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南海北部陆坡海域是孤立内波的活跃区,孤立内波在该海域能够引起水体环境较强烈的水平不均匀性,从而影响声场干涉结构。将描述宽带声信号强度干涉条纹斜率的波导不变量视为一种分布,能更准确地分析声场的距离*频率干涉结构。本文研究了孤立内波环境下过渡海域声场的距离*频率干涉结构,依据实测孤立内波海洋环境,得到孤立内波环境下随距离变化的声速剖面,利用抛物方程方法仿真过渡海域声场干涉结构。在此基础上,利用拉东变换和傅里叶变换结合的谱值分离方法在低信噪比环境下提取波导不变量分布。分析表明孤立内波环境下过渡海域的声场类影区、类会聚区的波导不变量取值更丰富。  相似文献   
夏天沉重的云彩走了,灰气还没来,天蓝得人想用舌头舔。大雁朝南飞,叫着,一丸一丸圆而凉的叫声,抛撒在秋天的大地上,有点儿凄凉。田野里没什么了,莜麦快割完了,还有就是胡麻。我跟着舅舅到邻村的油坊去打葫油,打了葫油烙月饼。路过胡麻地,胡麻地里,小路蛇一样跟在身后蜿蜒。  相似文献   
正针对本刊很多投稿作者预留联系方式不全,尤其是很多文章中的图序、图题和表序、表题都没有英文,给编务和审稿工作带来很大困难,本刊特提醒投稿作者注意:1.凡给本刊投稿的作者,请一定在论文最后单独写明:投稿日期、联系地址、手机号码、E-mail、作者简介,其中手机号码尤为重要。如因登记不全不能及时处理稿件问题,耽误刊期作者责任自负。2.凡所投稿件一定要有中、英文标题、摘要、关键词,中、英文作者单位和姓名。尤其文章中  相似文献   
正土地合法、公平、公正、确保农民权益流转是新农村土地改革的重要基础和保障。最近有媒体发文称"资本瞄上土地流转炒农地,加价倒卖如炒房一样",暂不探讨此文的真实性,其内容已勾画了一幅正气宏大的改革场景中的一些不和谐音符。农村土地制度改革是一场牵涉利益最大、最为复杂,影响最为底层、覆盖面最为广泛的社会变革。资本炒作农地,不但挤占农民的就业和发展空间,而且因其成本上升,容易加剧土地流转的"非粮化"和"非农化"倾向,  相似文献   
土地是不可再生的宝贵资源,与我们的生活是息息相关、密不可分。近几年,垦区以“抓城、强工、带农”方针为目标,加速发展各型产业,城市化进程迅猛推进,撤队(生产队)并点(居民点)在整个垦区全面展开,各个管理局争相出台优惠政策吸纳社会各方面的资金,由其是九三管理局和建三江管理局二个开发区管委会,各自结合自身特点,招商引资,吸引一些工业项目落户垦区。  相似文献   
一个两时间层分裂显格式海洋环流模式(MASNUM)及其检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A two-time-level, three-dimensional numerical ocean circulation model(named MASNUM) was established with a two-level, single-step Eulerian forward-backward time-differencing scheme. A mathematical model of large-scale oceanic motions was based on the terrain-following coordinated, Boussinesq, Reynolds-averaged primitive equations of ocean dynamics. A simple but very practical Eulerian forward-backward method was adopted to replace the most preferred leapfrog scheme as the time-differencing method for both barotropic and baroclinic modes. The forward-backward method is of second-order of accuracy, computationally efficient by requiring only one function evaluation per time step, and free of the computational mode inherent in the three-level schemes. This method is superior to the leapfrog scheme in that the maximum time step of stability is twice as large as that of the leapfrog scheme in staggered meshes thus the computational efficiency could be doubled. A spatial smoothing method was introduced to control the nonlinear instability in the numerical integration. An ideal numerical experiment simulating the propagation of the equatorial Rossby soliton was performed to test the amplitude and phase error of this new model. The performance of this circulation model was further verified with a regional(northwest Pacific) and a quasi-global(global ocean simulation with the Arctic Ocean excluded) simulation experiments. These two numerical experiments show fairly good agreement with the observations. The maximum time step of stability in these two experiments were also investigated and compared between this model and that model which adopts the leapfrog scheme.  相似文献   
琼东南盆地深水区断层垂向输导及成藏模式   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
In the Qiongdongnan Basin, faults are well developed.Based on the drilling results, the traps controlled two or more faults are oil-rich. However, when only one fault cut through the sand body, there is no sign for hy-drocarbon accumulation in the sandstone. In terms of this phenomenon, the principle of reservoir-forming controlled by fault terrace is proposed, i.e., when the single fault activates, because of the incompressibility of pore water, the resistance of pore and the direction of buoyancy, it is impossible for hydrocarbon to ac-cumulate in sandstone. But when there are two or more faults, one of the faults acts as the spillway so the hydrocarbon could fill in the pore of sandstone through other faults. In total five gas bearing structures and four failure traps are considered, as examples to demonstrate our findings. According to this theory, it is well-advised that south steep slope zone of Baodao-Changchang Depression, south gentle slope zone of Lingshui Depression, north steep slope zone of Lingshui Depression, and north steep slope zone of Baodao Depression are the most favorable step-fault zones, which are the main exploration direction in next stage.  相似文献   
张涛 《河南地质》2014,(11):28-28
10月30日,秋雨霏霏,北风阵阵,寒气袭人。一大早,扶沟县国土资源局局长冯存志就披上雨衣,骑着自行车来到汴岗国土资源所,开始了他一天的"兵"生活。 在党的群众路线教育实践活动中,冯存志给自己定了一条雷打不动的规矩,坚持每月下基层一次,过一天实实在在的"兵"生活,亲身体验基层工作的辛劳,近距离接触群众,了解民情民意,掌握第一手资料,切实给群众排忧解难。  相似文献   
黄勇  郝家栩  白龙  邓贵标  张国祥  黄文俊 《地质通报》2012,31(0203):306-313
保山地块的寒武系露头少,研究范围有限。长期以来,地学界对寒武系与奥陶系之间的接触关系存在较大争议,有人认为是整合接触,有人认为是假整合接触,囿于过去的工作精度,目前尚无定论。近年来,在保山施甸地区开展1∶5万区调工作时发现,区内普遍缺失早奥陶世沉积,仅在施甸半坡一带有中奥陶统,在大寨一带,中上奥陶统蒲缥组直接平行不整合在上寒武统保山组之上,结合晚寒武世—早奥陶世业已存在的岩浆活动,认为这是晚泛非运动的远程响应。  相似文献   
正黄松峪国家地质公园处于燕山南麓与华北平原北端的相交地带,总占地面积36.4平方公里。公园以中国北方典型的砂岩峰丛、峰林地貌为主要特色,伴之以距今15亿年左右形成的古火山遗迹、中元古界长城系底砾岩与太古界密云群变质岩不整合接触面、北京乃至华北地区赋存最古老地层的岩溶洞穴。以"一线天"闻名的湖洞水景区、被联合国教科文组织誉为"北方张家界"的飞龙谷景区、"石林生南国"的石林峡景区、有"天下第一古  相似文献   
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