文献   
Acidification is considered the most important one of the primary chemical stress factors that impact on freshwater ecosystems. In unpolluted freshwater systems, the primary controls on the degree of acidification are factors such as the geological substrate of the catchment area, the presence of organic acids secreted by vegetation in the river system, and equilibrium exchange of carbon dioxide with the atmosphere. Anthropogenic factors that can impact on the degree of acidification of freshwater systems include agricultural, mining and industrial activities, either through direct runoff into river systems or through deposition of atmospheric pollutants from these sources. The capacity factors alkalinity and acidity, which represent the acid- and base-neutralizing capacity (ANC and BCN) of an aqueous system, have been used as more reliable measures of the acidic character of freshwater systems than pH. Unlike pH, ANC and BNC are not affected by parameters such as temperature and pressure. Therefore, ANC has been employed as a predictor of biological status in critical load assessments. Freshwater systems with ANC's eq/L isμeq/L are considered sensitive to acidification, ANC=0 μbelow 150 commonly used as the predictor for fish species such as trout in lakes, and an eq/L as more realistic for streams. Acid-neutralizing capacity μANC value of 40 (ANC) can be determined by titration with a strong acid to a preselected equivalence point. Alternatively, it can be calculated as the difference between base cations ([BC]) and strong acid anions ([SAA]): ANC=[BC]- [SAA]=[Ca^2+]+[Mg^2+]+[Na^+]+[K^+]-[SO4^2-]-[NO3^-]-[Cl^-] To date, there has been no attempt to establish the ANC of South Africa's freshwater ecosystems or variability therein, despite the fact that long-term water quality monitoring data exist for all the parameters needed to calculate it according to the above equations. As a result, the relationship between the acid neutralizing capacity of freshwater ecosystems in South Africa and biodiversity factors, such as fish status, is unknown. Results of the first comprehensive (country-wide scale) evaluation of the acid neutralizing capacity of river systems in South Africa will be presented. Long-term monitoring data obtained from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) from most of South Africa's river systems were used to establish geographic and temporal variabilities in ANC. The results show that the Berg and Breede River systems are most susceptible to acidification, and that geological substrate appears to explain most of the geographic variabilities observed.  相似文献   
模拟退火剩余静校正的一步算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
当地震资料的剩余静校正量大、信噪比低时,利用传统的线性反演方法不能有效地拾取静校正量。本文介绍一种非线性反演方法(一步模拟退火法)来估算炮点和检波点的剩余静校正量。通过对合成地震记录的试算表明,该算法可获得近似于真实的剩余静校正量。  相似文献   
杨书辰  宫进忠  董杰 《物探与化探》2004,28(1):23-25,31
以现代地层学多重划分为理论依据,以岩石地层单元组的密度、磁化率、剩余磁化强度及厚度加权算术平均值等物性参数为研究对象,以有序地质量最优分割方法为数学手段,进行河北省全区综合地层柱物理地层界线的厘定,并对其地质意义进行了初步讨论。  相似文献   
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